me with such comfortable rest, that I may rise more fit for thy service. Let me lie down with holy thoughts of thee, and when I am awake, let me be still present with thee. Shew mercy to the whole world, O Father of all: Let the gospel of thy Son run and be glorified throughout all the earth. Let it be made known to all infidels, and obeyed by all Christians. Be merciful to this church and nation; give unto the Bishops a discerning spirit, that they may make choice of fit persons to serve in thy sacred ministry: and enable all who are ordained to a holy function, diligently to feed the flocks committed to their charge, instructing them in saving knowledge, guiding them by their example, praying for and blessing them, exercising spiritual discipline in thy church, and duly administering the holy sacraments. Multiply thy blessings on our Sovereign, on the Royal Family, and on the Nobles, Magistrates, Gentry, and Commons of this land: that they may all, according to the several talents they have received, be faithful instruments of thy glory. Give to our Schools and Universities, zeal, prudence, and holiness. Visit in mercy all the children of affliction, (-) relieve their necessities, lighten their burdens; give them a cheerful submission to thy gracious will, and at length bring them and us, with those that already rest from their labours, into the joy of our Lord, to whom with thee, O Father, and thee, O Holy Ghost, be all praise, now and for ever. TUESDAY MORNING. O ETERNAL and merciful FATHER, I give thee humble thanks (increase my thankfulness, I beseech thee) for all the blessings, spiritual and temporal, which in the riches of thy mercy, thou hast poured down upon me. Lord, let me not live but to love thee, and to glorify thy name. Particularly, I give thee most unfeigned thanks for preserving me from my birth to this moment, and for bringing me safe to the beginhing of this day (-), in which, and in all the days of my life, I beseech thee, that all my thoughts, words, and works, + may tend to thy glory. Heal, O Father of Mercies, all my infirmities, (-) strengthen me against all my follies; forgive me all my sins (-), and let them not cry louder in thine ears for vengeance, than my prayers for mercy and forgiveness. O blessed Lord, enable me to fulfil thy commands, and command what thou wilt. O thou Saviour of all that trust in thee, do with me what seemeth best in thine own eyes: only give me the mind which was in thee: let me learn of thee to be meek and lowly, pour into me the whole spirit of humility; fill, I beseech thee, every part of my soul with it, and make it the constant, ruling habit of my mind, that all my other tempers may arise from it: that I may have no thoughts, no desires, no designs, but such as are the true fruit of a lowly spirit. Grant that I may think of myself as I ought to think, that I may "know myself even as I am known." Herein may I exercise myself continually, when I lie down and when I rise up, that I may always appear poor, and base, and vile in my own eyes. O convince me, that "I have neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the Holy One." Give me a lively sense that I am nothing, that I have nothing, that I can do nothing. Enable me to feel that I am all ignorance and error, weakness and uncleanness, sin and misery; that I am not worthy of the air I breathe, the earth I tread upon, or the sun that shines upon me. And let me be fully content when all other men think of me as I do of myself. O save me from either desiring or seeking the honour that cometh of men. Convince me that the words of praise, "when smoother than oil," then especially "are very swords." Give me to dread them more than the "poison of asps," or "the pestilence that walketh in darkness." And when these cords of pride, these snares of death do overtake me, suffer me not to take any pleasure in them, but enable me instantly to flee unto thee, O Lord, and to complain unto my God. Let all my bones cry out, "Thou art worthy to be praised; so shall I be safe from mine enemies." Bless, O gracious Father, all the nations whom thou hast placed upon the earth, with the knowledge of thee, the only true God: but especially bless thy holy Catholic Church, and fill it with truth and grace; where it is corrupt, purge it; where it is in error, rectify it; where it is right, confirm it; where it is divided, and rent asunder, heal the breaches thereof, "O thou Holy One of Israel." Replenish all whom thou hast called to any office therein, with truth of doctrine and innocency of life. Let their prayers be as precious incense in thy sight, that their cries and tears for the city of their God may not be in vain. O Lord, hear the King in the day of his trouble, let thy Name, O God, defend him, grant him his heart's desire, and fulfil all his mind: set his heart firm upon thee, and upon other things only as they are in and for thee. O defend him and his royal relations with the saving