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Sir J. Well, well, be that as it will. I must Enter DAVY, drunk. be upon my guard. What a dreadful place is So, you wicked wretch you-where have you this! but 'tis all owing to the corruption of the been, and what have you been doing? times; the great folks game, and the poor folks Davy. Merry-making, your honour.-Lonrob; no wonder that murder ensues; sad, sad, don for ever!

Dacy. Servants don't do what they are bid,

sad!-well, let me but get over to-night, and Sir J. Did I not order you to come directly I'll leave this den of thieves to-morrow-how from the play, and not be idling and raking long will your lord and lady stay at this mask- about? ing and mummery before they come home? Jes. 'Tis impossible to say the time, Sir; in London. that merely depends upon the spirits of the Sir J. And did I not order you not to make company and the nature of the entertainment; a jackanapes of yourself, and tie your hair up for my own part, I generally make it myself like a monkey?

till four or five in the morning.

Davy. And therefore I did it-no pleasing

Sir J. Why, what the devil! do you make the ladies without this-my lord's servants call you an old out-of-fashioned codger, and

one at these masqueradings?

Jes. I seldom miss, Sir; I may venture to have taught me what's what.

say that nobody knows the trim and small talk

Sir J. Here's an imp of the devil! he is un

of the place better than I do; I was always done, and will poison the whole countryreckoned an incomparable mask. sirrah, get every thing ready, I'll be going

Sir J. Thou art an incomparable coxcomb, directly.

I am sure.

[Aside. Davy. To bed, Sir?-I want to go to bed

Jes. An odd, ridiculous accident happened myself, Sir.

to me at a masquerade three years ago; I was Sir J. Why, how now-you are drunk too, in tip-top spirits, and had drunk a little too sirrah. freely of the Champagne, I believe.

Sir J. You'll be hanged, I believe. [Aside. I Jes. Wit flew about-in short, I was in spirits at last, from drinking and rattling, to vary the pleasure, we went to dancing; and who do you think I danced a minuet with? he, he! pray guess, Sir John!


Davy. I am a little, your honour, because have been drinking.

Sir J. That is not all-but you have been bad company, sirrah?

Davy. Indeed your honour's mistaken, I never kept such good company in all my life. Sir J. The fellow does not understand me Sir J. Danced a minuet with! [Half aside. -where have you been, you drunkard? Jes. My own lady, that's all; the eyes of the Davy. Drinking, to be sure, if I am a drunkwhole assembly were upon us; my lady dances ard; and if you had been drinking too, as I well; and I believe I am pretty tolerable: after have been, you would not be in such a pasthe dance, I was running into a little coquetry sion with a body-it makes one so good natured.

and small talk with her.

Sir J. With your lady? Chaos is come again. Sir J. There is another addition to my mis[Aside. fortunes! I shall have this fellow carry into Jes. With my lady-but upon my turning the country as many vices as will corrupt the my hand thus [Conceitedly]-egad, she caught whole parish. me; whispered me who I was; I would fain have laughed her out of it, but it would not do;-no, no, Jessamy, says she, I am not to Sir J. Get away, you beast you, and sleep be deceived: pray wear gloves for the future; off the debauchery you have contracted this for you may as well go bare-faced, as show fortnight, or I shall leave you behind, as a that hand and diamond ring. proper person to make one of his lordship's

Davy. I'll take what I can, to be sure, your worship.

Sir J. What a sink of iniquity!-Prostitu- family. tion on all sides! from the lord to the pick- Davy. So much the better-give me more pocket. [Aside] Pray, Mr. Jessamy, among wages, less work, and the key of the ale-celyour other virtues, I suppose you game a little, lar, and I am your servant; if not, provide eb, Mr. Jessamy? yourself with another. [Struts. Jes. A little whist or so; but I am tied up Sir J. Here's a reprobate!-this is the comfrom the dice; I must never touch a box again. pletion of my misery! but harkye, villain,— Sir J. I wish you was tied up somewhere go to bed. and sleep off your iniquity, and else. [Aside] I sweat from top to toe! Pray, then pack up the things, or I'll pack you of lend me your sword, Mr. Jessamy; I shall go to Newgate, and transport you for life, you to my room; and let my lord and lady, and rascal you.

