ABOLITION CONV. at Warsaw, N. Y., 1839. 12
ABOLITIONISTS (Garrisonians) for Disunion. 173
ACCEPTANCE of Presidential candidates.... 210
ADAMS, CHARLES FRANCIS, of Massachusetts,
President Buffalo Convention, 1848; Nominee of
do, for Vice-President.
ADAMS, GOVERNOR, of South Carolina, re- commends in a Message the reopening of the Afri- can Slave-Trade.
ADAMS, JOHN, of Massachusetts, chosen President 1796-7: Reëlection defeated 1800-1....
ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY, of Massachusetts,
elected President 1824; defeated candidate for
do. 1828...
ASHMUN, GEORGE, of Massachusetts, Presi-
dent Republican National Convention, 1860.......
ATCHISON, DAVID R., of Missouri, beaten for Vice-President in Democratic Convention, 1852 20
BANKS, NATHANIEL P., of Massachusetts,
defeated for Vice-President in Rep. Conv., 1856...
Supported for Vice-President in Republican Na-
tional Convention, 1860.
BATES, EDWARD, of Missouri, President Whig National Convention, 1856.
CAMBRELENG, C. C., of N. Y. on Slavery... 204 23 CAMERON, Gen. SIMON, Of Pennsylvania, candidate for President before Republican Na- tional Convention, 1860
CLINGMAN, THOMAS L., of North Carolina, for Dissolution.
COCHRANE, JOHN, of New-York, presents
Anti-Slavery Resolves to Mass Meetings......... 207
CRAWFORD, MARTIN J., for Dissolution 172
CRAWFORD, WILLIAM H., of Georgia, beaten
in Democratic Caucus for President in 1816;
Democratic Caucus candidate for President, 1824
Beaten for President 1824...
Proposition of Mr. S. E. Church, of New-York; Report of Committee on Credentials
Minority Report of do.; Admission of Douglas Delegates from Louisiana and Alabama
Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland
and California withdraw.
Delaware, and part of Kentucky, and Missouri
withdraw; Gen. Cushing resigns the Chair;
Gen. Butler, of Massachusetts, offers a pro-
tions), adopted by the United States Senate, affirm-
ing the duty of Congress to establish a Slave Code
in the Territories
DICKINSON, DANIEL S., of New-York, sup-
ported for President in Democratic National Con-
vention, 1860.
20 DIX, Gen. JOHN A., advocates Freedom
DALLAS, GEORGE M., of Pennsylvania, nomi-
nated for and elected Vice-President, 1844... 18 DOBBIN, JAMES C., of North Carolina, beaten
DAVIS, GARRETT, of Kentucky, defeated for
President in the American National Convention... 28
DAVIS JEFFERSON, of Mississippi, supported,
1860, for President in National Democratic Con-
His resolutions as they passed the Senate....... 194
DAVIS, JOHN, of Massachusetts, defeated for
Vice-President in Whig National Convention, 1844.
DAVIS, JOHN W., of Indiana, President De-
mocratic National Convention, 1852.....
![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.co.kr/books/content?id=VDoSm4vOwnAC&hl=ko&output=html_text&pg=PA4&img=1&zoom=3&q=%22the+provisions+of+this+act%3B+but+no+law+shall+be+passed+interfering+with+the+primary+disposal+of+the+soil+%3B%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U3LGgmoDjhnZ0QdipoxJvSqCDYV6A&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=80,1115,408,370)
![[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]](https://books.google.co.kr/books/content?id=VDoSm4vOwnAC&hl=ko&output=html_text&pg=PA4&img=1&zoom=3&q=%22the+provisions+of+this+act%3B+but+no+law+shall+be+passed+interfering+with+the+primary+disposal+of+the+soil+%3B%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U3LGgmoDjhnZ0QdipoxJvSqCDYV6A&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=862,189,35,996)
DONELSON, ANDREW J., of Tennessee, nomi-
nated for Vice-President by American Convention. 23
Indorsed by Whig National Convention, 1856 ...
DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A., of Illinois, beaten
for President in Democratic Convention, 1852...
Beaten for President in Democratic Conven-
tion, 1856.
Nominated at Baltimore in 1860
Proposes to extend the Missouri Compromise to
the Pacific
Mr. Douglas' reply to Lincoln at Freeport.....
Mr. Douglas "Harper" Essay on Popular So-
vereignty in the Territories..
Speech at Springfield, Ill., June 12, 1857.
Speech on the John Brown raid, July 16, 1860,
proposing a Sedition Law..
