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Owen. I will let him know immediately. Ah, you're a true friend, indeed, sir.

[Shaking him earnestly by the hand. Free. Pooh! prithee! Owen. Ah! Heaven preserve you!

[Erit OWEN. Free. Fare thee well, old honesty! By the death of lord Brumpton, without children or near relations living, as Owen says, the title and estate come to my old friend Jack Brump ton, of Liverpool, who is of a distant branch, a fourth cousin, for aught I know, who has past his whole life in a compting-house; and who, a few years ago, no more dreamt of being a lord, than grand signior, or great mogul. He has so good a heart, that I believe it is impossible even for a title to corrupt it. I know he is in town; so I'll go to him immediately, acquaint him with the obligation entailed on him, to be of service to sir William, and make him heir to the benevolence of his predecessor, as well as his wealth and dignity. [Going, stops.] Who's here? Mrs Goodman and Spatter, as I live! Oh the dog! my blood rises at the villain. If I don't take care, I shall incur an action of battery for caneing the rascal.


Mrs Good. In short, Mr Spatter, I must beg leave to give you warning, and desire that you would provide yourself with another lodging as soon as possible.

Spat. What now? What the deuce is the matter with you, Mrs Goodman?

Mrs Good. I see now the meaning of lady Alton's recommendation of such a lodger to my house, as well as of her visits to Amelia, aud her frequent conferences with you, sir.

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Free. Look you, sirrah! you are one of those wretches, who miscall themselves authors; a fellow, whose heart, and tongue, and pen, are equally scandalous; who try to insinuate yourself every where, to make mischief, if there is none, and to increase it, if you find any. But if you fetch and carry like a spaniel, you must be treated like one. I have observed that you are always loitering in the passages; but if I catch you within the wind of a door again, I'll beat you till you are as black as your own ink, sirrah.— Now, you know my mind. [Exit.

Spat. Very civil, and very polite, indeed, Mr Freeport. Ha! here comes my friend, lord Falbridge.

Mrs Good. Lord Falbridge your friend? For shame, Mr Spatter !

Enter LORD FALBRIDGE, hastily.

Lord Fal. Mrs Goodman, I rejoice to sce you. Tell me, how does my Amelia? I have heard of her distress, and flew to her relief.Was she alarmed? Was she terrified?

Mrs Good. Not much, my lord: she sustained the shock with the same constancy that she en dures every affliction.

Lord Fal. I know her merit; I am too well acquainted with her greatness of soul; and hope it is not yet too late for me to do justice to her virtue. Go to her, my dear Mrs Goodman, and tell her, I beg to see her: I have something that concerns her very nearly, to impart to her. Mrs Good. I will, my lord. [Exit. Lord Fal. Oh, Mr Spatter! I did not see you. What have you got there, sir?

[Seeing a paper in his hand. Spat. Proposals for a new work, my lord!May I beg the honour of your lordship's name a

Spat. The woman is certainly out of her sen-nong my list of subscribers?

Free. What has been laid to your charge is no joke, sir.

Spat. What are you there to keep up her backhand, Mr Freeport! What is all this?

Free. You are found out to be a spy, sir.
Mrs Good. A person who pries into the se-
crets of families, merely to betray them.
Free. An informer!

Mrs Good. An eaves-dropper!
Free. A liar!

Spat. Right-hand and left! this is too much: what the plague is the matter with you both?

Lord Fal. With all my heart, sir. I am already in your debt on another account.

[Pulling out his purse. Spat. To me, my lord? You do me a great deal of honour; I should be very proud to be of the least service to your lordship.

Lord Fal. You have been of great service to ine already, sir. It was you, I find, lodged the information against this young lady.

Spat. I did no more than my duty, my lord.
Lord Fal. Yes; you did me a favour, sir.-

I consider only the deed, and put the intention
quite out of the question. You meant to do

Mrs Good. Did not you go and tell that Ame-Amelia a prejudice, and you have done me a lia was a native of Scotland?

Spat. Well; and where's the harm of being born in Scotland?

Free. None; except by your malicious interpretation, rascal; by means of which, you made it the ground of an information against her, and were the cause of her being apprehended.

