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The CHAIRMAN. They have had about two thirds of the hearings, or at least two thirds of the time up to now. We are very much obliged to you.

Mr. WITHINGTON. Thank you.

The CHAIRMAN. We will hear Mr. Thompson.


Mr. THOMPSON. Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee: My name is Eugene E. Thompson. I am president of the Associated Stock Exchanges representing 18 exchanges throughout the country who are our members, and in addition 3 other exchanges that are not members, as follows:

They are: Hartford Stock Exchange, Hartford, Conn.; Baltimore Stock Exchange, Baltimore, Md.; Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Philadelphia, Pa.; Washington Stock Exchange, Washington, D.Č.; New Orleans Stock Exchange, New Orleans, La.; Buffalo Stock Exchange, Buffalo, N.Y.; Cleveland Stock Exchange, Cleveland, Ohio; Pittsburgh Stock Exchange, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Columbus Stock Exchange, Columbus, Ohio; Cincinnati Stock Exchange, Cincinnati, Ohio; St. Louis Stock Exchange, St. Louis, Mo.; Minneapolis-St. Paul Stock Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn.; Salt Lake Stock Exchange, Salt Lake City, Utah; Los Angeles Stock Exchange, Los Angeles, Calif.; Los Angeles Curb Exchange, Los Angeles, Calif.; San Francisco Stock Exchange, San Francisco, Calif.; San Francisco Curb Exchange, San Francisco, Calif.; Detroit Stock Exchange, Detroit, Mich.

In addition to our membership and for purposes of these hearings as I have stated, I am representing the following: Louisville Stock Exchange, Louisville, Ky.; Seattle Stock Exchange, Seattle, Wash.; Richmond Stock Exchange, Richmond, Va.

I desire to make a brief statement, Mr. Chairman. As I have been absent from the city and have not had an opportunity to review the amendments as closely as I would like, with your permission, I would be glad, if you would allow me to, to file a statement tomorrow.

In the meantime, may I take this opportunity to say that the statement which has been made this morning by Mr. Whitney has the hearty approval of the Associated Stock Exchanges and the other exchanges which I represent.

It is not possible for me to get all of those exchanges here to speak for themselves, but insofar as I have the power to speak for them, it is my purpose to endorse the statement as made by Mr. Whitney.

I would like to add, however, that section 10, dealing with segregation, in the memorandum that I will file, I am going to deal with the question of the smaller exchanges, the odd-lot dealer and the specialist, because I feel that the amendment as now worded has not given fair consideration to the business on the small exchanges.

I would say that 75 percent of the business that is done upon the local exchanges is in odd lots, and for that reason I fear that in the wording of the amendment due consideration of the damage that will be done to the members of the local exchanges has not been given. With your permission, I would like to file that statement tomorrow, Mr. Chairman.

The CHAIRMAN. We are much obliged to you, Mr. Thompson.

Mr. COLE. Mr. Chairman, may I ask the witness a question?

Mr. COLE. Are you familiar with the bill which Mr. Withington has prepared?

Mr. THOMPSON. I beg your pardon, I did not hear you.

Mr. COLE. Are you familiar with the bill that Mr. Withington has prepared?

Mr. THOMPSON. I am not.

Mr. COLE. Have you ever seen it?

Mr. THOMPSON. I have not.

The CHAIRMAN. We are much obliged to you, Mr. Thompson.

Mr. THOMPSON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

(The statement above referred to is as follows:)


Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the committee, my remarks will be directed to H.R. 8720. On the occasion of a former recent appearance before this committee, I ventured to assert, in behalf of the Associated Stock Exchanges, of which I am the president, that the then pending bill to regulate the securities exchanges of the country was unworkable; that it would operate to destroy the usefulness of the essential market places for corporate capital; that it would retard materially if not actually prevent the realization of the President's recovery program; that it would tend to turn the corporate securities business of the greatest industrial country in the world into the hands of racketeers and bootleggers, and that instead of being a measure for the protection of the investor it likely would prove to be the most damaging legislation of its character ever enacted by the Congress.

Now, a new securities bill has been prepared, or rather the old bill has been rewritten in some of its particulars; but in all the essentialities and insofar as original intents and purposes are concerned, the measure remains as it was at the beginning. The form only has been slightly disguised; the substance is apparent and unchanged.

Those of us who have devoted years to deep and earnest study into the problems of the stock exchanges and the securities business have not felt that the bill as drawn in the first instance met, or came anywhere near meeting, the requirements of rational legislation. We do not consider that the amended bill is better or worse than the original. If we should admit for the sake of argument that the stock exchanges are wholly bad, then we should still be compelled to say in candor that the legislation which is proposed here furnishes only an easy means of jumping the corporate securities business of the country out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Oh, well, some of you might say, this witness and those whom he represents would be antagonistic to any kind of a regulatory law. That would not be an accurate assumption at all. We are not opposed, but would rather welcome a law of practical design that contemplates and takes into account only those features and phases of the business of handling corporate securities which are in need of and which are susceptible of regulation. Naturally, we would not favor a law which we believe would destroy the stock exchanges as institutions; and when I mention stock exchanges in this sense you will understand, of course, that I am speaking only for those located outside of New York City. We would not favor a law which places in the hands of a Federal agency, as this bill does the power and the means for controlling, absolutely and minutely, the business of the country.

