... Seven years, my Lord,' have now passed, since I waited in your outward rooms, or was repulsed from your door; during which time I have been pushing on my work through difficulties of which it is useless to complain, and have brought it at last to... The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - 186 ÆäÀÌÁöÀúÀÚ: James Boswell - 1922Àüüº¸±â - µµ¼ Á¤º¸
 | James Boswell - 1827 - 624 ÆäÀÌÁö
...at last, to the verge of publication, without one act of assistance^ one word of encouragement, nr an useful. " To consider the act of prayer as a reposal of myself upon God, and a res "I he shepherd in Virgil grew at last acquainted with Love, and lound him a native oí the rocks. "Is... | |
 | Joseph Hervey Hull - 1828 - 84 ÆäÀÌÁö
...to the verge of publication, without one act of assistance, one word of encouragement, or one unite of favour. Such treatment I did not expect, for I...had a Patron before. "The shepherd in Virgil grew at lattt acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks. " Is not a Patron, my Lord, one who... | |
 | James Boswell - 1831 - 600 ÆäÀÌÁö
...pounds; but as that was so inconsiderable a '-"in, he thought the mention of it could not properly . word of encouragement, or one smile of favour. Such...acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks ' . " Is not a patron, my lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in... | |
 | James Boswell - 1831 - 602 ÆäÀÌÁö
...much as Johnson himself had received for the copyright of his best poetical production; and when Dr. word of encouragement, or one smile of favour. Such...acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks '. " Is not a patron, my lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the... | |
 | James Boswell - 1831 - 604 ÆäÀÌÁö
...much as Johnson himself had received for the copyright of his best poelical production ; and when Dr. -word of encouragement, or one smile of favour. Such...The shepherd in Virgil grew at last acquainted with L1ove, and found him a native of the rocks '. " Is not a patron, my lord, one who looks with unconcern... | |
 | James Boswell - 1833 - 1184 ÆäÀÌÁö
...nxnplaiD, and have brought it, at last, to tJ* verge of publication, without one act of •awtanop'J, one word of encouragement, or one smile of favour. Such treatment I did ** expert, for F never had a patron before. "The shepherd in Virgil grew at last acI with Love, and... | |
 | Samuel Johnson, Arthur Murphy - 1834 - 630 ÆäÀÌÁö
...to complain, and have brought it at last to the verge of publication, without one act of assistance, acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks. "Is not a patron, my Lord, one who looks... | |
 | Samuel Kirkham - 1834 - 360 ÆäÀÌÁö
...complain, and have brought it, at last, to the verge of publication, without one act of assistance, one word of encouragement, or one smile of favour....Such treatment I did not expect, for I never had a patron0 before. The Shepherd in Virgil grew, at last, acquainted with Love, and found him a native... | |
 | James Boswell - 1835 - 604 ÆäÀÌÁö
...complain, and have brought it, at last, to the verge of publication, without one act of assistance9, ot mean that we should speak as broad as a certain...of no small use to him; as it rouses the at1 [He s rocks 3. 1 [No very moderate expectation for " a retired and uncourtly Rcholar!" — ED.] * The following... | |
 | James Boswell - 1835 - 384 ÆäÀÌÁö
...complain, and have brought it, at last, to the verge of publication, without one act of assistance ('), one word of encouragement, or one smile of favour....I did not expect, for I never had a patron before. precise and probable ground for Johnson's animosity than Boswell gives, by hinting that Johnson expected... | |
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