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1848 Smith, John Peter George, Borough Bank, Water-street, and Spring. bank, 47, Breck-road, Everton.

1853 Sommers, John Augustus, L.R.C.S.E., 25, Wilton-street.

1855 Taylor, John Stopford, M.D..Aberd., M.R.G.S., 1, Sgringfield. 1842 Taylor, Robert Hibbert, M.D.Edin., L.R.C.S.E., F.B.S.E., Lect. on Opthalm. Med. Liverp. Sch. of Med., Percy-street.

1854 Thompson, Samuel Henry, Thingwall-hall, Knotty Ash.

1849 Thomson, David Purdie, M.D.Edin., L.R.C.S.E., 4, Salisbury-street. 1812 Thorneley, Thomas, M.P., 8, Mount-street.

1851 Towson, John Thomas, Scient. Examiner of Masters and Mates, Sailors' Home, and 47, Upper Parliament-street.

1844 Turnbull, James, M.D.Edin., Phys. Liverp. Roy. Infirm., 4, Morningtonterrace.

1844 Vose, James Richard White, M.D.Edin., Sen. Phys. Liverp. Roy. Infirmary, 5, Gambier-terrace.

1844 Walmsley, Joshua, 50, Lord-street.

1849 Watling, John William Henry, M.R.C.S.E., Wavertree. 1855 Wilks, W. G., 1, North John-street, and 14, Everton-road. 1844 Winstanley, Samuel, Church-street, and 2, Gambier-terrace.

1855 Wybergh, John, jun., Clerk to Magistrates, Sessions-house, and Churchroad, Seaforth.

1834 Yates, Richard Vaughan, The Shrubbery, Aigburth-road.

Note. The proposals of the following Gentlemen lie before the Society: Dr. Nevins, Rev. J. Herbert Jones, M.A., Mr. James McAndrew, and Mr. Joseph Ariano, Jun.



1812 Peter Mark Roget, M.D.Edin., F.R.C.P., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.R.A.S. M.R.G.S., &c., London.

1813 Very Rev. William Buckland, D.D.Oxon., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S. M.R.G.S., Hon. F.C.P.S., Dean of Westminster, Deanery, Westminster.

1815 George Cumming, M.D.Edin., L.R.C.P., Denbigh.

1819 John Stanley, M.D.Edin., Whitehaven.

1819 and 1825 Rev. W. Scoresby, D.D., F.R.SS.L. and E., Member of the Institute of France; of the American Institute, Philadelphia, &c. 1820 Joseph Carne, F.R.S., M.R.I.A.. F.G.S., &c., Penzance, Cornwall. 1828 Rev. Brook Aspland, Duckinfield, Cheshire.

John Ashton Yates, M.R.G.S., Bryanston-square, London.

1833 Thomas Stewart Traill, M.D.Edin., F.R.C.P.E., F.R.S.E., F.G.S., &c., Edinburgh University.

1833 The Right Hon. the Earl of Harrowby, P.C., D.C.L., F.R.S., Sandonhall, Staffordshire, and 39, Grosvenor-square, London.

1833 James Yates, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S., &c., Lauderdale-house, Highgate, London.

1835 George Patten, A.R.A., London.

1835 William Ewart, M.P., Cambridge-square, Hyde-park, London.


1835 Lord Brougham and Vaux, M.A., F.R.S., &c., &c., &c.

1835 The Right Hon. the Earl of Ellesmere, K.G., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.G.S.. F.L.S., F.S.A., Worsley Hall, Lancashire, and 18, Belgrave-square. London.

1836 Chevalier de Kirkhoff. Antwerp.

1837 The Right Hon. the Earl of Burlington, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., M.R.I.A., F.G.S., M.R.G.S., F.C.P.S., F.Z.S., Chan. Univ. Lond., Belgravesquare, London.

1838 Professor Airey, M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S., Hon. F.R.S.E., Hon. M.R.I.A., F.R.A.S., F.C.P.S., &c., Astronomer Royal, Greenwich.

