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He will be attentive to the comfort and cleanliness of all patients under his professional care.


Attention to the


He will report to the Commanding Officer daily, by 10 a. m., in writing, Daily report. the names and condition of the sick, according to such forms as may be prescribed, and at the same time suggest any measures for the health of the crew. He will have deposited daily in the binnacle a list of those whose condition requires that they should be excused from duty.




He will take every precaution to prevent the introduction or progress of any infectious disease, making immediate report to the Commanding Officer prevent disease. of danger from, or the appearance of, any such disease.



Medical exam

He is to examine the crew as soon as practicable after joining the vessel, ination of crew. reporting to the Commanding Officer any necessity that may exist for vaccination, which, if possible, will be done before sailing.


Exclusive use

He will be allowed, for his exclusive use, a store-room for articles under his charge, and will, with the approval of the Commanding Officer, be allowed of medical storeproper persons, in addition to the established attendants, if necessary, to assist in the care of the sick.


He is, at all times, to have in readiness everything necessary for the relief of the wounded, and, on the probability of an engagement, will cause a sufficient number of tourniquets to be distributed in different parts of the ship, seeing that all persons stationed with him, and such others as may be designated, are instructed in their proper use.



Necess a ry attendants to be supplied.

A11 necessary for the wounded

to be kept in readiness.

Report after an

After battle, he will make out in duplicate a careful report of killed and wounded, one copy of which he will send to the Commanding Officer of the action. vessel, and the other will be forwarded, through the Commanding Officer, to the Surgeon of the Fieet.



Whenever any person on board shall receive any wound or injury which If an injury is may probably entitle him to a pension, he will report the same to the Com- received by any manding Officer in writing, before the person is removed or discharged. Medical Officers are forbidden to give unofficial certificates of ill health; or of inability to perform duty.

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He will, when directed by his Commanding Officer, have the boats attending the ship with articles of food for sale examined, and if they contain arti- eatables for sale. cles the use of which would, in his opinion, be injurious to the crew, he will represent the same to him.


The journal of his daily practice will be subject to the inspection of the Surgeon of the Fleet, and will be forwarded, as directed for correspondence, to the Department.

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When practicable, persons sent to a hospital or a hospital-vessel are to be accompanied by a Medical Officer, and the Surgeon will send with them a hospital. statement of their diseases or injuries, with a synopsis of treatment, according to the forms prescribed.


of everything mil


of He will, if required, inspect the provisions of the crew, and report to the provisi o n s and Commanding Officer should he discover any that are unsound. He will water, and report also cause the purity of the water to be tested before it is received, and will itating against the make known to him any want of care or cleanliness in the preparation of health of the crew. food for the crew, or any instance of neglect with regard to it of which he may be cognizant. He will make known to the Commanding Officer everything conducive to, or militating against, the general health and comfort of the ship's company.

To whom the


The professional services of Medical Officers attached to any vessel or staprofessional serv; tion of the Navy are due only to those persons connected with such vessel Officers are due. or station, to passengers on vessels of war, and persons on board of vessels in distress when out of reach of medical aid.

ices of Medical


Duties of Passed

Passed and other Assistant Surgeons will perform all professional duties and other Assistant which may be required from them, and conform to the instructions given by Surgeons. the Surgeon of the vessel, be unremitting in their attentions to the comfort and cleanliness of the sick, and exact from those under their direction a rigid performance of their duties.



They will personally see that medicines are properly weighed, measured, and labeled for distribution.


In Flag Ships

In the absence of the Surgeon, and in Flag Ships, the Senior Assistant

or in absence of will perform the duties of Surgeon.

SECTION XII -Paymaster of the Fleet and other Pay Officers.

When a Pay Officer is detailed to discharge the duties of Paymaster of the Fleet, he will be attached to the Flag-Ship, and his duties will be as folGeneral super lows, under the orders of the Commander-in-Chief:

vision over Pay

masters of the I. To exercise a general supervision over all Pay Officers of the fleet or squadron.


Account of

stores. Examine all returns, requsitions, &c.

Stores on hand.

Draw money for fleet.

