
Redrench evry Place where he has Grounds: Mary Queen of Scots, though new to the me- in the classical form of a hungry vulture. and they all talk about Pooling Mesurs; but tropolis, has been sometime a favourite in the Wisdom, however, prompts Pandora again to the Wetterun Bishop Sincurers and Cloaths provinces, and is adapted from Sir Walter examine the box: Hope is discovered at the borrowers show pourfull Oppisishun and per- Scott's novel of the "Abbot," by Mr. Calcraft, bottom; she advances, leaning on her anchor, plix and embrace all his Plans-Pettyshuns the manager of the Dublin theatre. Miss and, after propitiating Jove, intercedes with come in from all Parts for Necromancypassion, Foote sustained the character of Mary, for the the audience for " Prometheus and little Panwich I take to be some new plan for washin first time. Her reception was most flattering. dora." We need scarcely add that her interthe Blackamer wite-also for the vote by She was respectably supported by a Mr. Fre- cession is effectual. Madame Vestris's deliBallad which Mr. Hum supports and likewis dericks, in the part of George Douglas; and a cious voice is heard to great advantage in this Mr. Oconl the Hireish mimber wich wants the young lady named Langley sang a ballad with little theatre, and she enacted the part of PanOnion to be repeeled and caws all Hireland much sweetness and feeling. Mrs. Knight, dora with all her accustomed grace and spirit. Watery eyes; but I hop sich Cryses will niver late of Drury Lane, played Lady Douglas; and Her gradual animation in the first scene is arive I supose youve herd Hunt is returnd in Catharine Seyton we recognised the pretty admirably expressed. Mr. Cooper, as Promefor Prestun wherby Im sorry to heer of a in- little dark-eyed Miss Pincott, from the same theus; Mr. T. Knight, as Jupiter; Mr. Newcindery sittin in the ows, for he not only first establishment. After Mary Queen of Scots, combe, as Mercury; and Mr. Beckwith, as burnt the Corn but sold it after to the pure a new and very appropriate jeu d'esprit was the Swiss Boy-exhibited considerable humour. Peeple-but is Blackin his good-Our new performed, the joint production, we understand, Madame V. was called for at the conclusion, and lord Canceller Brewem gives us Hops that he will of Mr. Planché and Mr. C. Dance. It is of announced the Olympic Revels for repetition put a end to all the Old Suits without making the Midas genus, and founded on Mr. Colman's every evening. We have no doubt of its running any New Breeches wich wrong Incisions wold whimsical version of the story of "Pandora." the whole season. The performances concluded show Shear hignoranc—but hes no Goos! The curtain rises on an "Olympic game at with the Little Jockey, alias Youth, Love, and Mr. Grant wants to Mancypate the Jews- whist." Jupiter holds bad cards, and is an- Folly; and Clarissa Harlowe, alias the Old Porkreetchers! my next Nabor Levy says noyed by bad jokes, and breaks up the party in Maid. One piece too much perhaps : but, as they are a Pursycutish Race thogh they have a huff. He calls for music, but Apollo is at a Miss Foote played in one, and Mrs. Glover Numbers of Genesis among them fit for