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Par. Provoking! If I forgive herfate is fixed! She dies

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Mem. Dies? My dear Paroza, don't look s fierce, or I shall certainly take to my heels! D d-dies, said you?

Par. She dies! the Bravo Rugantino has received his hire.

Mem. Rugantino! I had much rather you wouldn't mention him.

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Par. He, at whose name all Venice quakes Mem. I don't know what all Venice does; but I'm sure I do!

Par. Annually, on the evening before her birthday, Rosabella goes in solemn procession to pass some hours alone in the shrine of her patroness, St. Rosa. There will Rugantino meet her this very night; there too will I be!

Mem. You? Won't it be dangerous too? Par. Ha! my revenge would be but half g fied, did I not see the blow struck myself! dint Rosabella hear as she expires, "Remember scorned Parozzi." [4 galley passes at a disce But look, Memmo, is not that the galley

Mem. Which carried out Contaries! same! It approaches! Contarino is on board, The galley arrives Contarino springs

Par. and Mem. Welcome, Contarino:
Par. Quick; your tidings-

Con. Are excellent. The emperor approves our conspiracy: in a week his troops will arrive

SCENE I.—The Place of St. Giorgio Maggiore at assist us, and then shall we be masters of Veni


Enter PAROZZI, followed by Mɛмmo. Mem. But be patient, Parozzi; at least be patient! Par. Patient? Has not Rosabella rejected me? nay; when I taxed her with a passion for Flodoardo, did she not insultingly contrast the virtues by which he dignified his obscurity, with the vices by which, she said, my nobility was disgraced? Mem. Well, well! To be sure nothing is half so disagreeable as truth; and it's certainly mighty provoking

But the duke's prime counsellors, Manfre Lomelino, suspect our plans, and traverse they must be despatched immediately.

Par. For that have I already provided; Bug tino is in my pay, and

Con. Rugantino? I have heard much strange man; but what I am to believe

Par. Learn that from me. Soon after your parture a young stranger arrived here, called o doardo. His plausible manners pleased the de his Apollo-like form fascinated Rosabella, ** became the general idol when he found

eize the five banditti, who had so long been the teror of Venice. We knew them well, Contarino, nd had often found their daggers of use.

Con. But how did he discover their lurking-place? Par. I know not; suffice it to say, that the five anditti were executed; but on the following morng this paper was found affixed to the palace-gates. Con. [Reading.] "Venetians! the banditti who uffered yesterday have left a sixth behind them, whose ngle arm equals those of the other five. Ye, who need y dagger, seek me! As a proof of my skill, let St. Bertrand's cave be searched; 'twas there I stabbed to he heart the senator Carlo Foscari.-From the Venean bravo, Rugantino."-Carlo Foscari?

Par. The duke's near kinsman, who had disapeared some months before.

Con. This paper shows a daring mind. Par. "Ha!" cried I, when I had perused it, this is the very man we need!" But Rugantino new of my connection with his deceased associates, ind ere I had time to seek him, he found me.


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Con. Farewell.

[Exeunt CoN. and PAR. Mem. Now that's the way I'm always treated! hey borrow my money, make me their scape goat, nap my nose off on all occasions, and all because I'm rather apt to be afraid, and honest enough to wn it. Hang it! I'll try whether putting on a aff-bluff look like themselves, and strutting with a waggering stride, thus, won't awe them into Noise without.] Hey! what's all this uproar? Enter Herald, followed by JUANILLO, BETTINA, PAOLO, and Mob.

Juan. Silence!

Bet. Aye, aye! let's hear the proclamation.
Paolo. Silence! silence!
Juan. Aye: silence! silence!

All. Huzza! Mem. Now, friends, here's a good round sum to be earned by some of you.

Juan. By none of us, Signor Memmo. Oh! this Rugantino's a terrible fellow! why, when young Flodoardo seized the five other banditti, didn't this Rugantino, who was the sixth, still contrive to escape? Enter STEPHANO.

Steph. I'm beyond my time, and I fear CamillaHey-day, what do all these people here?

Juan. But why did Flodoardo leave Venice? Mem. 'Tis suspected, he was in love with the duke's daughter, who is already promised to the prince of Milan.

Steph. What say they of my master.

Juan. Well, before he left us, I wish he had caught this Rugantino as finely as he caught his five companions: I protest I can't sleep for fear of the


Paolo. Nor I.
Juan. Nor I.

Steph. I see Camilla coming. Now then to scare them away.