Statements have been made to the effect that the general business of the country will not be retarded or affected adversely by the passage of this legislation. Such assertions can only come from those who are ill-advised or ignorant. The stock exchanges are the economic barometers-the business pulse of the country. Those of us who by the circumstances of our lives have been thrown intimately into touch with the stock exchange do not merely think that general business will be hit hard-we know it will be. There will be an immediate recession of business with the advent of this legislation. There will be deflation and there will be credit chaos. You gentlemen at this moment verily sit in a position of exceedingly grave responsibility. Even a favorable report by you on this

measure as it is now written is a matter fraught with dangers of a nature the Nation can ill afford to have thrust upon it at this critical period.


The attempt at control of corporations through the medium of a stock exchange regulatory bill cannot be judged otherwise than misplaced legislation. there is to be control of that kind, then surely it should be out in the opena frank measure providing for such control as may be deemed advisable and proper under a national incorporation act; and that is where it belongs if it belongs anywhere.

We have already had a forerunner of what may happen as a result of this proposed law. Cabled solicitation for American orders in securities already have come from London, and Paris advices are to the effect that recently, in anticipation of what is expected to be done here, there has been an increase of listings in the Paris market. You have all read in the papers that within the last few days stock exchange memberships at Montreal and Toronto, in Canada, have increased in value, while seats on the New York and other exchanges in our own country have been quoted on a basis of a greatly reduced valuation.

May I say that these facts are not to be dismissed as propaganda. If they represent propaganda, then they are the propaganda of serious truths which cannot be overlooked or treated lightly by any citizen, whatever his position may be in the country's affairs, who has the good of the United States at heart.

In a general sense-because I do not care to dwell again upon those points which were covered in my previous appearance here the proposed legislation attempts to reach too far. It seems to grope about in the maze of its own complications and in the darkness of its own confusion. As a layman, I should say it needs to be a simpler law and a shorter one.

Let me single out just a few of the provisions changed in the rewriting of the bill which are still, in our opinion, objectionable.


This exempts only such securities as are direct obligations of or obligations guaranteed as to principal or interest by the United States; such securities as are issued or guaranteed by corporations in which the United States has a direct or indirect interest and which shall be designated for exemption by the Secretary of the Treasury, and such other securities as the Commission, by such rules and regulations as it deems necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors, may exempt from the operation of any one or more of the provisions of the act.

The placing in the hands of the Federal Trade Commission of authority over the securities of States and their political subdivisions which, if the provision is actually enacted into law as worded in the bill, may have far reaching results, and in addition may force the States and their political subdivisions to pay much higher prices for borrowed funds than they have been in the habit of paying, this being due to the uncertainty which will be created as to the qualifications of the securities as "exempt securities."


This item, while amended in several particulars, still makes no change over the old bill with respect to loans upon securities, other than exempted securities, which are not listed upon a national securities exchange. We submit that this item would work an undue hardship upon those owning the securities of many small corporations which are entirely solvent and have satisfactory ratings.


When the broker or dealer in the course of business is prohibited from borrowing on any security (other than exempted security) except from a Federal Reserve bank, or in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the Federal Reserve Board to permit limited loans between members and brokers or between members and dealers who transact a business in securities through the medium of a member, or to permit loans from or through others than member banks in localities where there are no member banks, or to meet emergency needs-under these conditions it is apparent that the broker will be forced to do business with a member bank of the Federal Reserve System unless there should happen to be no member bank in the locality where he conducts his business. It is unfair to force upon a broker or dealer the obligation of borrowing through a member of

the Federal Reserve System; it is likewise unfair to banking institutions which are not members of the Federal Reserve System to take from them the privilege and opportunity of making such loans.


Attention is called to the words, "or a false or misleading appearance in respect of the market for such security or securities." In its import and its operation this language is unfair to brokers. A broker may act in the purchase or sale of securities, and in so doing, but not by his design or purpose, there is created a false or misleading appearance in respect to the market. Why, under such circumstances, should the broker be held accountable when he has only been given orders to purchase or sell? In the case of limited markets, there is almost certain to be that which might be described as false or misleading appearances in respect to the market in the minds of many persons. The vagaries of the human mind are not often changed by legislative enactments. In this connection, in the same section, on page 22, subsection 3, line 5, are the words, "for the purpose of raising or depressing the price." It would be exceedingly difficult for a broker, or for anyone else for that matter, to interpret the meaning and the intent of a customer when he has been called upon to execute either a buying or selling order which is bound to have the effect of raising or depressing prices in limited secties markets.