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[Eri my niece Tittup, know, that I beg they will Davy. That for you, old codger. [Snaps his excuse ceremonies; that I must be up and fingers] I know the law better than to be gone before they go to bed; that I have a frightened with moonshine: I wish that I was most profound respect and love for them, and to live here all my days, this is the life is and that I hope we shall never see one deed! a servant lives up to his eyes in clover; another again as long as we live. they have wages, and board wages, and Jes. I shall certainly obey your commands thing to do, but to grow fat and saucy-y -what poor, ignorant wretches these country are as happy as their master, they play or gentlemen are! [Aside, and exit. ever at cards, swear like emperors, drink e Sir J. If I stay in this place another day, fishes, and go a wenching with as much ease it would throw me into a fever!-Oh! I wish and tranquillity, as if they were going to a it was morning! this comes of visiting my sermon. Oh! 'tis a fine life! relations!

[Exit, reeling.

SCENE II.-4 Chamber in LORD MINIKIN's shed, for my lord is certainly in the houseI'll take my affadavy that I heard


this moment at the masquerade - I spoke to Col. T. It can't be, I tell you; we left him him before I came out.


Enter LORD MINIKIN and MISS TITTUP in Masquerade Dresses, lighted by JESSAMY. Lord M. Set down the candles, Jessamy; Lady M. He's too busy, and too well emand should your lady come home, let me know ployed, to think of home-but don't tremble -be sure you are not out of the way. so, Gymp. There is no harm, I assure you Jes. I have lived too long with your lord--the colonel is to marry my niece, and it is ship to need the caution-who the devil have proper to settle some matters relating to it— we got now? but that's my lord's business, they are left to us.

and not mine. [Exit. Gymp. Yes, yes, Madam, to be sure it is Miss T. [Pulling off her mask] Upon my proper that you talk together-I know you word, my lord, this coming home so soon mean nothing but innocence-but indeed there from the masquerade is very imprudent, and will be bloodshed.

will certainly be observed-I am most incon- Col. T. The girl's a fool. I have no sword ceivably frightened, I can assure you - my by my side.

uncle Trotley has a light in his room; the Gymp. But my lord has, and you may kill accident this morning will certainly keep him one another with that-I know you mean noupon the watch pray, my lord, let us defer thing but innocence, but I certainly heard him our meetings till he goes into the country-I go up the back-stairs into his room, talking find that my English heart, though it has ven-with Jessamy. tured so far, grows fearful, and awkward to practise the freedoms of warmer climes. Lord M. takes her by the Hand] If you will not desist, my lord-we are separated for ever-the sight of the precipice turns my head; I have been giddy with it too long, and must turn from it while I can-pray be quiet, my lord, I will meet you to-morrow.

Lady M. 'Tis impossible but the girl must have fancied this - Can't you ask Whisp, or Mignon, if their master is come in?

Gymp. Lord, my lady, they are always drunk before this, and asleep in the kitchen. Lady M. This frightened fool has made me as ridiculous as herself! hark! Colonel, I'll swear there is something upon the stairs-now I am in the field I find I am a coward. Gymp. There will certainly be bloodshed. Col T. I'll slip down with Gymp this back [Going.

Lord M. To morrow! 'tis an age in my situation-let the weak, bashful, coyish whiner be intimidated with these faint alarms, but let the bold experienced lover kindle at the dan-way then. ger, and like the eagle in the midst of storms thus pounce upon his prey. [Takes hold of her. Miss T. Dear Mr. Eagle, be merciful; pray let the poor pigeon fly for this once.

Lord M. If I do, my dove, may I be cursed to have my wife as fond of me, as I am now of thee. [Offers to kiss her. Jes. [Without, knocking at the door] My lord, my lord!Miss T. Ha!

Lord M. Who's there?


Jes. [Peeping] 'Tis I, my lord; may come in?


Lord M. Damn the fellow! What's the matter?

