
Fran. And while the duke did prize you to
your value,

I well might envy him; but durst not hope
To stop you in your full career of goodness:
But now I find that he's fall'n from his fortune,
And, howsoever he would appear doting,
Grown cold in his affection; I presume,
From his most barbarous neglect of you,
To offer my true service. Nor stand I bound
To look back on the courtesies of him
That, of all living men, is most unthankful.
Marc. Unheard-of arrogance!
Fran. You'll say I am modest
When I have told the story.
You think he loves you

With unexampl'd fervour; nay, dotes on you,
As there were something in you more than


When, on my knowledge, he long since hath wish'd

You were among the dead.

Marc. Bless me, good angels,

Or I am blasted! Lies so false and wicked,
And fashion'd to so damnable a purpose,
Cannot be spoken by a human tongue.
My husband hate me! give thyself the lie,
False and accurs'd! Thy soul, if thou hast any,
Can witness, never lady stood so bound
To the unfeign'd affections of her lord,
As I do to my Sforza. If thou wouldst work
Ipon my weak credulity, tell me, rather,
There's peace between the fion and the lamb;
Or, that the ravenous eagle and the dove
Keep in one aerie, and bring up their young;
Or any thing that is averse to nature;
And I will sooner credit it than that
My lord can think of me but as a jewel
He loves more than himself, and all the world.
Fran. O innocence abus'd! simplicity cozen'd!
It were a sin, for which we have no name,
To keep you longer in this wilful error.
Read his affections here; [Gives her a Pa-
per] and then observe

How dear he holds you! 'Tis his character,
Which cunning yet could never counterfeit.
Mare. Tis his hand, I'm resolv'd of it: I'll

What the inscription is.
Fran. Pray you do so.

Mare. [Reads] You know my pleasure,
and the hour of Marcelia's death, which
ful not to execute, as you will answer

Fran. But I am true,
And live to make you happy.
Marc. I prefer the hate

Of Sforza, though it mark me for the grave,
Before thy base affection. I am yet
Pure and unspotted in my true love to him;
Nor shall it be corrupted, though he's tainted;
Nor will I part with innocence, because
He is found guilty. For thyself, thou art
A thing, that, equal with the devil himself,
I do detest and scorn.

Fran. Thou, then, art nothing:

Thy life is in my power, disdainful woman!
Think on't, and tremble,

Marc. No, with my curses

Of horror to thy conscience in this life,
And pains in hell hereafter, I defy thee. [Exit.
Fran. I am lost

In the discovery of this fatal secret.
Curs'd hope, that flatter'd me, that wrongs

could make her

A stranger to her goodness! all my plots
Turn back upon myself; but I am in,
And must go on; and since I have put off
From the shore of innocence, guilt be now
my pilot!


SCENE I-The Imperial Camp before PAVIA.
Med. The spoil, the spoil! 'tis that the sol-
dier fights for.

Our victory, as yet, affords us nothing
But wounds and empty honour.
Her. Hell put it in

The enemy's mind to be desperate, and hold

Yieldings and compositions will undo us;
And what is that way given, for the most part,
Comes to the emperor: the poor soldier left
To starve, or fill up hospitals.

Alph. But, when

We enter towns by force, and carve ourselves,
Pleasure with pillage-

Med. I long to be at it.
Her. My main hope is,

To begin the sport at Milan: there's enough,
And of all kinds of pleasure we can wish for,
To satisfy the most covetous,
Alph. Every day
We look for a remove.

the contrary, not with your head alone, Med. For Lodowick Sforza,

but with the ruin of your whole family. The duke of Milan, I, on mine own knowledge, And this, written with my own hand, Can say thus much: he is too much a soldier; and signed with my privy signet, shall Too confident of his own worth; too rich too; be your sufficient warrant.


I do obey it! every word's a poniard,
A reaches to my heart.


Fran. What have I done?
Mam for heaven's sake, madam!—
Imer lady!-

sirs. For the duke's sake! for Sforza's

Marc. Sforza's! stand off! though dead, I will be his;

And even my ashes shall abhor the touch any other. O unkind, and cruel!

,women, learn to trust in one another; e is no faith in man: Sforza is false, ise to Marcelia!

And understands too well the emperor hates him,
To hope for composition.

Alph. On my life

We need not fear his coming in.

Her. On mine

[blocks in formation]

That he, that scorn'd our proffer'd amity

When he was sued to, should, ere he be Freely acknowledged, to give up the reasons


First kneel for mercy?

Med. When your majesty

Shall please to instruct us who it is, we may
Admire it with you.

Emp. C. Who, but the duke of Milan,
The right hand of the French! of all that stand
In our displeasure, whom necessity
Compels to seek our favour, I would have


Sforza had been the last.

