페이지 이미지

trait by St. Gaudens of Mrs. Josephine Shaw Lowell, founder of the Women's Auxiliary, comprised the exhibit of the Women's Auxiliary at the Historical Conference and Bazaar, held recently under the auspices of the City History Club. The exhibit occupied a prominent space and received no little attention.

The membership roll has been increased to a considerable extent this Fall and we are looking forward to a still greater increase.



Carnegie Music Hall.

Thursday Evening, December 17th.

T 8:30 p. m. the League re-convened at the Carnegie Music Hall. Mr. Richard H. Dana, Chairman of the Council of the League, presided at the meeting. Hon. Joseph H. Choate, President of the League, delivered an address.1

Hon. Everett Colby, of New Jersey, delivered an address.



Chamber of Commerce.

Friday Morning, December 18th.

T 11:00 a. m. the League re-convened, Mr. Choate in the chair. Professor Henry W. Farnam presented the report of the Committee on Nominations, as follows:


Charles W. Eliot, .


Edwin A. Alderman,
Joseph H. Choate,

Harry A. Garfield,
George Gray, .

Arthur T. Hadley,

Cambridge, Mass.

Charlottesville, Va.
New York, N. Y.
Williamstown, Mass.
Wilmington, Del.
New Haven, Conn.

'Printed in full at page 63.

Charles E. Hughes,
Henry Charles Lea,
Seth Low,
Franklin MacVeagh,
George A. Pope,
P. J. Ryan, D. D.,
Moorfield Storey,
Thomas N. Strong,.
Herbert Welsh,


William A. Aiken,
Frederic Almy,
Arthur H. Brooks,
Charles C. Burlingham,
George Burnham, Jr.,
Silas W. Burt,
John A. Butler,
Edward Cary,
W. C. Coffin,
Everett Colby,
Charles Collins,
William E. Cushing,
Richard H. Dana,
Nathanial H. Davis,
Horace E. Deming,
Robert G. Dodge,
John Joy Edson,
John A. Fairlie,
Henry W. Farnam,
Cyrus D Foss, Jr. .
William Dudley Foulke,
Richard Watson Gilder,
Charles Noble Gregory,
Henry W. Hardon,
John Philip Hill,
Robert D. Jenks,
William V. Kellen,
John F. Lee, .
William G. Low,
George McAneny,
Henry L. McCune,
Harry J. Milligan,
William B. Moulton,
Samuel Y. Nash, .
Samuel H. Ordway,
John Read,
H. O. Reik,

Charles Richardson,
Henry A. Richmond,
Edward M. Shepard,

New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. New York, N. Y. Chicago, Ill. Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass. Portland, Ore. Philadelphia. Pa.

Norwich, Conn.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Boston, Mass.
New York, N. Y.
Philadelphia, Pa.
New York, N. Y.
Milwaukee, Wis.
New York, N. Y.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Newark, N. J.
New York, N. Y.
Cleveland, Ohio.
Boston, Mass.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
New York, N. Y.
Boston, Mass.
Washington, D. C.
Ann Arbor, Mich.
New Haven, Conn.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Richmond, Ind.
New York, N. Y.
Iowa City, Ia.
New York, N. Y.
Baltimore, Md.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Boston, Mass.
St. Louis, Mo.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Kansas City, Mo.
Indianapolis, Ind.
Chicago, Ill.
Boston, Mass.
New York, N. Y.
Boston, Mass.
Baltimore, Md.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Buffalo, N. Y.

New York, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

It was moved and seconded that the Secretary be directed to cast one ballot for the election of the gentlemen named. The motion was unanimously carried, the Secretary cast the ballot and announced the election of the ticket as read.

Upon motion, the Secretary presented a summary of the Treasurer's report. The report was received.1

Mr. Ansley Wilcox read the report of the Special Committee on Civil Service Reform in Dependencies." The Secretary moved that the report of the committee be accepted and that it be printed and published. The motion was carried.

