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very great. Lehmann says:-"If the car- only is it that for the sake of conformity, bonic acid excreted by children or young ani- mothers thus punish and injure their little mals is calculated for an equal bodily weight, ones by scantiness of covering; but it is that it results that children produce nearly twice from an allied motive they impose a style of as much acid as adults." Now the quantity dress which forbids healthful activity. To of carbonic acid given off varies with tolera- please the eye, colors and fabrics are chosen ble accuracy as the quantity of heat pro- totally unfit to bear that rough usage which duced. And thus we see that in children the unrestrained play involves; and then to presystem, even when not placed at a disadvant-vent damage the unrestrained play is interage, is called upon to provide nearly double dicted. "Get up this moment: you will soil the proportion of material for generating heat. your clean frock," is the mandate issued to See, then, the extreme folly of clothing the some urchin creeping about on the floor. young scantily. What father, full-grown What father, full-grown "Come back: you will dirty your stockings," though he is, losing heat less rapidly as he calls out the governess to one of her charges, does, and having no physiological necessity who has left the footpath to scramble up a but to supply the waste of each day-what father, we ask, would think it salutary to go about with bare legs, bare arms, and bare neck? Yet this tax upon the system, from which he would shrink, he inflicts upon his little ones, who are so much less able to bear it! or, if he does not inflict it, sees it inflicted without protest. Let him remember that every ounce of nutriment needlessly expended for the maintenance of temperature, is so much deducted from the nutriment going to build up the frame and maintain the energies; and that even when colds, congestions, or other consequent disorders are escaped, diminished growth or less perfect structure is inevitable. "The rule is, therefore, not to dress in an invariable way in all cases, but to put on clothing in kind and quantity sufficient in the individual case to protect the body effectually from an abiding sensation of cold, however slight." This rule, the importance of which Dr. Combe indicates by the italics, is one in which men of science and practitioners agree. We have met with none competent to form a judgment on the matter, who do not strongly Our conclusions are, then-that, while the condemn the exposure of children's limbs.clothing of children should never be in such If there is one point above others in which excess as to create oppressive warmth, it "pestilent custom" should be ignored, it is this.

Lamentable, indeed, is it to see mothers seriously damaging the constitutions of their children out of compliance with an irrational fashion. It is bad enough that they should themselves conform to every folly which our Gallic neighbors please to initiate; but that they should clothe their children in any mountebank dress which Le petit Courrier des Dames indicates, regardless of its insufficiency and unfitness, is monstrous. Discomfort more or less great, is inflicted; frequent disorders are entailed; growth is checked or stamina undermined; premature death not uncommonly caused; and all because it is thought needful to make frocks of a size and material dictated by French caprice. Not

bank. Thus is the evil doubled. That they may come up to their mamma's standard of prettiness, and be admired by her visitors, children must have habiliments deficient in quantity and unfit in texture; and that these easily-damaged habiliments may be kept clean and uninjured, the restless activity, so natural and needful for the young, is more or less restrained. The exercise which becomes doubly requisite when the clothing is insufficient, is cut short, lest it should deface the clothing. Would that the terrible cruelty of this system could be seen by those who maintain it. We do not hesitate to say that, through enfeebled health, defective energies, and consequent non-success in life, thousands are annually doomed to unhappiness by this unscrupulous regard for appearances: even when they are not, by early death, literally sacrificed to the Moloch of maternal vanity. We are reluctant to counsel strong measures, but really the evils are so great as to justify, or even to demand, a peremptory interference on the part of fathers.

should always be sufficient to prevent any general feeling of cold;* that, instead of the flimsy cotton, linen, or mixed fabrics commonly used, it should be made of some good non-conductor, such as coarse woollen cloth; ' that it should be so strong as to receive little damage from the hard wear and tear which childish sports will give it; and that its colors should be such as will not soon suffer from use and exposure.

*It is needful to remark that children whose legs and arms have been from the beginning habitually without covering, cease to be conscious that the exposed surfaces are cold; just as by use we have all ceased to be conscious that our faces are cold, even when out of doors. But though in such children the sensations no longer protest, it does not follow that the system escapes injury; any more than it follows that the Fuegian is undamaged by exposure, because he bears with indifference the melting of the falling snow on his naked body.