Make recommendations.

II. To keep an account of stores on board the store-vessels, and at dépôts on shore.

III. To receive and examine all requisitions and communications from the Pay Officers of the Fleet, addressed to the Secretary of the Navy, the Bureaus of the Department, or the Commander-in-Chief, and to forward the same with such recommendations as may appear to him necessary for the information of the Commander-in-Chief.

IV. To keep him informed of the quantities and condition of the Paymaster's stores in the fleet or squadron.

V. To draw all money for the fleet or squadron, and pay out the same on requisitions duly approved. When he is also Paymaster of the Flag-Ship, he will not use for that ship any money so drawn except on approved requisitions, and the Paymaster of the Fleet's accounts will be kept separate from those of the Flag-Ship.

VI. To make such recommendations to the Commander-in-Chief as will, in his opinion, tend to promote efficiency, uniformity, and economy in his department of the service.

Other duties of VII. He will perform such other duties relating to his position as may be his position.

assigned him.



He will not make an inspection or an examination of the Paymaster's Inspec ti o n of Department on board any vessel of the squadron without the order to do so. Paymaster's in writing, from the Commander-in-Chief, and such order must be presented to the Commander of the vessel on board which the inspection or examination is to take place.


The detail of officers of the Pay Corps for any service will be made by the Chief of Staff.

Detail made by.

Pay Officers.


A Pay Officer, when ordered to a vessel, will, in addition to the duties to a vessel. prescribed in the "Instructions for the government of Inspectors in charge of stores, Naval Storekeepers, Paymasters, and Assistant Paymasters," and in the "Rules in regard to the transaction of business at the Office of the Fourth Auditor," carefully examine the bread-rooms, store-rooms, and issueroom, and report immediately to the Commanding Officer any defect in their arrangement or construction.


He will make requisitions for money and for such provisions, clothing, small-stores, and other articles as may be needed; such requisitions being at all times subject to the approval of the Commanding Officer, and to the revision and approval of the senior officer present.



Requisitions for money, &c.


When he presents a requisition for money for the approval of his Commanding Officer, or such officer directs him to prepare a requisition for his money on hand. approval, he will present a statement of the amount of public money then in his possession.




When any barrels or packages in which provisions or other Paymaster's Empty barrels, stores have been received on board shall have been emptied, they shall, if they cannot be returned to a navy-yard or station, be disposed of by the Pay Officer to the best advantage. If sold, the amount received for the same shall be reported and accounted for by him in the same manner as other public moneys; and all articles so sold and the amounts received shall be entered in the log-book, and an approved account of sale forwarded to the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing.


Money, if received or paid without


In all cases where a Pay Officer has received, or has been authorized or directed to pay over, any public money without the previous knowledge or sanction of his immediate Commanding Officer, it will be the duty of such knowledge of ComPay Officer to report to him forthwith the amount received or paid, and the manding Officer. authority under which he acted.


No money which may be placed in charge of a Pay Officer by order of, or Money not to be authority from, his Commanding or Superior Officer, or of the Treasury or paid without the Navy Department, is to be used or paid without the sanction or approval of approval of the Commanding Offi. either his immediate Commanding Officer, the Commander of the squadron cer. or station to which he belongs, the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, the Second Comptroller of the Treasury, or the Secretary of the Navy.

Deposits by enlisted men.

Provisions, &c.,


All funds deposited by enlisted men as security for their return from absence on leave, and forfeited by their desertion, and any bounty-money or advanced pay refunded by minors or others discharged from the service, will be deposited by the Pay Officer with the nearest United States assistant treasurer; the advance pay to the credit of pay of the Navy, and the bounty and other money to the appropriation for naval bounties. The certificate of deposit, in the case of advanced pay, is to be transmitted to the Department, and in other cases to the Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting, to be sent to the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury.


No provisions or articles for which the Pay Officer is responsible are to not to be sent out be sent out of a vessel, except by an order from her Commanding Officer, of the vessel, exgiven in writing. cept.

Articles of inferior quality.

