
The managing editor of the New York Tribune should send a representative to Chautauqua next year, or else catch Dr. Vincent on the wing and interview him, for the express purpose of learning the difference between a "camp meeting" and the Chautauqua meetings. The Tribune's editorials on Chautauqua would be more intelligent, and in keeping with the high character of the paper, if the editors would learn what Chautauqua is, and what it is not. It is not a camp meeting.

It is reported that Robert Bonner pays his horse doctor a salary more than double that paid any college professor in the country. If this be true, it is another illustration of the Scripture: "The children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light."

The great Ecumenical council of Methodism was opened in London, England, with a sermon by Bishop Simpson. Prayers were offered every day for the recovery of President Garfield. The lay delegates to the council from the Wesleyan Methodists include the Lord Mayor of London, several mayors of other cities, three or four members of Parliament, a Queen's counsel, and a half dozen magistrates.

During the Chautauqua Assembly of 1881 there were held seven C. L. S. C. Round-Table conferences, two anniversary meetings, one conference of local circle conductors, one night vigil of the Class of 1882, and one camp fire, making ten meetings in all, devoted exclusively to the interests of the Circle.

Local circles will find a new department elsewhere in this number, which we shall continue through the volume. It will be helpful to members who are not connected with the local circle, as well as to these organizations. Send us reports of your work and you shall have a hearing.

then not have the plea of suicide committed in ignorance. (3) The selection of sincere temperance men to make laws for the protection of society from its worst foe.

Q. Is Webster's or Worcester's dictionary recommended to the C. L. S. C. as the better authority in pronunciation and orthography?

A. They are both recommended in the strongest terms. We always feel safe when we can appeal to either as authority for our way. The most eminent scholars in English are divided in their preferences.

Q. Is there any ground for the plea of the Catholics that the massacre of St. Bartholomew was done in self-defence? A. The Roman Catholic Church has been trying to wash the terrible blood stains of Bartholomew from her garment for the last three hundred years. She has not succeeded, and never can. The Duke of Guise, Catherine de Medici, and the weak Charles IX, were all acting under the approbation of the papal court. A plot to murder the Huguenots in all France was not conceived without deliberation. Q. What is the most warmly contested point in theological controversy to-day.

A. The rationalistic "smooth bores" seem to be aimed chiefly, just now, at the doctrine of the inspiration of the Scriptures.

Q. What history of the United States is the best for the general reader?

A. Ridpath's is good for the general reader. is the exhaustive work.


Q. Is it proper, (1) That cigars should be sold in hotels or in stores on Sunday? (2) Is it proper for persons to visit the postoffice on the Sabbath day for their mail?

A. (1) Sometimes the guests of a hotel obtain cigars as they do their boarding, and pay for them on a week day. This makes it difficult to prevent selling to this class of persons. But where a cigar store or stand is kept open, and a clerk is present to conduct business, it is a violation of the Sunday

The average attendance of the Sunday-schools throughout law, and in every such instance the law should be enforced. the United States is said to be eighty.

Bishop H. W. Warren and Rev. Joseph Cook were in Europe in August, and the Rev. J. M. Buckley, D. D., sailed later for the same destination. All three were thus prevented from being at the Chautauqua meetings, where they are always welcome, and popular on the platform as lecturers or preachers.

Scribner's Monthly is to be known as The Century, after October.


Q. I very much desire a full set of the ASSEMBLY DAILY HERALD for 1881. Can it be obtained?

A. Yes. Send for full sets of ASSEMBLY HERALD or last year's CHAUTAUQUAN to the regular business address at Meadville, Pa.

Q. What is there to be gained by discussion of woman's suffrage?

A. Whatever light candid, sincere discussion throws upon any subject. All such discussion is a search for truth. By discussion alone has every great issue been weighed and tested, and finally determined, either for the negative or affirmative.