Why this astonishing difference? Is it that

To the iraportance of bodily exercise most people are in some degree awake. Perhaps the constitution of a girl differs so entirely less needs saying on this requisite of physical from that of a boy as not to need these acteducation than on most others: at any rate, ive exercises? Is it that a girl has none of in so far as boys are concerned. Public the promptings to vociferous play by whichTM schools and private schools alike furnish tol- boys are impelled? Or is it that, while in erably adequate playgrounds; and there is boys these promptings are to be regarded as usually a fair share of time for out-of-door securing that bodily activity without which games, and a recognition of them as needful. there cannot be adequate development, to In this, if in no other direction, it seems ad- their sisters nature has given them for no mitted that the natural promptings of boyish purpose whatever-unless it be for the vexinstinct may advantageously be followed; ation of schoolmistresses? Perhaps, howand, indeed, in the modern practice of break-ever, we mistake the aim of those who train ing the prolonged morning and afternoon's the gentler sex. We have a vague suspicion lessons by a few minutes' open-air recreation, that to produce a robust physique is thought we see an increasing tendency to conform undesirable; that rude health and abundant school regulations to the bodily sensations of vigor are considered somewhat plebeian; the pupils. Here, then, little needs to be said that a certain delicacy, a strength not compein the way of expostulation or suggestion. tent to more than a mile or two's walk, an But we have been obliged to qualify this ad- appetite fastidious and easily satisfied, joined mission by inserting the clause "in so far with that timidity which commonly accomas boys are concerned." Unfortunately, the panies feebleness are held more lady-like. We fact is quite otherwise in the case of girls. do not expect that any would distinctly avow It chances, somewhat strangely, that we have this; but we fancy the governess-mind is daily opportunity of drawing a comparison. haunted by an ideal young lady bearing not a We have both a boy's and a girl's school with- little resemblance to this type. If so, it must in view; and the contrast between them is re- be admitted that the established system is markable. In the one case, nearly the whole admirably calculated to realize this ideal. of a large garden is turned into an open, But to suppose that such is the ideal of the gravelled space, affording ample scope for opposite sex is a profound mistake. That games, and supplied with poles and horizontal men are not commonly drawn towards mascubars for gymnastic exercises. Every day be- line women, is doubtless true. That such fore breakfast, again towards eleven o'clock, relative weakness as calls for the protection again at midday, again in the afternoon, and of superior strength is an element of attraconce more after school is over the neighbor- tion, we quite admit. But the difference to hood is awakened by a chorus of shouts and which the feelings thus respond is the natural, laughter as the boys rush out to play; and pre-established difference, which will assert for as long as they remain, both eyes and ears itself without artificial appliances. give proof that they are absorbed in that en- when, by artificial appliances, the degree of joyable activity which makes the pulse this difference is increased, it becomes an elebound and ensures the healthful activity of ment of repulsion rather than attraction. every organ. How unlike is the picture of- "Then girls should be allowed to run wild fered by the "Establishment for Young La--to become as rude as boys, and grow up dies"! Until the fact was pointed out, we actually did not know that we had a girls' school as close to us as the school for boys. The garden, equally large with the other, affords no sign whatever of any provision for juvenile recreation; but is entirely laid out with prim grassplots, gravel-walks, shrubs, and flowers, after the usual suburban style. During five months we have not once had our attention drawn to the premises by a shout or a laugh. Occasionally girls may be observed sauntering along the paths with their lesson books in their hands, or else walking arm-in-arm. Once, indeed, we saw one chase another round the garden; but, with this exception, nothing like vigorous exertion has been visible.


