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Stores of vessels.

Quality of coal. Coal-depots.

Reports of En

V. To see that every vessel is provided with the necessary tools, stores, and spare parts of machinery, and that every engine and boiler is properly cared for. As the strictest economy is required in the expenditure of stores, he will, previous to any of the vessels in the squadron leaving on detached service, see that they are provided with all that may be required in the Engineer department, to prevent, as far as possible, any purchases while absent from the Commander-in-Chief, and he will make a report of the same to the Commander-in-Chief.

VI. To examine the coal used, and report if there is any falling off in quality, or any undue dampness, and to see that it is properly stored at the depots, and that there is at all times a sufficient quantity on hand to meet the probable wants of the squadron.

VII. To make frequent reports of the condition of the Engineer depart

gineer department of every vessel in the squadron.


Examine requi




Other duties.

A written order

VIII. To examine all returns and requisitions made by the senior Engineers of vessels, and to forward them, with such remarks as he may deem necessary.

IX. To recommend such measures as will, in his opinion, promote efficiency, economy, and uniformity in his department.

X. And, finally, to perform such other duties, relating to his position, as shall be assigned him by the Commander-in-Chief.


He will not make an inspection or an examination on board of any vessel necessary for in- without an order to do so in writing, and such order must be presented to the Commanding Officer of the vessel on board which the examination or inspection is to take place.


Detail of engineer officers.


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The detail of engineer officers for any service will be made by the Chief of Staff.

Chief Engineer.


Will examine machinery, &c.

Daily examination of engines.


A Chief Engineer, on joining a vessel, will make himself acquainted with all parts of the machinery and boilers, the coal-bunkers and store-rooms, and report to the Commanding Officer anything defective.

He will examine daily the engines and their dependencies, and all parts of the vessel occupied by them or by the stores for their use, and make immeExamination of diate report of any defect or danger to the Commanding Officer. Whenever articles are received in his department he will carefully ascertain if they are of proper quality, and report any which, in his opinion, may be objectionable. Reports at quar- At morning and evening quarters he will report the condition of his depart ·

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He will cause the assistant and cadet engineers and petty officers of his force to become familiar with all the cocks, valves, pipes, and the different parts of the machinery and boilers.


He will see that he has the requisite amount of stores of good quality on quality of stores. board, and that they are properly stored.



He will provide a supply of oat-meal, to be issued to the firemen and coalheavers at such times and in such quantities as the Commanding Officer may direct.


He will keep a strict account of, and be responsible for, the expenditure Account of exof the coal, stores, and all articles in the Engineer department, and will ex- penditures. amine each day's expenditure and approve it by his signature.


Cleaning of

He will have the flues, chimneys, and boilers cleaned whenever necessary; but all repairs or cleaning necessary for the engines and boilers are to be flues, &c. made, as far as possible, by his force on board the vessel.


He will make out watch, quarter, fire, and cleaning bills for the Engineer Engineer stadepartment, and submit the same to the Commanding Officer for his approval. tion bills. These bills are to be hung up in some conspicuous place, where all concerned may refer to them. He will see that the prescribed duties are performed,

and will report all neglect or breaches of discipline. He will suffer no pun- Punishments. ishment of any description to be inflicted on those of his department except by order of the Commanding Officer.


He will never light or haul fires without the order of the Commanding Lighting Officer, and will see that the engines are never turned except in obedience hauling fires. to signal, or with the knowledge of the Officer of the Deck.



Reports to Com

He will report to the Commanding Officer any accident or defect that may occur to the machinery, boilers, or their dependencies, and at meridian of manding Officer. each day he will report the quantity of coal consumed, the revolutions made by the engines, and the average revolutions per minute, while running for the last twenty-four hours, and also the quantity of coal remaining on hand. If at any time, in his judgment, the machinery is driven too hard, or an undue strain brought upon any of its parts, he will report it, noting such report and the causes in the steam-log.


He will exercise a vigilant supervision over every part of his department, Supervision of and see that it is kept in good order; that the steam-pumps, hose, and other steam-pumps, means for extinguishing fire are ready for immediate use; that the water in hose, &c. the boilers is not carried at an improper density, and that the coal and stores are used to the greatest advantage.


