페이지 이미지

daughter, sir, has behaved to me with damned insolence, and impertinence: and you may tell Sir John Flowerdale, first with regard to her, that I think she is a silly, ignorant, awkward, illbred, country puss. Jenk. Oh, sir! for Heaven's sake

Jess. And, that, with regard to himself, he is, in my opinion, an old, ridiculous, doting, country 'squire, without the knowledge of either men or things; and, that he is below my notice, if it were not to despise him. Jenk. Good Lord! Good Lord!

Jess. And, advise him and his daughter to keep out of my way; for, by gad, I will affront them, in the first place I meet them-And, if your master is for carrying things further, tell him, I fence better than any man in Europe, Mr. Jenkins.


In Italy, Germany, France, have I been ;
Where princes I've liv'd with, where monarchs I've


The great have caress'd me.

The fair have address'd me,

Nay, smiles I have had from a queen.

And, now, shall a pert

Insignificant flirt,

With insolence use me,
Presume to refuse me !

She fancies my pride will be hurt.

But, tout au contraire,

I'm pleas'd I declare,

Quite happy, to think, I escape from the snare: Serviteur mam'selle; my claim I withdraw. Hey, where are my people? Fal, lal, lal, lal la. [Exit. Jenk. I must go and inform Sir John of what has happened; but, I will not tell him of the outrageous behaviour of this young spark: for he is a man of spirit, and would resent it. Egad, my own fingers itched

to be at him, once or twice; and, as stout as he is, I fancy these old fists would give him a bellyful. [Exit.


SIR JOHN FLOWERDALE'S Garden, with a View of a Canal, by Moonlight: the Side Scenes represent Box Hedges, intermixed with Statues, and Flowering Shrubs.

Enter LION EL, leading CLARISSA.

Lionel. Hist-methought I heard a noise! should we be surprised together, at a juncture so critical, what might be the consequence! I know not how it is, but at this, the happiest moment of my life, I feel a damp, a tremour at my heart

Clar. Then, what should I do? If you tremble, I ought to be terrified indeed, who have discovered sentiments, which, perhaps, I should have hid, with a frankness, that, by a man less generous, less noble minded than yourself, might be construed to my disadvantage.

Lionel. Oh, wound me not with so cruel an expression!-You love me, and have condescended to confess it-You have seen my torments, and been kind enough to pity them-The world, indeed, may blame you

Clar. Be calm, and listen to me- -what I have done has not been lightly imagined, nor rashly undertaken -it is the work of reflection-of conviction: my love is not a sacrifice to my own fancy, but a tribute to your worth-did I think there was a more deserving man in the world—

Lionel. If, to doat on you more than life, be to deserve you, so far I have merit-if, to have no wish, no hope, no thought, but you, can entitle me to the envied distinction of a moment's regard, so far I dare prétend.

Clar. That I have this day refused a man, with whom I could not be happy, I make no merit: born for quiet and simplicity, the crowds of the world, the noise attending pomp and distinction, have no charms for me. I wish to pass my life in rational tranquillity, with a friend, whose virtues I can respect-whose talents I can admire-who will make my esteem the basis of my affection.

Lionel. O charming creature! yes, let me indulge the flattering idea-formed with the same sentiments, the same feelings, the same tender passion for each other, Nature designed us to compose that sacred union, which nothing but death can annul.

Clar. One only thing remember-Secure in each other's affections, here we must rest: I would not give my father a moment's pain, to purchase the empire of the world.


Go, and on my truth relying,
Comfort to your cares applying,
Bid each doubt and sorrow flying,
Leave to peace and love, your breast.

Go, and may the pow'rs that hear us,
Still, as kind protectors near us,
Through our troubles safely steer us
To a port of joy and rest.



Sir J. F. Who's there? Lionel?

Lionel. Heav'ns! 'tis Sir John Flowerdale!

Sir J. F. Who's there?

Lionel. "Tis I, sir-I am here-Lionel.

Sir J. F. My dear lad, I have been searching for

you this half hour, and was at last told, you had còme into the garden. I have a piece of news, which I dare swear, will shock and surprise you; my daughter has refused Colonel Oldboy's son, who is this minute departed the house, in violent resentment of her ill treatment. Oh, Lionel! Clarissa has deceived me -in this affair she has suffered me to deceive myself.

Lionel. Have juster thoughts of her, sir-She has not deceived you, she is incapable-have but a little patience, and things may yet be brought about.

Sir J. F. No, Lionel, no,-the matter is past, and there's an end to it; yet I would conjecture, to what such an unexpected turn in her conduct can be ow‐ ing-I would fain be satisfied of the motive that could urge her to so extraordinary a proceeding, without the least intimation, the least warning to me, or any of her friends.

Lionel. Perhaps, sir, the gentleman may have been too impetuous, and offended Miss Flowerdale's delicacy-certainly nothing else could occasion▬▬

Sir J. F. Heaven only knows-surely her affections are not engaged elsewhere.

Lionel. Engaged, sir-No, sir.

Sir J. F. I think not, Lionel.

Lionel. You may be positive, sir-I'm sure

Sir J. F. However, my particular disappointment ought not to be detrimental to you, nor shall it: I well know how irksome it is to a generous mind to live in a state of dependence, and have long had it in my thoughts to make you easy for life.

Lionel. Sir John, the situation of my mind at present, is a little disturbed-spare me, I beseech you, spare me! why will you persist in a goodness, that makes me ashamed of myself?

Sir J. F. There is an estate in this county which I purchased some years ago; by me it will never be missed, and, whoever marries my daughter, will have little reason to complain of my disposing of such a

trifle for my own gratification. On the present marriage, I intended to perfect a deed of gift in your fa vour, which has been for some time preparing; my lawyer has this day completed it, and it is yours, my dear Lionel, with every good wish that the warmest friend can bestow.

Lionel. Sir, if you presented a pistol, with a design to shoot me, I would submit to it; but you must excuse me I cannot lay myself under more obligations.

Sir J. F. Your delicacy carries you too far; in this I confer a favour on myself, however, we'll talk no more on the subject at present-let us walk towards the house, our friends will depart else, without my bidding them adieu. [Exeunt.


Diana. So, then, my dear Clarissa, you really give credit to the ravings of that French wretch, with regard to a plurality of worlds?

Clar. I don't make it an absolute article of belief, but I think it an ingenious conjecture, with great probability on its side.

Diana. And we are a moon to the moon! Nay, child, I know something of astronomy, but-that that little shining thing there, which seems not much larger than a silver plate, should, perhaps, contain great cities, like London-and who can tell but they may have kings there, and parliaments, and plays and operas, and people of fashion! Lord, the people of fashion in the moon must be strange creatures!

Clar. Methinks Venus shines very bright in yonder


Diana. Venus! O pray let me look at Venus! I suppose, if there are any inhabitants there, they must be all lovers. [They retire up the Stage,

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