Juan. One thing's certain: If ever Rugantino's found, Flodoardo is the only man to take him.

Mem. The only man?-Come, come! there are others. I don't boast of my courage.

Juan. And I'm sure, nobody else does, who knows you, Signor.

Mem. But if I once set eyes on this Rugantino, thus, and exclaim in a terrible voiceI'll put myself into this attitude, spring upon him

Steph. [Approaches softly.] Rugantino's coming! All. [Running off Where? where? where !

Run! run! run!

Steph. [Advances, laughing.] Rugantino's name sent them off like so many peas out of a pop-gun. by far the fastest. Now then for this antiquated But to give the devil his due, Signor Memmo ran duenna, who, in defiance of time and her lookingglass, fancies herself a girl of fifteen; and who is so passionately fond of dancing, that she even walks the streets in a fandango step. 'Tis a hard task which the prince of Milan has put on me, to make love to this superannuated coquette; but as he insists that no means of shaking Rosabella's constancy to Flodoardo should be left untried-she's

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Cam. Absolutely none! her love to Flodoardo is immoveable; but perhaps when the duke shall know of her attachment to this needy stranger his remonstrances may induce her to give him up-but bless me! I must away, for I've a thousand things to do. You must know, that to-morrow night the duke gives a grand fête on one of the islands of the Adriatic sea, in honour of his daughter's birth-day. A mask is to be performed, called "The Triumph of Thetis ;" and my lady, myself, and some other beauties of the court are to represent heathen goddesses. Now you must know, that I'm reckoned [Erit.cellent in a mask.

Mem. Why don't somebody knock that fellow own, who makes such a noise with crying silence? All. Knock him down! knock him down! silence! Herald. [Reading.] “Whereas, the senator Fosari was found murdered by the Bravo Rugantino, the Duke hereby promises five hundred ducats to any one ho shall discover where the murderer is concealed." God save the Duke! NO. 25.

4 C


Steph. I don't doubt it, Signora; I dare say, I should admire you in a mask more than in any other way.

Cam. And how, do you think, I was disguised at the last masquerade?

Steph. How, pray?

Cam. How? As Venus! Wasn't that charming? Steph. As Venus? Ah! Signora, how admirably you must have been disguised!

Cam. Nobody found me out the whole night! Steph. I dare say not; how the devil should they? [Aside. Cam. And when I unmasked, the surprise!— Steph. Was excessive, I doubt not. Cam. Universal, Signor! As to the duke, he was perfectly thunderstruck.

Steph. Struck, Signora? He must have been struck all of a heap! why, if I had been there, I don't think I should ever have recovered it!

Cam. And now guess, which of the heathen goddesses I am to be to-morrow night! Steph. I can't imagine-Medusa perhaps; or very likely one of the three-furies.


Cam. A syren, signor! a syren! Steph. A syren? Ah! signora, I shouldn't have guess'd that in a century!

Cam. And I've such a divine dress! I shall be all over sea-weed and cockle-shells, with a comb in one hand, and a looking-glass in t'other; and shall dance an entire new pas seul, and-you never saw me dance, I think?

Steph. Frequently!

Cam. Indeed! Where, pray?

Steph. [Bouing.] In my dreams, signora!


Cam. [Aside.] In his dreams! How delicate a compliment! How refined, how fanciful, how farfetched, how French!

Steph. But as you're to be a syren, oh! too adorable Camilla, suffer me to be your attendant triton! Cam. An attendant triton ? charming! Granted! granted, sweet signor!

Steph. Then need I not envy Neptune himself the possession of his Amphitrite!

Cam. [Aside.] Heroic creature! Let me die, but he's quite a pastor fido!--But I must begone. Steph. First in the prince's name let me force this jewel upon your finger, and next in my own print a kiss on your snowy hand? [Kneeling. Cam. Oh! mercy! I desire-I entreat-je vous jure

Steph. [Rising.] Nectar and ambrosia !
Cam. Oh! sweet signor!

Steph. Divine signora !

Cam. Adieu!

Steph. Farewell!

Both. Adieu! adieu! adieu !




Par. She comes! my lovely victim comes! no more does my heart melt with tenderness at thy sight, Rosabella! No; hatred fills my bosom wholly, and should Rugantino's dagger fail, my own-they are here! Now then for St. Rosa's shrine! Away! [Exit. A solemn procession crosses the stage. RosaBELLA, LAURA, and Ladies, Priests with lighted torches, &c. BETTINA, JUANILLO, PAOLO, and Mob, as spectators.

SCENE II-A Hall in the Palace.


