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still remembers him with regret; and she has even told me, though I make a great secret of it, that when he reforms she may be brought to relent.

But to return, for I am not apt to digress thus, when we were to sit down to dinner our ceremonies were going to be renewed. The question was whether my eldest daughter, as being a matron should not sit above the two young brides, but the debate was cut short by my son George, who proposed that the company should sit indiscriminately, every gentleman by his lady. This was received with great approbation by all, excepting my wife, who I could perceive was not perfectly satisfied, as she expected to have had the pleasure of sitting at the head of the table and carving all the meat for all the company. But notwithstanding this, it is impossible to describe our good humour. I can't say whether we had more wit amongst us now than usual, but I am certain we had more laughing, which answered the end as well. One jest I particularly remember; old Mr. Wilmot drinking to Moses, whose head was turned another way, my son replied, ‘Madam, I thank you.' Upon which the old gentleman, winking upon the rest of the company, observed that he was thinking of his mistress. At which jest I thought the two Miss Flamboroughs would have died with laughing. As soon as dinner was over, according to my old custom, I requested that the table might be taken away to have the pleasure of seeing all my family assembled once more by a chearful fire-side. My two little ones sat upon each knee, the rest of the company by their partners. I had nothing now on this side of the grave to wish for; all my cares were over, my pleasure was unspeakable. It now only remained that my gratitude in good fortune should exceed my former submission in adversity.


A', Dialect form of 'he', very widely distributed throughout
England, except in the north. She Stoops, 103. See Eng.
Dialect Dict., s.v. A, v. 1, and He, pron.

ABENSBERG, COUNT, on Henry II's progress through Ger-
many, presents his thirty-two children to their sovereign.
Vicar, 189.

ACADEMY, 'a place of education, in contradistinction to the
universities or publick schools' (Johnson). Vicar, 309. Cp.
Lord Auchinleck's description of Johnson as ‘a dominie, mon—
an auld dominie; he keeped a schule, and cau'd it an acaadamy'
(Birkbeck Hill's Johnson, i. 96 n).

ACTORS: their starts and attitudes. Vicar, 296, 323. Cp.
The Bee, Oct. 13, 1759; Citizen of the World, Letter 21; and
The Present State of Polite Learning, chap. xi.

Dr. Primrose's son among the. Vicar, 306. See also
Strolling Company.

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ADULATION, the dangers of. Vicar, 202.

ADVENTITIOUS, casual, coming unexpectedly. Vicar, 323.
Adventures of Catskin. See Catskin.

and beautiful edition of Aesop's Fables, with instructive morals,
adorned with cuts' was published by Francis Newbery about
1779. The so-called 'Fables of Aesop' are now supposed to
be all spurious.

AGE. I must not tell my age. They say women and music
should never be dated.' She Stoops, 135.

AGITATORS. See Leveller, and Appendix, Note 22.




ALE. There is no business for us that sell ale'


quotation marks seem to show that Hardcastle was repeating
a phrase understood at the time, perhaps with a political meaning.
She Stoops, 110.

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ALL BUT, nearly, almost. All but the whining end of
a modern novel.' She Stoops, 167.


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ALLEMANDE, the name of a German dance. Grumbler, 176.
ALLY CAWN, i.e. Ali Khan, Subah of Bengal. She Stoops, 111.
Khan Lord or Prince. In Persia and Afghanistan a common
affix to, or part of, the name of Hindustanis out of every
rank; properly, however, of those claiming a Pathan descent.
Other forms are Casunas Channa (Khan of Khans) Gingi;
The Cawn of Chengie, &c. (Hobson-Jobson.) The affairs of
the Nawab Jaffier Ali Khan and his son-in-law Mir Cossin Khan,
with the deposition of the one from the Subahship and the
usurpation of the other, occupied a good deal of the attention
of the Directors of the East India Company in 1760 and following
years, as appears from various articles in the Universal Museum
for 1764 (pp. 84–5, 135–9, 207-8).

She Stoops, 111.

Ally Croaker, a popular Irish song.
ALMACK'S, a suite of assembly rooms in King Street, St. James,
so called after the original proprietor. Good-Natur'd Man, 17.
AMAZONS: in Greek legend, a race in Asia Minor said to consist
entirely of women, who excluded men from their territory,
and waged war on their own behalf; hence, a female warrior.
Vicar, 278. The term is now usually applied to a bold, masculine
woman; a virago. Cp. Goldsmith's Essay, 'Female Warriors'.

AMBITION, THE HEIGHTS OF. "The heights of ambition, and the
vale of misery.' Vicar, 294.

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AMES-ACE, the lowest possible throw at dice (from O. French
through Latin = both aces), the double ace; hence fig. bad
luck, worthlessness, naught. Marlow. My old luck: I never
nicked seven that I did not throw ames-ace three times follow-
ing.' She Stoops, 137. Cp. All's Well, 11. iii. 85, ‘I had rather
be in this choice than throw ames-ace for my life'; Fielding,
Lottery (1755), 'If I can but nick this time, ames-ace, I defy thee."
AMHERST. Jeffery, Baron Amherst (1717-97), commander of
the troops in North America, and Field Marshal. Good-Natur'd

Man, 41.

Vicar, 274.

ANIMALS, contrasted with the vermin race'.
ANODYNE NECKLACE. Vicar, 309. This was a charm for
children against convulsions, fits, &c., whilst teething. Cp.

Johnson's Idler, No. 40: The true pathos of advertisements
must have sunk deep into the heart of every man that remembers
the zeal shewn by the seller of the Anodyne Necklace, for the
ease and safety of poor toothing infants; and the affection with
which he warned every mother, that she would never forgive
herself if her infant should perish without a necklace.'

ANON, at your service, sir. She Stoops, 125. 'Like a call
without Anon, sir, Or a question without an answer,' Witts
Recreations. See 1 Henry IV, II. iv.

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ANOTHER-GUESS, of another kind, a corruption of another guise.
Another-guess lover,' Good-Natur'd Man, 24. Another-
manner,' Vicar, 299.

ANTICHAMBER, Fr. antichambre, an outer chamber or waiting-
'It is generally written, improperly, antichambre '


(Johnson). Good-Natur'd Man, 77.

ANTIQUA MATER of Grub Street.
APRIL, FIRST OF, exercise of wit on.

Vicar, 310.

Vicar, 206.

ARGUE DOWN, to overcome in argument. 'All I can say will
never argue down a single button from his clothes.' She Stoops,
121. Cp. downarg, to contradict in an overbearing manner (Eng.
Dialect Dict.).

Ariadne, an opera by Handel; at the end of the overture
occurs the well-known minuet. She Stoops, 99.

[blocks in formation]

ASSYRIA, KINGS OF. Vicar, 267. See Berosus.

AUCTIONS. Good-Natur'd Man, 16; Vicar, 314, 321. Attend-
ing auction-sales was a fashionable method of killing time in
Goldsmith's day.

Auditor, The, a short-lived paper edited by Arthur Murphy.
Vicar, 299. This paper was established in opposition to the
North Briton, in order to vindicate the administration of Lord
Bute. The first number appeared on June 10, 1762, and was
continued weekly until February 8, 1763, when it ceased to
exist. The allusion to this paper seems to show that the Vicar
must have been written in 1762.

AUTHORS, disappointed. Vicar, 313.

BACK. 'Back to back, my pretties, that Mr. Hastings may see
you.' She Stoops, 122. Compare the similar incident in the

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