Trusts glee-club. He inquires for Bacchus; he is in in the other, we could scarcely make up our on Securitys; but let who will be in or out the chair at the Punch-bowl, and not present-minds to spare either. somethin must be done. Winters com and the able-Mars is at drill-Momus" eating fire at ole Country wants instant Releafing thoug I Troy fair" - Esculapius has been suddenly THEATRES AND THEATRICAL PROPERTY. hop no Treesunable acts will be manny fisted sent for to bleed king Priam-Somnus is As we are probably on the eve of a decision on be the Peeple-Nobody now cant sell nothing" yawning o'er the last new play"—and Juno the question of theatrical patents, or monopoly, Goods hangs on hand and Malefactors are is in the laundry; " 'tis washing day!" Mer- which will put the stage upon a new, and we dropping in every line-Soverins is scars and cury is eventually sent on a message to Vulcan, trust a better footing, it may not be amiss to Peeples ready to tear each other to peeces for respecting" the lady" ordered by Jupiter, and throw our contribution into the general data, um-We want some change-In the Nabor- returns with an answer from the "lame old though we have for years, upon insulated points, hood of Manshister thirty thousn Wafers are tinker," promising his speedy appearance said all that we can say on the question, and in a state of Risibility which is no laughin with his work. Bacchus is now brought home especially in our No. 569, Dec. 15, 1827, pointed matter, havin struck for more Wags tho' they by Pan and Silenus, "so drunk he cannot out what we deemed a remedy for the evils most get therty shillins a Weak and are always in sit his barrel, without being held there." felt. Labor! this abolition of feelin shold be Momus enters to the laughing chorus from The drama is far gone in a decline, and chekt, for if it is to go on it will most likly Der Freyschütz; and Apollo also making his neither authors nor actors can cure it. continew As you observe, the Rag for appearance, Jupiter prepares for frolic, when The large patent theatres have been mere Chang is grate as they say The Scullmasters his thoughts are recalled to business by the wild or sordid speculations, and withal unproAbroad and the Scull all in confushon - Old ascent of Vulcan with his "lass of mettle:"fitable, since we remember them. she is pronounced a chef d'œuvre, and Vulcan The minor theatres have, accordingly, been tenders "his little bill." The deities then proceed to bestow their various presents on the stranger. Love animates and music instructs her; and health, wealth, lasting charms, and endless mirth, are promised, in appropriate airs, by their respective divinities. Jupiter then names her Pandora, and presents her with the famous and fatal box. She is about to descend to earth in the care of Mercury, when Juno enters in a rage, and, after a laughable altercation with the king of gods and men, bestows on Pandora "woman's dear passion, curiosity." The gods go to dinner, and Mercury and Pandora seek the abode of Prometheus. A Swiss milk-boy-" a great anachronism," according to the bill, meets with them, and is told by Mercury that the lady is a star who is thither flown,

