
have sometimes their field conventicles, and that they dance in such rings, we have ample testimony from divers good authors; some of them judges, who received it in confession from the criminals themselves, condemned by them, all agreeing, if to be believed, that their dances were always circular; but that as they served a different master, so they performed this exercise in a different manner from other mortals; Porro circulares esse omnes choros qui sic agitantur, atque ab aversis saltatoribus tripudiari affirmant, says Nicholaus Remigius, i. e. that they affirmed all their dances to be circular, their faces being turned away from one another; for which he alleges the confessions of Achen Weher, Joanna Gerardina, Dominicus Petronius, Hennel Armentaria, Anna Ruffa, Zebella the wife of John Deodat, Odilla Gaillarda, and many others; to which Sybilla Morelia, it seems, added another circumstance, that the circle was always led to the left hand, as Pliny observes the ancient Gauls did, though they danced single, totum corpus circumagendo, quod in lævum fecisse, Gallia religiosius credunt."

ton presented a paper to the Royal Society, in which the probability of these circles being occasioned by fungi, is stated and accounted for with considerable ability, agreeably to the known laws of vegetation, under given circumstances: and as no theory more plausible has yet appeared, this commands the sanction of general assent. It must, however, be granted, that the evidence on which this theory rests, is not indubitable. Accident and observation may combine in future years to assign fairy circles to a different cause. But should such an event take place, or the present opinion be confirmed by an accumulation of facts, in either case they will cease to excite amazement.


Ir has been said, that the King of Persia has been recently converted to Christianity, by the arguments of the celebrated Missionary, Mr. Martin. Such a conversion must have an important effect in spreading the light of the gospel through regions of darkness, ignorance, and idolatry. If this report should prove correct, the providential obscurity which seemed to hang on the death of this amiable Christian, will be in a great measure unravelled.


AN elderly gentleman, who lately died in Fayette County, State of Kentucky, previously to his death requested that his daughter's remains should be disinterred, and placed by the side of his


On this very singular phenomenon, many of our distinguished philosophers have exercised their ingenuity, and employed their pens, Jessop, following Walker, ascribes these circles to the operation of lightning; and their opinions are recorded in one of the early volumes of the Philosophical Transactions. The views of Dr. Priestley and Dr. Price nearly coincide with the preceding, both attributing these circles to electricity, to which conclusion they were led by observing the circular form which the electric fluid took, in some experiments that were His daughter had been buried made on metallic substances. But about eleven years, in the County of these opinions have, since their days, Bourbon, Kentucky. After his debeen generally discarded. There can cease, the old gentleman's request was be no doubt that these remarkable complied with. To the great surprise circles are entitled to a more patient, and astonishment of those engaged in extensive, and minute examination, raising the daughter's remains, her than they have hitherto received; and body was found to be entire, and of it is only by such an investigation, its full size. On a minute examinathat their real cause can be fully ex- tion, it was found to be perfectly peplored. But so far as observation has trified-its specific gravity was about hitherto extended, the result of inquiry the same as that of common limeconfirms the opinion advanced in the stone. The coffin was entirely decayintroductory remarks of this article, ed. Her countenance had undergone namely, that they are caused by a so small an alteration, that her hussmall species of mushroom. On this band, it is said, on beholding her, subject, in the year 1807, Dr. Wollas- | fainted.-American Paper.

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Not only are many, while under the visitation of insanity, able, upon various occasions, to exercise their mental attainments with the usual correctness and ability, but this disease is found actually to operate as a great improve. ment to their intellectual attainments. A surgeon upon active duty in the country, some years ago, became inNo. 45.-Vol. IV.

while under my care, he made very tolerable verses upon various subjects, and wrote very good sense, as I thought, in prose, upon natural history, a thing he could by no means have done before he was insane.

man." In answer, I said, “I beg, Sir, to assure you, that there is not a more complete lunatic at Spring Vale than that man is, or one less fit for liberty. Did he say nothing to you about the army, or of being a coloI once taught a patient to play at nel?"-" Why, is he not a colonel?"— chess, which is well known to be pure-"No, he is nothing but a grocer, nor ly an intellectual exercise. While his was he ever any thing else.”—“I ask insanity continued, he beat me nine your pardon, Sir; I'm perfectly satisgames out of ten; and when he had fied." recovered, we played upon pretty equal


I was once set fast with some difficult accounts. I knew I had a good accountant in the house, but at that time he was under a paroxysm of raving. I however called him; by which he was roused, and he set the account right in a surprising shortness of time, and in much less time, I am persuaded, than he could have done before he was deranged, and then returned to his raving.