Man. Enough, Lomelino; the prince of Milan may depend on my services.

Lom. His plans are daring and rear s true; but still

Man. Hush! the duke.

Enter the DUKE, with a paper.
Duke. Oh! insolence unparalleled! Lai, #;
friends! this paper is from Rugantine.
Man. How?

Lom. And it contains-?
Duke. Read! read!

Lom. [Reading.] "Duke of Venice,-In you
proclamation you promise to any one who
cover Rugantino, fire hundred ducats; s
one who shall seize him, I promise fice thound In
servant, signor; Rugantino." Unheard-face
But how did this paper reach you?

Duke. Will you believe me, friends! Tas n against my chamber-door! against my very com


Man. Inconceivable !

Duke. Nothing is safe from this miscream tremble for myself-for Venice-for my c where is Rosabella?

Lom. She ever passes the night preceding birth-day in St. Rosa's shrine alone.

Duke. Alone? In this time of danger that
not be! Good Manfrone, tell Camilla to bear u
orders, that her lady should return instantly. L
MANFRONE.] Follow me, Lomelino! I am -
mad with anger and confusion!

SCENE IIL-An illuminated Church, with St. R
shrine in the centre. On one side large iron-grati
doors; on the other a magnificent_tomb, en ru•
is inscribed "Here lies Carlo Foscari, ! LEI
inhumanly murdered by the Bravo, Rugan. ."
BETTINA, JUANILLO, PAOLO, and Spectal.75 are
discovered in groups. The procession raters the
the iron gates.
ROSABELLA knees to the PA-
TRIARCH; he gives her his benediction, and tun
orders the Spectators to withdraw; they all ar
except PAROZZI, who conceals himself behind the
tomb. The PATRIARCH then retires wh

Monks, closing the iron gates after him. Biss
BELLA desires to be left alone, and Lacra and ins
Ladies retire.

Ros. I know not why, but an unusual dread is
seized on my heart-this sacred place-the dea. 2
awful silence-that tomb too, where rests the
dered Foscari-Let me banish these terrors in pr
at yonder shrine. Oh! Flodoardo.

[During this speech a Beggar comes subtly behind a tomb, and leans on a sif.

Beg. Alack! alack!

Ros. What feeble voice-?

Beg. Will no one aid a poor old man'
Ros. Lean on me, father! Lear an me'
Beg. Thanks, dear lady! The dampacss of thre
marble walls--Alas! I faint!

Ros. And there is no seat-Stay! stay! "The
couch from the shrine; the Beggar s
ROSABELLA kneels behind him, and supporti sa --
Rest here, father! Perhaps this essence 24
[Giving a m

Beg. Kindest lady! You are-you are the daughter, I think ?

Ros. I am.

Beg. Oh! dear lady. [Suddenly altering ka tous Start not! your life is in danger?

Ros. My life?

Beg. [Clasping her hand.] Hush! Fear 20

-u shall not die; but if you value existence, be


Ros. Unhand me! I'll fly, and


Attempting to go; the Beggar suddenly starts up, still detaining her, and whistles; she sinks on one knee, as if imploring mercy. ROZZI springs from behind the tomb. Par. Is't done? | The Beggar has drawn a dagger, ich he points to the kneeling RoSABELLA.] Ha!rike, I say! Strike, or thus

[Drawing his dagger and rushing to stab her. Beg. I strike! [At the moment that PAROZZI raises arm, the Beggar stabs him; ROSABELLA starts om the ground, but the Beggar still detains her, and e falls exhausted into his arms.] Fear not! tremble -t! but mark me! I have saved your life; Rosalla, remember that! Remember too, that from is hour our fates are united indissolubly! thou t mine, Rosabella; thou never shalt be another's. Ros. Thine? thine?

Beg. Mine! Holding up the dagger.] I swear it this blood, which I have shed for thee! by this art, which I would drain for thee! by this kiss, ou Bravo's bride!

Ros. [Struggling.] Fearful man; my voice-my


Enter CAMILLA, by the iron gate.

Cam. Signora, I come. Help! murder, murder!

[Exit. Beg. I must away! But know'st thou, who press'd my cheek, Rosabella? Go; tell thy father, the roud duke, 'twas the Bravo Rugantino!

Ros. Rugantino?

803 Con. Where is the place of general rendezvous ? Fal. In the ruined Carthusian Monastery. When last we mustered

Mem. [Without.] Contarino! Falieri!
Con. 'Tis Memmo's voice.