1840 James Naysmith, Patricroft.

1840 Richard Duncan Mackintosh, L.R.C.P., Exeter, Devonshire.

1841 Charles Bryce, M.D.Glasg., Fell. F.P. and S.Glasg., Socio dell' Accad. de Lin. Roma.. Ludlow,

1844 J. Beete Jukes, M.A., F.R.S., M.R.I.A., F.G.S., Local Director of the Geological Survey of Ireland, Dublin.

1844 T. B. Hall, London,

1844 Peter Rylands, Warrington.

1844 John Scouler, M.D., LL.D., F.L.S., Prof. Nat. Hist. Dublin Royal


1844 Thomas Rymer Jones, F.R.S., F.Z.S., F.L.S., M.R.C.S.E., &c., King's College, London.

1844 Robert Patterson, Belfast.

1844 Signor L. Bellardi, Turin.

1844 Signor Michelotti, Turin.

1844 Thomas Bell Salter, M.D.Edin., M.R.C.S.Eng. and Edin., F.L.S., F.B.S.E., Ryde, Isle of Wight.

1844 Professor Alger, Boston, U.S.

1844 Sir Charles Lemon, Bart., M.A.Cantab., F.R.S., F.G.S., Cardew, Cornwall.

1844 Il Cavaliere Carlo Passerini, Pisa.

1844 William Carpenter, M.D.Edin., M.R.C.S.E., F.R.S., F.G.S., London


1846 Rev. Baden Powell, M.A.Oxon., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., F.G.S., &c., Oxford University.

1847 Sir William Rowan Hamilton, LL.D., Hon. F.R.S.E., M.R.I.A., F.R.A.S., F.C.P.S., Astronomer Royal of Ireland, Dublin.

1849 Thomas Nuttall, F.L.S., Rainhill, Lancashire.

1849 Rev. Thomas Corser, M.A., Stand, Bury.

1850 Rev. St. Vincent Beechey, M.A.Cantab., Worsley, near Eccles.

1851 James Smith, F.R.SS.L. and E., F.G.S., &c., Jordan-hill, Glasgow.

1851 Henry Clarke Pidgeon, London.

1851 Rev. Robert Bickersteth Mayor, M.A.Cantab., Fell. St. John's Coll. Cantab., F.C.P.S., Rugby.

1852 Thomas Spencer, London.

1852 William Reynolds, M.D., Coed-du, Denbighshire.

1853 Rev. James Booth, LL.D., F.R.S., &c., Wandsworth, Surrey.







ROYAL INSTITUTION.-Oetober 15th, 1855.

PRESIDENT, in the Chair.

Messrs. Alfred North, Joseph Goodwin, W. W. Rundell, and W. G. Wilks, were elected Ordinary Members.

A number of African Curiosities were exhibited by Mr. Consul Hutchinson.

The Report of the Council was read, and upon the motion of the Rev. Dr. Hume, was unanimously adopted; and the Treasurer's Accounts were submitted and passed-(see pp. 12, 18.)

The President's period of office having expired, the Society duly elected to that office Robert M'Andrew, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S.

Five new members of Council were balloted for, viz.: the Rev. A. Ramsay, M.A.: Mr. F. W. Bloxam, Mr. F. Archer, Mr. A. Higginson, and Mr. Edward Bretherton, F.G.S.; and nine others were then elected, viz.: Dr. Dickinson, Dr. Ihne, Mr. Isaac Byerley, F.L.S., Dr. Thomson, J. B. Yates, Esq., Mr. S. Boult, Mr. T. C. Archer, Rev. H. H. Higgins, M.A., and Dr. Edwards.

The officers were then chosen, viz.: Dr. Ihne, Mr. J. B. Yates, and Dr. Dickinson, Vice-Presidents; Mr. Byerley, Treasurer; and Dr. Thomson, Hon. Secretary.

The retiring President having left the chair, a vote of thanks was carried by acclamation for the services which he had rendered during his period of office.

The following recommendations of the Council were then put and

carried, subject to a second vote at an extraordinary meeting following: “That the annual subscription be raised to one guinea; that until January, 1856, members may compound for all future payments by making one payment of £5 5s. exclusive of entrance fee; but that after that period the life composition shall be £10 10s. including the entrance fee paid by new members;" and "That the list of Corresponding Members be limited to fifty."


