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BREAD AND FLOUR IN SWEDEN. Special Agent M. H. Davis furnishes an interesting report from Stockholm on the flour and grain trade of Sweden. The special agent intimates that trade with the United States would be promoted if the mills. would deal directly with Swedish millers and importers instead of continuing relations that existed prior to the establishment of Sweden as an independent kingdom. The report follows:

The population of Sweden is not far from 5,500,000. Stockholm, the capital and largest city, with a population of 340,000, is the largest importing point, while Gottenborg, on the southwestern coast, with 190,000 inhabitants, is the greatest in volume of exports.

The consumption of wheat flour in Sweden is a matter of only moderate importance, but is believed to be increasing. Rye flour, or, more accurately speaking, coarse rye meal, is chiefly used for bread making. A considerable percentage of the wheat used is converted into a coarse or graham flour, which is, to a large extent, combined with the rye meal in making bread. The standard bread in Sweden, found on the tables of the working people, and seemingly always present on the tables of the best hotels and of the well to do, is a peculiar product. It is not a loaf. It is round, about the size of a dinner plate, and similar in thickness, and I am tempted to say nearly as hard. Apparently no yeast is used in its make-up. Being of coarse material, the color is dark. Though wholly uninviting to one used to white, spongy, flaky bread, and made more so to the average American taste by the presence of caraway seeds in profusion, yet to those accustomed to it, it is the staff of life. The people of the central and northern part of Sweden use mostly this kind of bread. In the south more of the softer dark breads are used. These may, as in the case of hard breads, be either all rye or a mixture of wheat and rye meals. White bread in loaves, as in America or Great Britain, is seldom used. The baking of higher grades of wheat flour aside from its use in pastry and cakes, is largely confined to the production of rolls or very small loaves of bread. That the use of white flour from wheat is increasing is evidenced by the imports and the increasing facilities of the Swedish mills for producing it.


Bottling of Spirits in Bond.
No foreign materials to be added.
Treasury Department,

OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, Washington, D. C., November 13, 1908. Sir-Yours of 11th instant is received stating that you are about to commence to bottle a lot of whisky for your trade, and that several of your customers desire an addition of a little caramel for coloring and a small portion of rock-candy sirup before it is bottled. in bond. These parties state that without the caramel and sirup the proof of 100 per cent is too fiery for their trade. You ask if this can be done.

In reply you are advised that the addition of material desired is expressly prohibited by law. The act of March 3, 1897, authorizing the bottling of spirits in bond, provides:

"That for convenience in such process any number of packages of spirits of the same kind, differing only in proof, but produced at the same distillery by the same distiller, may be mingled together in a cistern. provided for that purpose, but nothing herein shall authorize or permit any mingling of different products or of the same products of different distilling seasons, or the addition or subtraction of any substance or material or the application of any method or process to alter or change in any way the original condition or character of the product except as herein authorized.


JOHN G. CAPERS, Commissioner.
Baltimore, Md.

There Is


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"I suppose you follow a system of rotation in your agricultural operations," casually observed the highbrowed graduate of the modern agricultural college. "Follow what kind of a system?" inquired honest, hard-handed Ezra.

"A scheme of rotation. That is, take that large field there; you put that to one purpose one year, another purpose the next year, and still differently the third year, and so on."

"Oh, yes, I see what your meanin'. Well, sir, last year we used the proceeds of that field to give Elizabeth her musical education; this year the proceeds went to pay boot in a horse trade that I had the honor of engineerin', and next year I intend that field shall give me a trip down to the city and build a new concrete smoke-house. After that I'm countin' on lettin' the youngest hoy, Henry Absalom, farm the field on shares to kinder get his hands into the work."-Exchange.

Evaporated Milk

The Standard of the World

WINS AND HOLDS TRADE on account of its Superior Quality.

Prepared by HELVETIA MILK CONDENSING CO. Highland, Illinois



Bausch & Lomb Chamot Chemical Microscope

HIS Microscope, designed for chemical examinations of all kinds, is made

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Professor Chamot, of Cornell University.

The stage is circular and revolving, with vulcanite top and rectangular graduations. The circumference is graduated in degrees and is provided with centering screws. The sub-stage is adjustable vertically by quick-acting sixthreaded screw, having extra long range Polarizer and analyzer are both

medium-size Nicol's prisms. Price, complete, $75.00.

¶ This microscope stand can be equipped for all kinds of microscopical work. ¶ We furnish everything for the equipment of the laboratory complete. Glad to submit estimate. Write us about your requirements.

Our name on a Microscope, Laboratory Apparatus, Field Glass, Photographic Lens, Scientific or Engineering Instrument is our Guarantee.

Bausch & Lomb Optical Company

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We are the Largest Preparod



Write for Samples and Prices. 75-79 W. Kinzie St., Chicago

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Have won Gold Medals and Highest Awards at Paris, St. Louis, Pan American and Jamestown Expositions, also World's Pure Food Show Chicago.

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Pig-Sty or
Cotton Field?

Since Biblical times, the hog has had the reputation of being a very uncleanly animal. How then can hog fat, from which lard is made, be clean and wholesome, and make healthful, digestible food? It simply cannot, and does not.

Now let us consider the ingredients of COTTOLENE-just pure, refined cotton seed oil, and the choicest of beef suet. Do they not appeal to you as preferable to the fat of the swine?

COTTOLENE is an absolutely pure product, and will make palatable, digestible food.

It is the best frying and shortening medium made today; wherever exhibited in competition with other cooking fats, it has always been granted highest award.

Made by

The N. K. Fairbank Company Chicago

the use

Good Ham is the most economical.

There are a great many ways in which Ham can be made into a delicious, appetizing dish.

A little book on "Serving Ham" in many dainty and tempting ways will be mailed to any address on receipt of your request.

Of all Hams, Swift's Premium Ham has a flavor most exquisite.

Order to-day from your dealer, Swift's Premium Ham and compare its flavor with any ham you have ever tasted.

The proof of its goodness is in the eating.

Swift & Company, Chicago, U. S. A.


¶Armour's "Veribest" Meats comply absolutely with the standards fixed by the United States Meat Inspection and Pure Food Laws-they are clean-wholesome and nour


¶ More than that "Veribest" Meats are the product of the Armour method - perfected in 40 years of producing the best.

¶That means "Top-Notch Quality," not "just as good," but better than any food law requires.




Were as High a Standard and as True to Label as They are Today GRAND PRIZE



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DESSERT Extracts


One package 10 cents, makes one pint of wholesome Fruit Jelly. All the flavors from true fruits.

At the


For sale by all representative grocers.






Ice Cream in seven minutes. Remarkable for smoothness, palatableness and purity, all flavors.

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