Head devices done away with and Hairy Cassles supplyin the place-Aspics on the Continence seem very embracing-tho the Trials in France is over the People are in Truble-I hope the Rising in the Low Kantrys is over-The Poles seem to be makin head again the Rushons in great Armd Bodis-bent on Deth or imprisenment to get Liberty-In short all Eurups in Harms; but nothins so Barberus as Civil comoshins Hopin all is over with You, and restin asshurd Stuck Puggys is not likely to rise again, I conclude remaining Your sincer Frend and well wisher A HUMPHRIES.



"To light a little system of her own-
Feeling her way, twinkling 'midst hope and doubt:
Who would be the man to put her out?"

The gallant milk-boy declares he would not,
and assures them that he bears

"The milk of human kindness."

gradually creeping on. Some have been prosperous, and others have been bankrupt, simply because they deserved no other fate, either from the principle on which they went, or the management by which they tried to gull the town.

The competition, as carried on, has been disgraceful, as well as ruinous, to all parties; and has utterly prevented excellence in any branch of the drama.

What we recommended was, to limit different houses to different species of entertainments,-tragedy, comedy, and farce here; opera there; spectacle, melodrame, or vaudeville, at other places. Then should we see good companies for all, instead of mixed companies fit to execute nothing perfectly.

But we are not now going again into the general question, which would lead us into the folly of the present licensing system: we would rather put in our word on the specific matter to be immediately decided, and on which the fate of English opera depends. London is the only capital in Europe which does not enjoy an opera in the native language; and that which has the foremost privileges every where else, is with us the least favoured of the drama. Surely, Mr. Arnold, who has done so much for the improvement of our national music, ought to have every encouragement to pursue his laudable course, such as length of season, and at times when the town is full-facilities

THIS now beautiful little theatre opened its doors on Monday evening last to as eager and zealous a crowd as we ever witnessed in the pit-going days of our youth, when to be squeezed as flat as a pancake was considered as one of the principal delights of the evening. About ten minutes past seven the curtain rose, and Madame Vestris made her courtesy amidst deafening acclamations. It was some time These sallies were received with shouts by the before silence could be obtained, and during audience. The rest is soon told. Prometheus this period she appeared labouring under ex- receives the lady with delight, but his ardour is cessive emotion. Order at length being a little damped by the discovery that she has no restored, she spoke an occasional address, luggage except a little box. He leaves her for a Written by Mr. J. H. Reynolds. It is full moment, and, mastered by her curiosity, Panfpoint and pleasantry, and was received dora lifts the fatal lid. Envy, hatred, malice, with considerable applause. "God save the and all uncharitableness," issue from the box, King" followed, the solo parts being sung amidst discordant crashes. Prometheus enters for rebuilding his theatre, and a convenient site; by Messrs. Spagnoletti and Hodges (pupils of in dismay; and the vengeful Thunderer appear- in short, the most liberal patronage of every the Royal Academy) and Madame Vestris. ing, condemns Pandora to die an old maid, kind. We trust he will have all this: we are The first burletta of the evening, entitled and inflicts on Prometheus" a liver complaint," sure his efforts have deserved it.


The Jeu d'Esprit. Published by E. Wallis. tal, corrects a common error as to its founda- | Extraordinary Productiveness.--In the month tion; and assigns it, not to the year 1160, but of September, there were sown, in a garden A NEW game, and a nice amusing trifle for the to the interval between the years 1202 and near Silberberg, in Silesia, 287 grains of wheat. holydays. It possesses the merit of being 1220, when Albert the Second held sway. The At the ensuing harvest they actually produced simple and easy for young folks; and is, besame work mentions that in 1640 the popula-117,644 grains, fully and perfectly matured! sides, quite a novel way of introducing them tion of Berlin did not much exceed 6000 souls; There were two ears, amongst the rest, one of to an acquaintance with the best authors, in 1688, they amounted to 20,000; and at the which contained 1055, and the other 1077 perwhose pictures, and quotations from their beginning of the eighteenth century, to 30,000. fect grains. The longest halm measured six works, form the playing cards. The game In 1687, the king's library had already accu-feet two inches in length, inclusive of the ear, ends rather abruptly, and depends on chance; mulated 1618 MSS., and 20,600 volumes; but and some of the leaves were two feet and more still, we would recommend it especially to fa- in 1827 the collection had grown to 4611 MSS. in length. mily and youthful circles. It is the inven- and 250,000 printed books. Adverting again tion of a very active-minded individual, Mr. to the population, we add, that in 1713 it had F. W. N. Bayley; to whom we are indebted risen to 50,000 souls; in 1741, to 90,000; in for the game of York and Lancaster;" for a 1773, to 133,580; in 1797, to 183,960; and in great deal of pleasing lyrical composition; and 1827, to 220,277, who were housed under

for a clever work on the West Indies.

13,511 roofs.

for Chimneys, for the purpose of rendering them Fire


Dr. Currie's Memoirs, by W. W. Currie, 2 vols. 8vo.

