61.8 Form 8. Interstate Commerce Commission Hours of Service Report FORM 8 Report for month of FORM OF OATH TO BE USED WHEN THERE IS NO EXCESS SERVICE TO BE REPORTED 19.... being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is Rail. Company, and the official thereof to whom hours of service of employees actually engaged in or connected with the movement of trains is reported by its subordinate officers and agents; and that, according to his best knowledge, information, and belief, no such employees were on duty in excess of the statutory period, and no such employees resumed duty without having had the statutory period off duty upon the road of said company during the month 19....., which are required to be reported by the method and forms prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commission pursuant to the act of Congress entitled "An Act to promote the safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by limiting the hours of service of employees thereon", approved March 4, 1907. of *† SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of 19..... 12-648 *For statutory and source citations, see note to § 61.0. Page 703 The source of §§ 61.100 to 61.104, inclusive, is Order, In the matter of method and form of records to be kept by carriers relating to the time on duty of employees and the movement of trains, Interstate Commerce Commission, May 2, 1921. 61.100 Method and form of records to be kept by railroads. The forms in §§ 61.101-61.104, entitled Time Return and Delay Report of Engine and Train Employees. Daily Time Report of Employees who by the use of the telegraph or telephone dispatch, report, transmit, receive, or deliver orders pertaining to or affecting train movements. Dispatcher's Record of Movement of Trains. are hereby prescribed for the use of all common carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce by railroad in keeping records of time on duty of their employees in train and engine service; records of delays to trains; records of time on duty of employees who by the use of the telegraph or telephone dispatch, report, transmit, receive, or deliver orders pertaining to or affecting train movements; of Dispatcher's Record of Train Movements; and of Records of Train Movements at stations, offices and places reporting train movements; and each and every such carrier, and each and every receiver or operating trustee of any such carrier, is required to make and keep records in conformity therewith. Such forms and accompanying instructions are, and by virtue of this order become, the lawful manner according to which such records are to be made and kept; Provided, however, That each such carrier may at its option, and with the approval of the Commission, add to such records appropriate blanks for any additional information desired.*i 61.101 Time return and delay report. No...... (Name of railroad) TIME RETURN AND DELAY REPORT OF ENGINE AND TRAIN EMPLOYEES Date..... 19.... Length of First went on duty Finally went off duty Осси Total time on duty Name pation duty pre vious to this trip Place Date Time Place Date Time Hr. Min. Remarks: Page 704 *For statutory citation, see note to § 61.0. 1. This report shall be rendered for all engine and train crews including yard and switching crews. Enginemen, firemen, conductors, flagmen, train baggagemen and trainmen shall also use this form when reporting individually. The report shall be rendered and signed by the engineer for the engine crew and by the conductor for the train crew. If there is no engineer or conductor it shall be rendered and signed by the ranking employee whose time is reported thereon. Reports shall be numbered consecutively for each month beginning with No. 1. 2. The report shall be dated as of the date on which the employee first goes on duty. 3. Under "Remarks" shall be shown any irregularities of the hours of duty. If an employee is released from duty for any period between the time of first going on duty and the time finally relieved from duty, such fact must be shown under "Remarks," giving the place at which the release is given, the time at which it began, and the time at which it ended. Time off duty for meals taken by yard crews shall also be shown under "Remarks." If the whole or part of service is deadheading the place at which the deadheading began and ended and the train on which the employee deadheaded will be shown. When a crew or employee is relieved before the completion of a trip the name of the conductor or engineman of the crew relieving or the name of the employee relieving will be shown. 4. Wherever time is shown A. M or P. M. shall be given. 5. In reporting delays the cause of each delay, the place at which it occurred, the time it began and the time ended shall be given. Delays due to different causes shall be shown separately. 6. All delays to passenger trains shall be shown. Delays to freight trains of less than 10 minutes at any one place need not be shown. Delays to yard and switching crews whose service is confined entirely to yard limits need not be shown. 61.102 Daily time report. No...... (Name of railroad) DAILY TIME REPORT OF EMPLOYEES WHO BY THE USE OF THE TELEGRAPH OR TELEPHONE DISPATCH, REPORT, TRANSMIT, RECEIVE, OR DELIVER ORDERS PERTAINING TO OR AFFECTING TRAIN MOVEMENTS Name of tower, place, or station 19 Date Assigned hours Time worked Name of employee Оссира- Went on duty Went off duty Length of time on duty From To Date Time Date Time Hrs. Min. Cause of service in excess of assigned hours: Signature INSTRUCTIONS 1. Telegraph and telephone operators, signalmen, switch tenders, or other employees who by the use of the telegraph or telephone, dispatch, report, transmit, receive, or deliver orders pertaining to or affecting train movements shall fill out this form and it shall include all service performed in whatever capacity. The service of but one employee will be shown on one sheet. 2. The time of train dispatchers whose entire period of duty appears on Dispatcher's Record of Movement of Trains and members of engine and train crews who receive orders by telephone need not be reported on this form. 3. This report shall be dated as of the date on which the employee first goes on duty, and shall be numbered consecutively commencing with No. 1 at the beginning of each month. *† Page 706 *For statutory citation, see note to § 61.0. and final time of each movement. 3. The A. M. or P. M., as the case may be, shall be shown at the initial Memorandum of extraordinary or unusual occurrences: stop at reporting stations, both arriving and departing time shall be noted. 5. Time of trains passing reporting stations shall be recorded; where trains on and off duty in the space provided. 2. Each train dispatcher shall sign his name and record the time of going and shall be recorded for such other stations as report weather conditions. six hours by and recorded for at least one station on each dispatching district 1. Weather conditions and temperatude shall be reported at least once in and at such other stations as the carrier may determine. 4. The number of cars in each train shall be shown at least at one station *† *For statutory citation, see note to § 61.0. Page 707 Bound. Place......... Distance. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Weather conditions and temperature shall be reported 2. Each train dispatcher shall sign his name and record 4. The number of cars in each train shall be shown at 5. Time of trains passing reporting stations shall be .Bound. 61.103 Dispatcher's record of train movements. |