| Robert Chambers - 1862 - 880 ÆäÀÌÁö
...the 8th edition (1676), the book seems to have fallen into neglect, till Dr Johnson's remark, that it was the only book that ever took him out of bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise, again directed attention to it. Dr Ferrier has shewn that Sterne was largely indebted to it, and other... | |
| Bernard Cracroft - 1868 - 348 ÆäÀÌÁö
...a grace which must have seemed ravishing to the big Sesquipedalian. No wonder the Doctor said " it was the only book that ever took him out of bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise." He himself thought it overloaded with quotation, and no doubt he was the better artist, and had seen chaster... | |
| Francis Jacox - 1872 - 530 ÆäÀÌÁö
...served him right.—Johnson himself professes to have read through Fielding's Amelia without stopping. Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, he said, was the only...out of bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise. Boswell describes the Doctor's eager appropriation, at a dinner-party too, of Charles Sheridan's book... | |
| Francis Jacox - 1872 - 514 ÆäÀÌÁö
...Johnson himself professes to have read through Fielding's Amelia without stopping. Burton's A natomy of Melancholy, he said, was the only book that ever...out of bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise. Boswell describes the Doctor's eager appropriation, at a dinner-party too, of Charles Sheridan's book... | |
| 1872 - 602 ÆäÀÌÁö
...It is also reported that he declared Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy to have been the only book which ever took him out of bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise. Putting these two things together, it is interesting to observe that something very like the famous... | |
| 1872 - 592 ÆäÀÌÁö
...It is also reported that he declared Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy to have been the only book which ever took him out of bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise. Putting these two things together, it is interesting to observe that something very like the famous... | |
| James Boswell - 1873 - 620 ÆäÀÌÁö
...inelegant ; wonderfully so, considering how conversant the writers were with the best moduli of antiquity. 'Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, he said, was the...he wished to rise. ' He frequently exhorted me to net about writing a history of Ireland, and archly remarked there had been some good Irish writers,... | |
| George Ripley, Charles Anderson Dana - 1873 - 1484 ÆäÀÌÁö
...since. Sterne seems to have used it almost as a cominonVOL. in. — 31 place book. Dr. Johnson said it was the only book that ever took him out of bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise. Byron called it the most exciting and instructive medley of quotations and classical anecdotes he ever... | |
| Graeme Mercer Adam, George Stewart - 1873 - 578 ÆäÀÌÁö
...complaining, melancholy, and miserable. Burton, in his quaint and curious book — the only one, Johnson says, that ever took him out of bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise * " Essay on Government," in " Encyclopaedia Britannica. " —describes the causes of Melancholy as... | |
| Robert Chambers, Robert Carruthers - 1876 - 870 ÆäÀÌÁö
...valuable repository of amusement and information.' It delighted Dr Johnson so much, that he said this ' nference a ready man, and writing an exact man : and, therefore, if a man write little, he Its reputation was considerably extended by the publication of Illustrations of Sterne, in 1798, by... | |
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