STATE OF CONNECTICUT. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, HARTFORD, August 21, 1907. I hereby certify that I have compared the printed copy in this pamphlet contained with the engrossed bills of public acts passed by the general assembly of the state of Connecticut, at the January session, 1907, and that the same is a correct copy of the public acts aforesaid, as engrossed and on file in this office. THEODORE BODENWEIN, Secretary. PROPOSED LAW. [Substitute for House Bill No. 79.] An Act concerning Indeterminate Sentence. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: SECTION 1. Section 1535 of the general statutes is hereby amended to read as follows: When any person shall, for offense committed after the thirty-first day of July, 1907, be sentenced to the state prison, otherwise than for life or in connection with a sentence of execution for a capital offense, or for violation of section 1336, the court imposing the sentence shall establish a maximum term only, for which said convict may be held in the state prison. The maximum term shall not be less than the maximum term of imprisonment prescribed by law as a penalty for such offense; provided, however, that, when any person so sentenced shall have twice before been convicted, sentenced, and imprisoned in a state prison or penitentiary, the court shall sentence said person to a maximum of thirty years; and provided, further, that, in case a person is sentenced to the state prison for two or more separate offenses, where the term of imprisonment for a second or further term is ordered to begin at the expiration of the first and each succeeding term of sentence named in the warrant of commitment, the court imposing said sentences shall name the maximum term of imprisonment for each succeeding term, and the several maximum terms shall, for the purposes of this section and of sections 1536, 1537, 1538, 1539, 1540, and 1541 be construed as one continuous term of imprisonment. SEC. 2. Section 1536 of the general statutes is hereby amended to read as follows: Any person so sentenced to the state prison, after having been in confinement within said prison for a period not less than one year, may be allowed to go at large on parole in the discretion of a majority of the board of directors of said prison and the warden thereof acting as a board of parole, if in their judgment said prisoner will lead an orderly life if set at liberty. SEC. 3. The provisions of sections 1535 and 1536 of the general statutes, unaffected by this act, shall apply to sentences within the provisions of said sections imposed for offenses committed prior to July 31, 1907, and the provisions of said seetions are hereby continued in force for the purposes of such sentences only. [Substitute for House Bill No, 414.] [SPECIAL LAWS. No. 182.] An Act Dividing the Town of Hamden into Voting Districts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: SECTION 1. The town of Hamden is hereby divided into and shall comprise two voting districts for the purpose of voting for all town officers, state officers, and all other officers and measures required to be voted for by ballot at electors' and annual town meetings. SEC. 2. The division line between said districts shall begin at a point on the New Haven town line five hundred feet easterly from its intersection with Winchester avenue, and thence run in a northerly direction in a straight line to a point five hundred feet north of Putnam avenue, crossing said Putnam avenue at a point ten feet east of the house of Harry Nicholas; thence westerly on a line five hundred feet north of said Putnam avenue to the easterly line of the eleventh school district, so-called; thence northerly on said line of the eleventh school district to a point five hundred feet south of Skiff street; thence due west fifty rods; thence due north to the northerly line of said eleventh school district; thence westerly on said line of the eleventh school district to a point five hundred feet distant from Willis Munson road, so-called; thence northerly to a point five hundred feet north of house late of Elam Warner; thence westerly to the line of the twelfth school district, so-called; thence northerly and westerly on said line of the twelfth school district to the Bethany town line. All that part of the territory of the town of Hamden lying northerly and easterly of said division line shall be and remain the first district, and all the territory of said town lying southerly and westerly of said division line shall be and remain the second district. SEC. 3. The selectmen shall provide a suitable and convenient place for voting and the necessary ballot boxes for the use of the voters in each of, said districts at said electors' and annual town meetings, and the warnings of such meetings shall specify the particular place of voting in each of said districts, which place in the case of the second district shall not be further north than North street. SEC. 4. All such meetings shall begin at six o'clock in the forenoon until said town of Hamden shall, by a vote by ballot at an annual town meeting, order otherwise. The form of such ballot shall be prescribed by the selectmen. SEC. 5. The annual town meeting held on the first Monday in October in each year shall be adjourned until the second Monday in said October at either two o'clock or eight o'clock in the afternoon, as the electors shall determine by ballot on said first Monday in October. Those in favor of such adjournment until two o'clock shall deposit a ballot with the words "Adjourn to 2 o'clock" written or printed thereon, and those in favor of such adjournment until eight o'clock shall deposit a ballot with the words "Adjourn to 8 o'clock" written or printed thereon. The moderator of the first district, shall, after declaring the result of the ballot on said first Monday in October, adjourn the annual town meeting until the second Monday in said October at such hour as shall have been determined by said ballot, and no business of the annual town meeting, except the elections by ballot hereinbefore provided for, shall be transacted on the first Monday in October. SEC. 6. All ballots provided for in sections four and five of this act shall be deposited in the same envelopes with those for town officers. SEC. 7. No elector in said town shall lose his right to vote by reason of his being registered in the wrong district or because of his removal from one of said districts to the other. SEC. 8. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, May 14, 1907. [Substitute for House Bill No. 521.] [SPECIAL LAWS. No. 283.] An Act Dividing the Town of Stamford into Voting Districts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: SECTION 1. The town of Stamford is hereby divided into and shall comprise six voting districts. SEC. 2. The first district shall comprise the territory within the limits of the first ward of the city of Stamford; the second district shall comprise the territory within the second ward; the third district shall comprise the territory within the third ward; the fourth district shall comprise the territory within the fourth ward; the fifth district shall comprise all that part of said town outside the city limits which is east of the middle of Summer street and the North Stamford and Poundridge road; and the sixth district shall comprise all that part of said town outside of the city limits which is west of the middle of Summer street and the North Stamford and Poundridge road. SEC. 3. No elector of said town shall lose his right to vote at any city or electors' meeting held in said town or city by reason of his being registered in the wrong district; but said elector shall vote in the voting district wherein he actually resides; provided, that he shall have actually resided therein for a period of thirty days prior to such electors' meeting; otherwise said elector shall vote in the voting district wherein he is registered. SEC. 4. The selectmen of said town shall provide suitable polling places in said town for each district, which may or may not be within such district. SEC. 5. The registrars of voters for the town of Stamford shall, at the time and in the manner now provided by law, prepare lists for each of said districts; and the lists for the four districts within the limits of the city of Stamford shall be thereafter the lists used at any city election. SEC. 6. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, June 14, 1907. |