Her. And should be writ so In the list of those you pardon. city

Would his Had rather held us out a siege, like Troy, Than, by a feign'd submission, he should cheat


Of a just revenge, or us of those fair glories
We have sweat blood to purchase!

Alph. The sack alone of Milan

Will pay the army.

Emp. C. I am not so weak,

To be wrought on as you fear; nor ignorant
That money is the sinew of the war:
Yet, for our glory, and to show him that
We've brought him on his knees, it is resolv'd
To hear him as a suppliant. Bring him in;
But let him see the effects of our just anger,
In the guard that you make for him.

[Exit Pescara.

Her. I am now
Familiar with the issue; all plagues on it!
He will appear in some dejected habit,
His countenance suitable, and for his order,
A rope about his neck; then kneel, and tell
Old stories what more worthy thing it is
To have power than to use it;

To make a king than kill one: which apply'd
To the emperor and himself, a pardon's granted
To him, an enemy; and we, his servants,
Condemn'd to beggary: [Apart to Medina.
Med. Yonder he comes;
But not as you expected.

strongly guarded.

Alph. He looks as if

He would outface his dangers.
Her. I am cozen'd:

A suitor, in the devil's name!
Med. Hear him speak.

My hate against thyself, and love to him
That made me so affected: in my wants
I ever found him faithful; had supplies
Of men and money from him; and my hopes
Quite sunk, were, by his grace, buoy'd up again;
I dare to speak his praise now, in as high
And loud a key, as when he was thy equal.
The benefits he sow'd in me met not
Unthankful ground, but yielded him his own
With fair increase, and I still glory in it.
And though my fortunes

Are in thy fury burnt, let it be mention'd,
They serv'd but as small tapers to attend
The solemn flame at this great funeral:
And with them I will gladly waste myself,
Rather than undergo the imputation
Of being base, or unthankful.
Alph. Nobly spoken!


Her. I do begin, I know not why, to hal him

[blocks in formation]

Sfor. If that, then, to be grateful
For courtesies receiv'd, or not to leave
A friend in his necessities, be a crime
Amongst you Spaniards, Sforza brings his hea
To the forfeit. Nor come 1 as a slave,
Pinion'd and fetter'd, in a squalid weed,
Falling before thy feet, kneeling and howlin
For a forestall'd remission; I ne'er fear'd to di
More than I wish'd to live. When I had reach
My ends in being a duke, I wore these robe
This crown upon my head, and to my side
This sword was girt; and witness, truth, th


Tis in another's power, when I shall part
With them and life together, I'm the same
My veins then did not swell with pride; n


Shrink they for fear. Know, sir, that Sfor

Prepar'd for either fortune.
Her. As I live,

I do begin strangely to love this fellow.

Sfor. But, if example

SFORZA, Of my fidelity to the French,

[ Apart. [ Apart.

Sfor. I come not, emperor, to invade thy



Has power to invite you to make him a frien
That hath given evident proof he knows to lov
[Apart. And to be thankful: this my crown, now you
You may restore me.
Alph. By this light,
Tis a brave gentleman.
Emp. C. Thou hast so far
Outgone my expectation, noble Sforza,
For such I hold thee; and true constancy,
Rais'd on a brave foundation, bears such pal
And privilege with it, that where we behold
Though in an enemy, it does command us
That I am in thy power, I was thine enemy; To love and honour it. By my future hop
Thy deadly and vow'd enemy; one that wish'd I am glad, for thy sake, that, in seeking favou
Confusion to thy person and estates;
Thou didst not borrow of vice her indirect,
And with my utmost powers, and deepest Crooked, and abject means: and so far

By fawning on thy fortune; nor bring with me
Excuses or denials. I profess,
And with a good man's confidence, even this



[blocks in formation]

I am from robbing thee of the least honour
That with my hands, to make it sit the faste
I set thy crown once more upon thy head;
And do not only style thee duke of Milan,
But vow to keep thee so.
Yet, not to take
From others to give only to myself,
I will not hinder your magnificence
[Aside. To my commanders, neither will I urge it;
But in that, as in all things else, I leave yo

[blocks in formation]


Have little power in peace), may beget danger,
At least suspicion.

Sfur. Where true honour lives,

Doubt hath no being; I desire no pawn,
Beyond an emperor's word, for my assurance.
Besides, Pescara, to thyself, of all men,

I will confess my weakness: though my state
And crown's restor'd me, though I am in grace,
And that a little stay might be a step
To greater honours, I must hence. Alas,
I live not here; my wife, my wife, Pescara,
Being absent, I am dead. Pr'ythee excuse,
And do not chide, for friendship's sake, my

But ride along with me: I'll give you reasons,
And strong ones, to plead for me.
Pes. Use your own pleasure;

bear you company.

Sfor. Farewell, grief! I am stored with Two blessings most desired in human life, A constant friend, an unsuspected wife.