MEMMO rushes in, followed by PISANI.
Mem. There! there's a pretty spot of work.
Con. What's the matter?

Mem. There's a fine kettle of fish.
Con. What's the matter, I say?

Mem. The devil's the matter! murder's the matter! hanging's the matter! The matter! Parozzi is-he is-I can't bring my tongue to speak such a terrible word.

Pis. Friends, Parozzi is murdered.
Con. Murdered?
Fal. By whom?

Mem. By whom? by that fiend in a human form; by that pest, from whose knife no man's throat is safe; by Rugantino.

Con. Fal. and Gon. Rugantino ?
Pis. Even so.

Mem. And what's worst, Parozzi has let him into
our secret; and to obtain his own pardon, perhaps
at this moment the Bravo is telling all to the duke.
Con. Confusion!
[Noise without.
Fal. Steps on the stairs.
Mem. I dare say, the officers of justice.
Gon. Bar the door!

[CONTARINO bars it hastily—knocking.

Mem. We're all undone!
Con. Is there no outlet ?

[She staggers back, and supports herself against out of the window into the canal!
a pillar.

Mem. None, none, except one. Thirty feet high,

Re-enter CAMILLA, followed by the PATRIARCH, and
Monks, with torches; LAURA and the Ladies also
return in confusion. While they enter, RUGANTINO
throws off his false beard and Beggar's dress, and
appears as a Friar; he steps behind a pillar, draws
a cowl over his face, and when the Monks enter, he
mixes with the crowd.

Cam. This way, this way!
Patriarch. No one is here.

Cam. 'Twas a Beggar, whose bloody dagger-
Patriarch. Search every aisle. Away!

[They disperse. Rug. [As he passes ROSABELLA, whose Ladies are listening to CAMILLA's story, he clasps her hand, ard says in a low voice] Remember!

Ros. [Starting. Heavens! that friar isRug. [Shows her the bloody dagger.] I saved your life!

Ros. Leave me! save yourself! fly!

Rug. [Aloud, in a sanctified tone.] Benedicite! fair daughter.

Ros. I die; oh, support me!


[Her Ladies crowd around her; the PATRIARCH and Monks return.

SCENE IV.-A Chamber in Memmo's House.

Enter CONTARINO, FALIERI, and GONZAGA. Servants bring in a Table, with goblets, lights, &c.

A Voice. [Without.] Open, I say!
All Consp. What's that? what's that?
Con, Who speaks?


[The door bursts open, and RUGANTINO appears in his Bravo's habit; his face is marked with several scars.

Rug. Rugantino! Your slave, sweet gentlemen conspirators.

Mem. I'm a dead man.

Con. You among us? You, Parozzi's murderer ? Rug. Right, but mark me, I loved Rosabella, Parozzi was my rival, and I stabbed him to the heart. Now swear that Rosabella shall be mine, elect me your chief, and I'll keep your secret.

Con. You our chief? Think you we'll stoop-
Rug. Ye have stooped to vice; can ye stoop
lower? Will you accept my terms?
All. Never!

Rug. Then go your own way; mine leads to the duke to the duke, sweet signors! Farewell!

Going. Con. [Placing himself before the door, which he closes. Not so fast! draw, friends, draw! the villian's in our power, and— [All draw. Rug. In your power? Ho. ho! [Laughing.] Now listen. When I left my homeMem. That must be there for certain.

Rug. Silence!

Mem. Oh, mercy on me!

[Pointing downwards,

Rug. I left on my table a sealed packet, contain

Fal. "Tis strange that Parozzi is not yet arrived.ing a full account of your plans. This packet, if Con. 'Tis past the hour he mentioned.

Gon. Memmo too, who went to seek him, returns


[During these speeches, the Servants arrange the table, and retire.

I return not before the clock strikes eleven, will be conveyed to the duke. Now then, if you choose to stab me, I'll lend you a sword myself."

[Throwing himself carelessly into a seat. Con. Before eleven? [The chimes are heard.


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Rug. Cowards!


Have ye not a host in Ru

Con. It must not be, forRug. No, must not? Then here I sit, and the clock must strike eleven. [Resuming his seat. Mem. Sit? sit? For heaven's sake, consent to every thing if he will but go.

Con. I could tear my flesh. Rugantino, be all as thou wilt. But time flies-the packet

Rug. Nay, I go; but first some wine.

Mem. [Filling a goblet hastily.] There, there, my dear little fellow!

Rug. Now pledge me, pledge me on your knees!
All take goblets and kneel, except ŘUGANTINO.
All. We pledge you, Rugantino!

