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"Melancholy mark'd him for her own."

In many of his letters he is a successful imitator of the manner of the last mentioned poet, in his humorous poetical epistle to the Rev. John Newton. The following is an example selected from many. It is an answer to a letter which he had received from his father by the preceding post.

"My very dear father, whose voice I had rather, at any time hear, than partake of such 'cheer, as victuals and beer; and whose letters excite, such a flow of delight, as the name of my sire, must always inspire, which sickness nor age, shall ever assuage, and which death shall withstand, when his cold iron hand, shall bid me depart, and strike with his dart, transfixing the heart. Your advices so kind, shall be stor'd in my mind, and my conduct direct, in ev'ry respect; for folly and youth, shall listen to truth, while mem'ry shall rest, and act in my breast. But the counsels you've given, to lead me to heaven, so useful and true, you need not renew, they long have been known, and can ne'er be o'erthrown, though sophists agree, that religion must be, such fanciful stuff, as no one enough, of the learned and wise, can ever despise. And though in a word, your letters afford, an agreeable treat, yet bitter and sweet, may frequently meet; and we often have found, that the same spot of ground, can yield what is good, to be eaten as food, and likewise produce, what is unfit for use. Then let me inquire, why you always desire, some causes to name, by which you may blame, that silence of mine, which without a design, may have griev'd or offended, though by no means intended, and from whence you could find, a conclusion unkind, by way of retort, my feelings to hurt, whene'er your intent, is to make me repent.

No. 37.-Vol. IV.



My muse is but slow, and the numbers

which flow, are grov'ling and low, whilst you phantly ride, on Parnassus's side, where the your car, travel swiftly and far, and trium

muses reside, and its summit behold, so famous of old: from hence may you rise, to dwell in the skies, for your muse shall descry, with her bright piercing eye, and point you and God. A speedy reply, will much gratify, the road, to the blissful abode, of your Father Thomas Hawkey Treffry." Page 38.

The correspondence between the father and the son is highly honorable to both. In the former we behold the union of affection, and wisdom, and prudence, and a serious and anxious solicitude for Thomas's welfare in both

worlds; and in the latter, deep filial piety, manifesting itself on all occasions; in soliciting advice in difficulties, and in promptly adopting it, and making it the rule of his conduct. Nor was he less affectionate as a brother than obedient as a child. His solicitude for the reputation, comfort, and salvation, of his brother, appear in words which burn," in a letter beginning on page 85, of which the following is an extract.

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Falmouth, March 16, 1821.


"I find from your last letter sent home that you have desisted from meeting in class and here I must say a few words. To serve God, to love his people, to support his cause, to advance his kingdom, I have ever considered my most indispensable duty.-But the business is, between you and me, on the subject of your renouncing Methodism. Why have you done it? Do you consider it disgraceful? Then farewell!" Do you suppose, by excluding yourself from the society, to escape the imputation of being a Methodist? If you do, you are grievously deceived. Are you ashamed to have it taunted upon you, that you are a Methodist? Then I pity you. Do you suppose that your leaving the society will make you at all more respected? I can assure you it will not; on the contrary, your abjuration will be a much severer scoff upon your want of resolution, and your cowardice, than ever your profession of religion could have been. Is your conduct to be accounted for on rational principles? I am rather disposed to apprehend, that carelessness, negligence, or a decay of genuine piety, has been the origin of your conduct.

"When religion has left you, it is indeed of little consequence, whether or not you renounce your connection entirely with a body of professing Christians: and when once the outworks are demolished, farewell to every hope, either of internal peace, or external security. O consider, to what fatal lengths the indulgence and increasing influence of that religious indifference and insensibility will conduct you.-Rouse yourself from this dream of inaction, this delusion of sin;-reason, duty, character, piety, and prudence, all call upon N

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When he left Mr. Horner, he returned to his father, then in Cornwall, where he devoted his attention chiefly to literary pursuits, having no taste for company, and much less for the fashionable follies of the age. During this time he wrote several essays under the title of the Moralizer, eight of which have already adorned our pages; essays which, when it is remembered that they were written by a youth under 18, discover a degree of learning, and genius, and talent, which are never to be met with in ordinary minds.

In the month of January, 1821, he opened a school in Falmouth, where his prospects appear to have been flattering. But in a little time his health began to fail, and on April the 19th he departed this life, in the joyful hope of a blissful immortality. The account of his latter end is one of the most affecting and interesting we ever remember to have read: and though it is long, we cannot deprive ourselves of the gratification of laying it before our readers.


