페이지 이미지

Rus. I am glad on't-I am glad on't-I believe you, Harriet! You was always a good girl.

Major O. So she is, an excellent girl!-Worth a regiment of such lords and baronets-Čome, sir, finish every thing handsomely at once.— -Come, Charles

will have a handsome fortune.

Rus. Marry!--she durst not do it.

Maj. O. Consider, sir, they have long been fond of each other-old acquaintance-faithful lovers-turtles -and may be very happy.

Rus. Well, well-since things are so

-I love my girl. Harkye, young Oakley, if you don't make her a good husband, you'll break my heart, you rogue. Maj. O. I'll cut his throat if he don't.

Charles. Do not doubt it, sir! my Harriot has reformed me altogether.

Rus. Has she?-Why then-there-heaven bless you both-there-now there's an end on't.

Sir H. So, my lord, you and I are both distancedA hollow thing, damme.

Lord T. N'importe.

Sir H. Now this stake is drawn, my lord may be for hedging off, mayhap. Ecod! I'll go to Jack Speed's, secure Nabob, and be out of town in an hour.


[Aside, and exit.

Lady F. My dear miss Russet, you'll excuse-
Charles. Mrs. Oakly, at your ladyship's service.
Lady F. Married?

Har. Not yet, madam; but my father has been so good as to give his consent.

Lady F. I protest I am prodigiously glad of it. My dear, I give you joy-and you, Mr. Oakly.—I wish you joy, Mr. Russet, and all the good company-for I think the most of them are parties concerned.

Maj. O. How easy, impudent, and familiar! [Aside. Lady F. Lord Trinket here too! I vow I did not see your lordship before.

Lord T. Your ladyship's most obedient slave. [Bowing Lady F. You seem grave, my lord! Come, come, I

know there has been some difference between you and Mr. Oakly-You must give me leave to be a mediator in this affair.

Lord T. Here has been a small fracas, to be sure, madam!-We are all blown, 'pon honour.

Lady F. Blown! what do you mean, my lord?

Lord T. Nay, your ladyship knows that I never mind these things, and I know that they never discompose your ladyship-But things have happened a little en travers-The little billet I sent your ladyship has fallen into the hands of that gentleman-[Pointing to Charles] -and so there has been a little brouillerie about it— that's all.

Lady F. You talk to me, my lord, in a very extraordinary style-If you have been guilty of any misbehaviour, I am sorry for it; but your ill conduct can fasten no imputation on me.—) -Miss Russet will justify me sufficiently.

Maj. O. Had not your ladyship_better appeal to my friend Charles here? The letter, Charles!- -Out with it this instant!

Charles. Yes, I have the credentials of her ladyship's integrity in my pocket. Mr. Russet, the letter you read a little while ago was enclosed in this cover, which also I now think it my duty to put into your hands.

Rus. [Reading] To the Right Honourable Lady Freelove- Sdeath and hell!-and now I recollect, the letter itself was pieced with scraps of French, and madam, and your ladyship-Fire and fury! madam, how came you to use me so? I am obliged to you, then, for the insult that has been offered me!

Lady F. What is all this? Your obligations to me, Mr. Russet, are of a nature, that

Rus. Fine obligations! I dare say, I am partly obliged to you too for the attempt on my daughter by that thing of a lord yonder at your house. Zounds, madam! these are injuries never to be forgiven-They are the grossest affronts to me and my family-All the world shall know them--Zounds!-I'll

Lady F. Mercy on me! how boisterous are these country gentlemen! Why, really, Mr. Russet, you rave

like a man in Bedlam-I am afraid you'll beat me—and then you swear most abominably.How can you be so vulgar? I see the meaning of this low maliceBut the reputations of women of quality are not so easily impeached-My rank places me above the scandal of little people, and I shall meet such petty insolence with the greatest ease and tranquillity. But you and your simple girl will be the sufferers. -I had some thoughts of introducing her into the first company-But now, madam, I shall neither receive nor return your visits, and will entirely withdraw my protection from the ordinary part of the family. [Exit.

Rus. Zounds, what impudence! that's worse than all

the rest.

