
Tax to be laid to pay debts of joint

and value of lobsters caught by him or them during the year.
Suitable blank forms shall be furnished by the commissioners
of fisheries and game upon application.
Approved, May 21, 1907.

[House Bill No. 376.]


An Act amending an Act concerning the Payment of Debts of
Joint School Districts.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

Section one of chapter 137 of the public acts of 1905 is school districts. hereby amended to read as follows: Whenever any school district which has or shall hereafter become indebted by judgment for indebtedness incurred by such district shall be located in two or more towns, the committee of such school district, or, if there be no district committee for said district, the selectmen of the town in which the schoolhouse in such district is located, shall cause a tax sufficient to pay such indebtedness as shall be presented or exhibited to said committee or selectmen, as the case may be, by the judgment creditor or creditors, including the cost of levying and collecting such tax, to be laid, upon and according to the levies or assessment lists of said towns last before completed, on the district in the manner provided by law for school district taxes, except that, when there is no district committee for said district, the selectmen of said town. wherein the schoolhouse is located shall perform the duties required by law of the district committee therein, and the tax collector of said town shall perform the duties of tax collector of said district. Said tax shall be collected and paid to said judg ment creditor or creditors, and to the persons entitled to fees and compensation for levying and collecting said tax. Approved, May 21, 1907.

Embalmers to be licensed.

[Substitute for House Bill No. 745.]


An Act concerning the Preparation and Embalming of Bodies of Deceased Persons.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

SECTION 1. No person shall hereafter engage in the business of embalming or preparing dead human bodies for burial.

transportation, or cremation, unless he has obtained a license to practice embalming as provided by section six of chapter 159 of the public acts of 1903, or unless said business shall be conducted under the supervision of a regularly licensed embalmer.

board of health.


SEC. 2. Section nine of chapter 159 of the public acts of Report to state 1903 is hereby amended to read as follows: Said board of em- Registration of balmers shall report to the state board of health the name and residence of every person to whom it issues a license. Each person receiving a license or renewal thereof under the provisions of this act shall annually register the same in the office of the registrar of vital statistics in each town where he proposes to practice embalming, and said registrar shall record the same. Each license shall be signed by a majority of the board of examiners and attested by its seal, and shall specify the name of the person to whom it is issued. Each license shall be nonassignable and nontransferable and shall be displayed by the holder thereof in a conspicuous place in his office or place of business.

etc., of embalmed

SEC. 3. No permit for the burial, transportation, or crema- Permit for burial, tion of any embalmed body of a deceased person shall be body. issued until the license of the person embalming said body has been registered with and recorded by the registrar of vital statistics as provided by section two of this act.

cate by licensed

SEC. 4. No licensed embalmer shall sign a certificate at- Signing of certifitesting the preparation or embalming of any body unless said embalmer. body has been prepared or embalmed by him.

body of person

or violent death.

SEC. 5. No person shall inject any fluid or substance into Embalming of any cavity or artery of the body of any person who has come who died sudden to a sudden, violent, or untimely death, or of any person found dead the manner of whose death is not known, until permission. has been obtained from the coroner of the county or the medical. examiner for the town in which the dead body lies.

tion of fines.

SEC. 6. Every person who shall violate any of the pro- Penalty. Disposivisions of this act shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars for each offense; provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to apply to the officials or employes of any state or town institution. All fines collected under the provisions of this act shall be paid to the treasurer of the board of examiners of embalmers, for the purposes of said board.

ficer to prosecute.

SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the county health officer County health offor each county to prosecute all violations of the provisions of this act and of chapter 159 of the public acts of 1903 occurring

within his county.

Approved, May 21, 1907.

Who may practice medicine, surgery, or midwifery.

Requirements for obtaining certifi

[House Bill No. 736.]


An Act amending an Act concerning the Practice of Medicine,
Surgery, and Midwifery.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

[ocr errors]

SECTION 1. Section 4714 of the general statutes is hereby amended by striking out in the eleventh line thereof the word assist" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "render temporary assistance to" and by striking out, commencing in the seventeenth line, the words "nor to any actual resident of this state recommending by advertisement or otherwise the use of the proprietary remedies sold under trade-marks issued by the United States government, in so far and to such extent only as the use of such remedies are concerned," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: No person shall, for compensation, gain or reward, received or expected, treat, operate, or prescribe for any injury, deformity, ailment, or disease, actual or imaginary, of another person, nor practice surgery or midwifery, until he has obtained such a certificate of registration as is in section 4715 provided, and then only in the kind or branch of practice stated in said certificate; but this chapter shall not apply to dentists while practicing dentistry only; nor to any person in the employ of the United States government while acting in the scope of his employment; nor to any person who shall furnish medical or surgical assistance in cases of sudden emergency; nor to any person residing out of this state who shall be employed to come into the state to render temporary assistance to or consult with any physician or surgeon who has been registered in conformity with the provisions of this chapter; nor to any physician or surgeon then actually residing out of this state who shall be employed to come into this state to treat, operate, or prescribe for any injury, deformity, ailment, or disease from which any person is suffering at the time when such nonresident physician or surgeon is so employed; nor to any chiropodist or clairvoyant who does not use in his practice any drugs, medicines, or poison; nor to any person practicing the massage method, or Swedish movement cure, sun cure, mind cure, magnetic healing, or Christian science; nor to any other person who does not use or prescribe in his treatment of mankind drugs, poisons, medicines, chemicals, or nostrums.