Spat. And you were the cause of her being released; every man in his way, Mr Freeport!

service: for, by endeavouring to bring her into distress, you gave me an opportunity of shewing my eagerness to relieve her. There, sir! there is for the good you have done, while you meant to make mischief. [Giving him a few guineas.} But take this along with it; if you ever presume to mention the name of Amelia any more, or give yourself the least concern about her, or her affairs, I'll


Spat. I am obliged to your lordship.

Lord Fal. Be gone, sir; leave me.


Ame. I understand, my lord, that, by your ap

Spat. Your most humble servant, my lord!-plication, I am held free of the charge laid So! I am abused by every body; and yet I get against me; and that I am once more entirely at money by every body; cgad, I believe I am a liberty. I am truly sensible of your good offices, much cleverer fellow than I thought I was! and thank you for the trouble you have taken. [Going.

[Exit. Lord Fal. Alas! I am afraid that Amelia will not see me. What would I not suffer to repair the affront that I have offered her?

Enter MOLLY.

Ha! Polly! how much am I obliged to you for sending me notice of Amelia's distress?

Lord Fal. Stay, madam! do not leave me in still greater distraction than you found me. If my zeal to serve you has had any weight with you, it must have inspired you with more favourable dispositions towards me.

Ame. You must pardon me, my lord, if I cannot so soon forget a very late transaction. After Mol. Hush, my lord! Speak lower, for Hea- that, all your proceedings alarm me: nay, even ven's sake! My mistress has so often forbade me your present zeal to serve me, creates new suspito tell any thing about her, that I tremble still atcions, while I cannot but be doubtful of the mothe thoughts of the confidence I have put in you.tives from which it proceeds. I was bewitched, I think, to let you know who she


Lord Fal. You were inspired, Polly! Heaven inspired you to acquaint me with all her distresses, that I might recommend myself to her favour again, by my zeal to serve her, though a gainst her will.

Mol. That was the reason I told you; for else, I am sure, I should die with grief to give her the least uneasiness.

Lord Fal. But may I hope to see Amelia? Will she let me speak with her?

Mol. No, indeed, my lord; she is so offended at your late behaviour, that she will not even suffer us to mention your name to her.

Lord Fal. Cruel Amelia! for, guilty as I am, I must complain, since it was your own diffidence that was in part the occasion of my crime. Why did you conceal your rank and condition from me? Why did not you tell me, that you were the daughter of the unhappy sir William Douglas?

Ame. Who told you that I was so, my lord? Lord Fal. Nay, do not deny it now it is in vain to attempt to conceal it any longer; it was the main purport of my letter to apprize you of my knowledge of it.

Ame. Your letter, my lord!

Lord Fal. Yes; wild as it was, it was the offspring of compunction and remorse; and if it conveyed the dictates of my soul, it spoke me the truest of penitents. You did not disdain to read it, sure!

Ame. Indeed, my lord, I never received any

Lord Fal. Death and confusion! What a wretch have I made myself! Go, Polly; go and let her know, that I must speak with her; inform her, that I have been active for her wel-letter from you. fare; and have authority to release her from the information lodged against her.

Mol. I will let her know your anxiety, my lord; but, indeed, I am afraid she will not see you.

Lord Fal. She must, Polly; she must. The agonies of my mind are intolerable. Tell her, she must come, if it be but for a moment; or else, in the bitterness of despair, I fear I shall break into her apartment, and throw myself at her feet.

Mol. Lud! you frighten me out of my wits. Have a little patience, and I'll tell my mistress what a taking you are in.

Lord Fal. Not received any! I sent it this very morning. My own servant was the messenger. What can this mean? Has he betrayed me? At present, suffer me to compensate, as far as possible, for the wrongs I have done you: receive my hand and heart, and let an honourable marriage obliterate the very idea of my past conduct.

Ame. No, my lord; you have discovered me, it is true: I am the daughter of sir William Douglas. Judge for yourself, then; and think how I ought to look upon a man, who has insulted my distress, and endeavoured to tempt me to dishonour my family.