Q. Will you please state what you regard the best means of destroying the evil of intemperance?

A. (1) Positive teachings of its destructive effects on the soul, from the pulpit, in the Sunday-school, and in the home. (2) A clear and emphasized teaching of the destructive effects of alcohol on the body in every grade of the week day schools, from the primary up to the university. Men will

(2) We doubt the propriety of keeping a postoffice open on the Lord's day, but since it is the custom in most places, we should say that no man ought to visit it for his business mail, or, indeed, any other kind of mail. In cases of dangerous sickness or death, the telegraph works quicker and as a rule is used in preference to the mail, so that no necessity exists for visiting the postoffice on the Sabbath day.

Q. Can you suggest some method of abating the nuisance to the traveling public on the cars, of having the contents of a news store, a confectionery store, and a fruit store passed in review before each passenger every time he travels?

A. This is a hard question. Traders and news dealers pay the railroad companies big prices for their privileges, but the traveler ought to be protected, since he pays for his seat, and hence has a right to rest from greedy news agents and fruit venders. Already the law has been invoked to suppress impure literature on some railways, and we apprehend that if this trafficking can be proven to be a nuisance, (and on some roads that would be easy to do) it then could be suppressed.

Q. Can one who has reached the meridian of life, and who has never had the habits of a student, learn as readily as one younger?

A. As a rule, probably not. The mind of a middle-aged man, though strengthened by years of experience and observation, is not as receptive of things elementary, as when younger. He will find it more difficult, too, to form the habit of study than in youth. But the difference, whatever it may be, is too little to discourage a man however old, who desires to learn. The instances are numerous of those who had passed man's allotted "three score and ten," beginning and mastering the most obstruse branches of human knowl

edge. A pound of will and purpose can be made to destroy a mountain of obstacle.

Q. In the article "Introduction to the Sciences," page 361, May number, the sentence occurs, "But though air is a fluid it is not a liquid." I always supposed the two were the same, and can find no material difference in Webster. Will you please explain?

A. The term fluid includes both liquids and aeriform bodies. The latter are also called gases and vapors. In liquids the particles cohere so slightly that they move freely among themselves, as water. In the aeriform bodies they tend to separate and spread out indefinitely. All fluids not aeriform are liquids.

Q. I would be very grateful to THE CHAUTAUQUAN if it would tell me how I can avoid getting "rusty" so soon in the studies I pursued in school only a few years ago. My languages, for instance. When I left school, I could translate Latin and German quite well, and Greek somewhat; but now that my duties do not require Latin and Greek (İ live on a farm) I am fast forgetting all I knew of them. What can I do to hold on to that which cost me much labor and sacrifice?

A. We take special pleasure in answering the above question. Our correspondent and a thousand others have felt the same disappointment, the same anxiety to know how such a result might be avoided. Two words, and two alone, furnish, infallibly, a solution of the whole troublesystem and perseverance-system in the appropriation of time each secular day, so much to Latin, so much to Greek, and so on, and a perseverance in the carrying out of the plan, which does not yield to a slight headache, a little indigestion, an ill-humor, or anything. We speak advisedly when we say that five minutes a day given to Latin, or any language, will keep the "rust" from gathering, and will, we believe, even enable the student to make some progress.

Q. My neighbor, a very good woman, is a believer in Mother Shipton and her prophecy, that the world will end in 1881. I have tried to persuade her of the foolishness of her faith but she is evidently much influenced by her superstition. Can you suggest any way in which I can disabuse her of this belief?

A. We can think of nothing better than an endeavor to show her the invalidity of Mother Shipton's claims as a prophetess. Any one who presumes to foretell the time of the end of the world does more than any of the inspired ones of the Scriptures attempt to do. The world may end this year, but if it does it will not heighten our respect for the prophetical character of Mother Shipton or any other pretender. If the aforesaid neighbor persists in her belief, we trust our correspondent will try to have her adopt the spirit of the Speaker of the Connecticut Legislature, who, when the famous "dark day" of 1780 came on, while that body was in session, said: "Let the candles be brought in. If this be the Day of Judgment, I desire that the Judge may find me at the post of duty."

