페이지 이미지


1. Persons nominated as clerks, extra clerks, landing waiters, and gaugers in London, and persons nominated as landing waiters at Folkstone, Dover and Newhaven, to be examined at the office of the Civil Service Commissioners, whatever may be the locality of their residence.

2. Persons nominated as tidewaiters, weighers, housekeepers, and messengers in London, and persons nominated to appointments of any description at other ports, except as above mentioned, to be examined as follows:


To be examined.

London and its neighbourhood At the office of the Civil Service Commissioners.

Edinburgh and its neighbourhood

By the assistant examiner of the
Commissioners in Edinburgh.

Dublin and its neighbourhood By the assistant examiner of



the Commissioners in Dublin. At the port nearest their residence, or at that which for special reasons the Board of Customs may direct.

Note. In those cases where persons nominated to offices in London are examined at the outports, the parties will be required to be examined by the Medical Inspector of the Customs in London, before a final Certificate of Qualification will be granted by the Civil Service Commissioners.

The preliminary examination of persons appointed to offices in London, and not at present examined by the Civil Service Commissioners, to be conducted as follows:

Persons nominated to be doorkeepers

Persons nominated to be boatmen or watchmen

To be examined by a clerk

in the Secretary's office. To be examined by the Inspectors of the river.

The examinations at the out ports for the like situations to be by the collectors_and_comptrollers, the persons nominated being also subjected under the direction of those officers to such further examination as may be advisable by the landing surveyor, inspector of the river, or tide surveyor at the port; and in all cases the principal officers are to satisfy themselves, as far as practicable, that the parties are proper persons to be admitted into the service, and to state their own opinion as to the age of the parties when reporting the result of their inquiries.


Upon the receipt of certificates of qualification from the Civil Service Commissioners, the candidates will be placed under instruction, or on probation as follows, viz. :—

Landing waiters and gaugers will be placed under a course of instruction for three months, without pay, and then on probation for six months.

Coast Officers-ditto for six weeks without pay, and then on probation for six months.

Clerks, extra clerks, tidewaiters, weighers, housekeepers, and messengers, will at once be placed on duty on probation for six months, and if at the expiration of that period they shall be certified to be duly qualified, and shall have performed the duty of their offices during that time, they will be admitted, and take rank and be paid the salary of their situations from the date of their commencing probation. The same rule will be observed as regards rank and pay in the case of landing waiters, gaugers, and coast officers, for the period of their probation.

Doorkeepers, boatmen, and watchmen, will be placed on duty on probation for a month, and will in like manner be allowed the pay of the offices to which they have been nominated.

In cases, however, where persons are found not to be qualified at the expiration of the period of their probation, their nominations will be cancelled, and they will not be entitled to the salary of the office for the period during which they have been on probation; but should their conduct have been in all respects satisfactory, the Board will consider whether any and what portion of the usual pay should be allowed.

With regard to persons already in the service who may be promoted to other offices, the Board will determine, with reference to the period of service-to the office held by the party-and to that to which he is nominated, whether any, and what further instruction, may be required.

When a party shall have obtained a certificate of qualifica tion from the officers under whom he has been instructed, he is to be finally examined by the proper officers in London, or the collector and comptroller at the port, as the case may be, and the report of such officers, with the papers showing the instruction and examination which the party shall have undergone, submitted to the Board for their directions.

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This Form should be filled up fully and accurately by the Candidate

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1. Are you related to the Candidate? If so, what is the relationship?

2. Are you well acquainted with the Candidate?

3. From what circumstances does your knowledge of him arise?

4. How long have you known him?

5. Is he strictly honest and sober, intelligent and diligent ?

6. Do you believe him to be free from pecuniary embarassments?

7. What do you know of his education and acquirements?

8. Has he ever been in the service of the Government, and, if so, in what situation?

9. Are you aware of any cir cumstance tending to disqualify him for the situation which he now seeks ?

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proposed to be


I certify that the answers above written and the signature thereto affixed are in the proper handwriting of

and that the said

is a person worthy of credit.

(The above certificate to be signed by a Justice of the Peace or recognized Minister of some Religious Denomination, unless the Referee be himself

Justice or Minister.)

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