Jes. Nay, not much, my lord-only my lady's come home.

Miss T. Then I'm undone-what shall I do?
I'll run into my own room.

Lord M. Then she may meet you.
Jes. There's a dark deep closet, my lord-
Miss may hide herself there.

Miss T. For Heaven's sake, put me into it, and when her ladyship's safe, let me know, my lord. What an escape have I bad!

Gymp. O dear, my lady, there is somebody coming up them too.

Col. T. Zounds! I've got between two fires!
Lady M. Run into the closet.

Col. T. [Runs to the closet] There's no retreat-the door is locked!

Lady M. Behind the chimney-board, Gymp. Col. T. I shall certainly be taken prisoner, [Gets behind the board] you'll let me know when the enemy's decamped.

Lady M. Leave that to me-do you, Gymp, go down the back stairs, and leave me to face my lord, I think I can match him at hypocrisy. [Sits down,

Enter LORD MINIKIN. Lord M. What, is your ladyship so soon returned from Lady Filligree's?

Lady M. I am sure, my lord, I ought to be more surprised at your being here so soon, when I saw you so well entertained in a têteà-tête with a lady in crimson — such sights, my lord, will always drive me from my most favourite amusements.

Lord M. You find at least, that the lady, Lord M. The moment her evil spirit is laid, whoever she was, could not engage me to I'll let my angel out-[Puts her into the stay, when I found your ladyship" had left closet]-lock the door on the inside -come the ball. softly to my room, Jessamy.

Lady M. Your lordship's sneering upon my unhappy temper may be a proof of your wit, but it is none of your humanity; and thisbehaviour is as great an insult upon me, as even your falsehood itself. [Pretends to weep.

Jes. If a board creaks, your lordship shall never give me a laced waistcoat again. [Exeunt on tiptoes. Enter GYMP, lighting in LADY MINIKIN and Lord M. Nay, my dear Lady Minikin, if COLONEL TIVY, in Masquerade Dresses. you are resolved to play tragedy, I shall roar Gymp. Pray, my lady, go no farther with away too, and pull out my cambric handkerthe colonel, I know you mean nothing but chief. innocence, but I'm sure there will be blood- Lady M. I think, my lord, we had better

retire to our apartments; my weakness and| Sir J. [Speaks without] Lights this way, I your brutality will only expose us to our say; I am sure there are thieves; get a blunservants-Where is Tittup, pray? derbuss.

Lord M. I left her with the colonel-a mas- Jes. Indeed you dream it, there is nobody querade to young folks, upon the point of ma- but the family. [All stand and stare. trimony, is as delightful as it is disgusting to those who are happily married, and are wise Enter SIR JOHN in his night-cap, his hanger enough to love home, and the company of drawn, with Jessamy. their wives. [Takes hold of her Hand. Sir J. Give me the candle, I'll ferret 'em Lady M. False man! I had as lieve a toad out, I warrant; bring a blunderbuss, I say: touched me. [Aside. they have been skipping about that gallery in Lord M. She gives me the frisson-I must the dark this half hour; there must be mispropose to stay, or I shall never get rid of chief-I have watched them into this roomher [Aside]-I am aguish to-night,-he-he-ho, ho, are you there? If you stir, you are do my dear, let us make a little fire here, and dead men-[They retire]—and [Seeing the have a family tête-à-tête, by way of novelty. ladies] women too!-egad-ha! what's this? [Rings a bell the same party again! and two couple they are of as choice mortals as ever were hatched in this righteous town-you'll excuse me, cousins! [They all look confounded. Lord M. In the name of wonder, how comes all this about.

Enter JESSAMY. Let 'em take away that chimney-board, and light a fire here immediately. Lady M. What shall I do? [Aside and greatly alarmed]-Here, Jessamy, there is no occasion I am going to my own chamber, and lord won't stay here by himself. have my

Sir J. Well, but harkye, my dear cousins, you not got wrong partners?-here has [Exit Jessamy. been some mistake in the dark; I am mighty Lord M. How cruel it is, Lady Minikin, to glad that I have brought you a candle to set deprive me of the pleasure of a domestic duet-all to rights again—you'll excuse me, gentleto-A good escape, faith! [Aside. men and ladies!