into romps and hoydens!" exclaims some defender of the proprieties. This, we presume, is the ever-present dread of schoolmistresses. It appears, on inquiry, that at "Establishments for Young Ladies" noisy play like that daily indulged in by boys, is a punishable offence; and it is to be inferred that this noisy play is forbidden, lest unlady-like habits should be formed. The fear is quite groundless, however. For if the sportive activity allowed to boys does not prevent them from growing up into gentlemen; why should a like sportive activity allowed to girls prevent them from growing up into ladies? Rough as may have been their accustomed play-ground frolics, youths who have left school do not in lulge in leapfrog in the street, or marbles

in the drawing-room. Abandoning their | or otherwise, is a grave mistake. An agreejackets, they abandon at the same time boy-able mental excitement has a highly invigorish games; and display an anxiety-often a ating influence. See the effect produced upon ludicrous anxiety-to avoid whatever is not an invalid by good news, or by the visit of an manly. If now, on arriving at the due age, old friend. Mark how careful medical men this feeling of masculine dignity puts so effi- are to recommend lively society to debilitated cient a restraint on the romping sports of boy-patients. Remember how beneficial to the hood, will not the feeling of feminine mod-health is the gratification produced by change esty, gradually strengthening as maturity is of scene. The truth is that happiness is the approached, but an efficient restraint on the most powerful of tonics. By accelerating like sports of girlhood? Have not women the circulation of the blood, it facilitates even a greater regard for appearances than the performance of every function; and so men? and will there not consequently arise in them even a stronger check to whatever is rough or boisterous? How absurd is the supposition that the womanly instincts would not assert themselves but for the rigorous discipline of schoolmistresses!



tends alike to increase health when it exists, and to restore it when it has been lost. Hence the essential superiority of play to gymnastics. The extreme interest felt by children in their games, and the riotous glee with which they carry on their rougher In this, as in other cases, to remedy the frolics, are of as much importance as the evils of one artificiality, another artificiality accompanying exertion. And as not supplyhas been introduced. The natural spontane-ing these mental stimuli, gymnastics must be ous exercise having been forbidden, and the fundamentally defective. bad cosequences of no exercise having become Granting then, as we do, that formal exerconspicuous, there has been adopted a system cises of the limbs are better than nothing-of factitious exercise-gymnastics. That this granting, further, that they may be used is better than nothing we admit; but that it with advantage as supplementary aids; is an adequate substitute for play we deny. yet contend that such formal exercises can The defects are both positive and negative. never supply the place of the exercises In the first place, these formal, muscular prompted by nature. For girls, as well as motions, necessarily much less varied than boys, the sportive activities to which the inthose accompanying juvenile sports, do not stincts impel, are essential to bodily welfare. secure so equable a distribution of action to Whoever forbids them, forbids the divineall parts of the body; whence it results that ly-appointed means to physical developthe exertion, falling on special parts, produces fatigue sooner than it would else have done: add to which, that, if constantly repeated, A topic still remains--one perhaps more urthis exertion of special parts leads to a dispro- gently demanding consideration than any of portionate development. Again, the quantity the foregoing. It is asserted by not a few, of exercise thus taken will be deficient, not that among the educated classes the younger only in consequence of uneven distribution, adults and those who are verging upon maturbut it will be further deficient in consequence ity are, on the average, neither so well grown of lack of interest. Even when not made nor so strong as their seniors. When first repulsive, as they sometimes are, by assuming we heard this assertion, we were inclined to the shape of appointed lessons, these monot- disregard it as one of the many manifestations onous movements are sure to become weari- of the old tendency to exalt the past at the some, from the absence of amusement. Com- expense of the present. Calling to mind the petition, it is true, serves as a stimulus; but facts that, as measured by ancient armor, it is not a lasting stimulus, like that enjoy-modern men are proved to be larger than anment which accompanies varied play. Not cient men, and that the tables of mortality only, however, are gymnastics inferior in show no diminution, but rather an increase respect of the quantity of muscular exertion in the duration of life, we paid little attention which they secure; they are still more in- to what seemed a groundless belief. Detailed ferior in respect of the quality. This com- observation, however, has greatly shaken parative want of enjoyment to which we our opinion. Omitting from the comparison have just referred as a cause of early desist- the laboring classes, we have noticed a majorance from artificial exercises, is also a cause ity of cases in which the children do not of inferiority in the effects they produce on reach the stature of their parents; and in the system. The common assumption that so massiveness, making due allowance for diflong as the amount of bodily action is the ference of age, there seems a like inferiority. same, it matters not whether it be pleasurable In health, the contrast appears still greater.

