INDEX. No. 615. An Act to apply, out of the General Revenue, the sum of Four Hundred Thousand one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five. No. 616. An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Naturalisation of Aliens. No. 617. An Act to amend "The Audit Act, 1882." [Assented to, August 22nd, 1895.] No. 619. An Act to amend "The Inscribed Stock Act, 1882," and "The Public Purposes Loan No. 620. An Act to amend the Law with respect to Wills. [Assented to, October 22nd, 1895.] [Assented to, October 22nd, 1895.] No. 621. An Act to amend the "Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery Act, 1883-4," and No. 623. An Act to repeal "The Governor's Salary Act, 1866." [Reserved, November 6th, 1895.] No. 624. An Act to amend the Taxation Acts. [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 626. An Act to amend the "Mining on Private Property Act, 1888," and for other purposes. [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 629. An Act to provide for the Drainage of Land in No. 630. An Act for codifying the Law relating to the [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 631. An Act to complete the Exchange of certain Poonindie Lands. [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 632. An Act to enable South Australia to take part in the framing, acceptance, and enact [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 633. An Act relating to State Advances and other matters. [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No, 635. An Act to make further provision for the issue of Treasury Bills. [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 637. An Act to alter the Boundaries of the Electoral Districts and Divisions of Gumeracha and Albert. [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 638. An Act to amend sections 22 and 27 of "The Savings Bank Act of 1875." [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 639. An Act to authorise the Transfer of certain Loan Moneys, and a certain provision pending Loan Consolidation. No. 640. An Act relating to Homesteads. [Assented to, December 20th, 1895. No. 641. An Act to amend the Law relating to State Children, and for other purposes. No. 642. An Act to amend the Pastoral Laws. [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 643. An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Defences. [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 644. An Act to regulate the Sale of Opium, and for other purposes. [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 645. An Act for the Further Appropriation of the Revenue for the Year ended June thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, and for the General Appropriation of the Revenue for the Year ending June thirtieth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] [Assented to, December 20th, 1895.] No. 646. An Act to amend the Law of Libel. Private Act.-An Act to amend the "Adelaide Synagogue Act, 1881," and for other purposes. [Assented to, October 16th, 1895.] |