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Proverbs. 1. We must submit to authority till we can discover, or see-reasons. 2. Be not sat isfied with the results and applications on know ledge; but search for its fountains. 3. Youth-1 not a time to cast away stones, but to gather them 4. Instead of naturalizing nature, we should nat uralize art. 5. The understanding—is a refining vessel, in which knowledge is purified. 6. En deavor to acquire such knowledge, as will enable you to judge correctly yourself. 7. Time-ce stroys the speculations of man, but confirms the judgments of Nature. 8. No evil propensity is ac powerful, but that it may be subdued, by proper

281. EMPHASIS. Words are emphatic, when opposition is expressed, or understood; that is, when our words are contrasted, and when we wish to enforce our ideas, so as to produce their desired effects. As, Oratoryinvolves feelings, thoughts and words; so, does it also involve ends, or purposes, causes, and effects; beyond which, human minds cannot travel. We may illustrate emphasis, by what is called lever-power; the resistance to be overcome, or the effect to be produced; the lever as a medium, and the weight: thus, I will, or desire, to accomplish a certain ob-means. 9. No one is so great, or so small, but ject here, is the region of ends, or pur- that he is capable of giving, or receiving—òenefits poses; then, I devise ways and means, and 10. Be civil-to the great, but intimate-with the determine how it is to be done; here, is the good. 11. No religion-is better than an unnaturegion of causes: and, finally, I put the pur-ral one. 12. Immoderate sorrow-is a species of pose in operation, through the means, and suicide. 13. Pay what you owe. 14. Great thieves thus accomplish my object; which, of course, punish little ones. 15. The absent party is alis the region of effects. Here is the philoso- ways faulty. phy of oratory.

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Anecdote. If a private gentleman, in Cheshire England, about the year 1730, had not been overturned in his carriage; it is possible, that the United States, instead of being a free Republic, might have remained a dependent colony: that gentleman-was Augustus Washington, who was thus thrown out of his carriage, into the company of a lady, who afterwards became his wife, emigrated with him to Virginia, and, in 1732, became the mother-of General Washington

282. EXAMPLES OF EMPHASIS BY STRESS. 1. It is not so easy to hide our faults, as to confess and avoid them. 2. Never attempt to raise yourself, by depreciating the merits of others. 3. As fools-make a mock at sin, so do the ignorant-often make a mock at knowledge. 4. They are generally most ridiculous themselves, who see most to ridicule in others. 5. Wherever education is neglected,-depravity, and every kind of action, that degrades mankind, are most frequent. 6. The first three volumes; not, the three first volumes; there is only one-first. 7. The first three, and the last two verses; not, the three first, and two last. 8. To be trulyhappy, man must be good, and renounce such enjoyments as are grounded in the love of evil. 9. There is a natural body, and there Varieties. 1. Did mankind fall suddenis a spiritual body. 10. Flesh-and blood-ly, or by degrees? 2. While freedom-is true cannot inherit the kingdom of God.

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Laconies. When we see birds, at the approach of rain, anointing their plumage with oil-to shield off the drops, should it not remind us, when the storms of contention threaten us, to apply the oil of for bearance, and thus-prevent the chilling drops from entering our hearts?

to itself, every one becomes subject to it; and even its adversaries are instruments in its hands. 3. The preservation of health--depends, principally, on proper diet, early retiring, and early rising, temperance in eat

283. RULE. Emphasize the important word, or words, with such a degree and kind of stress, or expulsive prolongation of sound, as to convey the entire sense and feeling, in the best manner, and give each idea its rela-ing, and drinking, proper exercise, and pertive importance. Example and definition. Emphasis is the index of my meaning, and shows more exactly, what I wish the hearers to attend to-particularly." Indeed, it is to the mind what the finger is to the eye: when we wish a person to see any thing, we naturally point to it: thus, are the manifestations of the mind made by the emphasis, or pointing of the voice.

They are sleeping! Who are sleeping?
Mortals, compassed round with woe,-
Eyelids, wearied out with weeping,

Close for very weakness now:
And that short relief from sorrow,
Harassed nature-shall sustain,
Till they wake again-to-morrow,
Strengthened-to contend with pain!

fect cleanliness. 4. By a vicious action, we injure our mind, as we should our body, by drinking poison, or inflicting a wound upon it. 5. What is liberty? Willing, thinking, speaking, and doing--what we understand, provided, we violate no law, or principle 6. Mental pleasures-never cloy; unlike those of the body, they are increased by repe tition, approved by reason, and strengthene by enjoyment. 7. Evil action, contrivance and speech, is but the manifestation of the nature of evil; and that it should be made manifest, is consistent with divine inten tions.