Q. Do you think that our civil service system is in any sense or degree responsible for the act of the assassin Guiteau ?

A. Again and again throughout history have kings and men in high places been struck down by the assassin. The isolated fact that Guiteau attempted the life of President Garfield proves nothing but a fearful case of human depravity. But that for weeks and months he had been a beggar for office, pressing his claims on the ground of work done for the party, that he declared that his shooting of the President was to remove a disharmony which was the outgrowth of our civil service system, that the wretch himself was become desperate over his fruitless efforts to obtain an office, and shot the President in his desperation, these facts fix the responsibility upon a civil service system which furnishes a sphere for such motives. The truth is (and we may as well confess it, repent in tears and strike for reform) that the civil service system introduced into

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our politics by Andrew Jackson, and adopted by the party in power ever since, is one which has little to offer for real manliness, qualifications, or worth. Good and worthy men, of necessity, are occasionally appointed to positions in the civil service, but oftener the henchman, the loud-shouter at the last election is the one preferred. The country is astir upon this matter, and we may look for something better. A change must come, for a nation can not stand forever under a system whose influences are debasing to her people. Either the idea of our afflicted President that many more of the offices should be made elective, or the English system of competitive examinations, or both, will be ultimately adopted.


In those who hold in the doctrine of the government of the world by God, there are two classes of views. The first is that class who regard the government of this world as by law. They say that God has given the natural laws-he sends his rain on the just and unjust.

There is a better doctrine than that, and it is that God cares for you personally. Now we believe that in addition to this beautiful and wonderful law, that moves on majestically, there is yet a victory that is not to the strong, a race that is not to the swift. There is a providence that comes to care for all the poor and weary, and all those who find themselves too weak to keep up in the struggle of life under general laws.

A special providence does not mean a miracle. Some people cannot look at it in any other way, and expect to see natural laws set aside so that the fire shall not burn and the frost shall not bite.

My friends, God has a general law under this whole work. He will fill the "barrel of meal" and the "cruse of oil" by the sunshine and the natural products as long as the earth is fertile, and when the supply fails he will find a way to see that they are supplied.

"Men write histories blinded to the future. They cannot see the divine influences-the effect of their workings; but the divine writers give us the biography of man, showing the divine influence as well as the human."

The Lord does keep his people. "The angel of the Lord encampeth round his people and delivereth them." How

does he do it?

Don't you know some time in your life if you only had your wits about you the whole events of your life might have been changed? Under excitement you do not think.

Now, what does the Christian religion do for any man in the hour of his need? Let him feel the burden upon him and the force of temptation, and in that moment he lifts his eye, and lo! a light arises in the darkness and God is with him, and he is calmed and kept supreme in this hour of severe trial. The better faculties of his mind are all held alert and active, and he is delivered.

There are some objections to this doctrine of special providence.

There is a man that is praying for rain and one praying for dry weather. What kind of weather are we going to have? Remember that the work of special providence is not special petting.

If a mother had a dozen children, and they should every one come for a special thing, and the mother should try to gratify them all, I think that house would be a bedlam.

But suppose she should try to do the very best thing for every child, and not try to gratify the whims, then that home would be in perfect harmony.

That is the way God deals with us-not by special petting which does damage to others, but by trying to do the very best thing for all the world.-Rev, C. N. Sims, D. D.




Upon the bosom of the Lake

The moon was setting low, Two people in a little boat Were sitting in a row.

And one was of the sterner sex,

And at the stern sat he,

And stern the glances that he cast
Upon the scenery.

Before him sat a maiden fair,

With hair red from her birth;

No sweet perfume wafts from her locks,
Not a red scent are they worth.

Upon the Lake no harsh wind blew,
No blue was in the sky;

The only blew that he could see

Was in the maiden's eye.

