페이지 이미지

No responsibility for loss, etc.

Further regulations.

Bolivian jurisdiction over parcels passterritory.

liable to deterioration or corruption, they may be destroyed at once, if necessary; or, if expedient, sold, without previous notice or judicial formality, for the benefit of the right person, the particulars of each sale being noticed by one post office to the other.


The Post Office Department of either of the contracting countries will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any parcel. Consequently, no indemnity can be claimed by the sender or addressee in either country.


1. The Director General of Posts of the Republic of Bolivia and the Postmaster General of the United States of America, may, by agreement, except, on account of insecurity in the conveyance, or for other causes, certain post offices in either country from receiving or despatching parcels of merchandise as provided by this Convention; and shall have authority to jointly make such further regulations of order and detail, as may be found necessary to carry out the present Convention from time to time; and may by agreement prescribe conditions for the admission to the mails of any of the articles prohibited by Article II of this Convention.

2. That Bolivia shall assume ing through Peruvian jurisdiction and charge of all parcels between La Paz and Mollendo, i. e. while passing through Peruvian territory.

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diere deteriorarse ó descomponerse podrá destruirse inmediatamente, si esa medida fuere necesaria; ó si se pudiere, se venderá, sin necesidad de aviso previo ó de formalidad judicial, para beneficio de la persona interesada; comunicandoselos detalles de la venta se comunicarán por una oficina de correos á la otra.


El Departamento de Correos de cada uno de los países contratantes, no será responsable por la pérdida ó averia que sufra algun paquete. Por consiguiente no podrá reclamarse, por lo mismo, en ninguno de los dos países, indemnizacion alguna por parte del remitente, ni de la persona á quien vaya dirigido.


1. El Director general de Correos de la República de Bolivia y el Administrador general de Correos de los Estados Unidos de América, pueden convenir en expueden ceptuar algunas oficinas postales de recibir ó despachar paquetes de mercaderías, segun el presente Convenio, por falta de seguridad en la conduccion, ó por otras causas, y tendrán autoridad para hacer de común acuerdo y de tiempo en tiempo, aquellos reglamentos de orden y detalle que crean necesarios para cumplir debidamente las prescripciones de la presente Convencion, así como para establecer la admision en las balijas de cualquiera de los artículos prohibidos por el Artículo II de esta Convencion.

2. Que Bolivia asumirá la jurisdiccion y cargo de todas las encomiendas postales entre La Paz y Mollendo y viceversa al paso por territorio peruano.


Esta Convencion se ratificará por los países contratantes de acuerdo con sus respectivas leyes. Una vez ratificada, comenzará á tener efecto el día primero de Febrero

shall begin on the first day of February one thousand nine hundred and two; and shall continue in force until terminated by mutual agreement, but may be annulled at the desire of either Department, upon six months previous notice given to the other.

Done in duplicate, and signed at La Paz, Bolivia, this thirtieth day of November one thousand nine hundred and one. [SEAL.] [SEAL.]

de mil novecientos dos y continuará
en vigor hasta que se termine por
consentimiento mútuo; pero podrá
anularse, con la notificacion de uno
de los Departamentos de Correos
hecha al otro, con seis meses de

Hecho por duplicado y firmado
en La Paz el día treinta de noviem-
bre del año mil novecientos uno.




Reunidos en el despacho de Relaciones Exteriores Su Excelencia el Señor Federico Diez de Medina, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, y Su Excelencia el Señor George H. Bridgman, Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de los Estados Unidos de América, y teniendo en consideración:

Primero:-Que la Convención relativo al cambio de encomiendas postales firmada en 24 de Abril del año prosimo pasado, contiene varios errores de palabras que es indispensable corregir, á fin de evitar dificultades en la práctica y.

Segundo:-Que no afectando de modo alguno dichos errores al fondo de la Convencion mencionada, no es necesario una segunda aprobación legislativa.

En consequencia, los respectivos Plenipotenciarios han convenido en reproducir con las precisas correcciones la Convencion sobre Encomiendas Postales de fecha 24 de Abril de 1900, suscribiendola de


En fé de lo cual, se firma por duplicado el presente acuerdo, en la ciudad de La Paz, á los 30 días del mes de Noviembre del año de mil novecientos uno.