strengthe of thy right-hand. Have mercy upon this Kingdom, and forgive the sins of this people: turn thee unto us, bless us, and cause thy face to shine on our desolations. Inspire the Nobles and Magistrates with prudent zeal, the Gentry and Commons with humble loyalty. Pour down thy blessings on all Seminaries of true religion and learning, that they may remember and answer the end of their institution. Comfort all the sons and daughters of affliction, especially those who "suffer for righteousness' sake." Bless my father and mother, my brethren and sisters, my friends and relations, and all that belong to this family. Forgive all who are mine enemies, and so reconcile them to me and thyself, that we all, together with those that now sleep in thee, may awake to life everlasting, through thy merit and intercession, O blessed Jesus; to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be ascribed by all creatures, " all honour, and might, and wisdom, and glory, and blessing." Our Father, &c. TUESDAY EVENING. Particular Questions relating to Humility. 1. Have I laboured to conform all my thoughts, words, and actions, to these fundamental maxims; I am nothing, I have nothing, I can do nothing? 2. Have I set apart some time, this day, to think upon my infirmities, follies, and sins? 3. Have I ascribed to myself any part of any good which God did by my hand? 4. Have I said or done any thing, with a view to the praise of men? 5. Have I desired the praise of men ? 6. Have I taken pleasure in it? 7. Have I commended myself, or others, to their faces, unless for God's sake, and then with fear and trembling ? 8. Have I despised any one's advice ? 9. Have I, when I thought so, said, I am in the wrong? 10. Have I received contempt for things indifferent, with meekness; for doing my duty, with joy? 11. Have I omitted justifying myself, where the glory of God was not concerned? Have I submitted to be thought in the wrong? 12. Have I, when contemned, first prayed God it might not discourage, or puff me up? secondly, that it might not be imputed to the contemner? thirdly, that it might heal my pride? 13. Have I, without some particular good in view, men tioned the contempt I had met with ? I DESIRE to offer unto thee, O Lord, my evening sacrifice, the sacrifice of a contrite spirit. "Have mercy upon me, O God, after thy great goodness, and after the multitude of thy mercies, do away mine offences." Let thy unspeakable mercy free me from the sins I have committed, and deliver me from the punishment I have deserved (-). O save me from every work of darkness, and cleanse me from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, that, for the time to come, I may, with a pure heart and mind, follow thee the only true God. O Lamb of God, who both by thy example and precept didst instruct us to be meek and humble, give me grace throughout my whole life, in every thought, and word, and work, to imitate thy meekness and humility. O mortify in me the whole body of pride: grant me to feel that I am nothing and have nothing, and that I deserve nothing but shame and contempt, but misery and punishment. Grant, O Lord, that I may look for nothing, claim nothing, and resent nothing; and that I may go through all the scenes of life, not seeking my own glory, but looking wholly unto thee, and acting wholly for thee. Let me never speak any word that may tend to my own praise, unless the good of my neighbour require it. And even then let me beware, lest to heal another, I wound my own soul. Let my ears and my heart be ever shut to the praise that cometh of men, and let me "refuse to hear the voice of the charmer, charm he ever so sweetly." Give me a dread of applause, in whatsoever form, and from whatsoever tongue it cometh. I know that "many stronger men have been slain by it," and that it "leadeth to the chambers of death." O deliver my soul from this snare of hell; neither let me spread it for the feet of others. Whosoever perish thereby, be their blood upon their own head, and let not my hand be upon them. O thou Giver of every good and perfect gift, if at any time thou pleasest to work by my hand, teach me to discern what is my own from what is another's, and to render unto thee the things that are thine. As all the good that is done on earth, thou dost it thyself, let me ever return to thee all the glory. Let me, as a pure crystal, transmit all the light thou pourest upon me; but never claim as my own what is thy sole property. O thou who wast despised and rejected of men, when I am slighted by my friends, disdained by my superiors, overborne, or ridiculed by my equals, or contemptuously treated by my inferiors, then let me cry out with thy holy Martyr,* "It is now that I begin to be a disciple of Christ." Then let me thankfully accept, and faithfully use the happy occasion of improving in thy meek and lowly Spirit. If for thy sake " men cast out my name as evil, let me rejoice and be NNNN * IGNATIUS, |