Enter GYMP, with a candle. Gymp. What in the name of mercy is the

Lady M. I have too much regard for Lord Minikin to agree to any thing that would afford him so little pleasure- I shall retire to matter? my own apartment.

Sir J. Why the old matter, and the old game, Mrs. Gymp; and I'll match my cousins here at it against all the world, and I say done first.

good folks, I see you

Lord M. Well, if your ladyship will be cruel, I must still, like the miser, starve and sigh, though possessed of the greatest treasure [Bows] I wish your ladyship a good night- Lord M. What is the meaning, Sir John, He takes one candle, and Lady Minikin of all this tumult and consternation? may not the other] May I presume- [Salutes her. Lady Minikin and I, and the colonel and your Lady M. Your lordship is too obliging niece, be seen in my house together without nasty man! [Aside. your raising the family, and making this upLord M. Disagreeable woman; Aside. roar and confusion? [Wipe their lips and exeunt different ways. Sir J. Come, come, Miss T. [Peeping out of the closet] All's are all confounded, I'll settle this matter in a silent now, and quite dark; what has been moment-as for you, colonel-though you doing here I cannot guess-I long to be re- have not deserved plain dealing from me, I lieved; I wish my lord was come-but I hear will now be serious-you imagine this young [She shuts the door lady has an independent fortune, besides eCol. T. [Peeping over the chimney-board]|pectations from me-'tis a mistake, she has no I wonder my lady does not come - I would expectations from me, if she marry you; and not have Miss Tittup know of this 'twould if I don't consent to her marriage, she will be ten thousand pounds out of my way, and I have no fortune at all. cannot afford to give so much for a little Col. T. Plain dealing is a jewel; and to gallantry. show you, Sir John, that I can pay you Miss T. [Comes forward] What would my kind, I am most sincerely obliged to you for Colonel say, to find his bride, that is to be, your intelligence; and I am, ladies your most in this critical situation? obedient, humble servant-I shall see you, my lord, at the club to-morrow? [Exit Lord M. Sans doute, mon cher ColonelI'll meet you there, without fail.

a noise!

Enter LORD MINIKIN at one door, in the dark.
Lord M. Now to release my prisoner.
[Comes forward.

Enter LADY MINIKIN, at the other door. Lady M. My poor colonel will be as miserable, as if we were besieged in garrison; 1 must release him.

Lord M. Hist! hist!


Sir J. My lord, you'll have something else

to do.

Lord M. Indeed! what is that, good Sir John' Sir J. You must meet your lawyers and creditors to-morrow, and be told what you have always turned a deaf ear to— that the dissipation of your fortune and morals must [Going towards the chimney. be followed by years of parsimony and Miss T. Lord M. and Col. T. Here! here! pentance -as you are fond of going abroad, Lord M. This way. you may indulge that inclination without having Lady M. Softly. They all grope, till Lord it in your power to indulge any other. Minikin has got Lady Minikin,

and the Colonel Miss Tittup. damned satirical.

Lord M. The bumkin is no fool, and is

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Sir J. Will you resign your lady to me,

Lord M. For ever, dear Sir John, without a murmur.

Sir J. This kind of quarantine for pestilential minds will bring you to your senses, and my lord, for a time? make you renounce foreign vices and follies, and return with joy to your country and property again—read that, my lord, and know your fate. [Gives a paper.

Sir J. Well, Miss, and what say you?
Miss T. Guilty, uncle. [Courtesying.