[Exeunt. SCESE IL-MILAN. A Room in the Castle. Enter GRACCHO.

Grac. Whipt like a rogue! no lighter pu-
nishment serve

To balance with a little mirth! 'Tis well:
My credit sunk for ever, I am now

Fit company only for pages and for footboys.


[blocks in formation]

Enter FRANCISCO and a Servant,
Hell now inspire me! How, the lord protector!
Whither thus in private?
will not see him.

[Stands aside.

Fran. If I am sought for,
Say I am indispos'd, and will not hear
Or suits, or suitors.

Sero. But, sir, if the princess
Inquire, what shall I answer?
Fran. Say I am rid

Abroad to take the air; but by no means
Let her know I'm in court.

Serv. So I shall tell her.
Fran. Within there!

Enter a Gentlewoman.


Gentlew. My good lord, your pleasure?
Fran. Pr'ythee let me beg thy favour for

To the dutchess.


Gentlew. In good sooth, my lord, I dare not; She's very private.

Fran. Come, there's gold

Where is thy lady?

Gentlew. She's walking in the gallery.
Fran. Bring me to her.

[Exeunt Francisco and Gentlewoman.
Grac. A brave discovery beyond my hope,
A plot even offer'd to my hand to work on!
If I am dull now, may I live and die
The scorn of worms and slaves! Let me

My lady and her mother first committed,
In the favour of the dutchess; and I whipt!
And all his brib'd approaches to the dutchess
To be conceal'd! good, good. This to my lady
Deliver'd, as I'll order it, runs her mad.


SCENE III.-Another Room in the same.
Marc. Believe thy tears or oaths! can it be

After a practice so abhorr'd and horrid,
Repentance e'er can find thee?

Fran. Dearest lady,

[Apart. I do confess, humbly confess my fault,
Apart. To be beyond all pity; my attempt
I turn'd So barbarously rude, that it would turn
A saint-like patience into savage fury.
Marc. I'st possible

The wonder, gentlemen?
Julio. I read this morning,
Mange stories of the passive fortitude
Of men in former ages, which I thought
possible, and not to be believed;

Bi now I look on you my wonder ceases.
Grac. The reason, sir?

Julio. Why, sir, you have been whipt;
hipt, seignior Graccho; and the whip,

take it,

to a gentleman, the greatest trial

it may be of his patience. Grac. Sir, I'll call you

is a strict account for this. Gio. I'll not deal with you,

ess I have a beadle for my second;

And then I'll answer you.

Julio. Farewell, poor Graccho.

This can be cunning?

Fran. But, if no submission,


[blocks in formation]

For I perceive in you no signs of mercy,

I will disclose a secret, which, dying with me,
May prove your ruin.

Marc. Speak it; it will take from

The burden of thy conscience.

Fran. Thus, then, madam:

The warrant, by my lord sign'd for your death,

[Exeunt Julio and Giovanni. Was but conditional; but you must swear, Grac. Better and better still. If ever wrongs By your unspotted truth, not to reveal it, wald teach a wretch to find the way to Or I end here abruptly.

[blocks in formation]

Of joys hereafter. On.

Fran. Nor was it hate

That forc'd him to it, but excess of love.
"And if I ne'er return (so said great Sforza),
No living man deserving to enjoy
My best Marcelia, with the first news
That I am dead (for no man after me
Must e'er enjoy her), fail not to kill her.
But till certain proof

Assure thee I am lost (these were his words),
Observe and honour her, as if the soul
Of woman's goodness only dwelt in hers."
This trust I have abus'd, and basely wrong'd;
And if the excelling pity of your mind
Cannot forgive it, as I dare not hope it,
Rather than look on my offended lord,
I stand resolv'd to punish it.

[Draws his Sword.

Marc. Hold! 'tis forgiven, And by me freely pardon'd. In thy fair life Hereafter, study to deserve this bounty: But that my lord, my Sforza, should esteem My life fit only as a page, to wait on The various course of his uncertain fortunes; Or cherish in himself that sensual hope, In death to know me as a wife, afflicts me. I will slack the ardour that I had to see him Return in safety.

Frán. But if your entertainment Should give the least ground to his jealousy, To raise up an opinion I am false, You then destroy your mercy.



[blocks in formation]

Till I had seen thee.

Marc. Sir, I am most happy
To look upon you safe, and would express
My love and duty in a modest fashion,
Such as might suit with the behaviour'
Of one that knows herself a wife, and how
To temper her desires; nor can it wrong me
To love discreetly.

Sfor. How! why, can there be
A mean in your affections to Sforza?
My passions to you are in extremes,
And know no bounds.-Come, kiss me.
Marc. I obey you.

