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STEAM COMMUNICATION WITH INDIA.-An arrangement of the greatest public importance is on the point of being concluded between the East India Company and the directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. It is well known to all persons connected with India how great and constant an effort has been made to extend the advantages of steam communication to Ceylon, Madras, Calcutta, and other places besides Bombay, and how much blame has been thrown upon the East India Company for not assisting cordially in such extension. They are now, it seems, about to relieve themselves from that imputation, if not by taking the whole matter under their own superintendence, at least, by lending very powerful assistance to other parties with whom there is every prospect that what is required will be done effectually. They have therefore proposed to the company above-mentioned to grant to them a premium of £20,000 per annum for five years, which will commence as soon as the first of their vessels of 1,600 tons, and 500-horse power shall be put on the line between Calcutta and Suez, and with the further stipulation that within one year from the date of the first voyage, an addition shall be made for the service of that line of two vessels of equal power. This grant is independent of any contract for the conveyance of the mail on the route mentioned that may subsequently be entered into, only that it is to emerge into any such contract as may be concluded in the course of the five years in which the premium or gratuity is to operate. The East India Company will thus be placed in a situation to judge of the competency of the parties to fulfil the higher duty which would be confided to them, in the event of their having the conveyance of the mails on so important a route before they thereby subject the public to any risk. The proceeding is, therefore, both a judicious and a liberal one on the part of the East India Company, who still maintain their original engagement with parliament, by conducting it upon their own responsibility. So much has been done already by the Oriental Company, that little doubt need now be entertained of the success and of the extension of the project. Thus will the "comprehensive" scheme, but by means differing from those at first contemplated, be at length carried out. -Times.

The following table contains the number of officers on the Navy list of January in each of the years mentioned, from 1816 to 1841 :

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MEHEMIT ALI.-A medal of Mehemit Ali, Pacha of Egypt, is being engraved in England, as a memorial of respect for his character as a promoter of science and commerce, and as an advocate of religious toleation.


A NARRATIVE OF SOME PASSAGES IN THE HISTORY OF EENOOLOAPIK, &c. By Alexander Mc Donald, L.R.C.S.E, &c. Edinburgh: Fraser and Co. The Esquimaux, whose name is in the above title, was brought to this country in the ship Neptune, 1839, commanded by Captain Penny, with the view, of obtaining from him geographical information for the extension of the whale fishery in a part of the Arctic regions, of which few traces are left us; and also with the laudable motive of introducing among those harmless, ignorant people, one ray of civilization. The little work before us contains a few particulars of him during his stay among us and his return voyage, and abounds in interesting traits of character as well as information on shores long neglected, but, which it seems there is reason to believe, afford at certain seasons of the year, a good whaling ground. With this we must commend the book to those of our readers who interest themselves in Arctic discovery (a subject we propose shortly taking up in our own pages,) merely adding that the ground alluded to lies between Frobishers Strait, and the southern part of Davis Strait.

TREATISE ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE NAVIGATION OF RIVERS, with a new theory on the cause of the existence of Bars. By W. A. Brooks, M. Inst. C.E. London: Weale.

The experience which Mr. Brooks has acquired in the management of the Tees, as a river engineer, (if we may use the term,) has led him to consider the various theories on the formation of bars; and not finding to his mind a sufficiency in them of cause for effect, he has produced one of his own. It is not our present intention to discuss its merits, but we may say that his views appear judicious, and his work to which we shall occasionally return hereafter, is one that should be consulted by every engineer.