Lord M. What an abomination is this! that Sir J. Guilty! the devil you are? of what? a man of fashion, and a nobleman, shall be Miss T. Of consenting to marry one whom obliged to submit to the laws of his country. my heart does not approve; and coquetting Sir J. Thank Heaven, my lord, we are in with another, which friendship, duty, honour, that country! You are silent, ladies-if re- morals, and every thing, but fashion, ought to pentance has subdued your tongues, I shall have forbidden.

have hopes of you—a little country air might Sir J. Thus then, with the wife of one under perhaps do well-as you are distressed, I am this arm, and the mistress of another under at your service-what say you, my lady? this, I sally forth a knight-errant, to rescue Lady M. However appearances have con- distressed damsels from those monsters, foreign demned me, give me leave to disavow the vices, and Bon Ton, as they call it; and I substance of those appearances. My mind trust that every English hand and heart here has been tainted, but not profligate-your kind- will assist me in so desperate an undertaking ness and example may restore me to my former-You'll excuse me, Sirs! natural English constitution.


Farce by Samuel Foote. Like most of Mr. Foote's farces, it is built on personal imitation, yet retains so much of original character, that the parts of the Major and Jerry Sneak will ever be of value to actors of talent.

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Enter ROGER.

Roger. Anan, sir!

Sir J. Sir, sirrah! and why not sir Jacob, you rascal? Is that all your manners? Has his majesty dubb'd 'me a knight for you to make me a mister? Are the candidates near upon coming?

Roger. Nic Goose, the tailor, from Putney, they say, will be here in a crack, sir Jacob. Sir J. Has Margery fetch'd in the linen? Roger. Yes, sir Jacob.

Sir J. Are the pigs and the poultry lock'd up in the barn?

Roger. Safe, sir Jacob.

yourself at the gate, and be careful who you let in.

Roger. I will, sir Jacob.

[Exit. Sir J. So, now I believe things are pretty secure. But I can't think what makes my daughters so late ere they-[4 Knocking at the Gate] Who is that, Roger?

Roger. [Without] Justice Sturgeon, the fishmonger, from Brentford.

Sir J. Gad's my life! and major to the Middlesex militia. Usher him in, Roger.


I could have wish'd you had come a little sooner, major Sturgeon.

Maj. S. Why, what has been the matter, sir Jacob?

Sir J. There has, major, been here an impudent pillmonger, who has dar'd to scandalize the whole body of the bench.

Muj. S. Insolent companion! had I been

Sir J. And the plate and spoons in the here, I would have mittimus'd the rascal at pantry? Roger. Yes, sir Jacob?


Sir J. No, no, he wanted the major more

Sir J. Then give me the key; the mob will than the magistrate: a few smart strokes from soon be upon us; and all is fish that comes your cane would have fully answer'd the to their net. Has Ralph laid the cloth in the purpose.—Well, major, our wars are done; hall? the rattling drum and squeaking fife now wound our ears no more.

Roger. Yes, sir Jacob.

Sir J. Then let him bring out the turkey Maj. S. True, sir Jacob, our corps is disand chine, and be sure there is plenty of mu- embodied; so the French may sleep in sestard; and, d'ye hear, Roger, do you stand curity.

Sir J. But, major, was it not rather late in Maj. S. O yes. I was the only one of the life for you to enter npon the profession of corps that could ride; otherwise we alway arms? succeeded of course: no jumping over beads,

Maj. S. A little awkward in the beginning, no underhand work among us; all mes sir Jacob: the great difficulty they had was, honour; and I must do the regiment the to get me to turn out my toes; but use, use tice to say, there never was a set of me reconciles all them kind of things: why, after amiable officers.

my first campaign, I no more minded the Sir J. Quiet and peaceable. noise of the guns than a flea-bite.

Sir J. No!

Maj. S. As lambs, sir Jacob. Excepting one boxing bout at the Three Compasses in Ac

Maj. S. No. There is more made of these ton, between captain Sheers and the colonel, matters than they merit. For the general concerning a game at all-fours, I don't regood indeed I am glad of the peace; but as member a single dispute. to my single self-and yet we have had some desperate duty, sir Jacob. Sir. J. No doubt.