LITERARY NOVELTIES. [Literary Gazette Weekly Advertisement, No. II. Jan. 8.] A Description of a Patent Metallic Lining and Damper proof, and also superseding the practice of employing But apropos of the Jeu d'Esprit. In unison Climbing-boys.-The Shamrock, a Collection of the best New Telegraph.-It is proposed to establish Irish Songs, Serious and Comic, many of them never with its name, and to try its merits in another in France public telegraphs, for the conveyance, before in any volume, edited by Mr. Weekes, of Drury way, we asked a remarkably ingenious child, throughout the kingdom, of communications Lane. the other night, what he thought of some of between merchants and other persons. A new the pictured authors. The following was part telegraph, consisting of four lamps, and of 17. s. bds.-Annual Biography and Obituary for 1831, of our colloquy, and if mamma's pet does not course capable of being worked day and night, 8vo. 15s. bds.-Matthew on Naval Timber and Arboricul turn out a punster, then have we no skill in has lately been invented for the purpose. By ture, 8vo. 128. bds.--Parsey on Miniature Painting, 12mo. phrenology. a recent experiment, it appears, that in ordi-78. 6d. bds.-Killarney Poor Scholar, 18mo. 2s. 6d. hf.-bd. nary weather, this telegraph can communicate Rambles through the Paths of Nature, 18mo. 28. hf.-bd. between three and four signals a minute; that -Grant's Beauties of Modern Poetry, fep. 78. 6d. cloth; or 98. in silk.-Wilson's Divine Authority of the Lord's is to say, above two hundred an hour. Two Day, 12mo. 2s. 6d. sewed.-Tom Thumb, with Cruikhundred signals comprehend above five hun-shank's designs, 12mo. 1s. 6d. sewed.-Bennett's Practice dred words. It is practicable, therefore, to in the Master's Office in Chancery, 8vo. 138. bds.-Surtee's Horseman's Manual and Law of Warrantry, 12mo. forward, in an hour, at least ten communica- 58. bds. —Simson's Manual of Religious Instruction, tions, each of twelve or fifteen words; a num- 18mo. 58. bds. ber sufficient for important intelligence, when brevity is indispensable.

Q. What do you think of Swift? A. That he must have run better than any body else! Of Young? That he was like "procrastination." How do you mean? The Thief of Time!" (This is the apposite quotation on his card.) Of Congreve? A. A rocket! better than

To wield the sword, to hurl the pointed spear, To stop or turn the steed in wild career. Of Spenser? That he could not be a Turncoat. Of Raleigh? I don't know. Of Cowley? He should have been a pastoral poet. Of Steele? That he was, nevertheless, no Plagiarist. Of Milton? That he was not a mute inglorious Milton-oyster. Of Bacon? That he is one of

the have-beans.

We could stand it no longer; and giving the precocious brat a cuff, we dismissed him to his admiring mamma.

Naples. By a recent census, published under the direction of the Abbé Petroni, it appears, that in a population of 5,456,664 persons, which is that of the kingdom of Naples, there are 37 above a hundred years of age, 93 preThe Game of the History of France, from lates, 27,912 priests, 8455 monks, and 8185 Pharamond to the Accession of Louis Phi- nuns. It also appears, that the city of Naples lippe I. London. E. Wallis. contains 349,190 inhabitants, 3 cardinals, 1 THIS is one of the ingenious and pleasing archbishop, 8 bishops, 1751 priests, 610 monks, devices by which historical knowledge is in-827 nuns, 18,100 state-pensioners, 9450 persons fused into the young, by means of an apparent in public offices, and 114,519 workmen : 1627 (and indeed real) amusement,-a pack of cards persons are employed in the business of eduand set of counters so constructed as to afford cation, from the academicians down to the the players a fair insight into French history, masters of schools for infants. and at the same time exercise their memory and faculties We recommend the game heartily.


Tehuantepec. The 87th No. of the Bulletin de la Société de Géographie, of Paris, contains an important article in the shape of a reconnoissance of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, made by the engineer-general of brigade, D. Juan Orbegoro, in conformity with the orders of the Mexican government. The result is, however, by no means favourable as to the practicability, so frequently discussed, of forming a navigable canal for the passage of vessels from the one

Danish Army. The military education of the soldiers and subalterns of the Danish army has long been carefully attended to; but there has been no school for instruction in the higher branches of military knowledge. That want sea to the other. has been recently supplied by the establishment Longevity.-Russia is the country for won of a school at Copenhagen, founded and sup-derful longevity. In the year 1827, there died ported by the king; the pupils of which are to in Russia 947 persons above a hundred years go through various courses, the duration of old, 202 above 110, 98 above 115, 52 above which is fixed at four years.

