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ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.




the 22d letter and 17th consonant of the English alphabet. It was anciently called U consonant. Though found on the most ancient Roman monuments of which we have any knowledge, and even in Etruscan and Samnite inscriptions, it was unknown, according to Tacitus, to the primitive alphabet of the Latins. The same character was used to represent both U and V, these letters also being frequently interchanged (see U); and when the emperor Claudius, as Suetonius relates, wished to introduce a separate sign for the sound of V, he made choice of the inverted digamma. In the inscriptions of the Etruscans and other primitive inhabitants of Italy, V is frequently confounded with the Æolian digamma F, through which it claims relationship with the Semitic cav. Among the Hebrews, too, and probably also among the Phonicians, the corresponding letter was employed both as consonant and vowel. The present form of V is derived from the Greek upsilon (Y), which was sometimes represented without the stem or vertical bar.-Beside u, this letter is interchanged with b, f, and m. The Hebrew beth sometimes had a sound approaching that of V, and the Greek beta (3) is pronounced by the modern Greeks vita (veeta). The Spanish and Portuguese B, too, is in many cases pronounced like V, and for our sound of the former letter they have a peculiar character. (See B, and F.) The change with m is noticed chiefly in Welsh, in which tongue Roman becomes Rofan (pronounced Rovan), while for the Lat. amnis, river, the Welsh equivalent is Afon.V as a numeral denotes 5, or with a dash over it (v), 500. On old French coins it signifies the mint of Troyes.

VAAGEN, EAST and WEST, two islands of the Loffoden group, the first, pop. 1,000, in lat. 68° 25' N., long. 14° 10′ E., the second, pop. 2,000, in lat. 68° 25' N., long. 13° 10' E., each about 30 m. long by 15 wide. They are places of great resort for fishermen from January to April. VAART, JAN VANDER, a Flemish painter and engraver, born in Haarlem in 1647, died in London in 1721. He went to England in 1674, and remained there till his death. He painted landscapes, dead game, and other objects of VOL. XVI.-1


still life. He engraved in mezzotint Wissing's portrait of Charles II., and Kneller's of the duchess of Monmouth, and some others.

VACA, CABEça de. See NUÑEZ, ALVAR. VACCA-BERLINGHIERI, FRANCESCO, an Italian physician, born at Ponsacco, near Pisa, in 1732, died in Pisa, Oct. 6, 1812. He was professor of surgery in the university of Pisa, was regarded as one of the first physicians of Italy, and refused the place of physician to the king of Poland because he would not leave his aged father. Among his works are: Considerazioni intorno alle malattie putride (Lucca, 1781); Saggio intorno alle principali e piu frequenti malattie del corpo umano (Lucca, 1799); Riflessioni sui mezzi di stabilire e di conservare nell' uomo la sanita e la robustezza (2 vols., Pisa, 1794); and Filosofia della medicina (Lucca, 1801).-ANDREA, his son, born at Pisa in 1772, died there in 1826, was a skilful surgeon and valued writer.

VACCAJ, NICOLO, an Italian composer, born at Tolentino in the Papal States in 1791, was a pupil of Paisiello at Naples, and from 1811 to 1820 wrote operas, cantatas, and ballets which had a moderate success. He then taught singing in Venice, Trieste, and Vienna, wrote Pietro il grande, a comic opera performed at Parma, Zadig ed Astartea, performed at Naples, and Giulietta e Romeo, performed at Milan, his best work. He afterward taught singing in Paris and London, but returned to Italy in 1832, and in 1838 became first master of composition at the conservatory of Milan.

VACCARO. I. ANDREA, an Italian painter, born in Naples in 1598, died there in 1670. He was a pupil of Stanzioni, adopted the style of Michel Angelo da Caravaggio, and afterward of Guido, and at the death of Stanzioni was regarded as the ablest artist of the Neapolitan school. One of his best works is a "Holy Family" in the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli at Naples. II. FRANCESCO, an engraver and painter, born in Bologna in 1636, died in 1687, studied under Francesco Albano, and published a treatise on perspective illustrated with engravings from his own designs. There is a set of 12 perspective views of rivers, fountains, &c., bearing his name.

