Rebecca again looked forth, and almost immediately exclaimed, ' Holy prophets of the law ! Front -de- Bceuf and the Black Knight fight hand to hand on the breach, amid the roar of their followers, who watch the progress of the strife. — Heaven strike... Edinburgh Monthly Review - 184 ÆäÀÌÁö1820Àüüº¸±â - µµ¼ Á¤º¸
| Walter Scott - 1855 - 654 ÆäÀÌÁö
...Rebecca again looked forth, and almost immediately exclaimed, " Holy prophets of the law ! Front-de-Boeuf and the Black Knight fight hand to hand on the breach,...?" cried Ivanhoe ; " for our dear Lady's sake, tell mo which has fallen?" " The Black Knight," answered Rebecca, faintly ; then instantly again shouted... | |
| William Holmes McGuffey - 1857 - 456 ÆäÀÌÁö
...Rebecca again looked forth, and almost immediately exclaimed, " Holy prophets of the law ! Front de Boeuf and the Black Knight fight hand to hand on the breach,...uttered a loud shriek, and exclaimed, " He is down! lie is down!" "Who is down?" cried Ivanhoe; " for our dear Lady's sake, tell me which has fallen?"... | |
| Walter Scott - 1860 - 428 ÆäÀÌÁö
...Eebecca again looked forth, and almost immediately exclaimed, " Holy prophets of the law ! Front-de-Boeuf and the Black Knight fight hand to hand on the breach,...shriek, and exclaimed, " He is down ! — he is down ! " * Every Gothic castle and city had, beyond the outer-walls, a fortification composed of palisades,... | |
| Nelson Thomas and sons, ltd - 1862 - 392 ÆäÀÌÁö
...and almost immediately exclaimed, " Ah ! Front-de-Bosuf and the Black Knight fight hand to hand in the breach, amid the roar of their followers, down ! — he is down !" " Who is down ? " cried Ivauhoe ; " tell me which has fallen t " " The Black Knight," answered Rebecca, faintly ; then instantly... | |
| Scottish school-book assoc - 1863 - 438 ÆäÀÌÁö
...again, and almost immediately exclaimed, "Holy prophets of the law! Front-de-Boeuf and the Black Kuight fight hand to hand on the breach amid the roar of...Who is down," cried Ivanhoe; " for our dear Lady's sako, tell me which has fallen? " "The Black Knight/' answered Rebecca faintly, then instantly again... | |
| George Stillman Hillard - 1863 - 528 ÆäÀÌÁö
...Front-dc-Bo3uf and the Black Knight fight hand to hand on the breach, amid the roar of their followers, who 5 watch the progress of the strife. Heaven strike with...Who is down? " cried Ivanhoe. " For our dear lady's 10 sake, tell me which has fallen ?" " The Black Knight," answered Rebecca, faintly ; then instantly... | |
| George Stillman Hillard - 1863 - 530 ÆäÀÌÁö
...Fron(g)-dfi-Buf. Rebecca again looked forth, and almost immediately exclaimed : — " Front>de-Bo3uf and the Black Knight fight hand to hand on the breach, amid the roar of their followers, who 5 watch the progress of the strife. Heaven strike with the cause of the oppressed, and of the captive... | |
| John Epy Lovell - 1866 - 568 ÆäÀÌÁö now less danger." Rebecca again looked forth, and almost immediately exclaimed, " Front-de-Bceuf and the Black Knight fight hand to hand on the breach,...heaven strike with the cause of the oppressed and captive 1" She then uttered a loud shriek, and exclaimed, " He is down 1 — he is down I" " Who is... | |
| Richard Green Parker, James Madison Watson - 1866 - 618 ÆäÀÌÁö less danger." Eebecca again looked forth, and almost immediately exclaimed : — " Front-de-Bceuf and the Black Knight fight hand to hand on the breach, amid the rdar of their followers, who watch the progress of the strife. Heaven strike with the cause of the... | |
| Charles Collyns Walkey - 1868 - 76 ÆäÀÌÁö
...courser's gait ; Forced him with chastened fire to prance, And high curvetting slow advance. — ScottA 8 "Heaven strike with the cause of the oppressed down?" cried Ivanhoe; for our dear Lady's sake, teU me which has fallen." "The Bla*k Knight," answered Rebecca faintly; then instantly again shouted... | |
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