And she was sucking gum drops sweet: "What perfect silence, Sue,

I almost hear the lilies bloom;"
"And hear the gum drop, too."

It was the maiden spoke the last,
And o'er young was she

To ply the oar as she did;
"I owe 'er one," said he.

"Row carefully, my pretty one,
The tide is running free;

Though as for me, what e'er betide,
I would be tied to thee.

"Alas! my locks are getting thin,
As thin as thin can be;
For thy sake, would I had 'em back-"
"Take the oar locks," said she.
Unrig your hat, my manly friend,
For the wind is southerly;
"Neath a bare poll we'll scud along,
'Tis the safe way," said she.

He made a move to take her hand,
'Twas done so carelessly
The boat tipped over, and she said:
"I'm all upset, you see.'

A tug boat came along and tugged,
And one pull brought them in,
For he was pulling on to her,
And she pulled on to him.

But though he was a salesman bold
At the time my tale begins,
He was too weak to thread his way,
Or stand upon his pins.

"Pillow my head upon your breast,
From pain 'twill give relief;"
But a counterpane was in her heart
To bolster up her grief.

For she had been a chambermaid,
And handled many a sheet,
But this wet blanket to her strength
Had used her up complete.

[blocks in formation]

If you want to have some innocent-that is to say, some comparatively innocent fun, procure a large frog, and place him in a glass globe partly filled with water. Frogs are very nice pets; they are not expensive, and it don't cost much to keep them. They are not very particular about what they eat or when they eat it. You can leave your pet frog in some water and go away and spend the summer, and find him as lively as ever on your return, and ready to eat almost anything. Then is the time to have a little scientific enjoyment in the study of natural history. What you want to do then is to catch a live mouse. Of course it is easier to catch a dead one, but the live mouse will give you a more interesting season. Therefore, catch a live mouse

about a third larger than the frog, and put him in the globe
with your pet. The prelude will, I confess, in most in-
stances, be a little tame. Mouse will scramble about, ut-
terly ignoring Mr. Frog. He will prance about in an ex-
cited manner, and leap upon the back of froggy, who will
endure the insulting indifference and outrageous indigni-
ties like a martyr. He is at this stage the embodiment of
humility. Even when the mouse, endeavoring to reach a
high position, places his hind feet on each the frog's eyes,
the eyes are simply closed, and the features of the frog as-
sume an expression so meek that it ought to inherit the
earth. But the interest increases in the second act. The
frog's natural lymphatic temperament appears to be gradu-
ally overcome by his peculiar experience. His round, star-
ing, prominent eyes assume a more intelligent look, and his
features have a sort of inquiring expression. He stirs him-
self a little, and, as his liveliness increases, bounces about in
the circumscribed sphere in which he dwells, bangs his head
recklessly against the glass. He is actually getting mad.
"He raised not an arm, he defied not his foes,
While a leaf of the olive remained;

Till goaded with insults, his spirits arose,
Like a long-baited lion unchained."

Suddenly, if the spectator be in the right position, that is, if he happens to have a fore-shortened view in parallel perspective with the head of the frog, in facing the perspective plane-suddenly the frog seems transformed into a yawning red chasm. This, however, is an optical illusion, as the fact is he has only opened his mouth. This yawning chasm increases until there seems to be no room in the globe for anything else. The mind of the spectator begins to get confused, and his conceptions of space and relations confounded, and before recovering from the natural astonishment of the extraordinary phenomena, the hind legs of the mouse are seen wandering about in an aimless manner within the red circle. Deeper and deeper they sink in the open abyss, but his fore legs are free, and his mouth is unfettered, and he seems to be awake to the emergency of the case. So he claws and splashes, kicks and fights, endeavors to turn his head to bring his sharp teeth into use, but the frog sits firmly balanced on end, employing all four feet to the best advantage, his fore feet grasping the mouse's body, while his hind feet, with a rapid and vigorous succession of kicks, keep the mouse's head in a straight line, with the nose pointing away. Further and further sinks the unfortunate mouse into the living grave. Now, only his shoulders are visible, and we say this is all-he must have touched bottom now. There is no use, Mr. Frog, you've done well, but an impossibility is an impossibility just the same; its your turn now, Mr. Mouse, you've a good brace for your hind feet somewhere; you must have, in the nature of things. But no; down he goes, shoulders, head, nose and all. The abyss has closed over him. A saintly smile spreads over the hypocritical frog, and although there are apparent spasmodic throbs discernible about the sides and body of Mr. Frog, it doesn't seem like a "wave of trouble across his peaceful breast;" on the other hand, he appears to enjoy it. This settles it for a month or so. Let me recommend this experiment to any who are longing for excitement. It will do you good, for there are morals to be drawn from it too numerous for mention-the final success of perseverance, etc., and if you are troubled with skeptical doubts about Jonah's abode, one exhibition of this sort will be enough to establish your faith.

