페이지 이미지
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Dry up thy marrows, vines, and plough- Dry up thy meadows, vines, and ploughtorn leas.

From change of future.

To such as may the passive drugs of it.

First mend thy company, take away thyself.

Twixt natural sun and fire.

The falling from of his friends.
Steal less for this I give you.

It almost turns my dangerous nature wild.

If not a usuring kindness, and as rich men deal gifts.

Suspect still comes where an estate is least.

torn leas.

From change of fortune.

To such as may the passive dugs of it. First mend my company, take away thyself.

Twixt natural son and sire.

The falling from him of his friends.
Steal no less for this I give you.

It almost turns my dangerous nature mild.

Is't not a usuring kindness, as rich men deal gifts?

Suspect still comes when an estate is least.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

What touches us ourself shall be last That touches us? Ourself shall be last

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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