The brilliant gift of heaven; 'tis reason's self.
The kin-to Deity.

284. EMPHASIS. There are only two ways of making emphasis, but as many ways of exhibiting it, as there are pitches, qualities, and modifications of voice-in Speech and Song: all of which are very simple, and a knowledge of them easily acquired, by the persevering student. In every sentence, there is a word, or words, on which the sense depei.ds, as the body on the heart; the voice and gestures, only, can exhibit it. Emphasis, not only illustrates, but often amplifies the sense of the author; and that is the best emphasis, which does this the most effectively; indeed, there are times when, through the emphasis, one may make words mean-more than they were designed to mean by the author.

285. EMPHASIS by expulsive stress. 1. He who cannot bear a joke-should never give one. 2. Avoid a slanderer, as you would a scorpion. 3. A wager—is a fool's argument. 4. He that is past shame, is past hope. 5. What is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. 6. Men of principle, ought to be principal men. 7. Aim at nothing higher, till you can read and speak, deliberately, clearly, and distinctly, and with proper emphasis: all other graces will follow. 8. The head, without the heart, is like a steam engine, without a boiler. 9. As love--thinks no evil, so envy -speaks no good. 10. Variety, delights; and perfection, delights in variety.

Proverbs. 1. It is a fraud-to conceal fraud. 2., Never-attempt to do two things at once. 3. He, laborsin acin, who endeavors to please every body. 4. To the resolute and persevering—nothing is difficult. 5. Thieves-are game for the penitentiary, and often, for the gallows. 6. Kindness-begets kindness, and love-begets love. 7. The drop-hollows the stone, not by its force, but by falling often on the same spot. 8. A man who aspires to be an orator, must study by night, as well as by day. 9. There is no sauce equal to a good appetite. 10. To wicked persons-the vir tue of others-is always a subject of envy. 11. A man would not be alone, even in paradise. 12. Weigh right, if you sell dear.

Anecdote. Dr. Johnson-observed to Macklin, in a sneering manner, that literary men-should converse in the learned languages; and immediately addressed the dramatist in Latin; after which, Macklin-uttered a long sentence in Irish. The Doctor again returned to the English tongue, saying, "You may speak very good Greek; but I am not sufficiently versed in that dialect—to converse with you fluently.”

Of Dress, &c. A creature, who spends its time in dressing, gaming, prating, and gadding, is a being originally, indeed, of the rational make; but who has sunk itself beneath its rank, and is to be considered, at present, as nearly on a level with the monkey-species.

286. MUSIC. The cultivation, and frequent Varieties. 1. What was the design of practice of music, in schools of every grade, will God, in making man? 2. How absurd, to have a strong, and decidedly beneficial influ- have half a dozen children, with different disence on the habits of the pupils. By using positions, and capabilities, and yet, give them the same words, and singing the same pieces all-the same education! 3. Are not bigotin concert, their thoughts will be directed in ry, and intolerance--as destructive to o the same channel, and their affections eleva- rality, as they are to common sense? 4. ted together; and they will naturally be led Observations, made in the cloister, or in the into closer association and sympathy with desert, will generally be as obscure--as the each other. Well chosen music may be made one, and barren--as the other; to become an efficient auxiliary, guiding and controlling orators, or painters, we must study originals. the feelings and actions in the school-room, 5. Which side of a pitcher has the handle? and contribute essentially, to the proper man- The outside, of course. 6. If a book really agement of its concerns. It was in accord-needs the patronage of a great man; it is a ance with this principle, that a certain poet bad book; and if it be a good book, it does wisely said, "Let me make the songs of the not need it. 7. To sow the seeds of ordernation, and I care not who makes its laws." we must be just; and so, also, to water them; but beware that self--enter not into the a tion.

287. GEOGRAPHY-comprises a general description of the earth; and, especially of the nations, by which it is inhabited, in reference to their position and extent; their productions and resources; their institutions and improvements; their manners and customs; including the subject of statistics, voyages, and travels. It is a term, that admits of almost indefinite extension; for in describing a nation, allusion must be made to its language, laws, religion, arts, and literature; end in treating of the earth, and its producKons, we may include the whole range of the przysical sciences.

True love-is never idle.

Before the gate there sat,

On either side, a formidable shape.
The one seemed woman--to the waist, and fair,
But ended foul, in many a scaly fold,
With mortal stings.
Voluminous and vast ;-a serpent arm'd

The other shape,

If shape it might be call'd, that shape had none,
Or substance might be call'd, that shadow seemed
For each seem'd each, black it stood as night,
Fierce as ten furies,-terrible as hell,
And shook a dreadful dart.