Our thoughts are children of the brain,
That often come when least expected;
Alas! they seldom long remain,
Unless with clothing they're protected.

Let it become our highest aim
To clothe them as we ought,
For we often win a greater fame
For the dressing than the thought.

CHAUTAUQUA CHILDREN'S CLASS N. Y.; Anna M. Stevens, 1806 E. 3d street, Dayton, Ohio;

OF 1881.


First.-Clara J. Blake, Rochester, Minn. Second.-Elizabeth B. Doren, Dayton, Ohio. Third.-Willa H. Spillard, Cincinnati, Ohio.


Jessie Gilman, Bradford, Pa.

Anna L. Sullivan, Miles' Grove, Pa.
Carrie E. Clark, Ridgway, Pa.


Sue L. Barnitz, 95 15th St., Wheeling, W. Va.; Henry M. Barrett, Titusville, Pa.; Clara J. Black, Rochester, Minn.; Carrie E. Clark, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa.; Nell A. Clark, Union City, Erie county, Pa.; Elizabeth B. Doren, 232 Jackson St., Dayton, O.; Emma Espy, Sheakleyville, Mercer county, Pa.; Jessie Gilman, Bradford, McKean county, Pa.; Florence A. Jones, Greenfield, Erie county, Pa.; Morris B. Jones, Greenfield, Erie county, Pa.; Jessie W. Maitland, Rockland, Venango county, Pa.; Blanche L. Palmer, Stedman, Chautauqua county, N. Y.; Hattie M. Parks, Chautauqua, Chautauqua county, N. Y.; Sammie Peaseley, Pleasantville, Venango county, Pa.; Maud M. Pollock, box 103, Union City, Pa.; Willa H. Spillard, Cumminsville Station, Cincinnati, Ohio; Marion I. Springer, South Oil City, Pa.; Anna L. Sullivan, Miles' Grove, Erie county, Pa.; May Thompson, Marysville, Union county, O.


John Bethune, Knox P. O., Clarion county, Pa.; Charlie S. Evans, Tidioute, Warren county, Pa.; Orsa Fritts, Wattsburg, Erie county, Pa.; Ella Grady, Box 307, Titusville, Pa.; Charlie A. Harris, 530 South Division street, Buffalo, N. Y.; Almira Jones, Greenfield, Erie county, Pa.: Glennie E. Smith, Columbus, Pa.; Eva N. Taggart, East Palestine, Ohio; Maggie T. Turrill, Cumminsville Station, Cincinnati, Ohio; Anna J. Whipple, Saegertown, Crawford county, Pa.; Mattie W. Wilcox, Chautauqua, N. Y.; Oley B. Wright, Freehold, Warren county, Pa.


Amy M. Bussey, Sharon, Mercer county, Pa.; Frank E. Chidester, Corry, Erie county, Pa.; Helen Irwin, Pleasantville, Pa.; Lura Lobaugh, Elmwood, Peoria county, III.; Frederic V. Massey, 753 Euclid avenue, Cleveland, Ohio; Camilla McGuire, Cumminsville Station, Cincinnati, Ohio; Mary A. Sixby, Mayville, Chautauqua county, N. Y.