Lord Fal. Fly, then! I can taste no comfort, till I hear her resolution. [Exit MOLLY. How culpably have I acted towards the most amiable of her sex! But I will make her every Ame. It may be so; yet your excuse is but an reparation in my power. The warmth and sin-aggravation of the crime. You imagined me, cerity of my repentance shall extort forgiveness from her. By Heaven, she comes!-Death! how sensibly does an ungenerous action abase us! I am conscious of the superiority of her virtue, and❘ almost dread the encounter.

Lord Fal, Your justice must acquit me of the intention of that offence, since, at that time, I was ignorant of your illustrious extraction.

perhaps, to be of as low and mean an origin, as you thought me poor and unhappy. You supposed that I had no title to any dowry but my ho nour, no dependance but on my virtue; and yet, you attempted to rob me of that virtue, which

was the only jewel that could raise the meanness of my birth, or support me under my misfortunes; which, instead of relieving, you chose to make the pandar to your vile inclinations.

Lord Fal. Thou most amiable of thy sex, how I adore thee! Even thy resentment renders thee more lovely in my eyes, and makes thee, if possible, dearer to me than ever. Nothing but our union can ever make me happy.

Ame. Such an union must not, cannot be.
Lord Fal. Why? What should forbid it?
Ame. My father.

the occasion of it. In spite of the torrent of fashion, and the practice of too many others of my rank in life, I have a relish for domestic happiness; and have always wished for a wife, who night render my home a delightful refuge from the cares and bustle of the world abroad. These were my views with you; but, thank Heaven, your outrageous temper happily betrayed itself in good time, and convinced me, that my sole aim in marriage would be frustrated: for I could neither have been happy myself, nor have made

you so.

Lord Fal. Your father! where is he? In what- Lady Alt. Paltry evasion! You have abanever part of the world he now resides, I will con-doned me for your Amelia; you have meanly vey you to him, and he shall ratify our happi

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quitted a person of letters, a woman of rank and condition, for an illiterate vagabond, a needy ad


Lord Fal. The person you mention, madam, is, indeed, the opposite of yourself; she is all meekness, grace, and virtue.

Lady Alt. Provoking traitor! You urge me past all sufferance. I meant to expostulate, but you oblige me to invective.-But, have a care! You are not so secure as you suppose yourself; and I may revenge myself sooner than you ima

Lord Fal. Lady Alton! Confusion! Stay, madam! [To AMELIA, who is going. Ame. No, my lord; I have endured one af-gine. front from her already to-day; why should I expose myself to a second? Her ladyship, you know, has a prior claim to your attention. [Erit. Lord Fal. Distraction! I had a thousand things to say to her.-Go, my dear Polly, follow my Amelia! Plead earnestly in my behalf; urge all the tenderest things that fancy can suggest, Lady Alt. Away, fond man! I know that oband return to me as soon as lady Alton is de-ject of your affections better than yourself; I parted.

Mol. I will, my lord. Oh lud! here she is, as I am alive! [Exit. Lady Fal. Abandoned by Amelia! and hunted by this fury! I shall run wild!


Lady Alt. You may well turn away from me; at length I have full conviction of your baseness. I am now assured of my own shame, and your falsehood. Perfidious monster!

Lord Fal. It is unjust to tax me with perfidy, madam. I have rather acted with too much sincerity. I long ago frankly declared to you the utter impossibility of our reconciliation.

Lady Alt. What! after having made your addresses to me? After having sworn the most inviolable affection for me? Oh, thou arch-deceiver!

Lord Fal. I never deceived you: when I professed a passion, I really entertained one: when I made my addresses to you, I wished to call you my wife.

Lady Alt. And what can you allege in excuse of your falsehood? Have you not been guilty of the blackest perjury?

Lord Fal. The change of my sentiments needs no excuse from me, madam; you were yourself

Lord Fal. I am aware of your vindictive disposition, madam; for I know, that you are more envious than jealous, and rather violent than tender; but the present object of my affections shall be placed above your resentment, and challenge your respect.

know who she is; I know who the stranger is
that arrived for her this morning; I know all: men
more powerful than yourself shall be apprised of
the whole immediately; and within these two
hours, nay, within this hour, you shall see the un-
worthy object, for which you have slighted me,
with all that is dear to her and you, torn away
from you perforce.