You think this cruel; take it for a rule,
No creature--smarts so little-as a fool.

288. Remember that Emphasis is to Proverbs. 1. Wisdom-excelleth folly, ag words, in a senterice what accent is to letters much as light excels darkness. 2. Opinion is or syllables, ma word; and, as proper ac-free; and conduct alone-amenable to the law. cent-on a right vowel, will impart an impe- 3. Some--affect to despise-what they do not untus to the voice, in going through the word; derstand. 4. In trying to avoid one danger, we so, true emphasis on the same, will give an sometimes fall into another. 5. Decency-is the impetus in delivering the sentence, so as to natural characteristic of virtue, and the deco ultimate the end you have in view. Again, tive coloring of vice. 6. Never despair; speak the length of long vowel sounds, in emphatic the commanding word, "I WILL," and it is done. 7. Never chase a lie; for if you keep quiet, truth words, is, to the same vowels, in accented words, what accented long ones are, -will eventually overtake it. 8. A punctual to unaccented long ones: similar observations might doubtful credit. 9. Persons of fashion, starve man, is rarely a poor man; and never—a man of be made in reference to force--on emphatic their happiness, to feed their vanity; and their short vowels, and accented and unaccented love, to feed their pride. 10. There is a great difference--between repeating a maxim, or proverb, and a practical observance of it. 11. Disenses-are the interest of sensual pleasures. 12. The half is often better than the whole. 13. Justice-should rule over all.

short ones.

289. The various effects, produced by changing the seat of Emphasis, from one word to another, may be seen in the following sentence, of emphatic memory; provided it be read according to the notation. "Will you ride to town to-day?" That is: will you ride, or will you not? "Will you ride to town to-day?" That is: will you ride, or will you send some one. "Will you ride to town to-day?" That is: will you ride, or walk? "Will you ride to town to-day?" That is will you ride to town, or will you ride somewhere else? "Will you ride to town to-day?" That is: will you ride to town to-day, or to-morrow; or, next week? By using other modifications of voice, as many shades of meaning may be given, even to this short sentence, as there are letters in it.

290. APPLICATION. It is incredible, how much may be accomplished by diligence, and industry. The present state of the world, enlightened by the arts and sciences, is a living proof, that difficulties, seemingly insuperable, may finally be overcome. This consideration ought to stimulate us to industry and application. We do not know our own strength, till we try it; nor to what extent our abilities will carry us, till we put them to the test. Those who want resolution, often desist from useful enterprises, when they have more than half effected their purposes: they are discouraged by difficulties and disappointments, which ought rather to excite their ardor, and cause them to redouble their efforts to succeed.

Anecdote. While Athens-was governed by the thirty tyrants, Socrates, the philosopher, was ordered to assist in seizing one Leon, a man of rank and fortune, whom they determined to put out of the way, that they might enjoy his estate; but Socrates positively refused: saying, "I will not wilingly assist in an unjust act." "Dost thou think," (said one of them,) "to talk in this high tone, and not to suffer ?" "Far from it," replied he; "I expect to suffer a thousand ills; but none so great-as to do unjustly,'

Bigots. Bigots, who are violent, positive, and intolerant, in their religious tenets, ought to feel very much humbled, when they reflect, that they would have been equally so for any other religion, had it been the religion of their parents, or of the country in which they had been born and educated.

Varieties. 1. Why is a tale-bearer-like a brick-layer? Because he raises stories. 2. When you have nothing to say, say nothing; for a weak defence-strengthens your opponent: and silence-is better than a bad reply. 3. We might enjoy much peace, and happiness, if we would not busy ourselves, with what others say and do. 4 Never think of yourself, when reading, speaking, or singing; but of your subject; and avoid an artificial, and grandiloquent style of delivery 5. It is not enough to be left to the tuition of Nature, unless we know what lessons she teaches. 6. Morals-too often come from the pulpit, in the cold abstract; but men smart under them when good lawyers are the preachers. 7. When we become perfect in consequence of it, we are accountable for ly rational, and act wholly from ourselvesall our actions, and they are then imputed to us, if evil,—but not before.