120, 21 above 125, and 1 above 135!

The Creation of the World. The Russian Almanac counts 7338 years since the creation of the world.

Paris. Politics usurp almost the entire atmosphere of Paris, and we read fifty journals without acquiring one paragraph of literary or scientific intelligence. We observe with satis- Saw-Mills. There are in St. Petersburg faction, however, that these amenities are not three saw-mills worked by steam; two belongaltogether abandoned. M. Cuvier and Le Duc ing to individuals, and one to government. In de Luynes have just been elected honorary the course of the year 1829, these mills turned members of L'Académie des Inscriptions et out 456,326 planks of various kinds. Belles-lettres. At the meeting of the Aca- Prussian Periodical Literature. In the démie des Sciences, of the 15th November (the seven provinces of which Prussia is composed, latest reported) the principal paper read was there are published no fewer than 262 periodical one by M. Geoffroy Saint Hilaire, on some parts works. Of these 27 are political gazettes, 60 of the organisation of kangaroos and other ani- scientific journals, 55 advertising sheets, 100 mals which have bags or purses. purely literary, 10 devoted to religion and ethics, 3 legislative, 3 journals of the arts, and 4 agricultural and technological.

Berlin. Mila's recent account of the origin, progress, and actual state of the Prussian capi

-Picture Exhibition, 18mo. 2s. 6d. hf.-bd.-Juvenile


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TO CORRESPONDENTS. Parry Parry will not do for us. Album verses rarely, if ever, mend by publication.

Our Friend" N, does not seem to be aware that the

The individual who calls upon us to review a "Hiswas not worth sending to a Journal like ours, was not "must send it. tory," We have long found out, that what worth seeking; and we have many interesting works before us, to which we can barely do justice. mere notice of a book in three or four lines, is the result of, perhaps, more hours', and sometimes days', consideration. The publications most eligible for extract are not (it may be) those which require our greatest attention;on the contrary, we often expend much of comparison and research on a subject which only occupies a few lines; while on attractive, temporary, and, from their character, popular works, we can afford to be fully explanatory at a very small expense of thought. We hope, therefore, not to be judged by quantity, but by quality, We are again obliged to postpone our note on Mr. James's letter.

We are sorry that we have not space to devote to the controversy which Mr. T. Price's second letter must provoke. We insert his opinion, that no physiologist will be able to adduce the slightest authority, elther ancient or modern, in support of the principle that a dark complexion is a decisive mark of Celtic origin; but, on the contrary, that the whole can be proved to be nothing else than an utter fallacy, founded upon mere gratuitous assertion. The plan of Swing-Town, which our respectable correspondent wishes us to engrave, is really such a stretch of philanthropy, that we could hardly help laughing at To choose a beautiful, picturesque, and fertile the idea. country, the finest part of New Holland, and to build and furnish neatly pretty little cottages for the reception of individuals convicted of machine-breaking and incendiarism, together with their families,-seems to us to be rather a provocative to crime. And the expense of transport, &c. &c. &c. would be enormous.

ERRATUM.-In the poetry, Tempus fugit, et tempus non fugit," a fortnight ago, the lines Tempus fugit and Tempus non fugit, through the carelessness of the writer,

and owing to inadvertence on our part, were transposed.


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N.B. The first Number for 1831 contains, among other articles of peculiar interest, a Second Part of the Garland of Beauty,-a paper which, in the publication of the First Part, excited so Each attention, as to call for the reprinting three several times of the Number in which it appeared.