At the end of the cruise, or when an Assistant Engineer is detached from Professional the vessel, he will, through the Commanding Officer, make a report to the quali cations, Department of his professional qualifications, character, and deportment.


&c., of assistants.

He will frequently examine the bunkers, to see if the amount of coal on Examination of hand corresponds with that charged on the log, and if any discrepancy ap- coal-bunkers. pears he will report the same immediately to the Commanding Officer, noting

it on the steam-log.


He will, on the discontinuance of steaming, with the permission of the Cleaning and reCommanding Officer, clean and repair, at once, the engines and their depend pairs. encies.


He will cause the petty officers and men under his charge to be instructed Instruction to so as to qualify them for managing the engines and dependencies in case of petty officers and necessity.


Temperature of coal-bunkers.

Distillers, steamwinches, &c.


Draught of wa



He will cause the temperature of the coal-bunkers to be ascertained twice in each watch and noted on the steam-log. If the temperature should be found unduly high, or if he should observe any indication of spontaneous combustion, he will have the fact reported at once to the Officer of the Deck.


He will take charge of the distilling apparatus, steam-winches, and engines for turning the capstan, and will be responsible for their being kept in proper repair and condition.


A steam-log will be kept continuously while the vessel is in commission,, and when under steam all the columus are to be accurately filled by the Assistant Engineer or petty officer in charge of the watch, who will also sign the remarks at the close of the watch. The log will be inspected by the Commanding Officer after each day's steaming, and will be signed every day by the Chief Engineer, who, at the end of each quarter, will send to the Commanding Officer a fair copy of the log during that time, certified by his signature, for transmission to the Department.


He will carefully note in the steam-log the draught of water, forward and aft, on entering and leaving port and before and after receiving coal and other stores. If the vessel be a paddle-wheel steamer he will note also the greatest immersion of the bucket-boards.


Precautions In the arrangement of stores and the use of lights and fires he will take the against fire. utmost care to prevent danger from fire.

Quarterly report.


He will make a quarterly report, to accompany the synopsis of the steamlog, detailing any breakages or other casualties to the machinery during the quarter, with the causes thereof, so far as he may be able to ascertain, and the time expended in repairing them. He will state whether the repairs were executed by his force on board or by workmen from shore. He will also give his opinion of the condition of the machinery, mentioning particularly the cylinders and their valves, the main journals, the connecting-rod journals, the stern-bearing, the pumps, the condensers, and the paddle-wheels or screw, to which he will add his observations as to their efficiency. In the event of any experimental or unusual machinery or appliance being on board, he will particularly describe it and its mode of action, giving the results and his opinion on its merits. He will not wait for special instructions as to the manner of operating it, but will exert himself to determine it. He will state the maximum speed of the vessel under steam alone, in smooth water, that can be sustained for twelve consecutive hours with the machinery in its existing condition, and give the necessary data in connection therewith, such as the pressure of steam, revolutions of the engine per minute, vacuum in the condenser, position of throttle-valve, point of cutting off steam, temperatures, consumption of coal per hour, number of tons of coal on board the vessel, indicated horse-power, &c. He will state the number of officers and men of his force attached to the vessel, with their rank and ratings, and also the quantity of coal the bunkers will hold. He will add such observations on the machinery and vessel as his experience may suggest. A copy of the tabular synopsis and of the report is to be pasted into each quarterly steam-log, and another forwarded to the Department.

Passed Assistant and Assistant Engineers.


When there is no Chief Engineer on board, the duties assigned to him will devolve on the senior Assistant.

Assistant Engineer acting as chief.


ficers on watch.

Engineers or other persons in charge of engines will carry into execution Assistant Engiall orders they receive from the Engineer in charge, or their seniors, and are neers or petty of to be careful in the management of the engines, boilers, and their dependencies. They will follow the directions of the Engineer in charge and report to him instantly on discovering anything wrong. When the engines are in operation the Assistant Engineer or petty officer on watch will execute ders of Officer of promptly all the orders he may receive from the Officer of the Deck, informing him if, in so doing, any risk or injury is likely to be incurred.


To execute or


Should anything occur to require a change in the orders under which he is Reports to Offiacting, or should special attention be required to any object, he will report cer of Deck. the same to the Officer of the Deck immediately.