Lord T. Fine presence of mind, faith!-The true French nonchalance-But, good folks, why such a deal of rout and tapage about nothing at all?- -If mademoiselle Harriot had rather be Mrs. Oakly than lady Trinket-Why-I wish her joy-that's all.-Mr. Russet, I wish you joy of your son-in-law-Mr. Oakly, I wish you joy of the lady-and you, madam, [To Harriot] of the gentleman- -And, in short, I wish you all joy of one another, 'pon honour!

[Exit. Rus. There's a fine fellow of a lord now! The devil's in your London folks of the first fashion, as you call them. They will rob you of your estate, debauch your daughter, or lie with your wife-and all as if they were doing you a favour-pon honour!

Maj. O. Hey! what now?

[Bell rings violently.

Re-enter OAKLY.

Oak. D'ye hear, major, d'ye hear?

Maj. O. Zounds! what a clatter!She'll pull down all the bells in the house.

Oak. My observations since I left yon, have confirmed my resolution. I see plainly that her good humour, and her ill humour, her smiles, her tears, and her fits, are all calculated to play upon me.

Maj. O. Did not I always tell you so? It's the way with them all—they will be rough and smooth, and


ACT 5. hot and cold, and all in a breath. Any thing to get the better of us.

Oak. She is in all moods at present, I promise youThere has she been in her chamber, fuming and fretting, and dispatching a messenger to me every two minutes-servant after servant-now she insists on my coming to her now again she writes a note to entreat then Toilet is sent to let me know that she is ill, absolutely dying-then the very next minute, she'll never see my face again-she'll go out of the house directly. [Bell rings] Again! now the storm rises!—

Maj. O. It will soon drive this way then-now, brother, prove yourself a man-You have gone too far to retreat.

Oak. Retreat!-Retreat!-No, no!-I'll preserve the advantage I have gained, I am determined.

Maj. O. Ay, ay!-keep your ground!—fear nothing -up with your noble heart! Good discipline makes good soldiers; stick close to my advice, and you may stand buff to a tigress

Oak. Here she is, by heavens! now, brother!
Maj. O. And now, brother!-Now or never!

Re-enter MRS. OAKLY.

Mrs. O. I think, Mr. Oakly, you might have had humanity enough to have come to see how I did. You have taken your leave, I suppose, of all tenderness and affection-but I'll be calm-I'll not throw myself into a passion-you want to drive me out of your housesee what you aim at, and will be aforehand with youlet me keep my temper! I'll send for a chair, and leave the house this instant.


Oak. True, my love: I knew you would not think of dining in your chamber alone, when I had company below. You shall sit at the head of the table, as you ought, to be sure, as you say, and make my friends welcome.

Mrs. O. Excellent raillery! Lookye, Mr. Oakly, I see the meaning of all this affected coolness and indifference.

Oak. My dear, consider where you are

Mrs. O. You would be glad, I find, to get me out of your house, and have all your flirts about you. Oak. Before all this company! Fie!

Mrs. O. But I'll disappoint you, for I shall remain in it, to support my due authority-as for you, major Oakly

Maj. O. Hey-day! What have I done?

Mrs. O. I think you might find better employment, than to create divisions between married people— and you, sir!

Oak. Nay but, my dear!

Mrs. O. Might have more sense, as well as tenderness, than to give ear to such idle stuff.

Oak. Lord, Lord!

Mrs. O. You and your wise counsellor there, I suppose, think to carry all your points with me

Oak. Was ever any thing

Mrs. O. But it won't do, sir.

You shall find that I will have my own way, and that I will govern my own family.

Oak. You had better learn to govern yourself, by half. Your passion makes you ridiculous. Did ever any body see so much fury and violence; affronting your best friends, breaking my peace, and disconcerting your own temper. And all for what? For nothing. 'Sdeath, madam! at these years you ought to know better.

Mrs. O. At these years!-Very fine!- -Am I to be talked to in this manner?

Oak. Talked to!-Why not?You have talked to me long enough-almost talked me to death-and I have taken it all, in hopes of making you quiet-but all in vain. Patience, I find, is all thrown away upon you; and henceforward, come what may, I am resolved to be master of my own house.

Mrs. O. So, so!--Master, indeed!- -Yes, sir; and you'll take care to have mistresses enough too, I warrant you.

Oak. Perhaps I may; but they shall be quiet ones, can assure you


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