Among the distinguished Names who figure in this ingenious production are--Her Majesty -The Princesses Esterhazy and Leven-The Duchesses of Gordon and Canizzarro-Marchionesses of Sligo, Ormonde, Salisbury, Westmeath, Hertford-Countesses of Chesterfield, Jermyn, Errol, Sheffield, Kinnoul, Clanwilliam, Wilton, Cork, Warwick, Denbigh, Normanton, Dartsouth, Claremont Ladies Egerton, Tullamore, Kilderbee, Foley, Ruthven, Combermere, Sidney, Poulet, C. Lowther, E. Ashley, C. Nugent, Somerset, F. Normanby, Walsh, Ryder, H. Wallscourt, Brougham, Brabazon, Willoughby-Mrs. Litleton, Peel, Fetre, Goulbourne, Throgmorton, Blackwood, Lock, For Lane, Stanley, Parnther, Byng, Dundas-Misses De Roos, Boyle, Bagot, Meade, Cadogan, Edwardes, Feilding, Burdett, The Court Journal is published every Saturday Morning, and sent by the Newsmen, free of postage, to all parts of the Kingdom. Office 19, Catherine Street, Strand.

[ocr errors]

HE UNITED SERVICE JOURNAL, 1. Reveries of Miles Minden and his Friends, No. I.-2. Some Remarks on the Ships of the Ancients 3. The New Year; a Naval Allegory-4. Newcome's Journey to Head Quarters near Burgus-5. The Young Soldier's Farewell-6. Journal of the Surwing Expedition, composed of his Majesty's Ships Beagle and Adventure (concluded)-7. Flemish Heroics, or the Day before the Entry of the Dutch Troops into Brussels-8. Letters from Gibraltar, No. VII. 9. A Recollection of the Old School, by a Greenwich Pensioner-10. Denominations of Modern Shipping11. The Lost Mule-12. A White Squall off the Chesapeake, by aner on board a British Frigate-13. Bayonne revisited, by ner of the British Guards-14. On correcting the Courses in the Day's Work, by Lieutenant Raper, R.N.-15. Some Thoughts on the General Principles of Field Manoeuvres-16. Condor Shooting in Peru, addressed to Christopher North, Esq. - Elegy, by a Half-pay Officer-18. Critical Adventure of Land Dorchester in the War of 1775-19. War Game of PrussiaFrand as it is; by a Polish Nobleman-21. Biographical Memoirs of Captain the Hon. Sir Robert Spencer, R.N. K.C.H. Crular System of Fortification-23. History of the Polish Leander Buonaparte-24. On Outpost Duties and Patrolling General Correspondence, in which will be found a consider be increase to the usual number of Letters on a great variety of Sects connected with the interests of the United ServiceThe Editor's Portfolio and Naval and Military Miscellany, Cauta Martial, Naval and Military Promotions, Appointments, Distribution of the Entire Army on the 1st of January, 1831, Abstract of Parliamentary Debates, General Orders, Circulars, &c. A Tabalar View of the Privy Pensions, &c. of the Officers of the British Array, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, Notices to Corre

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Cheap and elegant Monthly Periodicals.

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My Sister, my sweet Sister 2 0
Those flaxen Locks........ 20
To Country Booksellers.-That every person may have an oppor-
We'll go no more a Roving 20tunity of inspecting the merits of these Publications, the Trade
Young Oak........
20 are informed that they may order the Numbers for the present
Young Friendship........ 20 Month, and at any period during the Year return whatever may
Sacred Songs.

By Boat is on the Shore.. 16

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Shew-boards and Prospectuses may be had on application by
Target this World......... 90 | Father of Light!.......... 20 letter, post-paid, or through any London Correspondent, to the
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Duncan; Whittaker, Treacher, and Co.; Simpkin and Marshall;
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[ocr errors]
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The January Number contains-The Camp of Wallenstein, a
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the Diary of the late Mr. St. John Long-Inscriptions; Life,
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and Things in Intelligence-Index, &c.
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FOREST SCENES and INCIDENTS insurrection Luther's Psalm-L'Envoy-Ourselves, Grey Adminis



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By J. F. W. HERSCHEL, Esq. A.M.
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The New Monthly Magazine will therefore commence the par with renewed claims to that public support it has so ed. Among other improvements, it is the intention of de Protesters to introduce into the Magazine a series of Liteetches, or estimates of the genius of the principal authors of Le persent day, accompanied by engraved likenesses. As, in Dames of intellectual fertility, the series must include many ters comparatively new to fame, the plan must be admitted to ps some novelty.