Rug. [Starts from his chair.] Ho, ho! Look,
how low guilt can reduce the proudest. Rise, rise!
Rugantino will not deign to drink with you. [Dash-
ing down the Goblet.] Farewell!
Con. [To FALIERI.] At least I'll watch whither-
[Following him; RUGANTINO turns suddenly
round, and presents a pistol at him.
Rug. Follow me, and I fire. This pistol can kill
but one, 'tis true; but who among you chooses to be
that one?

Mem. Not I, I'm sure!

Rug. Then let no one quit the room, till he hears my whistle, or he dies. [He stops at the door, takes off his hat, and bows.] Sweet signors, eternally your [Exit. slave.

Mem. Thank heaven! he's gone at last. Con. "Tis in vain to struggle. Fal. We are in his toils; yet if he's honest, he'll be a powerful ally. [The whistle is heard. Con. Hark! 'tis the signal. Fal. Away then! [Exeunt. Mem. Aye, aye, away with you! Oh! Memmo, Memmo, Memmo! Cursed was the hour, when you [Erit. poked your foolish noddle into a plot.

SCENE V.-Rosabella's Chamber.

Enter ROSABELLA and CAMILLA. Cam. Yes, child; your adventure with this Bravo has made the duke resolve, that you shall marry the prince of Milan instantly. As to your love for Flodoardo

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me give pain-I'm quite vexed with hin
angry-I don't like him at all!
Cam. What, not like him?

Ros. No, not at all!

Cam. Not at all.

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Ros. Not that I hate him neither; for Camilla, there's no reason why I should me ni poor dear Flodoardo ?

Cam. But there are reasons why you s to forget him.

Ros. Oh! as to that, I protest, I vows every day to think no more of him, that alun I think of nothing else! and when he ce__ __ love, didn't I frown and order him to qui Va though I'm sure, I've done nothing be since he obeyed me? Now what car! Camilla? I'll go to my father, avow c him, and perhaps―

Cam. [Dancing. No; that step's tot rg Ros. And why is that step not right? Cam. Because first you should sick tha borée thus, then

Ros. What, before I go to my father? Cam. Lord! child, I wasn't thinking saty father; I was thinking of my new pas saj, vid mean to dance at the jete to-morrow. Ros. Psha!

Enter LAURA.

Laura, Signora Camilla, your syren's dress a
Cam. Oh! charming! I come, dear Laura.
Ros. What! a syren's dress ?
Cam. Yes; as you are to be the goddess Ther
I mean to be one of your syrens. Oh! such a
Signora !

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Ros. Stay, stay, Camilla. Surely, at your are Cam. My age? Let me die, child, but begr you talk, one would think I was quite past! Be cause the bud is more delicate, has the rose fallblown no merits? Because mayn't de fer the blaze of meridian day, is there no such thing as candle-light beauty? Let me tell you, ct, that in the eyes of some people, some people may have scarcely less charms than some peas and though I mayn't represent quite as well as rene. the goddess of spring, I flatter myself I zay ** figure with great effect as a summer syred. time runs away, my tire-woman waits, an. If arrange my cockle-shells. Adieu, maden bele (En,

Ros. Poor Camilla! what pity that with g a heart the levity of her head-yet folly so innocent, and which keeps her humour with herself and others? Ah rusleraet me strive to dispel my own delusion, s myself and so repugnant to the wishes Ros. Love, Camilla? Dear, dear, there's no love Oh! Love, love, love! Dear, dear, 1 .. in the case; what I feel for him is friendship-know what the disagreeable word means esteem; and surely Flodoardo deserves to inspire such sentiments. Deserves? Ah, what does Flodoardo not deserve?

Cam. Very well; then you'd be quite contented, were Flodoardo to marry another woman?

Ros. Oh, but Flodoardo would not marry another woman; of that I'm quite sure, Camilla.

Cam. Ah! child, child! I see this Flodoardo will dear make you give a great deal of pain to your good father. [Practising her dance. Then I am sure I wish I had This odious Flodoardo-to make

Ros. Indeed?

never seen him.

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SCENE VI.-The Duke's Bed-chamber. A VE
in the centre; on one side a bed in an al 29,
other a large mirror.

BERTOLDO, and Attendants discent
DUKE delivers letters to STEPHANO,
The DUKE dismisses the rest, and reats k*
Duke. Yet, after all, it must be owned zala
gantino is a singular character! The
can do what he has done, must possess such tas)

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