In subsection 5, line 24 on page 22 and lines 1 and 2 on page 23, we read that it will be unlawful to make any statements inducing a securities transaction which is, in the light of the circumstances under which it is made, "false or misleading in respect of any matter sufficiently important to influence the judgment of an average investor." If this language is allowed to remain in the bill, there will be many days of anxiety on the part of brokers and dealers until they can feel that they may do business without this liability hanging over them.

We direct attention to subsection 8, page 29, line 21, which deals with the proposition of "pegging, fixing, or stabilizing the prices of securities in contravention of such rules and regulations as the Federal Trade Commission may prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors or without having prior thereto reported to the Commission such information regarding the purpose and nature of such transactions or operations, the details thereof and the person or persons interested therein as the Commission by rules and regulations may prescribe as appropriate or necessary in the public interest or for the protection of investors." There is likelihood here of great harm being done, perhaps where not intended, by denying an investor the right to support securities in which he has a particular interest, or against which he may have loans, or in the purchase of which he is moved by a desire to accumulate the securities for investment purposes.


These provisions fail to give to a broker or dealer the right to acquire options for the purpose of liquidating large blocks of securities held, say, by estates, or against bank loans, etc., where the work of distribution involved is considerably greater than if the broker were merely selling stock on the exchange for a commission. Unless proper provision is made to care for such classes of transactions there will be many instances where estates and banks holding large loans will suffer through inability to obtain the services of dealers or brokers in such liquidations.


This item provides that the rules of the proposed national securities exchange may permit a member to be registered as an odd-lot dealer and as such he will be permitted to buy and sell for his own account so far as may be reasonably necessary to carry on such odd-lot transactions; it also provides that it shall be unlawful for an odd-lot dealer to act as a broker. Evidently in this particular no consideration has been given to the character of business conducted on the smaller exchanges throughout the country and on which nearly every broker does an odd-lot business. As a matter of fact the great bulk of transactions on the local exchanges are in odd lots. This section should be changed or clarified so that the business now transacted on the smaller exchanges will not be taken away from them. Some of the member exchanges already have advised us that if this provision becomes a law they will for forced out of business.



It provides here that it shall be unlawful for any member (meaning a member of a national securities exchange) either with or without the privilege of acting as a dealer (except an odd-lot dealer or a specialist dealer) and, while on the trading premises of an exchange, to effect any transaction for his own account, or, as a broker, to give an order to another member to be executed for his own account. The commission is given the power, when it has been shown that the rules of the exchange prevent excessive trading by members, to permit exchange members to effect transactions for their own account, subject to such terms and conditions as the commission may prescribe as necessary or appropriate for the protection of investors. I cannot see why the facilities of an exchange should be denied to its members unless it is able to show that its rules prevent excessive trading by members. Just what is meant by excessive trading certainly is not clear. Such a law would undoubtedly tend to drive legitimate trading from the exchanges.


The rules of the proposed national securities exchange bill may permit the registration of a specialist as a dealer or as a broker; but it shall be unlawful for a specialist registered as a dealer to act as a broker, or for a specialist registered as a broker to act as a dealer. It should be understood that brokers who now act as specialists do not devote their entire time to that line of activity; they act as specialists in certain classes of securities only and this occupies, usually, merely a small portion of their time. The rest of the time they act, of course, as brokers. Due consideration should be given to this class of business which apparently was not clearly understood by the framers of the bill.


The commission, by this provision, is directed to make a study of trading in unlisted securities on the exchanges and to report the results together with its recommendations to Congress on or before January 23, 1935, but it also appears that in the event Congress does not take action before that time, the exchanges may continue unlisted privileges only until March 1, 1935, unless an earlier date is prescribed by law. It is quite evident that what has been developed into a publicly quoted market for certain unlisted securities will be destroyed unless the Commission is given authority to extend the time until Congress has had an opportunity to act upon the recommendations.


It is noted that the present bill retains the provision requiring the Commission to prescribe methods to be followed in the preparation of accounts, in the appraisal and valuation of assets and liabilities, and in the determination of depreciation and depletion. We heartily endorse full and free statements, but we submit that the Federal Trade Commission, or any other regulatory body, should not have the power to appraise and determine the valuation of assets and liabilities or to determine depreciation and depletion. Such authority as given undoubtedly would cause many corporations to de-list their securities from the smaller exchanges.


Regulation and control of over-the-counter transactions appear too indefinite for a dealer to have any comprehension of just what he may or may not be permitted to do. The whole regulation is left in the hands of the Commission and as a guide in this connection the Commission is to use such necessary protection as is comparable in the case of national securities exchanges. We cannot see the fairness of attempting to regulate those engaged in the business of buying and selling securities while allowing those who are not engaged to go out and conduct transactions without any restrictions.


We submit that the business of selling securities should not be subjected to any more outside examinations than other lines of business. The expense for income tax information and other reports is already a burdensome charge upon the business, and to levy further charges for additional examinations is beyond the realm of fairness. The exchanges are amply able themselves to cover the matter of

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