Mary. E. Bray, Parker City, Pa.; Mary L. Brown, 104 South Forty-second street, Philadelphia, Pa.; Lela M. Brown, Brighton, Ill.; Myrtle Cone, Panama, Chautauqua county, N. Y.; Lena D. Donaldson, Akron, Ohio; Kittie W. Elliott, East Titusville, Pa.; Dora Jackson, Hinsdale, N. Y.; Blanche Jackson, Hinsdale, N. Y.; Jessie M. Manley, Panama, N. Y.; Eddie J. Mueller, Williamsville, Erie county, Pa.; Frank J. Peck, box 577, Warren, Ohio; Flora J. Plimpton, Newark, Wayne county, N. Y.; Cornelia G. Smith, Warren, Ohio; Henry Sperry, Sherman, N. Y.; Oliver E. Taylor, Sidney, Ohio; Adda Thompson, Foster Brook, McKean county, N. Y.; Laura L. Whipple, Saegertown, Crawford county, Pa.; Georgie L. White, Fredonia,

N. Y.


Lidie Barnitz, No. 95 15th street, Wheeling, W. Va.; Mary E. Bennett, Jubilee Hall, Nashville, Tenn.; Nelson W. Butler, Olean, N. Y.; Daisy Doren, Dayton, Ohio; Clinton Elwell, Newark Valley, Tioga county, N. Y.; Jennie Johnson, Burton, Ohio; Frank C. Perkins, Box 8, Dunkirk,

Leonard N. White, Fredonia, N. Y.


Grace Barrett, Titusville, Pa.; Martha J. Colburn, Jamestown, N. Y.; Mary Edwards, Clarion, Pa.; Aniemay Field, 44 Maple street, Cleveland, Ohio; Minnie Geuske, Dunkirk, N. Y.; Morie C. Green, Sherman, Chautauqua county, N. Y.; Elijah G. Harris, Box 525, Buffalo, N. Y.; Jennie Harton, Box 406, Titusville, Pa.; Nellie F. Merriam, Kinzua, Warren county, Pa.; Grant S. Metcalf, Mineral Ridge, Ohio; Edith Olds, North Evans, Erie county, N. Y.; John H. Pierce, care of W. H. Westcott, Holly, Orleans county, N. Y.; Carrie E. Rice, Ellington, Chautauqua county, N. Y.; Rosa L. Smith, Waterford, Erie county, Pa.; Emma E. Stevenson, Leeville, Carroll county, Ohio; Mary B. Warner, Espyville, Crawford county, Pa.; Hattie Wilson, Shippenville, Clarion county, Pa.


William M. Bennett, Jubilee Hall, Nashville, Tenn.; Mamie A. Bidwell, Hockanum, Conn.; Carrie M. Dixon, Box 213, Titusville, Pa.; M. Edith Dorn, Watt's Flats, Chautauqua County, N. Y.; Charlie Garnett, Rockland, Venango county, Pa.; Jennie Garnett, Rockland, Venango county, Pa.; Inez Harris, Bradford, Pa.; Leona Hope, Meadville, Pa.; Dewitt C. Sixby, Mayville, N. Y.; Edward S. Smith, Warren, Ohio; Gertie E. Wallace, Mill Village, Erie county, Pa.; Ella A. Wilson, Chautauqua, N. Y.


Mary A. Arter, 39 Sibley street, Cleveland, Ohio: Allie Barry, Syndonville, Orleans county, N. Y.; Oliver J. Bennett, Jubilee Hall, Nashville, Tenn.; Emma L. Bowden, York, Livingston county, N. Y.; Harry Clark, Orangeville, Ohio; Willie J. Cooper, Ellington, Chautauqua county, N. Y.; Frances Guignon, Sugar Grove, Warren county, Pa.; Willie D. Perkins, Box 1141, Bradford, Pa.; Ann Williams, Chagrin Falls, Ohio.