Thursday, April 19th. The day now dawned which was to terminate his earthly course. No hope, I found, now remained-I gave vent to my feelings by a gush of tearsWhat could I do? to impart to him the awful secret would be to agitate his sinking frame, and increase the virulence of the disorder: but to keep him in ignorance of his state, and see him hurried into eternity, unconscious of his immediate danger, I could not bear. I hesitated for a moment-the sentiments of the poet had long been familiar to me :

"Truth is deposited with man's last hour, An honest hour, and faithful to her trust.' "I felt their force, and made up my mind,I returned to his room, and with palpitating heart, and a flood of tears, I tremblingly told him we must part, that the doctors could do no more for him, that his death was inevitable, and in a few hours he would be in eternity. For a moment he gazed at me with a fixed astonishment; it was a look I shall never forget, it seemed to speak unutterable things, and in effect to say, 'God is now my only refuge, but I must not, cannot die, without a sense of bis favour"-and to him his soul instantly turned; and rousing all his dormant energies, he cried mightily to God for a knowledge of salvation by the remission of sins.--Never did I witness such a scene. He wept, he prayed, he pleaded with God, he reproached him

self for his lukewarmness, he deplored his mental backslidings; his sufferings were all forgotten; and his soul seemed totally absorbed in seeking to secure the salvation of God; whilst his mother and I kneeled beside his bed, and mingled our prayers and tears with his. I could not doubt that the Lord Jesus would receive his spirit, but I felt reluctant to let him go, until he himself could witness a good confession; and leave the world with a sare and certain hope of a blissful immortality. He had, indeed, a hope of heaven, but he looked so much at himself, and had such a deep sense of his great unworthiness, that sometimes his fears predominated, and his hensions. From a conviction that faith in the mind appeared oppressed with gloomy appreSon of God is essential to salvation, and that while our attention is turned wholly on ourselves, we shall be more inclined to despair than to believe; I endeavoured to direct his mind to the Saviour of sinners, and to bring to his recollection the agony and bloody sweat, the cross and passion,' of our Lord Jesus Christ, who bore our sins in his own body upon the tree." I told him of the infinite compassion, displayed by the Saviour in his murderers; and that as his nature is unthe days of his flesh-that he prayed even for changeable, he could not be unwilling to receive him into the arms of his mercy; that even those gracious desires, and ardent breathings of soul, which he felt for the presence and love of God, were indubitable evidences that he was not "far from the kingdom of God." These truths seemed like balm to his wounded mind. He then said, Lord, I will dare to believe in thee, I will trust in thy mercy; I know thou canst save such a poor sinner as I am, and I believe thou art willing to save me. O! save me now, reveal thyself in my heart; I will not let thee go, unless thou O bless bless me thou wilt not cast me out.


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me, and bless me now.' About four o'clock it pleased God to answer his prayers, and to reveal his love in his heart: his fears totally subsided, and a cloudless prospect of endless blessedness beamed brightly before his eyes. The change was visible in his countenance, and he repeatedly said, 'He hath loved me, and given himself for me." Soon after, he repeated

'Tis love, tis love, thou died'st for me,
I hear thy whisper in my heart;
The morning breaks, the shadows flee,
Pure, universal love thou art;
To me, to all, thy bowels move,
Thy nature, and thy name, is Love.'

"His countenance beamed with tranquillity, and was often brightened by a smile:he now conversed with great freedom of his last change; but death was disarmed of his sting, and the grave of its terrors. When I told him that he had the start of us, and would soon reach the goal: but you,' said he, will soon follow me.'---' Your poor mother, especially,' said she. Yes, said he, with a smile of approbation, and

O what a happy meeting there,
In robes of white array'd;
Palms in our hands, we all shall bear,
And crowns upon our heads."

In this heavenly frame he continued "till about half-past nine o'clock, when he was suddenly seized with a convulsive struggle, and in a moment ceased to breathe." (From pages 101 to 110.)

Such was the closing scene of this lovely youth, whose talents promised to be a blessing and an ornament to society, but who, by the Supreme | Governor of the universe, as the mind began to unfold its treasures, was summoned to quit this world of darkness, sorrow, and death, and to ascend to those "climes of bliss," where every mystery shall be unravelled, and where his inquiring spirit shall "know even as it is known.'

The Appendix contains two sermons, thirty-two sketches of sermons, fifteen essays, a translation of a Latin ode, a poetical epistle, and an unfinished tale, entitled Atlantica, which appears to be an imitation of Dr. Johnson's Prince of Abyssinia. These will all be read with interest; and, except by the fastidious critic, who will make no allowance for the immaturity of youth, with pleasure too; and many of them, especially by our juvenile readers, with considerable profit. We do not affirm that they are perfect models of composition,-this were too much to expect from any youth, however extraordinary,-but we hesitate not to recommend them as the productions of a superior and cultivated mind, and as containing sentiments which tend to purify and elevate the soul, and these generally expressed in language both chaste and manly, and at an equal distance from the grovelling and the false sublime.

