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If, in addition to the many excellent communications now received, others were occasionally forwarded by writers to whom preparing such an article might prove an agreeable relaxation from the pursuit of severer studies, both the value of the work, and the interest of the writer in its prosperity, would be considerably increased.

Before concluding these remarks, the Editors have much pleasure in distinctly and gratefully adverting to the assistance with which they have been favoured in bringing this volume through the press; in connexion with which the usual exercise of benevolence to the Widows of many of our departed brethren has been continued; and to perpetuate, and, if possible, increase which, the conductors of the Baptist Magazine have been invariably, and still remain, solicitous.



JANUARY, 1835.


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RECOLLECTIONS of departed excellence are always pleasant, often deeply interesting, and sometimes productive of the happiest effects. The delight we feel in tracing the successive stages of that pilgrimage by which the saints of the Most High have "passed into the skies,' is neither a faint nor fruitless emotion, but a healthful exercise of the moral sympathies. It purifies, while it elicits, the affections of the heart. As we trace the formation of their character, we are insensibly forming our own; and the observation by which we mark the development of their Christian virtues, is among the most efficient means by which we are provoked to their imitation.

Hence the inspired volume is not more a book of doctrines than a record of the piety of ancient believers. That Holy Spirit, under whose inspiration it was written, knew how to touch the springs of human conduct, and therefore incites us to the highest attainments of character by the influence of example. The names of the righteous are enrolled in its imperishable leaves, and their VOL. X., 3rd Series.

memory, after the lapse of ages, is still fragrant as the breath of the morning.

After the example of the sacred writers, every age of the church has preserved memorials of the wisdom and holiness of its own times. In some instances a service has thus been performed of inestimable value. Patterns of faith, of patience, of zeal, have been rescued from oblivion to be a stimulus to Christians in all succeeding periods of time. And in other instances benefits, though not equally extensive, yet substantial, have resulted from recording, in a brief memoir, the characters and actions of those who, not called to occupy prominent stations, have shed a sweet influence of piety upon the more retired walks of ordinary life.

The following pages are intended to preserve some short account of a Christian lady, who from youth to old age "walked in the truth;" and having become at length alike venerable in years and in piety, departed this present life with the glorious hope of a better.

Mrs. Peggy Waugh was born


cellent man, her religious views became clearer and more definite, her principles more firm and decided, and it was evident that the spiritual change which had already commenced in her soul, was rapidly advancing to its completion.

at Wallingford, A. D. 1747. At an early period of life her mind was brought under a divine influence; not, however, by the ordinary means of grace, nor by any solemn providence, but in a manner illustrating the force of scripture, and the sovereignty of that gracious Spirit by whom it was It was now that her trials began. originally inspired, and is still The determinate and consistent savingly applied. Being present form which her renewed character at a party where the evening was had assumed,was far from exciting spent in festivity and worldly any complacent feelings in the mirth, she was invited to join in minds of her parents; and it became the dance. This she had often the more obnoxious to them from done, for she was of a lively dis- the preference she manifested for position, and her parents were gra- the preaching of Mr. Davis. They tified by her mixing in the gaieties had brought up their family to of life; but in the present in- the established church, and it disstance she felt herself unable to tressed them exceedingly to sce maintain the hilarity of her spirits. their daughter becoming a disThe cause of her dejection none senter. But she had counted the imagined, and she was perhaps cost, and was prepared to make ashamed to acknowledge. While any sacrifice, and to endure any all was merriment around her, she hardship, rather than forego the became suddenly pensive. A privileges she now enjoyed in the passage of the word of God, point- house of God. Hardships she edly in contrast with the spirit had indeed to endure: such was of the scene, had come with the severity with which she was irresistible power to her recollec- treated, that it was no uncommon tion. It fastened upon her con-thing, when she returned from the science—it reached her heart. The music and dancing lost their charms; she sat in solitariness, though surrounded with company; the world's fascinations appeared in a light in which she had never before seen them, and the salutary impressions of that evening remained unerased from her mind through all her subsequent life.

While she was yet young, her parents removed to Reading. Shortly after they had fixed their residence in that town, she was taken by a friend to the Baptist Meeting, where she heard the Rev. Mr. Davis. She was much interested in his discourse, and sought for opportunities to attend frequently on his ministry. Under the able instructions of that ex

sanctuary, to find her father's door
locked against her; and often has
she walked in the fields without
food during the intervals of pub-
lic worship, rather than incur
the displeasure that awaited her
at home. This was a season
of trial, and she came forth
from it like refined gold. Her
filial attentions were not less re-
spectful or affectionate than for-
merly; on
on the contrary, she
watched both her temper and her
conduct with more than wonted
carefulness, and endeavoured to
show them that she could bear
with meekness the wrongs she
suffered in so good a cause. Nor
did she wholly withdraw herself
from the established church.
Reading was at that time favoured