Being assembled in the office of foreign relations, His Excellency Dr. Federico Diez de Medina, minister of foreign relations, and His Excellency Dr. George H. Bridgman, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, and taking into consideration:

First. That the convention relative to the exchange of postal parcels signed on the twenty-fourth day of April last year contains several errors in the wording which it is necessary to correct in order to avoid difficulties when put into practice; and

Secondly. As said errors do not affect the fundamental meaning of aforesaid convention, there is no necessity of obtaining again the approval of the legislature.

For these reasons, the respective plenipotentiaries have agreed to reproduce the Parcels-Post Convention of the twentyfourth of April, 1900, with the necessary corrections, signing it anew.

In virtue of which the present agreement is signed in duplicate, in the city of La Paz, this thirtieth day of the month of November, of the year one thousand nine hundred and one.

Ratification by the

Having examined and considered the provisions of the aforegoing United States.
Parcels-Post Convention between the United States of America and
the Republic of Bolivia, which was signed in duplicate at La Paz,
Bolivia, on the thirtieth day of November, A. D. 1901, on behalf of
the United States by George A. Bridgman, Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Bolivia,
and on behalf of Bolivia by Federico Diez de Medina, minister of for-
eign relations of Bolivia, the same is by me, by virtue of the powers
vested by law in the Postmaster-General, hereby ratified, by and with
the advice and consent of the President of the United States.

In witness whereof I have signed the same and caused the seal of the
Post-Office Department of the United States to be hereto affixed.
Done at Washington this ninth day of January, A. D. 1902.


Approval by United States.

Approval by Bolivia.

I hereby approve the aforegoing convention, and in testimony thereof
have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto affixed.
By the President:

JOHN HAY, Secretary of State.
WASHINGTON, January 9, 1902.

José Manuel Pando, Presidente Constitucional de la República:
Por cuanto el Congreso Nacional ha sancionado la siguiente ley:
El Congreso Nacional Decreta:

ARTÍCULO 1o. Se aprueba la Convención Postal, para el cambio de encomiendas, que con fecha 24 de Abril del corriente año, se ha firmado en la ciudad de La Paz entre el Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Dr. Eliodoro Villazón y el Enviado Extraordinario v Ministro Plenipotenciario de la República de los E. E. U. U. de Norte América, George H. Bridgman.


ARTÍCULO 2o. El Poder Ejecutivo procederá á canjear las ratificaciones.

Comuníquese al Poder Ejecutivo, para los fines que prescribe la Constitución Política del Estado.

Sala de sesiones del Congreso Nacional en la ciudad de La Paz, á 8 de Noviembre de 1900.

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Portanto, la promulgo para que se tenga y cumpla como ley de la

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José Manuel Pando, Constitutional President of the Republic:
Inasmuch as the National Congress has sanctioned the following law:

The National Congress decrees:

ARTICLE 1. The Postal Convention for the exchange of postal parcels, which was signed on the 24th of April of the current year, in the city of La Paz, by the minister of foreign affairs, Dr. Eliodoro Villazón, and the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of the United States of North America, George H. Bridgman, is approved.

ARTICLE 2. The executive power will proceed to exchange the ratifications.

To be communicated to the executive power for the purposes prescribed by the political constitution of the State.

Hall of sessions of the National Congress, in the city of La Paz, the 8th of November, 1900.

[Here follow signatures.]

I, therefore, promulgate the same in order that it may be held and observed as a law of the Republic.

La Paz, November 13, 1900.


Chief clerk of foreign relations.



Form No. 1.



A parcel addressed as under has been posted here to-day.

Office stamp.

This certificate is given to inform the sender of the posting of a parcel, and does not indicate that any liability in respect of such parcel attaches to the Postmaster General.

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For use of Post-Office only, and to be filled up at the office of exchange: Parcel Bill No.... ..; No. of rates prepaid......

Entry No.....

Form No. 2.

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When more than one sheet is required for the entry of the parcels sent by the mail, it will be sufficient if the undermentioned particulars are entered on the last sheet of the Parcel Bill.

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