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No. C.

13th. The subjects of His Britannic Majesty, duly authorized by the British Government in Ceylon, shall have liberty to travel with their merchandize throughout the Kandian territories, to build houses, and purchase and sell their goods without let or hindrance.

14th. The subjects of the crown of Kandy shall, on the other hand, be allowed to settle and carry on trade in the British settlements in Ceylon, and to purchase and send into Kandy all merchandizes, salt, salt-fish, &c., on the same terms with the native subjects of His Britannic Majesty.

15th.-The British Government shall be allowed to examine the rivers and watercourses in the Kandian territories, and shall be assisted by the Kandian Government in rendering them navigable for the purposes of trade and the mutual advantage of both countries.

16th. For the more perfect maintenance of these Articles, and of good understanding and amity between the contracting parties, Prince Mootoo Samy consents and agrees that a minister, on the part of the British Government, shall be permitted, whenever it may be required, to reside at the court of Kandy, and be received and protected with the honors due to his public rank and character.

17th. These Articles, being agreed upon between Prince Mootoo Samy and the Governor of the British settlements in Ceylon, shall be immediately transmitted to His Britannic Majesty for his royal confirmation, and shall, in the mean time, be acted upon with good faith by both the contracting parties according to their true intent and meaning.

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Additional Articles by which the Adigar agrees to the accompanying Convention. A Convention having been entered into between the British Government of Ceylon and His Majesty King Mootoo Samy, the illustrious Lord Pilámé Tiláwé, first Adigar of the court of Kandy, the second Adigar, and the other nobles of the court agree to and become parties in the same :

On condition that His Majesty King Mootoo Samy deliver over the administration of the provinces belonging to the crown of Kandy

No. C.

to the aforesaid Pilámé Tiláwé, with the title of Ootoon Homarayen CEYLON. (or Grand Prince) during the term of his natural life, and continue to reside and hold his court at Jaffnapatam, or in such other part of the British territories in Ceylon as may be agreed on between His said Majesty and the British Government.

And for the proper maintenance of His royal dignity the aforesaid Pilámé Tiláwé engages to pay annually to His said Majesty the sum of thirty thousand Rix Dollars in British currency and to fulfil all the engagements entered into by His Majesty with the British Government.

And for the better security of the payment of the sums stipulated to be paid to King Mootoo Samy, as well as to the King lately on the throne of Kandy, the said Pilámé Tiláwé agrees to deliver to the British Government at Colombo, in the course of every year, the amount of twenty thousand ammonams of good areka nut, each ammonam containing twenty-four thousand nuts at the rate of six Rix Dollars, British currency, per ammonam, to be paid to the agents of the said Pilámé Tiláwé by the said British Government, in coined copper to that amount, or in such other articles as may be agreed on between the parties.

And the British Government will, in that case, charge itself with the payment of the allowances stipulated for both those Princes.

And the Adigar Pilámé Tiláwé agrees to cede in perpetuity to the British Government the village and district of Gangavelle (or Elvele), now called fort Macdowall, in exchange for the hill-fort of Geriagamme, which the British Government cedes again to Pilámé Tiláwé.

And it is still further agreed upon that all the Princes and Princesses of royal family now in confinement shall be immediately set at liberty, and allowed to settle, with their personal property, wherever they choose, and that a general amnesty and pardon shall be observed on both sides, as well towards those who have opposed as towards those who have supported the claims of King Mootoo Samy, in the late or any former contest.

And it is hereby agreed by His Majesty King Mootoo Samy, on his part, by His Excellency Frederic North, Governor of the British possessions in Ceylon, on the part of his Government, and by the most illustrious Lord Pilámé Tiláwé, first Adigar, on his part, and


on that of the 2nd Adigar and principal nobles of the court, that Nos. C. & CI. the Articles above agreed upon shall be carried into effect fully and completely, as soon as the Prince lately on the throne of Kandy shall be delivered into the hands of the British Government, and that, till then, a perfect truce and cessation of hostilities shall continue between all the contracting parties.

And the said contracting parties have in faith thereof set to the said Articles their seals, and signed them with their names respectively.