SEC. 2. Section 4715 of the general statutes as amended cate of registra by chapter 71 of the public acts of 1903 is hereby amended by inserting after the words "legally incorporated" in the seven


teenth line of said section as amended the words "and reputable"; by inserting after the words "medical college" in the same line the words " as determined by the provisions of section 4718 of the general statutes, nor until he has presented to said committee a certificate of good moral character signed by two reputable citizens of this state, and also satisfactory evidence that, before beginning the study of medicine, he was graduated from a college, high school, or preparatory school whose standing shall be approved by said committee, or that his preliminary education is equivalent thereto. From and after January 1, 1912, no person shall be eligible to examination under this act until he shall, in addition to the foregoing requirements, present to said committee satisfactory evidence that, before beginning the study of medicine, he has completed a course of study of at least nine months' duration which included chemistry, physics, and general biology"; and by adding at the end of said section the following: "Each of said examining committees shall file with the state board of health, within thirty days after the close of each examination, a list of all applicants examined by it since the last previous examination. Said list shall also indicate whether each applicant passed or failed to pass such examination," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: No person shall obtain a certificate of registration as in section 4714 required until he has passed a satisfactory examination before one of the examining committees appointed for the purpose by the state board of health, except as hereinafter provided, nor until he has filed with said board duplicate certificates signed by a majority of said examining committee, stating that they have found him qualified to practice either medicine, surgery, or midwifery, nor until he has filed with said board duplicate statements subscribed and sworn to by him upon blanks furnished by said board, giving his name, age, place of birth, and present residence, stating of what medical college he is a graduate, and the date of such graduation, together with such other information as shall be required by said blanks. No person shall be eligible to said examination until he presents to the committee, by whom he is to be examined, satisfactory evidence that he has received a diploma from some legally incorporated and reputable medical college as determined by the provisions of section 4718 of the general statutes, nor until he has presented to said committee a certificate of good moral character signed by two reputable citizens of this state, and also satisfactory evidence that, before beginning the study of medicine, he was graduated from a college, high school, or preparatory school whose standing shall be approved by said committee, or that his preliminary education is equivalent thereto. From and after January 1, 1912, no person shall be eligible to examination under this act until he

Nomination and appointment of

amining committees.

shall, in addition to the foregoing requirements, present to said committee satisfactory evidence that, before beginning the study of medicine, he has completed a course of study of at least nine months' duration which included chemistry, physics, and general biology. Any one of the examining committees appointed under the provisions of section 4716 may accept the license of any state board of medical examiners of any state in the United States or in the District of Columbia in lieu of said examination, provided the applicant shall present such license to the examining committee before whom he appears, together with satisfactory evidence that such license has been issued after a state examination of as high a grade and of the same kind as that required by said examining committee, that he is a resident of this state or that he intends in good faith to permanently reside herein, that he has been in actual practice for a period of at least six months in the year immediately preceding the date of his application, and that he is of good moral character and professional standing; and upon the payment to said committee of the sum of fifteen dollars he may receive a certificate of the approval of such license by said examining committee. Any person passing such examination or obtaining such certificate of approval and filing said certificates and statements shall receive from said state board of health, upon payment of two dollars, a certificate of registration, which shall state that the person named has been found qualified so to practice. Each of said examining committees shall file with the state board of health, within thirty days after the close of each examination, a list of all applicants examined by it since the last previous examination. Said list shall also indicate whether each applicant passed or failed to pass such examination.

SEC. 3. Section 4716 of the general statutes is hereby members of ex- amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "Said committees shall be known as the Connecticut Medical Examining Board, the Connecticut Homeopathic Medical Examining Board, and the Connecticut Eclectic Medical Examining Board," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: The Connecticut medical society, the Connecticut homeopathic medical society, and the Connecticut eclectic medical society shall each annually in December file with the state board of health the name of one physician, practicing in this state, who. shall have been recommended by such medical society as a person competent to serve upon one of the examining committees appointed by the state board of health, as specified in chapter 158 of the public acts of 1893; and in case any vacancy occurs upon any of said examining committees, the president of the society of whose members said committee is composed shall nominate such a person to fill said vacancy. Annually

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