VACCINATION (Lat. vacca, a cow), inoculation for cow pox as a protection against small pox, first practised by Dr. Edward Jenner in 1796. (See JENNER.) On the 2d or 3d day after virus taken from a perfect vaccine vesicle, whether from the cow or the human subject, is placed in contact with the denuded dermis or true skin, the puncture is observed to be slightly inflamed. On the 4th or 5th day a vesicle is observed surrounded by a slight blush of inflammation, and containing a little colorless, transparent fluid. This increases in size until the 8th day, when it should be from to inch in diameter, the blush of inflammation surrounding it at the same time having become more marked. The vesicle is umbilicated, that is, its centre is depressed below the level of the circumference, in this respect resembling the pustules of small pox. The vesicle is a compound one, being made of 10 to 14 distinct cells; one of these, if carefully punctured, gives issue to a minute drop of fluid, leaving the other cells still distended. On the 8th day the blush of surrounding inflammation, heretofore very slight, begins to extend, forming what is termed the areola; it attains its greatest diameter by the 11th day, after which it gradually fades and disappears. With the appearance of the areola the vesicle begins to become darker and dryer, and gradually concretes into a brown or mahogany-colored, translucent crust, which falls off about the 20th day, leaving a circular cicatrix marked with minute depressions or pits. About the 8th or 9th day there is usually some slight febrile disturbance present, which is often however scarcely noticeable. Such is the course of the true vaccine vesicle when uninterfered with, either by the presence of constitutional disease or by the accidental occurrence of inflammation.-When vaccination was first introduced, it was hoped and believed by its advocates that it would afford complete and permanent protection from the attacks of small pox. This hope has proved fallacious. It was discovered that those who had been well and thoroughly vaccinated were still liable to some extent to attacks of small pox; and though in general the disease was modified (varioloid) and rendered shorter in duration and milder in degree, still it occasionally resulted in death. The degree of protection afforded by vaccination becomes thus a question of great interest. Its extreme value was easily demonstrated by statistical researches. In England, in the last half of the 18th century, out of every 1,000 deaths, 96 occurred from small pox; in the first half of the present century, out of every 1,000 deaths, but 35 were caused by the same disease. The amount of mortality in a country by small pox would seem to bear a fixed relation to the extent to which vaccination is carried out. In all England and Wales, for some years previous to 1853, the proportional mortality by small pox was 21.9 to 1,000 deaths from all causes; in London it was but 16 to 1,000; in Ireland, where vaccination is much less general, it was

49 to 1,000, while in Connaught it was 60 to 1,000. On the other hand, in a number of European states where vaccination is more or less compulsory, the proportionate number of deaths from small pox varies from 2 per 1,000 of all causes in Bohemia, Lombardy, Venice, and Sweden, to 8.33 per 1,000 in Saxony. Although in many instances persons who had been vaccinated were attacked with small pox in a more or less modified form, it was noticed that the persons so attacked had been commonly vaccinated many years previously. It would seem that the mere lapse of time in many cases is sufficient to destroy the protective influence of vaccination. The question very naturally arises: For how long a period does the protective influence last? To this it is impossible to give a definite answer; it varies with different individuals. The same thing happens with regard to the protective influence of an attack of small pox itself; in most persons it lasts for life; many, after a period more or less prolonged, are liable to a second attack; while cases have occurred in which a third attack has proved fatal. The period of puberty is generally thought to produce such changes in the system as to destroy the protective influence of vaccination. In all cases revaccination would seem to be a test of the loss or presence of the protective influence; to render this test certain, where revaccination does not succeed on the first trial, it should be a second time carefully performed. In the Prussian army in 1848, 28,859 individuals were revaccinated; among whom, however, in 6,373 the cicatrices of the preceding vaccination were indistinct or invisible.

