페이지 이미지
[blocks in formation]

absence shall be immediately reported by the receiving to the sending office.


Ordinary and registered exchanges, unless the latter be made in through registered pouches, shall be effected in properly sealed



(a) All registered articles, ordinary letters, postal cards, and other manuscript matter, business or commercial papers, books (bound or stitched), proofs of printing, engravings, photographs, drawings, maps, and other articles manifestly of value to the sender, which are not delivered from any cause, shall be reciprocally returned without charge, through the central administrations of the two countries in special packets or sacks marked "Rebuts," after the expiration of the period for their retention required by the laws or regulations of the country of destination; the returned registered articles to be accompanied by a descriptive list, and the special packets or sacks used for returning registered articles to be returned under registration, when registered articles are returned in them.

(b) Fully prepaid letters which bear requests by the senders for their return in case of nondelivery by a certain date, or within a specified time, shall be reciprocally returned, without charge, directly to the dispatching exchange office, at the expiration of the period for their retention indicated in the requests.

(c) Fully prepaid letters bearing on the covers the business cards, the names and addresses of the senders, or designation of places to which they may be returned (as post-office box, street and number,

la lista, notificará su falta inmediatamente á la oficina remitente.


El canje de correspondencia ordinaria y certificada, excepto en el caso de que el último se haga directamente en balijas certificadas, se efectuará en sacos debidamente sellados.


(a) Todos los objetos certificados, cartas ordinarias, tarjetas postales, y otros manuscritos, documentos comerciales ó de negocio, libros (empastados, encuadernados ó cosidos), pruebas de imprenta, grabados, fotografías, dibujos, mapas y otros objetos de manifiesto valor para el remitente, que no se entreguen por cualquiera causa, serán recíprocamente devueltos sin estipendio alguno, por conducto de las Administraciones centrales de los dos países, en paquetes ó sacos especiales marcados "Rebuts," después de que expire el término de su retención exigido por las leyes ó reglamentos del país de su destino. Los objetos certificados que se devuelvan irán acompañados de una lista descriptiva de los mismos, y los paquetes ó sacos especiales que se usen para la devolución de los objetos certificados, se devolverán cuando contengan algunos de los objetos rezagados que hayan sido certificados.

(b) Las cartas totalmente franqueadas con el ruego por parte de los que las envían de que se devuelvan en caso de que no se entreguen dentro de cierta fecha, ó dentro de un período de tiempo especificado, serán recíprocamente devueltas sin recargo alguno directamente á la oficina de canje remitente, al expirar el plazo de su retención indicado en el ruego.

Sealed sacks,

Return of nondelivered articles.

Return of prepaid letters.

If requested.

Having address of

(c) Las cartas totalmente franqueadas que lleven en sus cubiertas senders, etc. las razones sociales ó los nombres ó direcciones de los remitentes, ó la designación de lugares adonde puedan devolverse, como apartado

[blocks in formation]

continue in force until terminated by mutual agreement, or annulled at the instance of the Post-Office Department of either country, upon six months previous notice given to the other.

vigencia hasta que se denuncie de
común acuerdo ó se terinine la in-
stancia de cualesquiera de los dos
países, previa una notificación
hecha al otro con seis meses de

Done in duplicate, and signed at Washington the 19th day of June one thousand nine hundred and five.


Postmaster-General of the United States of America.

Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario

de Panamá en los Estados Unidos de América.


The foregoing Convention between the United States of America Approval. and Panama has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and

consent, and is hereby approved and ratified.

In testimony whereof, I have caused the Seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed.


By the President:


Acting Secretary of State,

WASHINGTON, June 19th, 1905.


The undersigned, George B. Cortelyou, Postmaster-General of the Ratification United States of America, and J. D. de Obaldia, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama at Washington, having met for the purpose of exchanging the ratifications of the Postal Convention concluded between the United States of America and the Republic of Panama and signed at Washington June 19th, 1905, and having carefully compared the ratifications of said Convention and found them exactly conformable to each other, the exchange took place this day in the usual form.

In witness whereof, they have signed the present protocol of exchange. and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done at Washington this 19th day of June, one thousand nine hundred and five.




Postmaster-General of the United States of America.


Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from
the Republic of Panama to the United States of America.

July 19, 1905.

Amendment to postal convention. Ante, p 2879.

New paragraph.

Classification and rates of postage, etc. Ante, p. 2880.


Amendment to the postal convention between the United States and Panama, of June, 1905.

For the purpose of perfecting the Postal Convention between the United States of America and the Republic of Panama, signed at Washington on the 19th of June, 1905; the undersigned, George B. Cortelyou, Postmaster-General of the United States of America, and J. D. de Obaldía, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Panama, in the exercise of powers duly conferred upon them, have agreed upon the following amendment to said Postal Convention:

Add to Article 1 of the Convention the following paragraph:

"(c) The classification of, and the rates of postage and the registration fee to be levied and collected upon, mail matter originating in either country and addressed to the other, shall be in accordance with the domestic laws and regulations of the country of origin: provided, that the rates of postage and registration fees so levied shall not exceed in either country the minimum rates of postage and registration fee prescribed for articles of a like nature, by the Articles of the Universal Postal Convention which is in force."

Done in duplicate and signed at Washington the 19th day of July, one thousand nine hundred and five.



Con el propósito de perfeccionar la Convención Postal entre la República de Panamá y los Estados Unidos de América, firmada en Washington el día 19 de Junio de 1905, los que abajo firman, J. D. de Óbaldía, Enviado Extraordi nario y Ministro Plenipotenciario de Panamá, y George B. Cortelyou, Administrador General de Correos de los Estados Unidos de América, ejerciendo poderes debidamente conferidos á ellos, han convenido en la siguiente enmienda á dicho Convenio Postal:

Agreguese al Artículo 1 de la Convención el siguiente parágrafo:

"(c) La clasificación, el porte y el derecho de certificación que se exijan y recauden sobre objetos trasmitidos en las balijas que se originen en un país y sean dirigidas al ótro, serán los establecidos por las leyes y los reglamentos domésticos del país de su origen, siempre que el porte y derecho de certificación que se exijan no excedan en ninguno de los dos países, del mínimum del porte y derecho de certificación prescritos para objetos de la misma naturaleza, por los artículos de la Convención Postal Universal que esté en vigor."

Hecho por duplicado y firmado en Washington el día 19 de Julio de mil novecientos cinco.

Postmaster-General of the United States of America.

Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario
de Panamá en los Estados Unidos de América.

The aforegoing Amendment has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby approved and ratified.

In testimony whereof, I have caused the Seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed.


By the President:


Acting Secretary of State,

Washington, July 24, 1905,


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