We are happy to find that the first edition of this interesting volume was sold in about three months from its publication, and we doubt not that the present will also soon be disposed of. We most cordially recommend it to all those parents who feel interested in the intellectual and religious improvement of their children; and to all young people who earnestly desire the cultivation of their minds and hearts, as a work eminently calculated to facilitate both. It will form a valuable addition to the lives of James Hay Beattie, Gilpin, and Spencer, and ought to occupy a place on the biographical shelf of every young person of genuine taste and sterling piety.

SCIENCE, &c. &c.

Fire Shield.-Mr. Ralph Buckley, of New York, has invented and obtained a patent for a fire shield. It is intended to protect firemen whilst employed in extinguishing fires, but particularly designed to prevent fire from spreading. It is made of a metallic substance, thin, light, and impervious to heat; it is of a length and breadth sufficient to cover the whole person, and it may be used in several different positions.

Meteor.-A most beautiful meteorological phenomenon was witnessed lately at Brighton. It was a swift shooting luminous ball, which continued perfect a few seconds, and then assuming the appearance of a fine large sky-rocket, became gradually dissolved amidst a widespreading shower of splendid sparkling fire.

Spade and Plough Husbandry.---In the neighbourhood of Hamilton, an experiment was made last year, to try the difference between the spade and the plough. A field was taken, which was in beans in 1820, and oats the year before; two ridges were dug, and two ploughed, alternately, and the whole was sown on the same day; a part both on the ploughed and dug being drilled with the garden hoe: the whole was reaped in the same day; and being thrashed out, the result was, that the dug sown broadcast was to the ploughed sown broadcast as 55 to 42. The dug and drilled was as 20 to 124, upon the ploughed and drilled. The additional grain is not the only beneficial result gained by digging, as in this instance there was also a great deal more straw. The land is free of weeds, and will be more casily fallowed this year.

Magnetism. The Prussian State Gazette mentions a highly important discovery, which Dr. Seebeck had communicated to the Academy of Sciences, at Berlin, in three different sittings.

It was on the magnetic properties inherent in all metals, and many earths (and not in iron only, as was supposed) according to the difference of the degrees of heat. This discovery, it is added, opens an entirely new field in this department of natural philosophy, which may lead to interesting results with respect to hot

springs, connected with the observations made by the inspector of mines (M. Von Trebra,) and others, relative to the progressive increase of warmth in mines, in proportion to their depths.

Ventilation of Rooms.-Mr. Perkins has suggested an improved mode of ventilating and warming rooms. It consists in introducing a column of cold air immediately at the back of the stove, and by this means, a large portion of the heat, usually wasted or misapplied, is equally diffused over the room. The greater the quantity of air which is made to strike against and pass by the stove, the greater is the quantity of heat given out by it. It will not, however, work to good advantage when the room is air tight; and to remedy this evil, it is advisable to pierce an aperture in the ceiling, or by opening a door in an adjoining apartment produce the necessary


Vegetation. A fig-tree, seven and a half feet high, with a stem five and a half inches in circumference, is growing luxuriantly in the hot-house of the botanic garden of Edinburgh, completely suspended from the ground, and without a particle of earth to nourish it. Water is thrown over it every day.

New Hydraulic Machine.-M. Henry, an engineer of the French royal corps of roads and bridges, has presented to the Academy of Sciences a plan for a new hydraulic machine; the object of which is to weigh loaded boats, in the same manner as carriages are weighed, by means of loaded scales. The machine, it is said, will operate under water, without preventing the boats from continuing to float.

Education.-The Lancasterian system has been introduced into many of the principal towns and cities of Italy, as in Naples, Milan, Brescia, Valenza, on the Po, Rivoli, &c. and schools on this plan are establishing in Genoa and Rome.

greater. This fact ought to lead to the practice of tinging paper intended to be printed upon with a slight shade of colouring, which would at once render it more pleasing to the reader, and less subject to be discoloured by age or use.

Danish Literature.-Among the literary novelties of Denmark, one of the most important is a new Journal, entitled Hermoder, which contains both original essays and translations of the most classical and esteemed foreign productions. Another periodical, entitled Blandinger, has been lately established, and contains several valuable articles. In Norway, also, a new Journal has been started; it is published twice a week, and contains not only criticisms on new works, but interesting intelligence respecting the literature of other countries, and biographical sketches of men of learning, and eminent writers.

Picture Cleaning.-The French chemist, Thenard, has rendered an important service to the art of painting, having employed his oxygenated water, with great success, in cleaning old pictures, where the white prepared from lead had become spotted with brown. It is not, perhaps, too much to expect, that the advancement of chemical knowledge will ultimately contribute much to this beautiful art, by furnishing it with more durable materials.