1. Miss Esther A. Barnes, Tallmadge, Ohio, (teacher, Congregational).

2. Miss Christie B. Welliver, Bloomsburg, Pa., (teacher, Baptist).

3. G. D. Marsh, Cochranton, Pa., (teacher, Baptist).


1. Miss Bertha M. Hanson, Milwaukee, Wis., (scholar, Congregational).

2. Miss Amelia Currie, East Carleton, N. Y., (Methodist Episcopal).

3. Mrs. E. C. Lambert, Jacksonville, Ill., teacher, Methodist Episcopal).


4. Miss Florence L. Turrill, Cincinnati, Ohio, (primary teacher, Presbyterian).

5. Miss Florence A. Sullivan, Miles Grove, Pa., (scholar, Methodist Episcopal).


Miss Addie M. Benedict, Jamestown, N. Y., (scholar, Methodist Episcopal); Rev. J. W. Best, West Beaver, Ohio, (teacher, United Presbyterian); Miss Ella Bucks, Naples, N. Y., (scholar, Methodist Episcopal); William H. Butler, Andover, Mass., (scholar, Presbyterian); Miss Martha J. Cartmell, Hamilton, Canada, (teacher, Methodist Episcopal); Simeon B. Chase, Great Bend, Pa., (superintendent, Presbyterian); Miss Mina B. Colburn, Jamestown, N. Y., (scholar, Methodist Episcopal); Mrs. J. G. Doren, Dayton, Ohio, (Methodist Episcopal); Miss Lottie A. Dunham, Warren, Pa., (primary teacher, Methodist Episcopal); Miss Hattie M. Ensign, Madison, Ohio, (scholar, Congrega

tional); Miss Lena E. Faulds, Bloomsburg, Pa., (teacher, Methodist Episcopal); Miss E. Etta Fisher, Corry, Pa., (scholar, Methodist Episcopal); Miss Emma Given, Toronto, Ohio, (teacher, United Presbyterian); Miss Rebecca M. Green, Fredonia, N. Y., (teacher, Methodist Episcopal); Miss Cora Howe, Spartansburg, Pa., (teacher, Methodist Episcopal); Miss Altie Jackson, Hinsdale, N. Y., (teacher, Methodist Episcopal); Miss Vena Jackson, Hinsdale, N. Y., (scholar, Methodist Episcopal); Miss Carrie Kellogg, Gowanda, N. Y., (organist, Methodist Episcopal); Miss Anna A. Ladd, Wattsburg, Pa., (scholar, Presbyterian); Mrs. F. Addie Martin, Waynesburg, Pa., (teacher, Methodist Episcopal); Miss Fannie A. Marsh, Union City, Pa., (teacher, United Presbyterian); Miss Mary F. McIntire, Delaware, Ohio, (teacher, Methodist Episcopal); Mrs. Euphemia S. McLane, West Point, Ohio, (teacher, United Presbyterian); Mrs. R. E. Morrison, Indianapolis, Ind., (teacher, Presbyterian); Mrs. L. H. Murdough, Mansfield, Pa.; Mrs. D. D. Pickett, Ravenna, Ohio, (primary teacher, Congregational); John R. Schooley, Everett, Pa., (teacher, Methodist Episcopal); Miss Jennie C. Schooley, Everett, Pa., (scholar, Methodist Episcopal); Miss Amanda M. Simpson, Mainesburg, Pa., (Presbyterian); Mrs. Willa H. Spillard, Cincinnati, Ohio, (scholar, Presbyterian); Mrs. M. P. St. John, Madison, Ohio, (primary teacher, Presbyterian); Miss Eva N. Taggart, East Palestine, Ohio, (scholar, United Presbyterian); Miss Clara Taylor, Chautauqua, N. Y.; Miss Ida Van Camp, Angola, N. Y., (scholar, Congregational); Mrs. A. F. Wait, Ravenna, Ohio, (teacher, Congregational).


