Still as they prefs, he calls on all around, Lifts the torn robe, and points the bleeding wound. A wrath impatient, and a fiercer air? (So heaven ordains it) on the deftin'd wall. By thee difpos'd, no farther toil demand, But, just to nature, own thy forming hand. So fpread o'er Greece, th' harmonious whole unknown, Even Homer's numbers charm'd by parts alone. Their own Ulyffes fcarce had wander'd more, By winds and waters caft on every fhore: When rais'd by fate, fome former Hanmer join'd * Coriolanus. See Mr. Spence's dialogue on the Odyssey. THE WORK S O F MR WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR. VOLUME THE FIRST. CONSISTING OF COMEDIES. OXFORD: PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON-PRESS. MDCCLXX. |