with the ministry of the Rev. Mr. | Talbot, the Hon. and Rev. Mr. Cadogan, and the Rev. Mr. Eyre, his curate at St. Giles's. The preaching of these faithful servants of the Lord was distinguished by its truly evangelical character, and she found much benefit in occasionally hearing them. At their Thursday evening lecture she was a constant attendant, both at this period and after she had joined the Baptist 'church. Her new principles had not contracted, but on the contrary enlarged, her mind. Her views with regard to the ordinance of baptism, and on some other subjects connected with those parts of divine truth on which a difference of sentiment prevails, were conscientiously embraced ; but they were held in the spirit of Christian charity. As much as she could, without a sacrifice of conscience, she endeavoured to conciliate the prejudices of her parents; and at length her efforts were blessed beyond her most sanguine hope.

commenced together that public and good profession which they ever afterwards maintained by the integrity, and adorned with the graces, of the Christian life. On the morning of her baptism, a passage from the prophecies of İsaiah, evidently suggested by the difficulties which had environed her early religious course, forcibly impressed her mind, and afforded her much encouragement: "I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron." "These words," she writes, "came sweetly to me, and my soul was on the wing for heaven and heavenly things."

The duties of domestic life began now to demand her attention. In the relations of a wife, a mother, and a mistress, the excellence of those principles on which her character was formed, was habitually exemplified. For her children, she was supremely anxious to bring them in early life under the influence of divine truth, and to lead them into the love of God. It is in their recollection still, with what maternal affection she would take them into her chamber, and converse with them on those subjects, and then present them, in the exercise of faith and devotion, to the care of that tender Shepherd who

It will a little anticipate the order of the narrative, but it may properly be added here, that she had the satisfaction,at asubsequent period, to know that her pious conversation and deportment had, under God, been the principal means of producing a saving change in her father, in her mother, and in two of her brothers. Her parents, at an ad-" gathers the lambs in his arms, vanced age, departed in the faith, leaving no doubt on the minds of surviving friends that they had fallen asleep in Jesus.

It was the happiness of Mrs. Waugh to be united in marriage with a person of decided piety, whose sentiments on religious subjects were similar to her own. Shortly after their marriage, they were both baptized, and thus

and carries them in his bosom.' Indeed her deep interest in all young persons obliged her to press upon such as came within her reach a care for their everlasting happiness; with several, the result was most satisfactory, and they retain an affectionate remembrance of her solicitude on their behalf. With her servants also she would seize opportunities

to speak of the value of their souls, and the improvement of their religious advantages; and sometimes she used to pray in secret with them. The afflictions which are inseparable from the lot of humanity, and those which parents only know, she endured with a meek and confiding resignation. Her cup had its bitter infusions, and some of her trials were more than commonly severe; but under every mysterious and painful dispensation, she stayed herself upon her God, and in patience possessed her soul.

By those who enjoyed her friendship, her pious conversation and correspondence were highly valued. She was no stranger in the habitation of the widow and the fatherless, or beside the dying bed. Her sympathy in such scenes was a mitigation of sorrow, and her offices of Christian love endeared her in the hour of distress. She gratified the benevolence of her heart by relieving the distresses of many; and some of her poor neighbours were pensioners on her bounty as long as they lived. Her attendance on public ordinances, it need scarcely be said, was regular and devout; and by her consistent and blameless life, combined with her affectionate and peaceful walk among her fellow-members, she was a comfort to her pastor, and an honour to the church. Thus for many years she moved in her orbit, as the celestial luminaries move in theirs; with a regular, uniform, and constant progression; deriving all their radiance from the sun, and reflecting his beams without noise or ostentation.

But a severe trial awaited her. The conjugal relation was at length broken. By the death of Mr. Waugh she was deprived of

the staff of her age, and left to travel alone through the last stages of her pilgrimage. She had however the unspeakable satisfaction of reflecting that he had walked with her in the ways of righteousness, and that although he had outstripped her in the course, and arrived first at the sepulchre, she should follow him into the world of reunion and eternal love. His decease was also eminently happy. He was favoured during his illness with much spirituality and elevation of mind, and departed in the "full assurance of hope." On being asked by one of his daughters, whether, if it were the will of God, he would like to return again into the world? "What," he exclaimed," when Christ bids me come up hither!'" It was the privilege of his faithful wife (for such she deemed it) to be with him through all his illness, final scene.


and to witness the She would not delegate to other hands the discharge of any duty which she could perform herself; but the conflict being over, she retired from the chamber of death, and was found some time after, by her children, who had missed her, in her closet, and on her knees. The throne of grace was her refuge. To that hiding-place she was accustomed to flee, in every "cloudy and dark day;" and sweetly was the promise fulfilled in her experience, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee." She felt deeply the stroke which had made her a widow; but, possessing an uncommon degree of self-command, it was a comfort to her children to observe her great calmness of spirit, and to hear the expressions of her confidence in God. Her natural fortitude was sustained by divine grace, and her whole

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