Where the gentle streamlets flow,
Where the morning dew-drops glow,
Where the zephyrs-wing their flight,
In the cool and welcome night,
Whispering through the fragrant grove
To the heart, that "God is love,"
Where the light cloud skims the sky,
Worship! "God is passing by!"
Hoary forest, rugged rock,
Roaring torrents, earthquake's shock,
Mighty tempests, lightning's glare,
Ocean, raging in despair,
And the desert-lone and drear,
Wake the soul of man to fear;
And when thunder rends the sky,
Tremble! "God is passing ""

Proverbs. 1. Temperance-ard inten. erance reward, and punish themselves. 2. Riches-are servants to the wise,-but tyrants o fools. 3. None can be great, who have ceased to be virtuous. 4. Money--does no good, till it is distributed. 5. If you have one true friend, think yourself happy. 6. Silks, and satins, often put out the kitchen fire. 7. Hunger-looks into the working man's house; but dare not enter. 8. When the well is dry, people

291. EMPHASIS. If your articulation, and pronunciation, be clear and correct, and you are free from all unnatural tones, and other bad habits, nothing can prevent your succeeding in this important art, if you perfect yourself in Emphasis: hence, the reason of dwelling on the subject so long, and of giving such a variety of examples. But rememɔer, that books, rules, teachers, or all combined, cannot make orators of you, with-man, as well as tires him. 10. For the evidence of cut you throw your whole heart and soul truth, look at the truth itself. 11. Better go away into the exercises, and let your zeal be ac-longing, than loathing. 12. Of saving-cometh cording to knowledge. Become independent having. 13. God-never made a hypocrite. of your book, and speak from memory, as soon as possible; then, you will be left to the promptings and guidance of your own mind, and become free.

know the worth of water. 9. Business-makes a

Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Habits of literary conversation, and still more, habits of extempore discussion in a popular assembly, are peculiarly useful in giving us 292. 1. Men live, and prosper, but in mu-a ready and practical command of our know tual trust,' and confidence of one another's ledge. There is much good sense in the foltruth. 2. Those, who are teaching our youth lowing aphorism of Bacom: "Reading makes -to read with science and effect, are doing full man, writing a correct man, and speak much to increase the power, and extend the ing a ready man." influence of standard authors.

Peace-is the happy, natural state of man;
War-his corruption, and disgrace.

To native genius-would you prove a friend!
Point out his faults—and teach him how to mend.

Let us

Act with prudence, and with manly temper,
As well as manly firmness;

Tis God-like magnanimity-to keep,


Varieties. 1. Through an affected contempt-for what some call little things, many remain ignorant-of what they might easily know. 2. A harmless hilarity, and buoyant cheerfulness-are not unfrequent concomi tants of genius; and we are never more de ceived, than when we mistake gravity-for greatness, solemnity-for science, and pom

When most provoked, our reason-calm, and clear. posity for erudition. 3. It is better to have

Notes. The ancients very properly called man a microcosm, or little world. But what were this world-without a sun, to impart to it light and heat? Of what use the body-without the soul? Of what use the house, without the inhabitant? and of what use words, without thought and feeling? And of what

ase are all these, if they cannot be made manifest? The body
is the mind's servant, and depends on its care, as the mind itself
does on the Father of mind. Body, and soul-are best taken care
of, when both are minded together.

293. ARCHITECTURE-teaches the art of building; and is one of the most useful, as well as ancient, of all the arts: it demands much more attention, than it has ever received; especially, in this country: and many -would save time, labor and money, and have better houses, as to comfort and appearance, if they would make themselves acquainted with this important art. Most persons will find it much to their benefit, to call upon an architect, when about to erect a building of importance.

Anecdote. King James I., of England, went out of his way one day, to hear a noted preacher. The clergyman, seeing the king enter, left his text-to declaim against swearing; for which vile practice-the king was notorious. After service, the king thanked him for his sermon; and asked him, what connection swearing had with his text. The minister replied, "Since your majesty came out of your way, thro' curiosity, I could not, in compliance, do less than go out of mineto meet you."

recourse to a quack, who can cure our dis-
ease, tho' he cannot explain it, than to one
who can explain, but cannot cure it. 4. Ear-
ly rising-not only gives us more life, in the
same number of years, but adds to the num-
ber; and not only enables us to enjoy more
of existence, in the same measure of time, but
increases also their measure. 5. For his
honesty, there was no winter in't; an au-
tumn 'twas, that grew the more, by reaping
6. Let us admire the results of truth, while
we ascend to the source of truth. 7. Look
first inwardly, for the coming of the Lord,
and of his kingdom; and when certainly
found there, then look in outward nature, for
a harmony agreeing with it; but not before.
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead, that slumbers,

And things are not-what they seem.
Life is real! Life is earnest!