Sfor. By all the joys of love, she does sa

lute me

[blocks in formation]

His happiness in most accursed woman;
In whom obsequiousness engenders pride,
And harshness, deadly hatred? From this hou
I'll labour to forget there are such creatures
True friends, be now my mistresses.
your brows,


Steph. How coldly she receives it! [Apart. And, though my heart-strings crack fort, Tib. Observe the encounter.


[blocks in formation]

will be To all a free example of delight. We will have sports of all kinds, and propoun Rewards to such as can produce us new; Unsatisfied, though we surfeit in their store And never think of curs'd Marcelia more. [Exeun

[blocks in formation]

Grac. Sir, but allow me

In policy's roguish school, to try conclusions Not the abstruse and hidden arts to thrive With one that hath commenc'd, and gone out doctor.



That injuries from one in grace, like you, Are noble favours.

And you may please to grant me so much If I discover what but now he bragg'd of,
I shall not be believ'd: if I fall off
From him, his threats and actions go together,
And there's no hope of safety. Till I get
A plummet that may sound his deepest counsels,
I must obey and serve him. Want of skill
Now makes me play the rogue against my will.

Fran. But to the purpose;

And then, that service done, make thine own fortunes.

My wife, thou say'st, is jealous I am too
Familiar with the dutchess.

Grae. And incens'd

For her commitment in her brother's absence;
And by her mother's anger is spurr'd on
To make discovery of it.

Fran. I thank thy care, and will deserve

this secret,

In making thee acquainted with a greater, And of more moment. I delight in change And sweet variety; that's my heaven on earth, For which I love life only. I confess,

My wife pleas'd me a day; the dutches, two (And yet I must not say I have enjoy'd her); But now I care for neither: therefore, Graccho,

So far I am from stopping Mariana
In making her complaint, that I desire thee
To urge her to it.

Grac. That may prove your ruin :
The dike already being, as 'tis reported,
Doubtful she hath play'd false.

Fran. There thou art cozen'd;

His dotage, like an ague, keeps his course, And now 'tis strongly on him. But I lose


And therefore know, whether thou wilt or no, Thou art to be my instrument; and, in spite Of the old saw, that says, "It is not safe On any terms to trust a man that's wrong'd," I dare thee to be false.

Grac. This is a language, My lord, I understand not. Fran. You thought, sirrah,

To put a trick on me, for the relation

Of what I knew before; and, having won Some weighty secret from me, in revenge To play the traitor. Know, thou wretched thing, command thou wert whipt; and every day


[ocr errors]

I have thee freshly tortur'd, if thou miss te least charge that I impose upon thee. Though what I speak, for the most part, is


, grant thou hadst a thousand witnesses The depos'd they heard it, 'tis in me, W

one word, such is Sforza's confidence fidelity not to be shaken,

To make all void, and ruin my accusers.

[blocks in formation]

Marc. Command me from his sight, and with such scorn

As he would rate his slave!
Tib. 'Twas in his fury..

Steph. And he repents it, madam.
Marc. Was I born

To observe his humours? or, because he dotes,
Must I run mad?

Tib. He hath paid the forfeit

Of his offence, I'm sure, with such a sorrow,
As if it had been greater, would deserve
A full remission.

Marc. Why, perhaps, he hath it;
And I stand more afflicted for his absence,
Than he can be for mine: so, pray you, tell

But till I have digested some sad thoughts,
And reconcil'd passions that are at war
Within myself, I purpose to be private:
And have you care, unless it be Francisco,
That no man be admitted.

Tib. How! Francisco?

[Exit Gentlewoman.


Steph. Here he comes.
Is this her privacy!
This may go to the duke.

[Exeunt Tib. and Steph.

Marc. Your face is full
Of fears and doubts: the reason!
Fran. O, best madam,

They are not counterfeit. The duke, the duke,
I more than fear, hath found that I am guilty.
Marc. By my unspotted honour, not from me;
Nor have I with him chang'd one syllable,
Since his return, but what you heard.
Fran. Yet malice

Is eagle-ey'd, and would see that which is not;
And jealousy's too apt to build upon
Unsure foundations.

[blocks in formation]


teriore look to't; bring my wife hotly on But for him, though almost on certain proof, rase me to the duke-I have an end in't-To give it hearing, not belief, deserves ink what 'tis makes man most miserable, My hate for ever. that shall fall upon thee. Thou wert a


Lam, by being acquainted with my courses, car and awe me; or that I should live state, as thou didst saucily divine: ing in my counsels, still live mine. [Exit. c. I am caught on both sides. This 'tis for a puisne

Fran. Whether grounded on

Your noble, yet chaste favours, shewn unto


Or her imprisonment, for her contempt
To you, by my command, my frantic wife
Hath put it in his head.

Marc. Have I then liv'd

So long, now to be doubted? Are my favours The themes of her discourse? or what I do,

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