The Secretary then read the report of the Special Committee on the Application of the Merit System to the Higher Municipal Offices. Upon motion, the report was accepted and ordered to be printed and published.

Upon the request of Mr. Nathaniel H. Davis, a member of the Council, the Hon. Morris J. Freiberg, a member of the Board of Water Works of Cincinnati, spoke of the work of that board.

Professor Farnam moved that the thanks of the League be extended to Mr. Freiberg for this report, and that the same be printed with his permission. The motion was carried.

The Chairman of the Council, Mr. Dana, stated that the report of the Special Committee on Political Printed in full 'at page 42; at page 93; at page 100; 'at page 90.

Activity and Political Assessments was not yet ready for publication, but that the Council of the League had voted to give the committee power to print its report when ready for publication.

Hon. William Dudley Foulke presented the report of the Committee on Resolutions. Upon motion of Mr. VanKleeck, the report was approved and adopted. Upon motion, the resolutions as adopted were ordered to be printed and published.1

Mr. Foulke then spoke regarding the pending census bill, providing for the selection of additional clerks through non-competitive examinations. He believed the League would be justified in asking the President. to veto the bill if passed by the Congress with the objectionable provision in it.

It was moved that a special committee of three be appointed by the Chairman of the meeting to take action on the census bill, and to communicate with the President, the Senate and the members of the House of Representatives.

Messrs. Dana and Swift spoke upon the motion. The motion was carried, and the Chairman appointed as members of the committee Messrs. Foulke, Dana and Goodwin.


Chamber of Commerce.

Friday Afternoon, December 18th.

THE League re-convened at 3:00 p. m. Mr. Choate in Bonaparte, his paper on "Civil Service Reform in the National Service" was read by Hon. William Dudley Foulke. After the reading of the paper, Mr. Dana spoke briefly on the attitude of Hon. William Jennings Bryan toward civil service reform, saying that on November 3, last, he saw a letter signed by Mr. Bryan stating: "Our platform expresses my view on civil service reform."

Printed in full 'at page 55; at page 115.

Mr. Dana presented the resolutions drawn up by the special committee of the League commemorative of Dr. Daniel C. Gilman, Hon. Grover Cleveland, Right Reverend Henry C. Potter, William Potts, Esq., and Dr. Charles Eliot Norton, officers of the League and friends of the reform, who had died during the past year. Mr. Wilcox moved that these resolutions be adopted silently by a rising vote. The resolutions. were unanimously adopted.1

Hon. Vivian Frank Gable presented a paper on the "Critical Situation in Philadelphia."

Hon. George R. Wallace, of the Pittsburgh Civil Service Commission, presented a paper on the "Working of the Civil Service Law in Pittsburgh."3

Hon. Willis Fletcher Johnson, president of the New Jersey Civil Service Commission, read a paper on "Progress of Civil Service Reform in New Jersey.”4

On request of the President, Mr. Dana then took the chair.

A brief presentation of veteran preferences in civil service laws was made by Hon. Ansley Wilcox, President of the Buffalo Civil Service Reform Association,5 and Mr. Arthur H. Brooks, Secretary of the Massachusetts Civil Service Reform Association."

Upon motion of Mr. Wilcox, the Chairman was authorized to appoint a committee of the League on Preferences in the Civil Service. The Chairman appointed the following committee:

Mr. Ansley Wilcox, chairman; and Messrs. Binney, Brooks, O'Brian and deRoode.

Mr. Henry W. Hardoa presented the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the National Civil Service Reform League record its grateful appreciation of its cordial reception by Hon. George W. Guthrie at its Twenty-eighth Annual Meeting.

Resolved, That the National Civil Service Reform League express its cordial thanks to the Civil Service Association of Allegheny County and the Pittsburgh Civil Service

Printed in full 'at page 111; at page 126; at page 141; 'at page 153; at page 172; at page 178.

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