Men of past generations, living riotously as tended than that prescribed for the unenthey did, could bear much more than men of feebled children of past generations. the present generation, who live soberly, can That disastrous consequences must result bear. Though they drank hard, kept irregu- from this cumulative transgression might be lar hours, were regardless of fresh air, and predicted with certainty; and that they do thought little of cleanliness, our recent ances-result, every observant person knows. Go tors were capable of prolonged application where you will, and before long there come without injury, even to a ripe old age: wit- under your notice cases of children, or ness the annals of the bench and the bar. youths, of either sex, more or less injured by Yet we who think much about our bodily undue study. Here, to recover from a state welfare; who eat with moderation, and do of debility thus produced, a year's rustication not drink to excess; who attend to ventila- has been found necessary. There you find a tion, and use frequent ablutions; who make chronic congestion of the brain, that has alannual excursions, and have the benefit of ready lasted many months, and threatens to greater medical knowledge;-we are continu- last much longer. Now you hear of a fever ally breaking down under our work. Paying that resulted from the over-excitement in considerable attention to the laws of health, some way brought on at school. And, again, we seem to be weaker than our grandfathers the instance is that of a youth who has already who, in many respects, defied the laws of had once to desist from his studies, and who, health. And, judging from the appearance since he has returned to them, is frequently and frequent ailments of the rising genera- taken out of his class in a fainting fit. We tion, they are likely to be even less robust state facts-facts that have not been sought than ourselves. for, but have been thrust upon our observation during the last two years; and that, too, within a very limited range. Nor have we by any means exhausted the list. Quite recently we had the opportunity of marking how the evil becomes hereditary: the case being that of a lady of robust parentage, whose system was so injured by the régime of a Scotch

What is the meaning of this? Is it that past over-feeding, alike of adults and juveniles, was less injurious than the under-feeding to which we have adverted as now so general? Is it that the deficient clothing which this delusive hardening theory has encour aged, is to blame? Is it that the greater or less discouragement of juvenile sports, in boarding-school, where she was under-fed and deference to a false refinement, is the cause? From our reasonings it may be inferred that each of these has probably had a share in producing the evil. But there has been yet another detrimental influence at work, per-ate amount of study without headache or gidhaps more potent than any of the others: we mean-excess of mental application.

over-worked, that she invariably suffers from vertigo on rising in the morning; and whose children, inheriting this enfeebled brain, are several of them unable to bear even a moder

diness. At the present time we have daily under our eyes, a young lady whose system On old and young, the pressure of modern has been damaged for life by the college-course life puts a still-increasing strain. In all busi- through which she has passed. Taxed as she nesses and professions, intenser competition was to such an extent that she had no energy taxes the energies and abilities of every left for exercise, she is, now that she has finadult; and, with the view of better fitting the ished her education, a constant complainant. young to hold their place under this intenser Appetite small and very capricious, mostly competition, they are subject to a more severe refusing meat; extremities perpetually cold. discipline than heretofore. The damage is even when the weather is warm; a feebleness thus doubled. Fathers, who find not only which forbids anything but the slowest walkthat they are run hard by their multiplying ing, and that only for a short time; palpitacompetitors, but that, while laboring under tion on going up stairs; greatly impaired visthis disadvantage, they have to maintain a ion-these, joined with checked growth and more expensive style of living, are all the lax tissue, are among the results entailed. year round obliged to work early and late, taking little exercise and getting but short holidays. The constitutions, shaken by this long continued over-application, they bequeath to their children. And then these comparatively feeble children, predisposed as they are to break down even under an ordinary strain upon their energies, are required to go through a curriculum much more ex-conspicuous injuries. To one case where pos

And to her case we may add that of her friend and fellow-student; who is similarly weak; who is liable to faint even under the excitement of a quiet party of friends; and who has at length been obliged by her medical attendant to desist from study entirely.

