Burden of proof as to where wines made in this state from grapes grown in this state, and sold by the grower and maker thereof to be drunk upon the premises, or sold in quantities less than five gallons to be delivered at one time," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: The term spirituous and intoxicating liquors, as used in this title, shall be held to include all spirituous and intoxicating liquors, all mixed liquors, all mixed liquor of which a part is spirituous and intoxicating, all distilled spirits, all wines, ale, and porter, all beer manufactured from hops and malt, or from hops and barley, and all beer on the receptacle containing which the laws of the United States require a revenue stamp to be affixed, and all fermented cider sold to be drunk upon the premises, or sold in quantities less than one gallon to be delivered at one time in towns where licenses to sell intoxicating liquors are granted, or in quantities less than five gallons to be delivered at one time in towns where licenses are not granted, and all wines made in this state from grapes grown in this state, and sold by the grower and maker thereof to be drunk upon the premises, or sold in quantities less than five gallons to be delivered at one time. SEC. 2. The burden of proof that any wines were made. wines were made. in this state from grapes grown in this state shall be person selling said wines. Approved, July 30, 1907. upon the Interest charge not to be greater cent. [Substitute for House Bill No. 400.] CHAPTER 238. An Act concerning Certain Loans. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in SECTION 1. No person, firm, or corporation, or any agent than fifteen per thereof, other than a national bank or a bank or trust company duly incorporated under the laws of this state or a pawnbroker as provided in chapter 235 of the public acts of 1905, shall directly or indirectly loan money to any person and directly or indirectly charge, demand, accept, or make an agreement to receive therefor, interest at a greater rate than fifteen per centum per annum. The provisions of this section shall not apply to loans made to any national bank or any bank or trust company duly incorporated under the laws of this state, or to any bona fide mortgage of real or personal property. SEC. 2. No person, firm, or corporation, with intent to Note for greater evade section one hereof, shall accept a note for a greater actual loan not amount than that actually loaned. amount than to be accepted. Certain expenses SEC. 3. No person, firm, or corporation shall charge a not to be charged borrower with any of the expense of the inquiry into his finan. to borrower. cial responsibility, or the expense of negotiating a loan, or the expense of collecting the principal and interest of a loan, unless the total of such charges and of the interest agreed upon during any year shall be fifteen per centum of the loan or less. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any bona fide mortgage of real or personal property. SEC. 4. Any person, firm, or corporation, or any agent Penalties. thereof, who shall violate any of the provisions of section one, two, or three of this act, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than six months, or fined not more than one thousand dollars, or both. Action not to be act. SEC. 5. No action shall be brought on any loan prohibited brought on loan by this act to collect either principal or interest or any part of prohibited by either, or for any cause arising from the negotiation of such loan. འ Approved, July 27, 1907. [Substitute for House Bill No. 703.] CHAPTER 239. An Act concerning Penalties for Violations of the Fish and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in violation of bird SECTION 1. Section 3134 of the general statutes is hereby Penalties for amended to read as follows: Every person who shall violate laws. any of the foregoing provisions of this chapter shall be punished by a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars, and by an additional fine of not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for each bird or part of bird taken or possessed in violation thereof. Penalties for SEC. 2. Every person who shall violate any of the pro- violation of fish visions of chapter 192 of the general statutes or any amend- laws. ment thereof, except section 3154, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars, and by an additional fine of not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars for each fish taken or possessed in violation of any of said provisions. Penalty for use SEC. 3. Every person who shall violate section 3154 of of explosives in the general statutes shall be fined fifty dollars. taking fish. Fees of officers. Repeal. Elections of officers to whom this act are applicable. SEC. 4. Section 3100 of the general statutes is hereby amended to read as follows: In all prosecutions for the violation of any law for the protection of fish and game, the fish and game warden, his deputy, special protector, or other officer making the arrest, shall be entitled to the same fees as provided by section 4850 of the general statutes to be paid to constables in similar cases, which fees shall be taxed by the court as costs in the case against the defendant, and said fish and game warden, his deputy, special protector, or other officer shall be paid the sum so taxed. SEC. 5. Section 3159 of the general statutes is hereby repealed. Approved, July 27, 1907. [Substitute for Senate Bill No. 135.] CHAPTER 240. An Act concerning Corrupt Practices at Elections, Caucuses, and Primaries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Chapter 280 of the public acts of 1905 is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1. The provisions of this act shall apply to the the provisions of election of all officers for whom ballots shall be cast pursuant to the provisions of chapter 104 of the general statutes as amended and to the election of all officers to be voted for by the general assembly, by the board of aldermen or the common council of any city, and by the warden and burgesses of any borough, to all caucuses and primary elections preliminary to any such other elections, to school district elections, and to allcandidates to be voted for at such elections, caucuses, and primary elections. The term caucuses and