Of these, 16,862 had regular vesicles, 4,404 irregular vesicles, and in 7,753 cases no effect was produced. On a repetition of the vaccination in these last, it succeeded in 1,579 cases. Among the whole number successfully revaccinated either in 1848 or in previous years, there occurred but a single case of varioloid, and not one case of small pox; while 7 cases of varioloid occurred either among the recruits or among those revaccinated without success.

VACHEROT, ÉTIENNE, a French_philosopher, born in Langres, July 29, 1809. He was a pupil of the normal school, in which he became director of studies in 1837, filling at the same time the position of master of conferences in philosophy, and in 1839 acting as the substitute of Victor Cousin in his professorship at the Sorbonne. In 1846 appeared the first volume of his Histoire critique de l'école d'Alexandrie (3 vols. 8vo., 1846-'51), which was severely attacked by the clergy, and which led in 1851 to his forced retirement from the active duties of his office. In the following year he was dismissed for refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the new government. He has also published Théorie des premiers principes suivant Aristote; De Rationis Auctoritate, tum in se, tum secundum Anselmum considerata (1836); La métaphysique et la science (2 vols. 8vo., 1858); and La démocratie (1859), for which he

was sentenced by a court of law to a year's imprisonment, reduced on appeal to 3 months. He has edited, under the titles of École sensualiste (1839) and École Ecossaise (1840), the latter with the assistance of his brother-in-law M. Danton, two volumes of a course of lectures on the history of philosophy in the 18th century delivered by Cousin in 1819-20, and written an Introduction to Cousin's history of moral philosophy in the 19th century (8vo., 1841).

VAGA, PERINO DEL, or PIETRO BUONACCORst, an Italian painter, born in Florence in 1500, died in Rome in 1547. He was instructed by a Florentine painter named Vaga (whence the name generally applied to him), by whom he was brought to the notice of Giulio Romano and other scholars of Raphael. The latter, who was then engaged upon his designs for the loggie of the Vatican, employed him to assist Giovanni da Udine in the arabesque work, and was so pleased with his performances that he subsequently intrusted him with the execution of some of the principal designs in fresco. He thenceforth was a favorite pupil of Raphael, after whose death he rose into great reputation. Being compelled to leave Rome in 1527, impoverished by the sack of the city, he repaired to Genoa, where he entered the service of the prince Doria and founded a school of painting. He returned to Rome during the pontificate of Paul III., by whom he was intrusted with many valuable commissions; and at the time of his death he probably stood at the head of the Roman school. He designed after the style of Michel Angelo, and by Vasari is placed in that respect next to the great Florentine master. His works are widely distributed over Italy, the best being the "Creation of Eve" in the church of S. Marcello in Rome. VAGRANT (Lat. vagor, to wander), in law, sometimes defined as one who has no settled home, but more properly one who wanders about without any settled home, refuses to work, and has no means of subsistence. The aw looks upon vagrancy as an offence, not for its moral wrong nor for the harm it does to the man himself, but for its injury to society, and the demand it makes upon the means of society for the subsistence of the vagrant. If one having a settled home, without means of subsistence, requires help, he is a pauper, and not a vagrant; that is, he is entitled to aid, but is not an offender. On the other hand, if one leads a life of idle wandering, with no place which he regards as his home or which the law can so regard, but has means of subsistence and chooses so to use them, the law takes no cognizance of the fact, because he makes no call upon the public means, and inflicts no direct injury upon the public welfare. In all the states, so far as we know, there are statutes against vagrancy; and it is an offence recognized by ancient English statutes, and probably by the common law. The word vagabond seems to be used as synonymous with vagrant. VAILLANT, FRANÇOIS LE. See LE VAILLANT.