Should it be necessary from any cause to stop the engines, he will report If necessary to the fact to the Officer of the Deck; if it should not be possible to do so be- stop the engines. forehand, he will report afterward his reasons, and the probable length of

time they will be stopped, and he will inform the Chief Engineer immediately.


He will note hourly on the steam-log all the information the columns Steam-log, how require, and insert in the remarks full information of the state of the weather to be kept. and sea, all accidents to or defects in the engines and boilers or their dependencies, the manner of their working, the quality of the coal, and any other circumstances which may be useful for determining the powers and qualities of the vessel and engines.


He will be careful to prevent the waste of coal, oil, tallow, and all stores in the Engineer department.


Expenditure of


ior Engineer.

In the absence of the senior Engineer, the one remaining on board, highest, Absence of senin rank, will be held responsible for the good order of the engine-room and for the proper discharge of all the duties connected therewith.


To conform to orders of Officer of

The Engineers on duty will conform to the orders of the Officer of the Deck; but they are not, except in case of necessity, to be ordered to per- the Deck. form duties other than those connected with the engines and their dependen


Cadet Engineers.


Cadet Engineers may be assigned duty in charge of the engine-room Cadet Engineers, when there is not a sufficient number of Assistant Engineers to keep them in duties of. four watches; at other times, they are to do such duty as may be assigned them by the Chief Engineer. When in charge of the engine-room, they will be governed by the regulations applicable to the Assistant Engineers.

Assistant and


Assistant and Cadet Engineers are not to be assigned to the same duties Cadet Engineers with machinists, or other petty officers, nor to relieve them, or to be relieved not to be required to do the duties of by them while on duty. Machinists and other engine-room petty officers are to be given charge of the watches in the engine and fire rooms, under the supervision of the Engineer officers, when the number of Assistant Engineers or graduated Cadets is not sufficient for that duty.

machinists, &c.

Surgeon of the Fleet.

General supervision.

Suggest meas

SECTION XI.-Surgeon of the Fleet and other Medical Officers.


When a Medical Officer is detailed as Surgeon of the Fleet he will be attached to the Flag-Ship, and his duties will be as follows, under the orders of the Commander-in-Chief:

I. To generally supervise the practice of all the Surgeons in the fleet or squadron to which he is attached, and to report to him any neglects which he may discover.

II. To suggest to the Commander-in-Chief, for his consideration and decisures for prevent-ion, the proper measures for preventing or checking disease, or for promoting ing disease, &c. the comfort of the sick or wounded in the fleet.

Specification of III. When required by the Commander-in-Chief, to specify those vessels crews unfit for which may appear, from the state of the health of their crews, least fit for active service, or most in want of refreshment.

ctive duty.

of fleet.

Medical journal IV. To keep a medical journal of the health of the fleet or squadron, from which he will report to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. To examine and approve all requisitions for medical and hospital stores for the fleet, and inspect their quality, and, as required, to make requisitions on the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery for medical and hospital stores for the fleet.

Report after an action.


written order.


V. After an engagement, to require a report of killed and wounded from the Surgeons of all the vessels, which he will embody in a general report, and forward it through the Chief of Staff.

VI. To perform such other duties relating to his position as shall be assigned to him by the Commander-in-Chief.


He will not make an inspection or an examination on board any vessel of be made only on a the squadron without the order to do so, in writing, from the Commander inChief, and such order must be presented to the Commanding Officer of the vessel on board which the inspection or examination is to take place.

Detail of medical officers.


The detail of officers of the Medical Corps for any service will be made by the Chief of Staff.


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Charge of sick

bay, &c.


The Surgeon or senior Medical Officer ordered to a vessel will, in addition to the duties prescribed in the "Instructions for the Government of Medical Officers," examine the dispensary, medical store-rooms, and sick-bay; see that every preparation is made for the reception of stores and medicines, and for the proper care of sick and wounded. In case of any defect in the arrangements, he will report it immediately to the Commanding Officer.


The sick-bay, dispensary, and medical store-rooms are under his immedi"Report at in- ate charge, and he will see that they are kept in proper condition, and at all spection. times ready for the inspection of the Commanding Officer.

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