The Proprietors pledge themselves to the most unremitting
in continuing to secure the co-operation of the most
e and popular writers of the day; and the contributors may
feured of being permitted the most perfect freedom from
e restraint in conveying their opinions to the public.
With regard to the Politics of the Magazine, the Proprietors
Se scarcely necessary to state that it will persevere in the
er it has so long and so invariably maintained. If its senti-
enerally accord with those of the individuals who at pre-
dence the destinies of the country, it is because the go-
ment has happily taken the form which, for years, has been
red in the pages of the New Monthly Magazine as most
re to the best interests of Great Britain. It is, however,
to men than to measures that its support will be extended:
* be the advocate of such principles as are consistent
threann and experience, and have the sanction of the great
dil nations. The sentiments of the great mass of the
Brink people will be echoed freely and boldly, influenced by no
derations than those of wisdom and justice.

B. The First Number for the New Year will be published on
January, and those who desire to avail themselves of
tw canon for commencing the Work, are requested to transmit
Boarders to their respective Booksellers or Newsvenders.
Printed for Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley,
New Burlington Street.

John Murray, Albemarle Street.

Middle Ages, 4th edition, 3 vols. 8vo. 36s.

4th edition, in 3 pocket vols. to correspond with the Family
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8vo. 36.


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pocket vols. 20s.

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printed in 4 pocket vols. with Illustrations, 20s.

9. Captain Head's Rough Notes across the
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10. George Head's Forest Scenes and Ad

ventures in the Wilds of America. 8s.

11. Author of the Subaltern's Campaign at
Washington and New Orleans. 8s. 6d.

12. Byron's Works, complete in Six pocket
Vols. 27. with the exception of Don Juan.
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characteristically described; nor in the midst of all the fun, frolic, and folly, is there any dearth of poetry, pathos, and passion." -Blackwood's Magazine.

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Conducted by Clergymen of the Established Church.

A work calculated, from the information which it will contain on domestic subjects, and its varied useful matter, to interest

every member of a family; and peculiarly designed for the reli

gious instruction and general improvement of servants.

Published by J. Hatchard and Son, 187, Piccadilly. N.B. Advertisements for the Cover should be sent to the Publishers previous to the 20th of the Month.

In 1 large vol. 8vo. price 41. 14s. 6d., in Nine Parts, 10s. 6d. each, or in 36 Numbers, 2s. 6d. each,

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Markham's Histories. By Mrs. Calcott. 2 vols. 16s.
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21. Death-bed Scenes and Pastoral Conver-
sations, 4th edition, printed to correspond with the Family
Library. In 3 pocket vols. price only 12s.

John Murray, Albemarle Street.

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plifying several Individuals belonging to every Genus included

Edited by J. C. LOUDON, F.L.S. H.S. &c. Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green. Of whom may be had, in 8vo. 17. 18. cloth boards, Loudon's Hortus Britannicus; a Catalogue of all the Plants Indigenous, Cultivated in, or introduced to Britain. Part I.-The Linnæan Arrangement, in which nearly the Linnæan System.-Part 11.-The Jussieuean Arrangement of nearly 4000 Genera, with an Introduction to the Natural System, and a General Description and History of each Order.

30,000 Species are enumerated, preceded by an Introduction to

Edited by J. C. Loudon, F.L. H.G. and Z.S.

The Linnæan Arrangement and its Supplement are the work of Mr. George Don, the Natural Arrangement is founded on that of Professor Lindley, with some additions and alterations rendered necessary by the plan of this Catalogue; and Dr. Greville assisted in arranging the Cryptogamia.

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