It is well known that insanity is an intermittent disease; and during the lucid intervals it does not shew itself at all; so that occasional visitors to mad houses frequently go away with the impression, that some of the inmates are improperly detained, when that is not by any means the case; and those who take upon them to speak in the negative upon a question of insanity, by what they can discover in occasional interviews, prove that they do not understand the nature of the complaint. The looks are the surest criterion; but even these do not always give certain information, for at times there will be a total absence of all the symptoms in those who are incurably insane.

In some cases of insanity, the disorder only acts upon one train of ideas, while upon all the others the patients are perfectly correct; and even upon what is termed the hallucination, they will converse dispassionately, and reason correctly, though from erroneous premises; so that those unacquainted with their secret history cannot make any discovery of a mental disease. Upon a visit of my magistrates, one of them entered into a long conversation with one of the patients, and then came to me, and said, "I don't perceive any mental complaint whatever in the person I have been talking with; he not only appears free from insanity, but he seems a very intelligent well-informed

Sometimes the mention of a particular subject will elicit the disease, where before it was latent. A gentleman visiting the Institution at Saragossa, in Spain, was accosted by one of the patients, who, with a request that he would be his friend, and procure his liberty, said, that he was a person of considerable property, and for the sake of that property his relations kept him there, though he did not doubt that he should be able to convince him, or any one else, of his being quite free from any mental disease whatever. The gentleman said he should be happy to be his advocate, but added, "Upon a former visit to this place, I was addressed in nearly similar language by one of the inmates, and I took some pains; and got myself laughed at, for the man after all fancied himself Jesus Christ." O, (said the patient,) but he was an impostor; had he been Jesus Christ, I must have known it, for I am God the Father. (To be continued.)


Spring-Vale, near Stone, 3d August, 1822.

REVIEW.-The Preacher, or Sketches of Sermons, chiefly selected from the MSS. of two eminent Divines of the last century, &c. 2 vols 12mo. 240 -240. London: Baynes, Ivy-Lane,


THESE sketches and selections, which, in the two volumes, are eighty-six in number, embrace some of the more interesting topics which the gospel contains. With very few exceptions, they bear a resemblance to those published some years since by the pious Mr. Simeon; and they may be considered as helps to the arrangement and composition of discourses designed for the pulpit.

The editor's design, he informs us


"The first of these may be descriptive of such as did not hear the gospel, but merely abused the light of nature: this therefore cannot apply to us.- -We are all in the situa tion of the second or third class; for though Christ is not personally come to us, yet having sent us the word of salvation, it amounts to the same thing: we either receive him, or we receive him not.

in his preface, was, to present a work | the Saviour met with. One from the world in Another "prepared with a view to a nume- general: they knew him not.' from his own nation, to whom he came : 'they rous and respectable class of public received him not.'" And another from the teachers, who have not had the advan- godly: they received him, and believed on tage of an academical education, and his name.' have neither time nor ability to prepare any thing like a regular composition for the pulpit; but who possess, notwithstanding, sufficient capacity to relish and to communicate what might be profitable to their hearers." We furthermore learn, that these two volumes are to be succeeded by others, making, in the whole, six or eight. Prefixed to the first volume is an essay on the composition of a sermon, by the late Mr. Fuller, whose name is a sufficient recommendation of whatever comes from his pen.

In these skeletons or outlines of sermons, blank spaces are left at the conclusion of such sentences or paragraphs, as admit of and require enlargement. In this respect, the method recommended by the late Mr. Robinson, in his plan for lectures on nonconformity, seems to be adopted or imitated; and that teacher must be very deficient indeed, in taste and judgment, who cannot take the hint, and make the necessary improvements.

It will readily be perceived, that these sketches are exceedingly short, but they discover a comprehensive mind, and connect together a vast fund of leading ideas. The authors seem invariably to take their stand on the frontiers of their subjects, and having taken a walk round their various circumferences, leave the reader or pupil to explore the internal parts, according to his own views. From among these sketches, we select the following as a specimen, which we conceive will place the work in a favourable light.

"Evidences of Adoption. John i. 12. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.'

"Since God has sent his Son into the world as the Saviour of the lost, the great concern of sinners is to be interested in him. What we think of him, and how we stand affected towards him, is the great turning point of salvation. If we believe in him, our sins are forgiven us for his name sake: but if not, the wrath of God abideth on us.

"The principal design of the apostles was to exhibit Christ, and it is evident that their hearts were full of him.