If injuries so conspicuous are thus frequent, how very general must be the smaller and in

itive illness is directly traceable to over-appli- | disordered functions but by malformation. cation, there are probably at least half-a-doz- He says:-"We lately visited, in a large en cases where the evil is unobtrusive and town, a boarding-school containing forty girls; slowly accumulating-cases where there is and we learnt, on close and accurate inquiry, frequent derangement of the functions, attrib- that there was not one of the girls who had uted to this or that special cause, or to con- been at the school two years (and the majoristitutional delicacy; cases where there is re-ty had been as long) that was not more or less tardation and premature arrest of bodily | crooked!"* growth; cases where a latent tendency to It may be that since 1833, when this was consumption is brought out and established; written, some improvement has taken place. cases where a predisposition is given to that We hope it has. But that the system is still now common cerebral disorder brought on by common-nay, that it is in some cases carried the hard work of adult life. How commonly even to a greater extreme than ever; we can constitutions are thus undermined, will be personally testify. We recently went over a clear to all who after noting the frequent ail-training college for young men: one of those ments of hard-worked professional and mer-instituted of late years for the purpose of sup cantile men, will reflect on the disastrous ef- plying schools with well-disciplined teachers. fects which undue application must produce Here under official supervision, where someupon the undeveloped systems of the young. thing better than the judgment of private The young are competent to bear neither as schoolmistresses might have been looked for, much hardship, nor as much physical exer- we found the daily routine to as follows:tion, nor as much mental exertion, as the full grown. Judge, then, if the full grown so manifestly suffer from the excessive mental exertion required of them, how great must be the damage which a mental exertion, often equally excessive, inflicts upon the young! Indeed, when we examine the merciless school drill to which many children are subjected, the wonder is, not that it does great injury, but that it can be borne at all. Take the instance given by Sir John Forbes from personal knowledge; and which he asserts, after much inquiry, to be an average sample of the middle-class girl's-school system throughout England. Omitting the detailed divisions of time, we quote the summary of the twenty-four hours.

In bed

In school, at their studies and

In school, or in the house, the
older at optional studies or
the work, younger at play
At meals

9 hours (the younger 10)


81 (the younger 24)


At 6 o'clock the students are called,

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7 to 8 studies,

"8 to 9 scripture reading, prayers, and breakfast,
"9 to 12 studies,

"12 to 14 leisure, nominally devoted to walk or other ex-
ercise, but often spent in study,

"1 to 2 dinner, the meal commonly occupying twenty minutes,

"2 to 5 studies,

44 5 to 6 tea and relaxation,

"6 to 8 studies,

"8 to 9 private studies in preparing lessons for the next
"10 to bed.

Thus, out of the twenty-four hours, eight are devoted to sleep; four and a quarter are occupied in dressing, prayers, meals, and the brief periods of rest accompanying them; ten and a half are given to study; and one and a quarter to exercise, which is optional and often avoided. Not only, however, is it that the ten and a half hours of recognized study are frequently increased to eleven and a half by devoting to books the time set apart for exercise; but some of the students who are not quick in learning, get up at four o'clock in the morning to prepare their lessons; and are actually encouraged by their teachers to do this! The course to be passed through in a given time is so extensive; the teachers, whose credit is at stake in getting their pupils well through the examinations, are so urgent; And what are the results of this "astound- and the difficulty of satisfying the requireing regimen," as Sir John Forbes terms it? ments is so great; that pupils are not uncomOf course feebleness, pallor, want of spir- monly induced to spend twelve and thirteen its, general ill-health. But he describes some-hours a day in mental labor!

Exercise in the open air, in the shape of a formal walk, often with lesson-books in hand, and even this only when the weather is fine at the appointed time

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thing more. This utter disregard of physical It needs no prophet to see that the bodily welfare, out of extreme anxiety to cultivate injury inflicted must be great. As we were the mind-this prolonged exercise of the told by one of the inmates, those who arrive brain and deficient exercise of the limbs,-he found to be habitually followed, not only by

'Cyclopædia of Practical Medicine," vol. i. pp. 697, 698.

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