The Contract of Sale in the Civil Law: With References to the Laws of England, Scotland and FranceClarendon Press, 1892 - 271ÆäÀÌÁö |
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action actionem actum agreed agreement analytique de Code autem bound buyer causa chose Civil Law Code Civil condition contract of sale Cours analytique damages debet defects delivered delivery Demante edictum eius emptionem emptorem English law enim eo nomine erit esset été etiam eviction ex empto ex vendito fraud fundi fundum Glück habere IAVOLENUS IDEM libro ideo Inst iugera Kaufcontract l'acheteur liable mihi minoris neque nihil nisi nomine obligation owner Pandekten parties PAULUS libro posse possession potest Pothier praestare pretio pretium pupillus purchase money purchaser's qu'il quae quaesitum est quam quia quid quidem quis quod quoque recover redhibition rescind rescission rule Sabinum sell seller sive sold stipulatio sub conditione sunt supr tamen thing third person Ulpian vendeur vendiderit vendidit venditio venditor venditorem vendor vendue vente videtur
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136 ÆäÀÌÁö - Where there is a contract to sell unascertained or future goods by description, and goods of that description and in a deliverable state are unconditionally appropriated to the contract, either by the seller with the assent of the buyer, or by the buyer with the assent of the seller, the property in the goods thereupon passes to the buyer. Such assent may be expressed or implied, and may be given either before or after the appropriation is made.
138 ÆäÀÌÁö - There is an acceptance of goods within the meaning of this section when the buyer, either before or after delivery of the goods, expresses by words or conduct his assent to becoming the owner of those specific goods.
152 ÆäÀÌÁö - Subject to the provisions of this act, when the buyer of goods is or becomes insolvent, the unpaid seller who has parted with the possession of the goods has the right of stopping them in transitu, that is to say, he may resume possession of the goods at any time while they are in transit, and he will then become entitled to the same rights in regard to the goods as he would have had if he had never parted with the possession.
152 ÆäÀÌÁö - ... (b) If, after the arrival of the goods at the appointed destination, the carrier or other bailee acknowledges to the buyer or his agent that he holds the goods on his behalf and continues in possession of them as bailee for the buyer or his agent ; and it is immaterial that a further destination for the goods may have been indicated by the buyer...
218 ÆäÀÌÁö - ... breach of warranty. But it would be better to distinguish such cases as a non-compliance with a contract which a party has engaged to fulfil ; as, if a man offers to buy peas of another, and he sends him beans, he does not perform his contract; but that is not a warranty, there is no warranty that he should sell him peas ; the contract is to sell peas, and if he sends him anything else in their stead, it is a non-performance of it.
136 ÆäÀÌÁö - ... (a) when he signifies his approval or acceptance to the seller, or does any other act adopting the transaction ; (b) if he does not signify his approval or acceptance to the seller, but retains the goods without giving notice of rejection, then, if a time has been fixed for the return of the goods, on the expiration of such time, and, if no time has been fixed, on the expiration of a reasonable time. What is a reasonable time is a question of fact.
149 ÆäÀÌÁö - ... where the property has passed to the buyer. UNPAID SELLER'S LIEN Sec. 54. When Right of Lien May Be Exercised. (1) Subject to the provisions of this act, the unpaid seller of goods who is in possession of them is entitled to retain possession of them until payment or tender of the price in the following cases, namely: (a) Where the goods have been sold without any stipulation as to credit; (b) Where the goods have been sold on credit, but the term of credit has expired; (c) Where the buyer becomes...
169 ÆäÀÌÁö - En matière de vente de denrées et effets mobiliers, la résolution de la vente aura lieu de plein droit et sans sommation au profit du vendeur, après l'expiration du terme convenu pour le retirement.
150 ÆäÀÌÁö - Where the buyer becomes insolvent. (2) The seller may exercise his right of lien notwithstanding that he is in possession of the goods as agent or bailee for the buyer.
146 ÆäÀÌÁö - S'il a été ainsi convenu lors de la vente ; Si la chose vendue -et livrée produit des fruits ou autres revenus ; Si l'acheteur a été sommé de payer. Dans ce dernier cas, l'intérêt ne court que depuis la sommation.