VAILLANT, JEAN BAPTISTE PHILIBERT, a French soldier, born in Dijon, Dec. 6, 1790. After graduating as an engineer at the polytechnic school, he studied at the artillery school of Metz, obtained a commission as sub-lieutenant, Oct. 1, 1809, and immediately entered into active service. During the Russian campaign, having then the rank of captain, he was complimented in general orders and received the cross of the legion of honor; but in Aug. 1813, he was made prisoner and remained in captivity until the declaration of peace. He rejoined the emperor after the return from Elba, and fought bravely at Ligny and Waterloo. After the second restoration he remained in the army as an officer of the general staff, became chef de bataillon in 1826, and accompanied the expedition to Algiers, where he directed the siege of Fort l'Empereur (1830), the fall of which compelled the dey to capitulate. For this exploit, in the course of which he was severely wounded, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel; and in Jan. 1833, he was made colonel in reward for his services at the siege of Antwerp. In 1834 he was sent to Algeria as commander of the corps of engineers. After his return to France he was made major-general (1838) and commander of the polytechnic school (1839), and employed upon the fortifications of Paris. In 1845 he became lieutenant-general. In the expedition to Italy and the siege of Rome (1849) he was second in command, but had virtually the whole direction of the attack, and received for his services the baton of marshal of France (Dec. 11, 1851) and the post of grand marshal of the palace under Napoleon III. In March, 1854, he became minister of war, retaining that office until April, 1859, when he exchanged it for a command in the army of the Alps. He served through the Italian campaign, and commanded at Milan during its occupation by the allies. In Nov. 1860, he became military commandant in the imperial household. He is also a count of the empire, a member of the senate, grand cross of the legion of honor, and a member of the academy of sciences. He has translated from the English an Essai sur les principes de la construction des ponts militaires (1823), and published a Rapport sur la situation de l'Algérie (1855).

VAILLANT, JEAN FOY, a French numismatist, born in Beauvais, May 24, 1632, died Oct. 23, 1706. He studied medicine, but acquiring distinction as a numismatist was commissioned by Colbert to collect ancient medals in Italy, Sicily, and Greece, for the king's cabinet at Versailles. In 1674 he was sent on a second expedition of the same nature, but the vessel in which he sailed was captured by a corsair, and all on board were sold in Algiers as slaves. Vaillant was released after 4 months' bondage, and soon afterward was sent on an expedition through Egypt and several parts of Asia, returning in 1680 with a large collection of coins. Among his numerous works are: Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum Præstantiora, a Julio

Casare ad Postumum et Tyrannos (1672); Seleucidarum Imperium, seu Historia Regum Syria ad Fidem Numismatum accommodata (1681); and Numismata Area Imperatorum et Casarum in Coloniis, Municipiis et Urbibus Jure Latino donatis (2 vols. fol., Paris, 1688).

VAILLANT, SEBASTIEN, a French botanist, born at Vígny, near Pontoise, May 26, 1669, died May 26, 1722. He was at first a musician, but afterward studied medicine, and while thus engaged received an appointment as surgeon in the royal fusileers, in which capacity he was present at the battle of Fleurus. Visiting Paris in 1691, he studied botany under Tournefort, and from 1708 until his death he was professor of botany and sub-demonstrator of plants in the jardin du roi. He was one of the first to recommend the sexual or artificial system of plants subsequently adopted by Linnæus. His principal work is the Botanicon Parisiense, published posthumously in 1727, under the direction of Boerhaave.