Any book which will direct the attention of young men to the true, grand mission of life, the enthronement of the divine in their souls, is a good book. The young man should early learn to honor himself, know his power, and recognize his duty. He should early form high and noble purposes, and, husbanding all his resources, use himself to the very best possible advantage. He needs manliness, self-reliance, courage, and faith. He should be gentlemanly, diligent, kind, thrifty, guileless, and possess "high thoughts seated in a heart of courtesy." The essays of Mr. Munger, though not equaling those of Emerson on similar themes, are brave, hopeful, and helpful. In these he discusses in choice language, "purpose, friends, and companions, manners, thrift, self-reliance, and courage, health, reading. amusements, and faith." The book is well worth reading. Its object is good, its tone healthful. If our young men would profit by its hints, the coming generation would bless their memory.

In June, 1880, there were 105,448 Chinese in the United States, 75,025 of whom were in California. The Chinese are the laborers of the world. Their history in this country does not belie their reputation. The discussion which has arisen on the Chinese problem is a sad commentary on either the head or the heart of those who have cried out against them. George F. Seward, late United States Minister to China, gives us a book of facts and figures2 which ought to convince us that the Chinese have blessed rather than cursed our land. In his extensive investigations and studies, he has been convinced that "the Chinese have been of great service to the people of the Pacific coast; that they are still needed there, but in a less important measure; that the objections which have been advanced against them are in the main unwarranted; and that the minor evils incident to their presence may be readily abated under existing treaties, and within the lines of ordinary legislation." These positions Mr. Seward maintains by powerful arguments. He writes as a partizan,

and his style is far from perfect, but the volume is readable and valuable. He shows us the advantages of Chinese labor in railroad building, in reclaiming swamp lands, in mining, in farming, in fruit culture, in manufacturing, and in various other industries. They are faithful and honest laborers. They are good domestic servants. They do not antagonize, but rather supplement white labor. They add to the wealth of the country. They have vices, but their vices are less dangerous than the vices of the white people of California. They are intelligent, frugal, industrious and peaceful. It is to be hoped that Mr. Seward's discussion of this subject will dispel many unwarranted charges which have been made against this class of immigrants. We might mention some other nations who send to our shores a more dangerous element than the Chinese.

There are comparatively few original contributions to any science. Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, Malthus' Essay on Population, Ricardo's Rent, and perhaps two or three others, are the only real additions to political economy. There are many other works, but they are only explanations, commentaries, dilutions of these original works. "Progress and Poverty," by Henry George, an American writer, we must place alongside of the works of Adam Smith, Malthus, and Ricardo, as evidencing originality, if not real genius. Mr. George is a bold thinker. We admire his audacity if we cannot accept his startling and revolutionary conclusions. His book should be read hard or not at all. It is a valuable contribution to political science, as it more than once pioneers new paths.

(1) On the Threshold. By Theodore T. Munger. Boston; Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1881.

(2) Chinese Immigration, in its social and economical aspects. By George F. Seward, late United States Minister to China. New York; Charles Scribner's Sons, 1881.

(3) Progress and Poverty: an inquiry into the cause of industrial depressions, and of increase of want and increase of wealth. The Remedy, by Henry George. New York; D. Appleton & Co., 1881.



The committee appointed to decide concerning the prizes to be awarded the author of the best statement cencerning the ten important events in the history of the world, gave the prize to Rev. S. J. M. Eaton, D. D., pastor of the Presbyterian church, at Franklin, Pa. The following are the ten events of that paper: 1. Founding of the Greek Empire. 2. Founding of the Roman Empire. 3. Life and Work of Christ. 4. Rise of Mohammedanism. 5. Invention of Printing. 6. Invention of the Mariner's Compass. 7. Discovery of America. 8. Translation of the Bible into English. 9. The Great Reformation. 10. Rise of the American Republic.

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