YOUR Society has lost from death and other causes ten Ordinary and two Corresponding Members, viz.: Dr. Macrorie, Messrs. Cauty, Enoch Harvey, Aspinall, Baldy, S. Higgins, J. Keates, F. Thornley, W. Jevons, Dr. Balman. It has enrolled twenty-two new Ordinary members, viz.: Messrs. Charles Holland, John Hunter, Edward Bretherton, Henry W. Slack, Samuel H. Thompson, Alexander M'Ilveen, Dr. Mitchell, Messrs. Charles Millward, G. H. Puckle, M.A., Rev. H. Griffiths, Messrs. John Andrew, John Roberts, James F. Brockholes, George H. Morton, George Atkin, James Hakes, A. Finlayson, John Wybergh, jun., Frederick Potts, Dr. J. S. Taylor, Messrs. Alfred King, and J. F. Foard.

The members enrolled at the present time are one hundred and fortyeight Ordinary and forty-five Corresponding.

Early in the session your Society had to mourn the loss of that distinguished naturalist, Professor Edward Forbes, whose unexpected death filled us with the profoundest grief; now you have to lament the loss of Dr. George Johnston, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, from the list of Corresponding Members. His warm attachment to natural history pursuits, and the valuable aid rendered by his writings, make his death a subject of deep regret to the scientific world generally, while this Society has to deplore, in the event, the removal of one who evinced a lively interest in its welfare.

The reduction of the list of Corresponding Members, made during the past session, leads your Council to recommend that the number should be limited to fifty; and you will be called upon to deliberate on this question.

The accession of new members has been accompanied by increased interest in the proceedings of your Society generally, as has been evinced by expressions from without, as well as by numerouslyattended meetings.

Your Council have the gratification of reporting, that the ninth volume of "Proceedings" is already in the hands of members. Early in the same session the eighth volume was issued, and your Council

believe that the reputation of the Society was thereby increased and widened.

The natural history of the locality has long and actively engaged the attention of your Society, and the Council review with gratitude the labours of the members, persuaded as they are, that they best fulfil a primary duty entrusted to them in fostering such pursuits and placing the results in type. And they look back with unfeigned pleasure at the publication of the Meteorological Observations taken at the Liverpool Observatory, together with the Flora and Fauna of the district. They believe that they have acted wisely in printing these valuable communications as appendices, thereby enabling members to bind up the individual monographs on our local natural history in one comprehensive volume. By these publications the Society, in its own sphere, has done what it could, and has made a valuable addition to the scientific literature of the country.

Besides many important communications made to the Society, the following papers were read at the ordinary meetings:

October 30, 1854.-"On Magnetism and the Compass-guidance of Iron Ships," by the Rev. Dr. Scoresby, F.R.SS.L. and E., &c., &c. November 13 and 27.-" On the Resources of Russia," by Dr. Ihne. December 11.-" On the Personal Character and Scientific Labours of the late Dr. Dalton," by the Rev. J. Robberds, B.A.

January 8, 1855.-"On Spontaneous Combustion, and Suggestions for Extinguishing Fire," by Dr. Inman.

January 22.-"First Series of Observations on the Phenomena of Smell," by T. C. Archer, Esq.

February 5." On the Solar Ray," by J. T. Towson, Esq.

February 19." On Photography, with Special Reference to the Chymical Distinction between the Collodion and Paper Processes," by Dr. Edwards.

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March 5. On the Blasting of Rocks," by W. Nisbet, Esq.

March 19 and April 16.-"On the Present State of the Question of Compass Disturbance and Mode of Adjustment in Iron Ships, and the difficulty of dealing with it," by the Rev. Dr. Scoresby.

April 16.-"On the Mosses and Hepatice found within twelve miles of Liverpool and Southport," by Mr. Marrat.

April 30." On Trade and Partnership: the Relative Duties and Proper Liabilities of the Merchant and the State," by S. Boult, Esq. May 14.-"Additions to the Flora of Liverpool," by Dr. Dickinson. May 14. On the Meaning and History of Surnames," by the Rev. A. Ramsey, M.A.

May 28.-"Anthropology of the Filatahs," by T. J. Hutchinson, Esq.


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