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Ar a Convention held on the second day of March, in the year of Christ 1815, and the Cingalese year 1736, at the palace in the city of Kandy, between His Excellency Lieutenant-General Robert Brownrigg, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the British settlements and territories in the island of Ceylon, acting in the name and on behalf of His Majesty George the Third, King, and His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, Regent of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, on the one part, and the Adigars, Dessaves, and other principal Chiefs of the Kandian provinces, on behalf of the inhabitants, and in presence of the Mohottales, Coraals, Vidaans, and other subordinate headmen from the several provinces, and of the people then and there assembled, on the other part, it is agreed and established as follows:

1. That the cruelties and oppressions of the Malabar ruler in the arbitrary and unjust infliction of bodily tortures, and the pains of death without trial, and sometimes without an accusation or the possibility of a crime, and in the general contempt and contravention of all civil rights, have become flagrant, enormous, and intolerable; the acts and maxims of his Government being equally and entirely devoid of that justice which should secure the safety of his subjects, and of that good

faith which might obtain a beneficial intercourse with the neighbouring CEYLON. settlements.

2. That the Rajah Sree Wikrema Rajah Singha, by the habitual violation of the chief and most sacred duties of a sovereign, has forfeited all claims to that title, or the powers annexed to the same, and is declared fallen and deposed from the office of King; his family and relatives, whether in the ascending, descending, or collateral line, and whether by affinity or blood, are also for ever excluded from the throne; and all claim or title of the Malabar race to the dominion of the Kandian provinces is abolished and extinguished.

3. That all male persons, being or pretending to be relations of the late Rajah Sree Wikrema Rajah Singha, either by affinity or blood, and whether in the ascending, descending, or collateral line, are hereby declared enemies to the Government of the Kandian provinces, and excluded and prohibited from entering those provinces on any pretence whatever, without a written permission for that purpose by the authority of the British Government, under the pains and penalties of martial law, which is hereby declared to be in force for that purpose; and all male persons of the Malabar caste now expelled from the said provinces, are, under the same penalties, prohibited from returning, except with the permission before mentioned.

4. The dominion of the Kandian provinces is vested in the sovereign of the British Empire, and to be exercised through the Governors or Lieutenant-Governors of Ceylon for the time being, and their accredited agents; saving to the Adigars, Dessaves, Mohottales, Coraals, Vidaans, and all other chief and subordinate native headmen lawfully appointed by authority of the British Government, the rights, privileges, and powers of their respective offices; and to all classes of the people the safety of their persons and property with their civil rights and immunities, according to the laws, institutions, and customs established and in force amongst them.

5. The religion of Budhoo, professed by the Chiefs and inhabitants of these provinces, is declared inviolable, and its rights, ministers, and places of worship are to be maintained and protected.

6. Every species of bodily torture, and all mutilation of limb, member, or organ, are prohibited and abolished.

No. CI.


No. CI.

7. No sentence of death can be carried into execution against any inhabitant except by the written warrant of the British Governor or Lieutenant-Governor for the time being, founded on a report of the case made to him through the accredited agent or agents of the Government resident in the interior, in whose presence all trials for capital offences are to take place.

8. Subject to these conditions, the administration of civil and criminal justice, and police over the Kandian inhabitants of the said provinces, is to be exercised according to established forms, and by the ordinary authorities; saving always the inherent right of Government to redress grievances and reform abuses in all instances whatever, particular or general, where such interposition shall become necessary.

9. Over all other persons, civil or military, residing in or resorting to these provinces, not being Kandians, civil and criminal justice, together with police, shall, until the pleasure of His Majesty's Government in England may be otherwise declared, be administered in manner following:

First.-All persons, not being commissioned or non-commissioned military officers, soldiers, or followers of the army, usually held liable to military discipline, shall be subject to the magistracy of the accredited agent or agents of the British Government in all cases, except charges of murder, which shall be tried by special commissions to be issued from time to time by the Governor for that purpose; provided always, as to such charges of murder wherein any British subject may be defendant, who might be tried for the same by the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in force for the trial of offences committed by British subjects in foreign parts, no such British subject shall be tried on any charge of murder alleged to have been perpetrated in the Kandian provinces, otherwise than by virtue of such laws of the United Kingdom.

Secondly.-Commissioned or non-commissioned military officers, soldiers, or followers of the army, usually held amenable to military discipline, shall, in all civil and criminal cases wherein they be defendants, be liable to the laws, regulations, and customs of war; reserving to the Governor and Commander-in-Chief, in all cases falling under this ninth Article, an unlimited right of review over every proceeding, civil or military, had by virtue thereof; and reserving also full power to make

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