Red Snow.-Snow of a reddish tint has been found in New South Shetland. It appears to owe its colour to some cryptogamic vegetable.

Manufacture of Glass.-M. Westrumb is said to have found, that the salts of potash and soda, deprived of their water of crystallization, answer as well as the pure alkali for the manufacture of glass. In order to make an excellent glass, 24 parts of sulphate of soda are thoroughly dried, and mixed with 8 parts of powdered charcoal, and 16 of good white sand. The mixture must be calcined in the drying oven, until the sulphate is dissipated, and is then put into the pots for fusion.

Printing on Coloured Paper.-Writing or printing of the same strength and body, on a fair white sheet of paper, is less legible, and the eye New Optical Machine.-Signor Amisooner fatigued in reading it, than on ci, professor of Mathematics at the a sheet grown brown by age. A University of Modena, has invented greater quantity of light being reflected an instrument which he calls a catadifrom the white paper, the pupil of the optrical microscope. It is contrived eye contracts so much, as to render for the purpose of viewing objects of vision less distinct, and the effort every description, diaphanous


of the unknown writings of Eunapius, Menander of Byzantium, Priscus, and Peter the Protector. Óf these valuable literary acquisitions, the most copious and important are the fragments of Diodorus Siculus, and Dion, which contain a succinct recital of many of the wars of Rome, and a narrative of the Punic, Social, and Macedonian wars; likewise of those of Epirus, Syria, Gaul, Spain, Portugal, and Persia. He has also discovered several writings of the Greek and Latin fathers, prior to St. Jerome, and other interesting fragments, all which it is his intention to publish.

opake, solid or fluid, without the ne- | these, he has also rescued some parts cessity of dividing them into parts; and consists of a tube placed horizontally, as a telescope, and not vertically, as the common microscope. At one extremity of this tube are several metallic mirrors, which reflect the object through a small hole beneath, corresponding perpendicularly to the glass which carries the object. The latter is moved up and down by a screw, under which a mirror is placed as in other microscopes; and it is easily and instantly magnified or diminished by changing the eye-glasses only. One great advantage attending this improved instrument, is, that any object may be distinctly viewed, although immersed in a liquid, half an inch beneath the surface; which has hitherto been impracticable. A scale has also been contrived, by which the objects are accurately measured.

The Spurs of the Ornithorynchus.— Dr. Traill, of Liverpool, has lately had an opportunity of examining the skins of a male and female ornithorynchus, from New South Wales. The spurs of the male were remarkably strong and sharp, and the perforation in them so extremely minute, that it is not surprising that they escaped the

amined them. The tubes were so fie that they would not receive a horse hair, though they admitted a human one.

Sculpture. The Immhoffs, (father and son,) of Cologne, have recently finished a piece of sculpture of extra-notice of the first naturalists who exordinary magnitude; it is a colossal figure, representing the Angel of Death, and is intended to decorate the burial vault of a family of distinction in that city. The same artists executed the well-known bust of M. Stein, the minister, and they are now employed upon a bas-relief, intended as a monument to his Lady.

Heat produced in the Skin by Chlorine.-Dr. Hare, of Philadelphia, has found, that when the temperature of the air is about 60°, the hand, when immersed in chlorine, experiences a sensation of heat equal to 90° or 100°, even though the common thermometer should not be affected when immersed. Dr. Hare conjectures, "that a sort of chemical action may take place between the gas and the insensible perspiration of the skin, as the power of chlorine in dissolving animal effluvia is well known."

Classical Literature.-M. Maio, the indefatigable philologist, whose labours and researches after the lost writings of the ancients have been duly appreciated, has made some farther discoveries. Among these are several of the mutilated and lost books of Polybius, Diodorus, Dion Cassius, some fragments of Aristotle, Ephorus the historian, Timæus, Hyperides, Demetrius Phalcreus, &c. Besides

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Preservation of Cauliflowers. These vegetables have been preserved two or three months by digging a trench under a wall, eighteen inches wide and deep, laying in the cauliflowers with the stems inclined upwards, and covering the whole in with earth, heaping up the surface in an inclined form, so that the rain should run off.

Preservative against Scarlet Fever.It is announced in the Journal de Medicina Pratique, of Berlin, that the Belladonna is a preservative against this fever. The fact was first discovered at Leipsig, but it has lately been confirmed by several experiments.


THE design of this godlike charity, which was instituted in the year 1813, under the immediate patronage of his Majesty, several branches of the Royal Family, many among the nobility, and dignitaries of the church, is, the support of orphans, whose parents had been in respectable circumstances, but whose fathers have been snatched

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