And the grave-is not its goal;
Dust thou art, to dust returnest,
Was not spoken-of the soul.
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,
Is our destined end or way;
But to act, that each to-morrow

Finds us farther than to-day.
Let us, then, be up and doing,

With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor, and to wait

294. EMPHASIS -is sometimes exhibited Proverbs. 1. Many, who possess much, enby changing the seat of accent. 1. What is joy but little. 2. Never sound the trumpet of your done, cannot be undone. 2. If he did not do own fame. 3. Faction-is the banc of society. it directly, he did it indirectly. 3. There are 4. Religious contention-is Satan's harvest. 5 probably as many invisible as visible things. Sell not virtue to purchase wealth. 6. The dis4. Did he act honestly, or dishonestly? 5. course of flatterers, is like a rope of honey. 7. There is a difference between giving, and for- take-no more than you can perform. 9. Value a Truth may languish, but it never dies. 8. Undergiving. 6. Does he speak distinctly, or in- good conscience more than praise. 10. We are distinctly? 7. Better be untaught than ill-bound to be honest, but not to be rich. 11. He is taught; and better be alone, than in bad company. 8. He that ascended, is the same as he that descended. 9. Pure religion raisee men above themselves; irreligion-sinks them to the brute. 10. Similitude-joins; dissimilitude-separates.

295. EMPHASIS by changing the seat of accent, in words of the same structure, and of different structure, to convey the full meaning. 1. To do, and to un-do-is the common business of the world. 2. Reason, truth, and virtue-are the proper measures of praise, and dis-praise. 3. Mind, and voice -act, and re-act upon one another. 4. We may have sen-sibility without manifesting irritability. 5. Some things are con-venient; while others are in-convenient. 6. It is necessary to observe the division, and the subdivision. 7. In the suitableness or un-suitableness, in the proportion or dis-proportion, which the desire bears to the cause, and the object, consists the propriety, or im-propriety, the de-cency, or in-decency-of the consequent action.

296. DYSPEPSIA. Many persons of the present day do not chew their food like a man, but bolt it whole, like a boa-constrictor: they neither take the trouble to dissect, nor the time to masticate it. It is no wonder they lose their teeth, for they rarely use them; and their power of digestion, for they exhaust it by overeating. They load their stomachs, as a drayman does his cart, as full as it will nold, and as fast as they can pitch it in; and then complain that their load is too heavy.

267. Zo-OL-O-Gr. Almost every child-is a naturalist: hence, among the earliest plays or childhood, the observation of the habits of different animals, holds a prominent place. How delighted are they with dogs, cats, calves, lambs, sheep, oxen, and horses! What a pity, that so much pains should be taken in an imperfect education, to sever their young minds from these interesting objects; so well calculated to induce close observation, and open new fountains in the youthful mind! But how greatly are these studies increased in value, by adding the treasures of Botany, and Mineralogy, beautiful flowers, and precious stones! What a glorious world, and how admirably designed-to aid in the development of body and mind.

Eye nature's walks, shoot folley, as it flies,
And catch the manners-living, as they rise.

idle, that might be better employed. 12. The more laws-the more offenders.

stage-was once stopped by a highwayman, Anecdote. Sailor and Highwayman. A who, being informed by the driver, that there were no inside passengers, and only one on the outside, and he a sailor,-the robber proceeded to exercise his functions upon the bold and honest tar; when, waking him up, Jack demanded to know what he wanted: to which the son of plunder replied,—" Your money;" "You shan't have it," says Jack. "No 2" rejoined the robber, "then I'll blow your brains out." "Blow away, then; I may as well be without brains, as without money Drive on, coachee!"

Independence. Always form your own opinion of a person, and never allow another, even your most intimate friend, to judge for you; as he may not have half the power of discriminating character, that you yourself possess. Never allow yourself to be talked out of any thing-against your better judg ment; nor talked into any thing; unless you see clearly, that the reasons advanced-arg more powerful than your own.

Varieties. 1. If your principles are false,
no apology can make them right; if founded
in truth, no censure can make them wrong.
2. Do your best to do your best, and what
you lack in power, supply with will. 3. Ev-
ery plant that is produced, every child that is
born, is a new idea; a fresh expression of the
wisdom and goodness of our Creator. 4.
When I see a tight laced girl, or woman, I
think,--well, there goes another fool. 5. Can
one passion, though it predominate, act with-
out assistance of the other passions? 6. The
state of the three kingdoms in nature, speak
the same at all times; as also the state of ev-
ery nation, and what is passing in it; all
these things are a language, as are
many smaller particulars, tho' attended by
There wil come,

Alike, the day of trial-unto all,
And the rude world-will buffet us alike:
Temptation-hath a music-for all ears;
And mad ambition-trumpeteth to all,
And ungovernable thought, within,
Will be in every bosom-eloquent:
But, when the silence-and the calm come on
And the high seal-of character-is set,
We shall not all e similar.

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