Authorized ad



He will report to the Commanding Officer any articles received in his department that he may consider of improper quality, deficient in quantity, or requiring additional means for their preservation.


Authorized advances to officers are made by the Pay Agent attached to the station where they are fitting for sea. (In this, as in all other special duties of pay officers, see Paymasters' Instructions.)


Changes not to He will make no changes upon the pay-roll of the vessel unless he shall be made on pay receive written information from the Commanding Officer of the promotion, roll other than by. resignation, dismissal, or death, or an order for the discharge, transfer, or change of rating of any person borne upon it.


Accounts of The accounts of men transferred will be made out in conformity with the those transferred. regulations of the Treasury Department, and must accompany the men.

Issue of clothing, &c.

Purchase clothing abroad.




They are to be sent by the Pay Officer making the transfer to the Pay Officer of the vessel, yard, or station to which the transfer is made, who will, after comparing them, receipt one copy and return it to the Pay Officer who made the transfer, as a voucher for the settlement of his accounts; the transfer of accounts must, in all cases, be made through the Commanding Officers. 16.

The Pay Officer will only issue clothing, small-stores, and money to petty officers and persons of inferior ratings, in such quantities or sums, and at such times, as shall be directed in writing by the Commanding Officer; and all issues made must be receipted for, at the time, in the presence of a commissioned or warrant officer, and the receipts be witnessed by him.


Whenever it is necessary upon foreign stations to purchase clothing, the articles must be, as nearly as possible, of the description and quality furnished by the United States; and no more is to be purchased than sufficient to meet the exigency.


When articles are furnished from United States store-houses in bales, nished in bales or packages, or casks, they need not be opened to ascertain their contents, but the Pay Officer will receipt for them according to their marks, and when opened, it is to be done in the presence of an officer, and the contents com


pared with the invoice, and, if found to vary, a survey must be held to authenticate the fact.



Articles of clothing and small-stores, which are found by a survey to be Articles damaged, may be valued by the surveying-officers, and issued by the Pay demned by surOfficer at the reduced prices in the same manner as other clothing.



He will not pay money to any person in debt to the United States except No payments to for stopped rations.


He will make no change in the daily allowance of provisions except by the written order of the Commanding Officer.


persons in debt, except.

No change in

of provisions, ex-



He will make, when required, monthly reports to the Commanding Officer Monthly of all expenditures of provisions; quarterly reports of the expenditures of quarterly reports money, clothing, and small-stores, and of the quantity of each kind remaining on board, and the length of time for which there is a supply. He will also transmit, through his Commanding Officer, to the Paymaster of the Fleet, at the end of ach month, a statement showing the amount of money and stores on hand in his department, and also how long such stores will last if at sea; and also a triplicate quarterly account-current, with abstract of purchases.


Effects of per

Having received the effects of any person who may have died, deserted, or been captured. together with an inventory of the same, he will carefully sons deceased. preserve them until directed by the Commanding Officer to deliver them to the heirs or representatives of such person, or to sell at public auction the effects of deserters, or persons who may have died in debt to the United States.





When the stores on hand will admit of it, without an undue reduction of any article, he will, when ordered by the Commanding Officer, issue to offi- cers' messes. cers' messes such articles of the public stores as they may require for their own use on board, at ration prices.


Where there is no Pay Agent, traveling-expenses incurred by an officer under an order of the Navy Department will be paid by the Pay Officer upon the order of the Commanding Officer of the station.


Where there is no Pay Agent he will pay travelling-expenses.

Clothing and

The Pay Officer will furnish clothing and small-stores to marines when embarked, upon a requisition signed by the Commanding Officer of the stores to marines. Marine Guard and approved by the Commanding Officer of the vessel.


Settlement of the account of any

He will furnish to the Paymaster of the Marine Corps a statement of the account of any marine whose name is borne upon his books, who may die, marines who may desert, or be transferred to a shore-station.


When attached to a Receiving-vessel, he will receipt for the transcript lists of all recruits considered fit for service, and certify that he has charged to them the amounts rendered as advance by the Recruiting Officer.

die, &c.

Attached to a Receiving-vessel. Receipt for re


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