Sir J. Why, that was mere mutiny; the captain ought to have been broke. Maj. S. He was; for the colonel not only

Maj. S. Oh! such marchings and counter-took away his cockade, but his custom; and marchings, from Brentford to Ealing, from I don't think poor captain Sheers has done a Ealing to Acton, from Acton to Uxbridge; stitch for him since. [Molossas? the dust flying, sun scorching, men sweating! Sir J. But you soon supplied the loss of -Why, there was our last expedition to Maj. S. In part only: no, sir Jacob, he had Hounslow; that day's work carried of major great experience; he was train'd up to arms Molossas. Bunhill-fields never saw a braver from his youth; at sixteen, be trail'd a pike commander! He was an irreparable loss to the in the Artillery - ground; at eighteen, got i Sir J. How came that about? [service. company in the Smithfield pioneers; and by Maj. S. Why, it was partly the major's the time he was twenty, was made aid-deown fault: I advised him to pull off his spurs camp to sir Jeffrey Grub, knight, alderman, before he went upon action; but he was re-and colonel of the yellow. solute, and would not be rul'd. Sir J. A rapid rise!

Sir J. Spirit-zeal for the service. Maj. S. Yes, he had a genius for war; but Maj. S. Doubtless. But to proceed: in or-what I wanted in practice, I made up by der to get our men in good spirits, we were doubling my diligence. Our porter at home quartered at Thistleworth the evening before. had been a serjeant of marines; so after shop At day-break our regiment formed at Houns- was shut up at night, he us'd to teach me my low town's end, as it might be about here. exercise; and he had not to deal with a dunce, The major made a fine disposition: on we sir Jacob.

march'd, the men all in high spirits, to attack Sir J. Your progress was great.

the gibbet where Gardel is hanging; but turn- Maj. S. Amazing. In a week I could shouling down a narrow lane to the left, as it der, and rest, and poize, and turn to the right, might be about there, in order to possess a and wheel to the left; and in less than a pig-sty, that we might take the gallows in month I could fire without winking or blinking. flank, and at all events secure a retreat, who Sir J. A perfect Hannibal! should come by but a drove of fat oxen for Maj. S. Ah, and then I learnt to form lines, Smithfield. The drums beat in the front, the and hollows, and squares, and evolutions, and dogs bark'd in the rear, the oxen set up a revolutions. Let me tell you, sir Jacob, it gallop; on they came thundering upon us, was lucky that monsieur kept his myrmidons broke through our ranks in an instant, and at home, or we should have pepper'd his flatthrew the whole corps in confusion. bottom'd boats. [cape. Sir J. Terrible! Sir J. Ay, marry, he had a marvellous esMaj. S. The major's horse took to his heels; Maj.S. We would a taught him what a away he scour'd o'er the heath. That gallant Briton can do, who is fighting pro arvis and commander stuck both his spurs into the flank, focus.

and for some time held by his mane; but in Sir J. Pray now, major, which do you look crossing a ditch, the horse threw up his head, upon as the best disciplin'd troops, the Longave the major a dowse in the chops, and don regiments, or the Middlesex militia? plump'd him into a gravel-pit, just by the Maj. S. Why, sir Jacob, it does not become powder-mills. me to say; but, lack-a-day, they have never Sir J. Dreadful! seen any service-Holiday soldiers! Why, I Maj. S. Whether from the fall or the fright, don't believe, unless indeed upon a lord-maythe major mov'd off in a month. Indeed it or's day, and that mere matter of accident, was an unfortunate day for us all. that they were ever wet to the skin in their Sir J. Indeed! [lives Maj. S. Why, as captain Cucumber, lieu- Maj. S. No! soldiers for sunshine, cockneys, tenant Pattypan, ensign Tripe, and myself, they have not the appearance, the air, the freewere returning to town in the Turnham-green dom, the jenny sequoi that-Oh, could you stage, we were stopp'd near the Hammersmith but see me salute! You have never a spoeturnpike, and robb'd and stripp'd by a single toon in the house? footpad.

Sir J. As how?

Sir J. An unfortunate day indeed!

Sir J. No; but we could get you a shove-pas
Maj. S. No matter. Well, sir Jacob, and

Maj. S. But, in some measure to make me how are your fair daughters, sweet Mrs. Sorak, amends, I got the major's commission. and the lovely Mrs. Bruin; is she as lively and as brilliant as ever?

Sir J. You did?

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