Lord Fal. Ha! how's this? Stay, madam!
Explain yourself! But one word; do but hear

[blocks in formation]

port her to every extravagance: how dreadful is | but I can't help telling you the whole truth, bejealousy in a woman! cause I am sure you will do all in your power to be of service to us.

Mol. Ay, it is a dreadful thing, indeed, my lord. Well! Heaven send me always to be in love, and never to be jealous!

Lord Fal. But she talked of tearing Amelia from me perforce- And then some strangerShe threatens him, too: what is it she means? Mol. What a gentleman that came to ma dam Amelia?

[Alarmed, Lord Fal. Yes, to Amelia; and arrived this very day, she says.

Mol. We are ruined for ever! she means sir William Douglas!

Lord Fal. The father of my Amelia! Is he here?

Mol. Yes, my lord; I was bound to secrecy;

Lord Fal. You know my whole soul, Polly: this outrageous woman's malice shall be defeated.

Mol. Heaven send it may !

Lord Fal. Be assured it shall: do not alarm your mistress; I fly to serve her, and will return as soon as possible.

Mol. I shall be miserable till we see you again, my lord. [Erit. Lord Fal. And now, good Heaven! that art the protection of innocence, second my endeayours! enable me to repair the affront I have offered to injured virtue, and let me relieve the unhappy from their distresses. [Exit.


SCENE I.-Continues.

Enter LORD FALBRIDGE and MOLLY, meeting. Mol. Он, my lord! I am glad to see you returned.

Lord Fal. Where is your mistress? [Eagerly. Mol. In her own chamber.

Lord Fal. And where is sir William Douglas? Mol. With my mistress.

Lord Fal. And have there been no officers here to apprehend them?


Mol. Officers! No, my lord. Officers! frighten me! I was in hopes, by seeing your lordship so soon again, that there were some good news for us.

Lord Fal. Never was any thing so unfortunate. The noble persons, to whom I meant to make application, were out of town; nor could by any means be seen or spoken with, till tomorrow morning: and, to add to my distraction, I learnt that a new information had been made, and a new warrant issued to apprehend sir William Douglas aud Amelia,

Mol. Oh dear! What can we do then? Lord Fal. Do! I shall run mad. Go, my dear Polly, go to your mistress, and sir William, and inform them of their danger. Every moment is precious, but perhaps they may yet have time to escape.

Mol. I will, my lord!

[Going. Lord Fal. Stay! [MOLLY returns.]. My chariot is at the door; tell them not to wait for any other carriage, but to get into that, and drive away immediately.

Mol. I will, my lord. Oh dear! I never was so terrified in all my life!

[Exit MOLLY. Lord Fal. If I can but save them now, we may gain time for mediation. Ha! what noise? Are the officers coming? Who's here?

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Lord Fal. And did you bring it here, rascal?
La France. Oui, milor,

Lord Fal. No, sirrah. You did not bring it; the lady never received any letter from me; she told me so herself: whom did you give it to? [LA FRANCE hesitates.] Speak, sirrah! or I'll shake your soul out of your body. [Shaking him, La France. I giv it toLord Fal. Who, rascal? La France. Monsieur Spatter. Lord Fal. Mr Spatter?

La France. Oui, milor; he promis to giv it to Mademoiselle Amelie, vid his own hand.

Lord Fal. I shall soon know the truth of that, sir, for yonder is Mr Spatter himself: run, and tell him I desire to speak with him!

La France. Oui, milor; ma foi, I vas very near kesh; I never was in more vilain embarras in all my life. [Erit LA FRANCE

Lord Fal. My letter's falling into the hands of that fellow, accounts for every thing. The contents instructed him concerning Amelia. What a wretch I am! Destined every way to be of prejudice to that virtue, which I am bound to adore.

Re-enter LA FRANCE with SPATTER. Spat. Monsieur la France tells me, that your lordship desires to speak with me-what are your commands, my lord? [Pertly

Lord Fal. The easy impudence of the rascal puts me out of all patience! Spat. My lord!


Lord Fal. The last time I saw you, sir, you were rewarded for the good you had done; you must expect now to be chastised for your mischief.