Ecclesiastical History does not fall within our province to discuss, and, therefore, we record the above title of one of the most important and valuable works we have yet met with, not in the spirit of strict criticism, but as announcing to our clerical naval readers, the appearance of an indispensable integral part of what should be found in their libraries. They are of course acquainted with Dr. Maclaine's translation, and its defects of partiality, which defects originated the idea of the present new and literal translation, by Dr. Murdock, edited by Mr. Soames, and improved by his additions. The whole work is contained in four octavo volumes, comprehending the divisions into periods which are named Primitive, Medieval, Reformation, and Modern, the latter extending down to the year 1700. Need we say to the general reader as well, that it opens a source of information of the most interesting description. If, as a naval officer, he is present on the coast of Syria, the seat of the holy wars,

"Where saints did live and die,"

he is presented with all their doings for the sake of "holy lucre and ambition," and is initiated, not only into the ingenious artifice which gave rise to this extraordinary warfare, but also into the characters of those by whom it was followed. But it is evident that, to all thinking men, a general history of Ecclesiastical Institutes," has claims to their attention of more than an ordinary description. For the present, therefore, we shall commend it to them,

being well satisfied that as it concerns their spiritual welfare so should it have the preference among the multitudes of books, however great which they may possess relating to their wordly pursuits.


(Published by the Admiralty.)

In our last two numbers we announced the publication of the valuable series of charts and plans, which have resulted from the late voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Captain Fitzroy. Having gone over the charts, we shall now proceed with the plans, and as their geographical positions will be made clearer by taking each chart and naming the plans of places in it, we shall adopt this method. Commencing then with the Eastern Coast, we find the various sheets accompanied by plans of places, which we have marked against them.

EAST COAST.-Sheet 6.—PORT BELGRANO to its extreme point navigable.UNION BAY.-SAN BLAS HARBOUR.-RIO NEGRO. On scales about an inch to the mile.

EAST COAST, Sheet 7.-PORT SAN ANTONIO. Scale similar.

EAST COAST, Sheet 8.-PORT DESIRE in three plans,-the entrance enlarged. PORT SAN JULIAN on a larger scale. PORT SANTA CRUZ with the river to Mystery plain.

THE SOUTH-EASTERN PART OF TIERRA DEL FUEGO, with Staten Island, Cape Horn, and Diego Ramirez Islands.

A chart shewing the navigation of the southern extreme of the South American continent in a clear and distinct manner. The separate plans it comprehends are those of STATEN ISLAND, on a scale of about half an inch to the mile; also, GOOD SUCCESS BAY in the strait of Le Maire, and LENNOX HARBOUR, and GOREE ROAD between the former and Cape Horn.


These form one large chart, the various harbours on the south-east coast being elaborately sounded, and presenting a strange indentation of rocky shores. The scale is about four miles to the inch, and restores the two islands from that division to which they had been condemned by the previous published authority, viz. Lieut. Edgar's chart. The Sound which separates the islands remains


BERKELEY SOUND and the upper part of the same enlarged, the former on the scale of an inch, the latter on two inches to the mile.

The above include, we believe, all on the eastern coast of South America, done by Captain Fitz Roy-those on the Western we must defer for our next, for we have other matter at hand. The first is

BONIFACIO STRAIT from the survey of M. Hell, Capitaine de Fregate, in 1821 and 1822, with additions, by Captain Smyth, R.N. The scale is an inch to a mile.

PORTS ON THE EAST COAST OF SPAIN, viz.-Mataro Road, Blanes Bay, Loret Bay, Tosa Cove, Port San Feliu, all from Spanish plans.

GALITA ISLAND.-Surveyed by Captain, W. H. Smyth, R.N.

A scale of about three inches to the mile, shews well the approaches to the islands, and the passage between them.

SANDWICH ISLANDS-South Coast of Oahu.-Surveyed by Lieut. R. C. Malden, R.N., 1825.

The coast included is that between Diamond and Barber Points with the harbour of Honoruru and that of Honuliuliu to the westward, the former appearing on an enlarged scale on the same sheet.

SANDWICH ISLANDS-HANALAI BAY on the north side of Atooi,-By Commander E. Belcher, H.M.S. Sulphur. 1838.

The scale is about two and a half miles to the inch.

WAIAKIA, OR BYRON BAY, on the north-east side of Owhyhce.-Surveyed by Lieut. C. R. Malden, R.N., 1825.

The scale is about an inch and a half to the mile.