He tells what Popular Sovereignty has done for
Accepts Nomination for Presidency.........
Extract from Speech in favor of Missouri Com-
JOHNSON, ANDREW, of Tennessee, supported for President in National Democratic Convention: 41
JOHNSON, HERSCHEL V., of Georgia, beaten
for Vice-President in Democratic National Conven-
tion in 1856..
Nominated for Vice-President by Democratic
National Committee, 1860....
Speech on Slavery in the Territories in 1848 Holds that capital should own the laborer, in a speech at Philadelphia in 1856. His Report affirming the absolute right of holding slaves in the Territories...
OHNSON, RICHARD M., of Kentucky, beaten in Convention for Vice-President, 1882.. Nominated and elected Vice-President in 1886.. Beaten for Vice-President in 1840...
Beaten for President in Democratic Convention,
JOHNSON, WILLIAM COST, of Maryland, Pre-
MARSH, EPHRAIM, of New-Jersey, President American National Convention.....
MASON, JOHN Y., of Virginia, beaten for Vice-President in Dem. Nat. Con., 1848... 24 MASSACHUSETTS DECLARES FOR FREEDOM
nominee for President in 1844..
AW, GEORGE, of New-York, defeated for President in American National Convention, 1856. LAWRENCE, ABBOTT, of Massachusetts, de- feated for Vice-President in Whig Convention, 1848. 15 LEAKE, SHELTON F., of Virginia, for Disso- lution...
LEE, HENRY, of Massachusetts, supported by South Carolina for Vice-President, 1882....... LEMOYNE, FRANCIS J., of Pennsylvania, Abolition candidate for Vice-President, 1840...... LETCHER, JOHN (Governor of Virginia),
LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, of Illinois, defeated for
Vice-President in Republican Convention, 1856...
Nominated for President by Republican Conven-
tion, 1860.
Speech at Springfield, Ill., June 17, 1858
Discussion with Mr. Douglas at Freeport, Ill....
Speech at Cooper Institute, New-York, 1860....
Letter to Boston Committee on the Jefferson
Birthday Festival; Letter to Dr. Canisius on
Accepts nomination for Presidency.
LUCAS, Gen. ROBERT, President first Demo-
cratic National Convention......
MADISON, JAMES, of Virginia, elected Presi- dent 1808, and reelected in 1812..... MAINE DEMOCRACY FOR THE WILMOT PRO- viso.
MANGUM, WILLIE P., of North Carolina, sup- ported by South-Carolina for President in 1836... MARCY, WILLIAM L., of New York, beaten for President in Dem. National Convention, 1852.
![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.co.kr/books/content?id=VDoSm4vOwnAC&hl=ko&output=html_text&pg=PA6&img=1&zoom=3&q=%22the+provisions+of+this+act%3B+but+no+law+shall+be+passed+interfering+with+the+primary+disposal+of+the+soil+%3B%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U0UPuio6u2Zy-ajDQPJ96tGJzQinA&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=433,1165,130,317)
PIERCE, FRANKLIN, of New-Hampshire,
nominated for President in Democratic Conven-
tion, 1852...
Elected President,.
Defeated for President in National Con., 1856..
Receives one vote for President in National
Convention, 1860..
PILLOW, Gen. GIDEON J., of Tennessee,
beaten for Vice-President in Democratic Conven-
tion, 1852...
PINCKNEY, CHARLES C., of South Carolina, beaten for Vice-President, 1800; also for President in 1804 and 1808........
adopted by first Democratic Convention; Nation-
al Republican Platform..
![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.co.kr/books/content?id=VDoSm4vOwnAC&hl=ko&output=html_text&pg=PA7&img=1&zoom=3&q=%22the+provisions+of+this+act%3B+but+no+law+shall+be+passed+interfering+with+the+primary+disposal+of+the+soil+%3B%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U0YD8hlRW6Km8ygbCVjVWyqUoeImw&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=897,148,28,418)
Mr. Atchison's remarks thereon; President Pierce protests against the renewal of agita- tion; Mr. Douglas's first Nebraska Report... 80
He amends his bill; Mr. Chase proposes to au- thorize the people of Kansas to prohibit Sla- very therein; Opposed by Messrs. Bell, Doug- las, etc., and defeated.
Mr. Clayton's "American" amendment; Mr. Chase moves that the people of the Territory be authorized to elect their own Governor; Defeated by 80 to 10; Mr. Seward's speech against the bill...
The Kansas-Nebraska bill passes the Senate...
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