Spat. Mischief, my lord?

Lord Fal. Yes, sir-where is that letter of mine, which La France tells me he gave you to deliver to a young lady of this house? Spat. Oh the devil! [Apart.] Letter, my lord? [Hesitates. Lord Fal. Yes, letter, sir; did not you give it him, La France ?

La France. Oui, milor!

Spat. Y-e-e-s, yes, my lord; I had the letter of Monsieur La France, to be sure, my lord; but- -but

Lord Fal. But what, sirrah? give me the letter immediately; and if I find that the scal has been broken, I will break every bone in your skin.

Spat. For Heaven's sake, my lord! [Feeling in his pockets.] I-I-I have not got the letter about me at present, my lord; but if you will give me leave to step to my apartment, I'll bring it you immediately.

[Offering to go. Lord Fal. [Stopping him.] No, no; that will not do, sir; you shall not stir, I promise youLook ye, rascal! tell me, what is become of my letter, or I will be the death of you this instant.


Spat. [Kneeling.] Put up your sword, my lord; put up your sword; and I will tell you every thing in the world. Indeed, I will.


Lord Fal. Well, sir; be quick then!
[Putting up his sword.

Spat. Lady Alton——
Lord Fal. Lady Alton! I thought so; go on,

Spat. Lady Alton, my lord, desired me to procure her all the intelligence in my power, concerning every thing that past between your lordship and Amelia.

-one must

Lord Fal. Well, sir; what then? Spat. A little patience, I entreat your lordship. Accordingly, to oblige her ladyshipoblige the ladies, you know, my lord-I did keep a pretty sharp look-out, I must confess: and this morning, meeting Monsieur La France, with a letter from your lordship in his charge, I very readily gave him five guineas of her ladyship's bounty-money, to put it into my hands. La France. Oh diable! me voila perdu ! Lord Fal. How! A bribe, rascal?

[Aside. [To LA FRANCE. La France. Ab, milor! [On his knees. Spat. At the same price for every letter, he would have sold a whole mail, my lord.


La France. Ayez pitiè de moi ! [Holding up his hands. Lord Fal. Betray the confidence I reposed in


Spat. He offered me the letter of his own accord, my lord.

La France. No such ting, en veritè, milor! Spat. Very true, I can assure your lordship. Lord Fal. Well, well; I shall chastise him at my leisure. At present, sir, do you return me my letter.

Spat. I-I have it not about me, my lord. Lord Fal. Where is it, rascal? tell me this instant, or

La France. Ledy Altón—

Lord Fal. [To SPATTER.] What! has she got it? speak, sirrah!

Spat. She has, indeed, my lord.

Lord Fal. Are not you a couple of villains? La France. Oui, milor. both speak at once.

Spat. Yes, my lord!

Lord Ful. [To SPAT.] But hold, sir! a word more with you! As you seem to be lady Alton's chief agent, I must desire some further information from you.

Spat. Any thing in my power, my lord.

Lord Fal. I can account for her knowledge of Amelia, by means of my letter; but how did she discover sir William Douglas?

Spat. I told her, my lord.

Lord Fal. But how did you discover him yourself?

Spat. By listening, my lord.

Lord Fal. By listening?

Spat. Yes, by listening, my lord! let me but once be about a house, and I'll engage to clear it, like a ventilator, my lord. There is not a door to a single apartment in this house, but I have planted my ear at the key-hole.

Lord Fal. And were these the means by which you procured your intelligence?

Spat. Yes, my lord.

Lord Fal. Impossible!

Spat. Oh dear! nothing so easy; this is nothing at all, my lord! I have given an account of the plays in our journal, for three months together, without being nearer the stage than the pit-passage; and I have collected the debates of a whole session, for the magazine, only by attending in the lobby.

Lord Ful. Precious rascal !-Ha! who comes here? Lady Alton herself again, as I live! Spat. [Apart. The devil she is! I wish I was out of the house."


Lady Alt. What! still here, my lord? still witnessing to your own shame, and the justice of my resentiment!

Lord Fal. Yes, I am still here, madam; and sorry to be made a witness of your cruelty and meanness of your descending to arts, so much 5 T

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