primary elections " shall include: (a) all meetings and elections held to nominate a candidate for office or to elect delegates to a nominating convention; (b) nominating conventions of such delegates; and (c) caucuses of members of the general assembly, of the board of aldermen or common council of any city, and of the warden and burgesses of any borough. Any person shall be deemed to be a candidate for the office of senator of the United States for whom ten or more votes shall have been cast, either at a legislative caucus or at a regular election by the general assembly. as treasurer or without the writing. SEC. 2. The term "political committee" shall include Definitions. every committee or combination of three or more persons to aid or promote the success or defeat of any political party or principle in any such election, or to aid or to take part in the nomination or election of any candidate for public office. The term "treasurer" shall include all persons appointed by any political committee to receive or disburse moneys to aid or promote the success or defeat of any such party, principle, or candidate. The term "political agent" shall include all persons appointed by any candidate before any such election, caucus, or primary election, to assist him in his candidacy. No person shall act as No person to act any such treasurer or political agent unless, after his appoint-political agent ment and before the caucus, primary, or election for which he is filing of a appointed, a writing designating him as such treasurer or political agent shall be filed with the secretary of the state, except that, in case the duties of such treasurer or political agent shall relate to any town, city, ward, borough, or school district election exclusively, or to any caucus or primary election preliminary thereto, such writing shall be filed with the town clerk of the town within which such candidate resides instead of with said secretary of the state. Every such writing shall designate the particular period, election, caucus, or primary election during which such treasurership or political agency shall continue. Nothing in this act shall prevent the treasurer or political agent of any organization or candidate from being the treasurer or political agent of any other organization or candidate, and any candidate for public office may designate himself as his own political agent. Payment of urer or political SEC. 3. Any person nominated as a candidate for public money to treasoffice or a candidate for such nomination may make a voluntary agent. payment of money to any treasurer or political agent for any of the purposes permitted by this act; provided, however, that no person, other than such a candidate, shall, to aid or promote the success or defeat of any political party or principle, or of any candidate for public office, or of any candidate for nomination as such, within six months prior to any such election, make a contribution of money or property or incur any liability or promise any valuable thing to any person other than to a treasurer or political agent. Nothing contained in this act shall limit or affect the right of any person to expend money for proper legal expenses in maintaining or contesting the results of any such election. SEC. 4. Payment of other than a treasurer or political election expenses. No person, agent, shall pay any of the expenses of any election, caucus, or primary election, except that a candidate may pay his own expenses for postage, telegrams, telephoning, stationery, printing, Payments that may lawfully be urer or political agent. expressage, and traveling; but the provisions of this section shall not apply to non-partisan election and ante-election expenses paid out of the public moneys of the state, or of any town, city, or other municipality. No contributions or payments or favors of any kind shall be made or extended by or solicited from any private corporation or judicial officer, except judges of probate, to promote the success or defeat of any candidate for public office or of any political party or principle, or for any other political purpose whatever. SEC. 5. Subject to the foregoing limitations, it shall be made by treas- lawful for any treasurer or political agent, in connection with any election, caucus, or primary election, to pay the following expenses: (a) of hiring public halls and music for conventions, public meetings, and public primaries, and for advertising the same by posters or otherwise; (b) of printing and circulating political newspapers, pamphlets, and books; (c) of printing and distributing ballots and pasters; (d) of renting rooms to be used by political committees; (e) of compensating clerks and other persons employed in committee rooms and at the polls, and of furnishing reasonable entertainment to such persons necessarily employed in committee rooms and at the polls, and to members of political committees of the same political party to which such political agent or treasurer shall belong; provided, however, that the word "entertainment " shall not be construed to include alcoholic or intoxicating beverages; (f) for the travel of political agents, committees, and public speakers; (g) of necessary postage, telegrams, telephoning, printing, and express and conveyance charges; (h) of preparing, circulating, and filing petitions for nomination, except that under subdivisions (c) and (e) no liabilities shall be incurred or payments made by political agents for distributing ballots or pasters, or for clerks or other persons employed in committee rooms or at the polls, and no liabilities shall be incurred by any political committee, or payments made by its treasurer, for those purposes at any one voting district or precinct directly or indirectly to more than five persons altogether, with one additional for each two hundred voters there registered, and such liabilities shall be incurred and payments made there by only one political committee of any party, which shall be the committee appointed for that purpose under the rules and customs of that party. No treasurer or political agent shall incur any expense or liability or make any payment for any purpose not authorized by this section, and every liability incurred and payment made shall be at a rate which is proper and reasonable and fairly commensurate with the service rendered. |