ANNATTO BAY.-By Lieut. B. Baynton, R.N. 1839.
The scale is about five inches to the mile.

RIVER ST. LAWRENCE, BERSIMIS RIVER,-Surveyed by Captain H. W. Bayfield,
R.N., F.A.S.

Scale, a mile and a half to an inch-the plan extends from the mouth to the falls.


A General Memorandum has been issued at Portsmouth, stating that the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty would not in future recommend to the Treasury that the remission of duty on Foreign Spirits and Cigars should be allowed fo the Officers of the Fleet.


The order by which the Widows of Officers of the navy could only hold pensions by their husbands having served 10 years in active service has been rescinded, and 10 full years on the list of commission or warrant officers, will How entitle them to their pensions.-NAVAL PAPERS.

[This is not the case, as our readers will find on reference to Article 4 of Regulations, p. 165 of Navy List.]

Admiralty, March 22nd, 1841. Great inconvenience having been found to arise from the separation of Inclosures from the Covering Letters in which they are transmitted, when no description exists to shew the connexion of those Papers with each other, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty desire (with reference to Circular No. 38.) that such Letters containing Inclosures as may be addressed to this Office, or for the several Departments of the Principal Officers of the

Admiralty, shall be accompanied by a Schedule in which the particular nature of each Inclosure is to be described, according to the annexed Form.

At the head of each Inclosure a note is to be inserted of the Covering Letter to which it may belong, and the number is to be marked upon it, which is assigned to it in the Schedule.

Their Lordships further desire that separate letters
shall invariably be written on separate subjects.
By Command of their Lordships,

To the respective Commanders in Chief
and all other Officers of Her Majesty's

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(From the Naval and Military Gazette.)

St. James's Palace, March 24th, 1841.

The Queen was this day pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood upon Capt. J. Douglas, late of the ship Cambridge.

The Queen has been pleased to grant to O'Neill Ferguson, assistant-surgeon, RN. permission that he may accept and wear the insignia of a Knight of the Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic, which her Majesty Maria Christina, late Queen Regent of Spain, was pleased to confer upon him, in testimony of her Majesty's approbation of his services in the cause of her Catholic Majesty, at the raising of the siege of Bilboa

in 1837.

COMMANDER-E. B. Tinling. LIEUTENANT-W. Hamilton, and appointed to Melville, v. Sulivan, to command Favourite, in death vacancy of Commander Croker.

MASTER-W. Jeffery, in death vacan

cy of W. Langden.

SURGEONS-R. R, B. Hopley, M. Cory, P. B. H. Liddell, R. M'Crea. F. Mansell, MD., to Blenheim, in death vacancy

of Mein.


Whitehall, April 7th, 1841.

The Queen has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, appointing Admiral the Honourable Sir Robert Stopford, GCB., to be Master of her Majesty's Hospital at Greenwich, in the county of Kent, in the room of Admiral the Honourable Charles Elphinstone Fleeming, deceased.


CAPTAINS P. Richards, (1828) to Cornwallis, destined for the flag of Rearadmiral Sir W. Parker, KCB. M. Seymour (1826) to Britannia, v, Drake, superseded at his own request.

COMMANDERS-C. Richards (1840) to Cornwallis. W, W, P, Johnson (1835) to Winchester,

LIEUTENANTS-A. G. Bulman (1828) to command Fair Rosamond. M. de Courcy (1838) to command Charybdis, v. Tinling, promoted. H. Wright (1832) to Dee. A. C. May (1838) to command Skipjack. J. Fitzjames (1838) to Excellent. T. Densten (1812) agent on board the Belle Alliance victualler, C. Wise (1833,) J. J. Lacon (1835,) J. Stoddart (1838,) and G. Skipwith (1834,) to Corn wallis. Lieut. J. Lowry to Impregnable, v. Stoddart, to Cornwallis. E. N. Troubridge (1838) to Southampton. J. Lodwick (1837) to Winchester from Dee, v. E. A. Glynn, invalid. L. P. Burrell (1840) to Tyne v. Johnson. J. E. F. Risk (1840) from Princess Charlotte to Bellerophon, v. Saunderson, invalided. A. Cumming (1840) from do. to Hydra, v. Malley, sick. C. H. Binstead (1824) from Queen to command Spitfire. J. C. Pittman (acting) to Druid. J. Dirom (1841) to Iris. J. Dunsterville (1840) to Royal William yacht. W. C. Chamberlain (1840) to Excellent.

