liquidation of the insolvent or liquidating bank. Sec. 34. Neither the assets, property, stock nor bond certificates of The Bank of Texas or any income derived therefrom shall be subject to any form of taxation in this State, but shall be exempt from all forms of taxation because an agency of the State in use for a public purpose. Sec. 35. The organization committee herein provided for shall have authority to employ such help and incur such other expense as may be necessary in organizing The Bank of Texas, for which purpose two thousand five hundred dollars is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1915. Sec. 36. The Bank of Texas may begin actual banking operations in accord Allison, Matt F. Bierschwale, William Boner, C. W. ance with the terms of this act as soon tions under the terms of this act. Sec. 37. The importance of the legislation proposed in this act and the near approach of the end of this session of the Legislature, creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity requiring that the constitutional rule providing that bills shall be read on three several days in each house shall be suspended and said rule is so suspended and this act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted. Burges, Richard F. 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 2 00 10 00 10.00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 1 00 10 00 3 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10.00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 Calvin, E. A. Cunningham, Dr. John.. Fuller, F. O. Goodner, Dr. W. B. HOUSE AND SENATE BILLS AND RESOLU TIONS--HISTORY OF. HOUSE BILLS, HISTORY OF IN warehouse system under the direction THE HOUSE (In numerical order).and control of the State, 49.-Adverse report, 180. (Note.-First number following subject indicates page where introduced, read first time, referred to committee and entered in the Journal.) By Mr. Calvin, Mr. Terrell, Mr. Wortham, Mr. Dove, Mr. Russell, Mr. Barrett of Titus, Mr. Cox of Delta, Mr. Dickson, Mr. Watson of Mills, Mr. Williams of Mr. Thompson, Mr. Hill, Mr. Hunter, Hopkins, Mr. Brown, Mr. Murray, Mr. Ridgell, Mr. Kirby, Mr. Bruce, Mr. Cope, Mr. Long, Mr. Goodner, Mr. Crisp, Mr. Savage, Mr. Mangum, Mr. Gates, and Mr. Robertson. By Mr. Goodner, Mr. Calvin, Mr. Reeves, Mr. Woods of Fisher, Mr. Ross; Mr. Tillotson, Mr. Dodson, Mr. Barrett of Jones, Mr. Macgill, Mr. Mendell, Mr. Burmeister, Mr. Spradley, Mr. Rickerson, Mr. Reedy, Mr. Dickson, Mr. Yarbrough, Mr. Rich, Mr. Savage, Mr. Watson of Hays, Mr. Cope, Mr. Mulcahy, bonded warehouse system, 56.-FavorHouse bill No. 4, establishing a State Mr. Wagstaff, Mr. Byrne, Mr. Low, Mr. able report, 137.-One thousand copies Roach, Mr. Tiller, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Pat-ordered printed, 62.-Read second time, ton, Mr. Burns, Mr. Murray, Mr. Van noy, Mr. Schwegmann, Mr. Robbins, Mr. Williams of Hopkins, Mr. Wortham, Mr. Diffie, Mr. Hunter, Mr. Williams of McLennan, Mr. Long, Mr. Cox of Ellis, Mr. Oliver, Mr. Hornby, Mr. Hill, and Mr. Templeton: 148.-Taken up on engrossment, 165, 184, 203.-Passed to engrossment, 208.-Motion to reconsider vote on tabled, 208.Read third time, 223.-Reported engrossed, 235.-Passed, 224.-Returned from the Senate, 269.-Taken up with Senate amendments, 270.-Free Conference Committee requested, 273.-Senate grants request, 277.-Senate reports adoption Free Conference Committee report, 308.-House adopts report, 293306.-Signed, 308.-Reported enrolled, By Mr. Mendell: House bill No. 1, providing a system of warehousing cotton for the immediate relief of the producers and holders thereof, 47.-Read second time, 85.Passed to engrossment, 105.-Read third time, 107.-Passed, 109.-Reported en- 311. grossed, 118.-Returned from Senate, 126.-Taken up with Senate amendments, 127, 134.-Free Conference Committee House bill No. 5, establishing a bondrequested, 136.-Senate grants request, ed and licensed warehouse system, 60.— 138. Senate reports adoption of Free Adverse report, 180.-Ordered printed, Conference Committee report, 163.House adopts report of Free Conference Committee, 168-178.-Signed, 192.-Reported enrolled, 199.-Five thousand copies ordered printed, 205. By Mr. Sullivan: House bill No. 2, making appropriation to pay the mileage of members and per diem of members and ployes of the Second Called Session em 62. By Mr. Lewelling, Mr. McKamy, Mr. Macgill, and Mr. Barrett of Titus: House bill No. 6, providing for the conduct of the business of public warehousemen, 67.-Adverse report, 180.Ordered printed, 68. By Mr. Allison: By Mr. Woods of Navarro: House bill No. 7, creating a State of the Thirty-third Legislature, 48.- bonded warehouse system, 94.-Ordered Favorable report, 51.—Ordered not print-printed, 103. ed, 49.-Constitutional rule suspended, 49.-Read second time, passed to grossment, read third time, passed, 50.Returned from the Senate, 54.—Signed, 54.-Reported engrossed, 57.-Reported enrolled, 58. By Mr. Jordan: en House bill No. 8, providing for the conduct of the business of public warehouse, 103.-Ordered printed, 103. By Mr. Morris of Victoria: House bill No. 9, relating to the mar House bill No. 3, to establish a cotton keting, etc., of cotton, 112. |