"In this connection the sacred writer men. tions three different kinds of treatment which

in 'receiving' Christ.
"I. Enquire what is supposed or included

"In general, it is the same for substance as
believing on his name.' There may be some
shades of difference in the meaning of the
terms, believing, trusting, and receiving;
but their general import is the same, or they
would not be so represented in the text.
"Believing has respect to Christ as exhibited
in the gospel testimony trusting, as
revealed with promises
ceiving, supposes him to be the free gift of
But all comes to the same thing: he that
God, presented for our acceptance.
believes the testimony, trusts the promises;
and he that trusts in him, in so doing,
receives Christ as the unspeakable gift of

"More particularly,

and re

"1. To receive Christ, implies a sense of our need of him.-The want of this is the reason why so many receive him not.

Why do unbelievers reject the gospel; and nominal Christians impugn its leading doc They see no such evil in sin as to need a Satrines? Because those doctrines are holy. viour: or if they feel the need of a Saviour, it is only of such a one as can teach them the right way. They feel no need of grace, no need of an atonement, no need of a new Others who think a little about doctrines, yet creation, and being born again. make light of religion, in favour of the world.

"No man ever yet embraced the Saviour, till he perceived his need of him. How can we receive a free salvation, till convinced of our own utter unworthiness? How can we feel our need of help, till helpless in ourselves? How can we flee for refuge, to lay hold on the hope that is set before us, till we are aware of our danger, and find ourselves hopeless? Consider whether the want of this conviction be not at the bottom of your case, while living without Christ in the world?

"2. Receiving him, includes the renunciation of every thing that stands in competition with Christ. We cannot receive this guest, and yet retain our old ones. We must refuse the world for our portion, before we can embrace the Saviour as our all in all. Heb. xi. 24-26.

All your vain notions, vain hopes, and self-righteous dependence, must be given up: what you have accounted gain must become as loss. Phil. iii. 8. You must no longer go about to establish your own righteousness, but cordially submit to the righteousness of God. Rom. ix. 27.

Are none of these obstractions in

the way of your receiving Christ, and believing on bis name?

3. A reception of Christ includes a dependence upon him in all his offices, and for all the purposes for which he is given to us of God. His office as a Priest is to take away sin and do we come to him for that purpose? As a King he is given to reign over us and do we willingly take his yoke upon us?' As a Prophet, he teaches us the good and the right way, not only by precept, but example: and do we learn of him?" Are there any who have not found rest to their souls? Come to Jesus; receive him into your hearts, and all will

be well. .

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"But wherein consists its advantages?

"1. Power to become the sons of God, gives us liberty of access to him as our Father. Ephes. ii. 17, 18.

2. The privilege of fraternal intercourse with the members of his family. Heb. xii. 22, 23.

"3. An eternal inheritance with the saints in light. Acts xxvi. 18."

It too frequently happens, that in modern discourses, the viitated taste of a degenerate age is taken as the standard to which the writers appeal, and the plain and unvarnished truths of the gospel are thrown on the back ground, lest they should

"Shock the ears of auditors polite."

No charge of this kind can, however, be urged against the writers or the compilers of the volumes before us. They know no other standard than that which Jesus Christ and his Apostles erected; hence they censure with boldness, those who want a gospel of accommodation.

That these sketches might be rendered exceedingly serviceable to many young preachers, we have the fullest conviction: not to furnish them with details, to be committed to memory, but by exhibiting models, and developing principles, which they might copy, and adopt with much advantage. In this respect the present age


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wants much improvement, and the of the assistance required. volumes before us furnish their quota

REVIEW.-The Christian Youth's Instructor, or Bible Class Book, &c. Designed for the Use of Schools and Families. By the Rev. A. E. Farrar, 12mo. pp. 167. Longman and Co. 1821.

THIS work, being entirely composed of select parts of the sacred scripturcs, leaves no room for animadversion on its contents. Reduced thus to survey mere classification and arrangement, our remarks cannot be extended beyond a few paragraphs, and these must be circumscribed in their application.

The whole volume is divided into four parts. The first of these asserts, in the lofty language of inspiration, the Being and Attributes of God. On these sublime subjects selections are made from various portions of the sacred volume, references being given in the margin to the chapters and verses in which the passages may be found.

The second part treats of mankind, beginning with the creation, introducing the fall of man, human depravity, and the deluge, and proceeding with personal histories from Cain and Abel down to Daniel.

The third part refers exclusively to the redemption of mankind by Jesus Christ, including his life, character, miracles, and death, and exhibiting those passages which most conspicu ously unfold the momentous doctrines of the gospel.

The fourth part comprehends the various branches of human duty, and points out our obligations both to God and man.

Taken as a whole, this volume may be considered as presenting to us the Bible in miniature, omitting nothing that can be deemed essential to the salvation of mankind.

REVIEW.-The Letters of Julius, vol II. 12mo. pp. 177. London: Sams, St. Jamess-street, 1822.

THE former of these volumes has not reached our eye; and from the contents of this before us we can bear the dis

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