MASTERS-B. W. Robinson (1830) from Winchester to Columbia, v. Thompson, deceased. J. Fowler (1831) from Cleopatra to Winchester, v. Robinson, Raines (acting) to Cleopatra, v. Fowler.


Jeffery (acting) to Pilot, v. Langden, deceased. G. Wright (acting) to Edinburgh from Dido, v. Davies, invalided. J. R. Aylen from Wasp to Dido, v. Knight. Roberts from Alecto to Wasp, v. Aylen. G. B. Hoffmeister (1828) to Cornwallis.

MATES-W. A. R. Lee, and N. Vansittart to Queen, J. R. Thompson (1834,) and T. C. Herbert (1839) to Excellent. H. Wall, J. A. Paynter (1833,) G. Hancock, and W. D. Carrol (1838) to Vernon.

N. Vansittart from Queen to Cornwallis. Pyne and Vyse to Polyphemus. A. P. Greene (1828) to Cornwallis from Salamander. H. D. Blanckley (1839) from Excellent to Salamander. H. S. Hillyer (1838,) C. K. Jackson (1839,) S. Fowle, b (1836,) and D. Lane (1838) to Cornwallis. A. D. Gordon (1840) to Excellent. Smith and Harvey to Gorgon. Marryatt from Ganges to Edinburgh.

MIDSHIPMEN-C. W. Elton to Cambridge. Dew to Thunderer. C. C. Maddicot to Cornwallis.

VOLS. 1ST CLASS-W. B, Masson and J. Miller to Inconstant.

SECOND-MASTERS-F. C. Kent to command Echo steam-tug, R. Read to command Portsmouth yacht. N. H. Balliston to San Josef for Plymouth Buoy Boat.

DEPUTY INSPECTOR OF HOSPITALS AND FLEETS-J. Cay (1823) late Surgeon of Princess Charlotte.

SURGEON-J. Gibson (1835) Superintendent to Westmoreland convict-ship. ASSISTANT-SURGEONS-J. S. Burn, (acting) to Queen. Campbell to Victory. J. P. Burke and P. Porter to Winchester. A. Elliott, MD., J. Simpson, and A. Sibbard, MD., to Queen. T. E. Molesworth, MD., to Crocodile from Dee st. S. Sproule, MD., (1837) from Sappho to Flamer, v Pascoe, invalided. W. Cass (1836) to Queen, for duty of Haslar Hospital. J. Simpson to Queen. J. Campbell to Victory. A. Sibbald to Haslar Hospital. C. P. Blake to Cornwallis. W. C. Haucock, MD., to Implacable.

PURSERS-H. H. Chimmo (1840) to Thunder. J. Tapson (1808) to Cornwallis.

CLERKS-Lewes from Winchester (in charge) to Gleaner.

NAVAL INSTRUCTOR-Rev. J. A. Burrough to Impregnable.

COAST-GUARD.-Commander- A. T. Goldie (1839) to be inspecting Commander.

Lieutenant-E. Knapman (1812) to be Chief Officer.

Mates-J. G. S. M. Moore, and C. Ludlow to be Chief Officers.



ACORN, 16, Com. J. Adams, 12th April, arr. at Plymouth from St. Helena. ASIA, 84, Capt. W. Fisher, 17th March,

arr. at Spithead, 25th, Sheerness, 10th April, paid off.

BONETTA, Lieut. F. W. Austin, at Chatham, fitting for coast of Africa, 19th April, at Sheerness.

CORNWALLIS, 72, Capt. P. Richards,

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