VALAIS (Ger. Wallis), a canton of Switzerland, bounded N. by Vaud and Bern, E. by Uri and Ticino, S. E. and S. by Piedmont, and S. W. and W. by Savoy, between lat. 45° 50′ and 46° 35' N., and long. 6° 49′ and 8° 27′ E.; area, 2,019 sq. m.; pop. in 1860, 90,880. Its most important towns are Sion or Sitten, the capital, Martigny, Leuk, and Visp, all situated on or near the Rhône. On the N. and S. two chains of the Alps, the Bernese and Pennine, form the boundaries of the canton, and these are connected on the E. by the central group of the St. Gothard, by the Gallenstock, the Furca, and the Mutthorn. The surrounding mountains have summits varying from 12,000 to 15,000 feet in height, and the canton contains some of the most magnificent scenery in Europe. The central valley of the canton forms part of the basin of the Rhône, which here receives from the S. the Visp, Borgne, Dranse, and other tributaries, flowing through transverse valleys, the upper part of many of which is occupied by extensive glaciers. There are 17 glaciers in the Val de Bagnes, and 8 in the district of Simplon. The lower slopes of the mountains are covered with magnificent forests of pine, chestnut, walnut, and other hard woods, and orchards. The vine is cultivated to an altitude of 2,000 feet above the sea level, and the mulberry thrives in the valley of the Rhône. In the same locality there are large tracts of arable land, producing good crops of grain, and many of the finer fruits. The rearing of cattle forms the chief employment of the people. The manufactures are confined to some coarse articles for domestic use. The position of the canton gives it an important transit trade by the great lines of traffic across the Alps. The principal exports consist of cattle and a little grain and wine. Two thirds of the inhabitants are French, and nearly all Roman Catholics, and the public schools are under the direction of the Jesuits. The canton was formerly an independent

republic in alliance with Switzerland, but was annexed to that country by the congress of Vienna. All citizens over 18 years of age are entitled to vote at the election of a council in their dizain, or district, and each council sends 4 deputies to the diet or legislature, in which the president of each district has an ex officio seat, as has the bishop of Sion, whose vote counts as 4. The executive power is vested in a council of 5 elected annually by the diet.

VALCKENAER, LODEWIJK CASPER, a Dutch scholar, born in Leeuwarden, Friesland, in 1715, died March 15, 1785. At the university of Franeker, where he was educated, he became professor of Greek in 1741, and of Grecian antiquity in 1755; and at Leyden he received in 1766 the same two chairs together with that of Dutch history. He edited the works of several of the classical authors, and published De Ritibus in Jurando a Veteribus Hebræis maxime ac Græcis observatis (Franeker, 1735); Ammonius de Adfinium Vocabulorum Differentia (Leyden, 1739); and Opuscula Philologica, Critica et Oratoria (2 vols. 8vo., Leipsic, 1809).— JAN, a Dutch scholar and statesman, son of the preceding, born in Leyden in 1759, died in Haarlem, Jan. 25, 1821. He was professor of jurisprudence successively at Franeker and Utrecht, but, being an active leader of the anti-Orange party, was compelled to leave Holland in 1787. On Feb. 6, 1793, with others of his party, he appeared before the bar of the national assembly of France, and requested that body to send an army into Holland to support the party of the patriots. A French force under Pichegru was sent into the Netherlands in 1795, and Valckenaer, returning with it, became a member of the legislative body of the new republic, and was also appointed professor of public law in the university of Leyden. He soon after started a journal called "The Advocate of Batavian Liberty," which was relinquished in 1796, and Valckenaer was sent as ambassador of the Batavian republic to Spain. In 1801 he withdrew for a time from public life. Louis Bonaparte, king of Holland, sent him in 1810 on a mission to Napoleon, to prevent the contemplated incorporation of the Netherlands with France. His remonstrance was ineffectual, and the remainder of his life was spent in retirement and study.

VALDEZ. See MELENDEZ Valdez. VALDIVIA, a S. province of Chili, bounded N. by the province of Arauco, E. by the Andes, separating it from the Argentine Confederation and Patagonia, S. by Chiloe, and W. by the Pacific ocean; area, 12,318 sq. m.; pop. in 1857, 31,988. The chief towns are Valdivia, the capital, and Osorno. There are many fine harbors on the coast. The summits of the Andes are covered with snow throughout the year, and among them are several active volcanoes. The surface between the sea and the Andes is generally more level than that of other parts of Chili, and it is drained by many rivers and lakes. The most important streams are the

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